Acer unveils Windows, Android tablets to compete with Apple's iPad



  • Reply 21 of 169
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    If it"s cheap enough it will be a hit. If the price is close to iPad then forget it.
  • Reply 22 of 169
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    These people should learn to be very careful what they predict. Anything too negative about Apple tends to come back and bite them in the ass.
  • Reply 23 of 169
    boogabooga Posts: 1,082member
    According to this article the tablets won't ship until Feb/April 2011, and they'll only be matching the specs of the CURRENT iPad? They'll be competing against the iPad2 by then.

    What's the point of pre-announcing a product 5 months early that's barely comparable to what's already out there for sale today?
  • Reply 24 of 169
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Yes, thank God we have Apple, but thank God it's not JUST Apple as well...

    What does he have to do with any of this?
  • Reply 25 of 169
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    Yeah, the problem with all these tablet wanna-be's is that Apple started a project almost ten years ago to study what kind of form factor would be the best for tablets. They tried and tested a lot of different configurations and rejected most of them. Almost certainly, years from now when it doesn't matter anymore, we will find out that Apple had a two page tablet mock-up long before courier. It's not exactly a new idea to do the two screen thing, I remember seeing drawings of the idea in 1970's magazine articles about computing and "the future."

    The point is, Apple already *rejected* most of the tablet ideas that the other manufacturers are cranking out in opposition to them. It's not like Apple had a lucky hit with the iPad, it's the end result of almost a decade of research, thinking, and testing.

    Exactly. I'd also add that innovating must be a hell of a lot more exciting than copying. I suspect the iPad team are very motivated and happy. These feelings show in their work. Spending all day trying to get as close as possible to another product must be pretty miserable and that shows too.
  • Reply 26 of 169
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    I don't know why they are announcing an Android tablet scheduled to ship in April now. Perhaps this is the only time they felt it would generate a buzz. In April, the iPad 2 will be out and many Android tablets will likely beat this to the market.
  • Reply 27 of 169
    Originally Posted by sippincider View Post

    First, they said that about Windows 1.0 and 2.0 PCs. Never count MS out.

    Things have changed dramatically since then and MS doesn't have an dominant company like iBM to carry them in the handheld market.


    Second, it's pretty clear the future is gonna see a melding between the iPad and portable Macs. The iPad needs more horsepower, and should've gotten its own OS from the start.

    There will be some "melding" only in the sense that some advantages of multi-touch on iPad will be brought over to the next OS X like they showed in the Back to Mac keynote, but that's about it.

    Not sure why you think the iPad needs "more power". It is a very quick responsive device.
  • Reply 28 of 169
    gustavgustav Posts: 828member
    Originally Posted by sippincider View Post

    Second, it's pretty clear the future is gonna see a melding between the iPad and portable Macs. The iPad needs more horsepower, and should've gotten its own OS from the start.

    Do you care to explain in what way the OS it has is limiting to the iPad?
  • Reply 29 of 169
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by Booga View Post

    According to this article the tablets won't ship until Feb/April 2011, and they'll only be matching the specs of the CURRENT iPad? They'll be competing against the iPad2 by then.

    What's the point of pre-announcing a product 5 months early that's barely comparable to what's already out there for sale today?

    Trying to kill iPad sales over Christmas would be my bet. Remember how many trolls here were saying they would not buy the iPad at launch as the Courier was just around the corner? The anti-Apple or about to convert to Apple types are their targets with this IMO.

    As you say they will be up against Mk II iPad by the release not to mention all the other clones ... all eating each other's lunch.
  • Reply 30 of 169
    HEre's my question.

    If Apple adds Flash to MobileSafari, will all the rest of these guys have ANYTHING to advertise?

    I think they will essentially just give up at that point.

    Both Blackberry, and the Android makers are depending on Flash as the lone differentiating factor.
  • Reply 31 of 169
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    How do you think Apple comes up with their own innovation?

    Staying ahead of the curve doesn't just involve some imaginary line they're always trying to catch up to. They are competing with these companies! This competition is what spurs their innovation, and without these other companies, Apple wouldn't strive for such greatness.

    Yes, thank God we have Apple, but thank God it's not JUST Apple as well...

    Historically, Apple has not to compete with anyone but themselves? Everyone has copied Apple from Microsoft to Google, and they have always reversed engineered Apple's previous offerings with lower UI standards,half-assed quality, and even more laughable User Experience. They never get it right, and they do not get it. I wager no can, or has EVER given apple ANY competition since OS 9. Apple does their own thing, they march to the beat of their own drum. Everyone else scrambles to copy and throw their poor offerings hoping to ride the wave. The delusional CEOs say they will over take Apple in quality and experience. The only company that has more experience in personal computer that sells wares to consumers is Microsoft and Dell. The problem there is their CEO's Michael and Steve. They are flip-flopping about Apple's devices while sprinting to reverse engineer their own. Hell even Microsoft rushed the Slate and the name to "get" Apple, yet it's still not OUT! Cause once the iPad came out, they had to completely retool it.

    And you think ACER, really, ACER the bargain bin PC maker is even going to even be able to product a quality product worth even a quarter of apple's build? they make plastic boxes. No wonder there is no video of this devices, they are too sad to show live.
  • Reply 32 of 169
    Originally Posted by sippincider View Post

    First, they said that about Windows 1.0 and 2.0 PCs. Never count MS out.

    Second, it's pretty clear the future is gonna see a melding between the iPad and portable Macs. The iPad needs more horsepower, and should've gotten its own OS from the start.

    the OS was INTENDED/DESIGNED for a TABLET the WHOLE TIME...then once jobs saw it said it would be good as a phone OS also... and TADA!!!!

    you think that a tablet that has been in the works since the days of the newton pad has not been tried over and over again with a full-blown OS to a bare minimal OS, and tested, tested and then tested even more then finding the median?
  • Reply 33 of 169
    kevtkevt Posts: 195member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Trying to kill iPad sales over Christmas would be my bet. Remember how many trolls here were saying they would not buy the iPad at launch as the Courier was just around the corner? The anti-Apple or about to convert to Apple types are their targets with this IMO.

    As you say they will be up against Mk II iPad by the release not to mention all the other clones ... all eating each other's lunch.

    Hmm. Although the 10" model may be an attempt do this, I think they are just as much trying to put down a marker with the-already-against-Apple-because-they-use-Android-phones types

    i.e. to those whose only option at present is a Samsung Galaxy Tab, they are saying 'Hey, there is an alternative on the way'.

    For all their talk of competing with the iPad, these 2nd tier cloners have to have just as much of an eye on competing with each other.
  • Reply 34 of 169
    Just more fail to add to the pile. The competition so far has been brutally lame. These are no exception.
  • Reply 35 of 169
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Trying to kill iPad sales over Christmas would be my bet. Remember how many trolls here were saying they would not buy the iPad at launch as the Courier was just around the corner?

    Kind of a long shot though. Are they really expecting people to postpone their xmas gift giving?
  • Reply 36 of 169
    " . . . will have . . . will ship . . . will . . . should . . . might . . . ought to . . . plans to . . . uh . . . could . . . uh . . .

    Once again, and at the risk of repeating myself . . . This is all vaporware! V-A-P-O-R-W-A-R-E! This is little more than pie-in-the-sky. Potemkin Villages! Cardboard and dreams! These devices WILL be able to do anything, right? Change your oil, babysit your children, pay your taxes. In short . . . EVERYTHING!

    Promises are made of platinum, ladies and gentlemen. It's reality that's made of iron (and, of course aluminum). I'll live with genuine, shipping products and not phantomware!
  • Reply 37 of 169
    Originally Posted by VinitaBoy View Post

    " . . . will have . . . will ship . . . will . . . should . . . might . . . ought to . . . plans to . . . uh . . . could . . . uh . . .

    Once again, and at the risk of repeating myself . . . This is all vaporware! V-A-P-O-R-W-A-R-E! This is little more than pie-in-the-sky. Potemkin Villages! Cardboard and dreams! These devices WILL be able to do anything, right? Change your oil, babysit your children, pay your taxes. In short . . . EVERYTHING!

    Promises are made of platinum, ladies and gentlemen. It's reality that's made of iron (and, of course aluminum). I'll live with genuine, shipping products and not phantomware!

    If it does my dishes... I'm in!!
  • Reply 38 of 169
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    "hedging its bets in the fight for tablet supremacy"

    What is "supremacy" worth without the margins and profits to go with it? That's what I don't understand about the market share argument. Even Fake Steve Jobs (Dan Lyons) stated the obvious a few months ago. To paraphrase FSJ "In 3 years Android will dominate in market share but we (Apple) will have the better business."
  • Reply 39 of 169
    Silly Acer!, people who use real technology don't want tablets!

    Let Apple produce its latest fad for the sheep.
  • Reply 40 of 169
    Originally Posted by AppleSux View Post

    Silly Acer!, people who use real technology don't want tablets!

    Let Apple produce its latest fad for the sheep.


    By the way... that's Mr. Sheep to you.
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