Acer unveils Windows, Android tablets to compete with Apple's iPad



  • Reply 81 of 169
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    that would be laughably ludicrous if true. Apple is rev'ing up its best-in-the-world hype/marketing machine to push iPad holiday sales. bringing the 4.2 update on-line, which guaranteed massive media coverage, the week before the holiday sales season starts is the well-timed big hype. next will come a wave of new iPad TV ads, plus all other media too (do you see all the iPad poster ads around town?). and most clever of all, do you see the top TV series episodes where the heros use iPads for something neat? like on NCIS last night? (what did that cost Apple?).

    up against this, Apple marketing vs. Acer's announcing is not even Goliath vs. David. it's like Goliath vs. an ant.

    Based on Acer?s announcement it sounds like what they are doing, but it makes no sense. If you have a monopoly on mindshare you can do such things and get away with it, but Acer doesn?t have that.
  • Reply 82 of 169
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by samban View Post

    Is 3 your lucky number. Do you always get everything in 3 for yourself.

    Curious how to do fund yourself for all these, you should be getting paid.

    If the obvious name change doesn't clue you in that this dude is a poser, the number of comments posted by the account should...
  • Reply 83 of 169
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Rather than recycling the aging OSX, Apple started fresh. Some competitors shoehorn the old Windows OS with its decades of baggage into this new class of machine. Then try as hard as they can to turn the tablet paradigm into just another laptop. Silly.

    WOAH WOAH WOAH. Careful now.

    iOS ****IS****** OS X. And OS X is definately not "aging" (sure aqua is, but not OS X)
  • Reply 84 of 169
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    This might be a sign that netbook sales across the board are bad. They were a good buy for your money in terms of performance or capabilities. You could buy a PC for a little more that was many times more powerful. I think people are realizing that for a satellite computer, a tablet is much a better option than a netbook.

    I very much like your general definition of a satellite computer.

    However, the universe shifted, just a little [more] with the realization of AirPlay 1.0 two days ago.

    The iPad satellite now has:

    -- adequate control-from/monitor-from capability with VNC

    -- robust control-from/monitor-from capability with specialized apps

    -- robust stream-to capability

    -- preliminary stream-from capability

    What I am trying to say here is that the satellite definition becomes a little blurry when you consider who's in charge (what computer) and who is doing the work (what computers).

    What happens when they add AirPlay to Keynote?

    What happens when the iPad hardware is robust enough (CPUs, GPUs, RAM, SSD) to run OpenCL and, say, Final Cut Motion (with a reworked touch interface) doing real-time rendering.
  • Reply 85 of 169
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    But if he did exist, you KNOW he would have an ipad.

    So that would be an upgrade from his original tablets?
  • Reply 86 of 169
    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    that would be laughably ludicrous if true. Apple is rev'ing up its best-in-the-world hype/marketing machine to push iPad holiday sales. bringing the 4.2 update on-line, which guaranteed massive media coverage, the week before the holiday sales season starts is the well-timed big hype. next will come a wave of new iPad TV ads, plus all other media too (do you see all the iPad poster ads around town?). and most clever of all, do you see the top TV series episodes where the heros use iPads for something neat? like on NCIS last night? (what did that cost Apple?).

    up against this, Apple marketing vs. Acer's announcing is not even Goliath vs. David. it's like Goliath vs. an ant.

    Don't forget the special iPad/AppleTV bundle for black Friday!
  • Reply 87 of 169
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    So let me get this straight: AI posts an article on the success of the Galaxy Tab in order to troll Apple fans into coming in for a massive circle jerk, a GT owner proclaims how much he likes his instead of joining in with the Apple fanboy's illogical bashing of the device, now you create an alt to mock the guy...

    Actually, I'm honestly not surprised I'm seeing this from someone on these forums.

    When it comes to Android, you fanboys call people morons for buying any device that runs an OS not designed for morons...

    Hmmmm... a voyeur who comes here to watch us circle jerk... kinky...
  • Reply 88 of 169
    Originally Posted by DaHardest View Post

    We now have 3 each in my Household!

    My Acer Tablet has quickly become the first gadget I reach for when I head out the door (next to my Samsung Tab, my HP Slate, and my Samsung Fascinate) - It's Near-Perfect - IMO.

    Can you publish a picture of your tool belt?
  • Reply 89 of 169
    So what I don't "get" is HDMI out, so you want your tablet / phone being tied 5' from your tv, how does that help and how do you use it as a remote, you have to get up to use the remote. Just silly IMO and i've never understood the need for this.

    With airplay here this really negates the HDMI out as a selling point to me.
  • Reply 90 of 169
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider

    Earlier this year, before the iPad launched to great success, Acer indicated it would not enter the tablet market, citing Apple's advantage with the iTunes ecosystem and App Store digital marketplace.

    Earlier this year, Acer understood what they are up against. But now it seems that their board of directors panicked and said "Do something! Anything!" and these me-too tablets are the result. It really seems that the rest of the world is in a deathrace to be #2 behind Apple.

    Why are they in a race to be #2? Because only Apple creates their own hardware and software together. Everyone else is a system integrator, trying to build their own hardware as cheaply as possible to run someone else's software (Microsoft or Google.) And that has two built-in disadvantages.

    Built-in disadvantage #1: Lower profits.

    Everyone but Apple uses the same software as you do, so you're shipping a generic commodity product. You can only compete on price, which means your profit margin drops. Welcome to the Race To the Bottom. (You pay Microsoft for Windows, and Android is free, but you're still competing against other generic Windows and Android tablet manufacturers on price alone.)

    Built-in disadvantage #2: Impossible to innovate.

    So you want to add Feature X to your 2011 model. Now you need to somehow get your software OEM (Microsoft or Google) to add Feature X support to their OS. And, since you want to be different, you're the only generic tablet-maker who is asking Microsoft or Google for Feature X. And their answer will be "Not now. Wait until 3 or 4 other generic tablet makers also want Feature X, then we'll think about it." The result? Your tablet will be generic forever, no matter how much you want to add new software+hardware features to it. Which brings you back to built-in disadvantage #1: low profits due to selling a generic commodity product.

    OK, so the Iconia does have a new gimmick with the touchscreen instead of a physical keyboard. I thought Apple might do that with the MacBook Air in order to make it super-thin (because of a lack of physical keys, separate trackpad etc.) But in practice the all-touch keyboard seems to be best suited for smaller devices like iPad and iPhone, where you're not going to touch-type all day. And the other GUI elements they've added to the touchscreen keyboard will get old after a few days of actual use.
  • Reply 91 of 169
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    actually I don't believe "he" even exists, I was just using the same language as the first guy

    But if he did exist, you KNOW he would have an ipad.

    Certain posters here, conjure up the image of a one-man circle-jerk!

  • Reply 92 of 169
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member
    Originally Posted by AdamIIGS View Post

    So what I don't "get" is HDMI out, so you want your tablet / phone being tied 5' from your tv, how does that help and how do you use it as a remote, you have to get up to use the remote. Just silly IMO and i've never understood the need for this.

    With airplay here this really negates the HDMI out as a selling point to me.

    Agree. It's a quick hack. A knee-jerk reaction to iPad's 95% tablet market share.
  • Reply 93 of 169
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by AdamIIGS View Post

    With airplay here this really negates the HDMI out as a selling point to me.

    As long as you have an aTV and a wireless login. Let's say in a conference room at a potential client's office where the expected norm is to hook up your computer to a big screen. Consequently a really a big selling point for Macs when conference room TVs started replacing projectors. The Windows laptops had these troublesome VGA to DVI adapters that never worked but a MBP would just sync up instantly. Really left the IT guys scratching their heads.
  • Reply 94 of 169
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    As long as you have an aTV and a wireless login. Let's say in a conference room at a potential client's office where the expected norm is to hook up your computer to a big screen. Consequently a really a big selling point for Macs when conference room TVs started replacing projectors. The Windows laptops had these troublesome VGA to DVI adapters that never worked but a MBP would just sync up instantly. Really left the IT guys scratching their heads.

    So, your kit includes:

    -- an iPad $500

    -- an AppleTV $100 (power cord included)

    -- an HDMI cable $30

    So for $630, and a total weight of 2.2 lbs, you have everything you need to give an HD preso!

    Not only the conference room -- the class room, lecture hall, training room, and the team-party room at the local pizza parlor.

    I suspect that we'll see an AirPlay upgrade to iPad (and Mac) KeyNote real soon!

    Add an iPhone 4 and a Camera Connection Kit and you can capture ad hoc HD images to include in the preso.
  • Reply 95 of 169
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    So, your kit includes:

    -- an iPad $500

    -- an AppleTV $100 (power cord included)

    -- an HDMI cable $30

    In theory it could work, but I think the aTV might freak out if it woke up in a different wireless environment than when it went to sleep. My point is that in certain situations it pays not to have to get the IT/AV department involved. Kind of spoils the moment. The Apple iPad/VGA adapter could work. Depends on how small the text is in your presentation, but HDMI would be better.
  • Reply 96 of 169
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    In theory it could work, but I think the aTV might freak out if it woke up in a different wireless environment than when it went to sleep. My point is that in certain situations it pays not to have to get the IT/AV department involved. Kind of spoils the moment. The Apple iPad/VGA adapter could work. Depends on how small the text is in your presentation, but HDMI would be better.

    I think the aTV can probably handle WiFi discovery OK, I'd be more hampered by the current limited state of AirPlay.

    I sincerely hope that Apple's engineers are working hard on extending the functionality here, and that it will be included in the rumored Dec. update. A robust AirPlay with the $99 Apple TV media extender is truly a killer feature, but at the moment it's more in the "handy for a few specific things" category.

    The focus on Apple TV has all been around it's status as a competitor for things like Google TV or Roku or Boxee, but at $99 it could be the magic dongle that gives you access to most any screen you come across-- projectors, plasmas, LCDs, etc. But only if you can do something approaching what you can currently do with a hardwired external monitor-- mirroring or extended desktop type duties.

    If Apple is determined to avoid such "computeresque" complications, I'd settle for third party APIs and a very thorough thinking through of how it works with Apple's productivity apps-- chiefly Keynote and movies. There's probably issues with Safari and content providers, since being able to send any web video would enable an end-run around Hulu types of restrictions, but hopefully that can be worked out at some point.

    This is one area that I really hope Apple won't insist on an app-centric approach, where you may or may not get some varying level of functionality depending on what you're doing. AirPlay needs to be a predictable, system wide service, like WiFi or stock I/O. You wouldn't want to discover that only some apps could connect wirelessly, and even then only with a limited subset of capacities, and I don't think the full potential of AirPlay will be realized till you know you can actually rely on it to do something predictable.

    When your iPhone, Touch or iPad can trivially toss their screens onto the local big screen, or serve as a controller for any presentation you want to make, that's a whole new world.
  • Reply 97 of 169
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    In theory it could work, but I think the aTV might freak out if it woke up in a different wireless environment than when it went to sleep. My point is that in certain situations it pays not to have to get the IT/AV department involved. Kind of spoils the moment. The Apple iPad/VGA adapter could work. Depends on how small the text is in your presentation, but HDMI would be better.

    Well, I think it would work pretty well. I just unplugged my AppleTV, then replugged it in!

    Less than 30 seconds later I was streaming a movie from my iPad.

    AirPlay came about 16 days too late, for a real live test.

    The last game and team party for my two grandsons soccer team was November 6.

    There was a HDTV in the meeting room and I had some movies of highlights on the iPad.

    I was prepared to bring the new AppleTV & do my thing... but, alas, no AirPlay.

    Anyway, one of the kids was mouthing off to my grandson that Droids were better than iPhones... he was going to get a Droid... yadda, yadda, yadda,

    It kinda pissed me off, so I whipped out my iP4 and started taking pictures as fast as I could -- over my head, behind me (point-and-shoot, no time to look at the viewfinder, focus, etc.).

    I connected the iP4 to the iPad and sucked in a couple of hundred pictures.

    Within minutes, everyone was gathered/handing around the iPad showing the almost-real-time slideshow.

    The coach told his wife: "That's what I'm getting for XMAS!".

    Here's a medium-res video I made form the slideshow:

  • Reply 98 of 169
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    [Acer chairman:] Apple's "closed platform" iOS mobile operating system will ultimately be the downfall of the iPad.

    Just like it was the downfall of the iPhone...
  • Reply 99 of 169
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    It's kind of creepy how Apple's competitors have adopted the tone of internet Apple bashers to make their case. "Steve Jobs is a control freak! Reality distortion field! Sheep! Walled garden!"

    And lately, "Maybe if we all just keep hammering away at 'openness' it'll stick? Maybe we can talk consumers into thinking it matters?" I think that part just comes free with Android, and speaks to not really having any ideas of their own. Use Google's OS, parrot Google's PR.
  • Reply 100 of 169
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Well, I think it would work pretty well. I just unplugged my AppleTV, then replugged it in!

    Less than 30 seconds later I was streaming a movie from my iPad.

    I can't recall exactly but I think the aTV needs to be set up with a DHCP wireless access point and an iTunes account first. When you move it I'm not sure you can reestablish functionality in an ad hoc environment with only a companion iPad.
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