New Apple iPhone 'two is better than one' ad promotes Verizon, AT&T



  • Reply 61 of 124
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    The service is apparently bad in big cities too. Not that I assume you know where people travel (my guess is a lot of the urban community spend Thanksgiving and Christmas at least in rural areas, commonly known as going home, and would like coverage).

    Voice and data is a non issue outside this website. otherwise Verizon would be fearing a huge Android drain to AT&T. But you like it and you get to keep it. Win Win.

    Not so. Voice and data is always meaningless to people who have never had it, and gains importance once you use it and realize how nice it is. I've talked to hundreds of people about this (literally - it's part of my job to discuss this stuff) and almost without exception, Verizon users wonder why anyone would want to do it, and ATT smartphone users can't imagine not having it. These are not techies, these are housewives and middle-aged folks.

    The first time you find yourself on hold for 30 minutes and able (or unable) to do an email or browse the web, you quickly realize it. Nothing worse than that pop-up saying that data is not available right now because you're on the phone call.
  • Reply 62 of 124
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    I know what anecdote is. You are telling us your story about how when you travel you are never out of coverage. That's an anecdote, not a statistic.

    As for the proof that nobody gives a shit about voice and data it is your claim that it matters to most phone customers rather than coverage which need the data. In the absence of any analyst discussing this, any suggestions that the lack if simultaneous voice and data is harming the Verizon network, any large movement of Verizon Abdroid customers to AT&T the evidence is against you.

    There are plenty of articles bemoaning both AT&Ts lack of coverage and it's bad coverage in urban areas.

    So you need to learn logic.

    Here's some "evidence" about Att. I live in Los Angeles, Hollywood in fact. I've been an Att customer since the iPhone came out. You would *think* Att would work hard to cover this city and my area in fact just because it's full of forward thinkers and people in powerful word of mouth industries like entertainment, media etc. Not the case. Case in point - my gym is near Beverly Center. A huge area around my gym has little or NO coverage TODAY--still.

    Add to this that many iPhone owners have used the Att app that sends them data about lack of coverage spots -- guess what? Last year Att sent out emails text messages etc that in that particular area they were installing new equipment in that area to deal with the coverage issues.. Guess what. No new equipment and the problems still exist.

    What morons. Why alert people to a fix and then never deliver? Look it, Att services suck on all levels of it's services. Explain why they "install" Uverse fiber optic lines to your corners or nearest phone central box only to force that high speed line into 60 year old copper cables that go into my house? Lame! Verizon in fact installs Fios as all fiber optic to your home! That's precisely why Att has horrible history of a lack of commitment to quality. It shows in ALL their businesses. Period
  • Reply 63 of 124
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    Not so. Voice and data is always meaningless to people who have never had it, and gains importance once you use it and realize how nice it is. I've talked to hundreds of people about this (literally - it's part of my job to discuss this stuff) and almost without exception, Verizon users wonder why anyone would want to do it, and ATT smartphone users can't imagine not having it. These are not techies, these are housewives and middle-aged folks.

    Remember when people said the same thing about smartphones? ?Why would I want a smartphone, all I do is make calls on my phone?? Also, the ?If I want to do 'computer stuff? I?ll use my PC.?

    That wasn?t that long ago when that was the common. I wonder how many people have iPhones and Android-based phones as there first smartphone?
  • Reply 64 of 124
    Originally Posted by HahaHaha321 View Post

    Am I the only one who has been very unimpressed by Apple commercials in the recent years? What ever happened to those edgy iTunes commercials? The iPhone and iPad ads are all so boring now.

    Just go away.
  • Reply 65 of 124
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Just go away.

  • Reply 66 of 124
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by gijoeinla View Post

    Here's some "evidence" about Att. I live in Los Angeles, Hollywood in fact. I've been an Att customer since the iPhone came out. You would *think* Att would work hard to cover this city and my area in fact just because it's full of forward thinkers and people in powerful word of mouth industries like entertainment, media etc. Not the case. Case in point - my gym is near Beverly Center. A huge area around my gym has little or NO coverage TODAY--still.

    Add to this that many iPhone owners have used the Att app that sends them data about lack of coverage spots -- guess what? Last year Att sent out emails text messages etc that in that particular area they were installing new equipment in that area to deal with the coverage issues.. Guess what. No new equipment and the problems still exist.

    What morons. Why alert people to a fix and then never deliver? Look it, Att services suck on all levels of it's services. Explain why they "install" Uverse fiber optic lines to your corners or nearest phone central box only to force that high speed line into 60 year old copper cables that go into my house? Lame! Verizon in fact installs Fios as all fiber optic to your home! That's precisely why Att has horrible history of a lack of commitment to quality. It shows in ALL their businesses. Period

    Now that?s an anecdote.
  • Reply 67 of 124
    Originally Posted by rbryanh View Post

    Advertisement is excrement. All of it.

    Yes, but some is less stinky than others.
  • Reply 68 of 124
    The original iPhone did not have simultaneous voice and data. That came with 3G. Even modern AT&T iPhones will lose simultaneous voice and data when falling back to the GSM EDGE network.
  • Reply 69 of 124
    poochpooch Posts: 768member
    Originally Posted by rbryanh View Post

    Advertisement is excrement. All of it.

    i think your post sums it up rather nicely. no vain bohemian or hipster interpretation necessary.
  • Reply 70 of 124
    What's that map app shown in the ad?
  • Reply 71 of 124
    poochpooch Posts: 768member
    Originally Posted by cy_starkman View Post

    Elsewhere, like Australia.. Apple is on all carriers.


    Try $0 on for size, that's what we pay in oz if we want.

    Originally Posted by cnocbui View Post


    You are getting something for nothing, that's cool.

    Obviously negative entropy is alive and kicking down under.

    ditto on a couple carriers in the UK, too. zero dollars. imho, we were royally screwed in the us with the at&y exclusivity.
  • Reply 72 of 124
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I wonder what the deal is with NTT docomo. The FCC fling for the iPhone 4 showed their specrtrum as the 5th UMTS element. They should have a multipass by now.

    That is rather puzzling. In the absence of an exclusivity agreement with Softbank, it is very hard to understand.

    At any rate, the CDMA phone also allows Apple to expand their addressable market in Japan through au/KDDI.
  • Reply 73 of 124
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    The original iPhone did not have simultaneous voice and data. That came with 3G. Even modern AT&T iPhones will lose simultaneous voice and data when falling back to the GSM EDGE network.

    Yep, and thankfully it hardly ever happens anymore, but when it does, it is SO frustrating.
  • Reply 74 of 124
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Just go away.

    No thanks, but I appreciate the suggestion! It's really not your place to tell me what I can and can't say.

    Apple doesn't even use actual music for their iPhone commercials anymore. They're all generic tunes. They should do more iTunes-esque ads.
  • Reply 75 of 124
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    56%. AT&T = 25%. Verizon = 31%

    That seems a little light. The last numbers I saw had Verizon at over 93.2M and ATT at 92.8M. Using those numbers, if Verizon is at 31%, ATT would be at 30.8%. I thought I saw the current marketshare numbers for both a bit higher.

    EDIT: Thanks solopsism for posting the actual subscriber numbers for all carriers.
  • Reply 76 of 124
    "Two is," not "two are?" Where have all the English teachers gone?
  • Reply 77 of 124
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by TwiztdWun View Post

    I bet most of the iPhone customers do not even comprehend data and voice at the same time....let alone actually use it. It is not because iPhone custoemrs are dumb......they just do not know.

    You will have a small percentage that do, however, but, you will also have that small percentage claim there are more people that use this feature than there really is.....because they think they know more..

    I agree with this. V & D is an infrequently used feature. It is sort of like my 4x4 SUV. I like having four wheel drive when I need it for snow or rain but most people get along just fine with two wheel drive. What is the worst thing that could happen without V & D? You miss an email for 5 minutes, have to call someone back? Not exactly a huge inconvenience.

    I feel the same way about FaceTime. I think very few people use it. Nice to have, a cute selling feature but infrequently used I would imagine. I have yet to use it myself, but I only have a few contacts who have it and I see them all the time in real face to face.
  • Reply 78 of 124
    Originally Posted by Sevenfeet View Post

    I'm sure Verizon would reply "Well, there's always Wifi".

    This spring the carriers begin to roll out the next revision of the CDMA standard. Voice and data will then be able to run simultaneously.
  • Reply 79 of 124
    penchantedpenchanted Posts: 1,070member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Microsoft made a lot of money by not excluding the Mac platform even when it only had single digit market share. It turned out to be a very smart strategy in the long run.

    I am not sure why you responded to this post in such manner. I have stated elsewhere that I think that Sprint will get the iPhone since there are no technical hurdles for Apple to address; I am not so sure about T-Mobile until the LTE iPhone arrives.

    Apple appears to be expanding their carrier relationships globally and I think that is a smart move.
  • Reply 80 of 124
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I agree with this. V & D is an infrequently used feature. It is sort of like my 4x4 SUV. I like having four wheel drive when I need it for snow or rain but most people get along just fine with two wheel drive. What is the worst thing that could happen without V & D? You miss an email for 5 minutes, have to call someone back? Not exactly a huge inconvenience.

    What's the worst thing that can happen without 4x4? Maybe you hang out at the bottom of the snowy hill for the night instead of driving home, right?

    The worst thing that can happen without V&D is not the delayed email, it's the loss of productivity when you are on the phone. For people for whom time is money, wasting 15 minutes staring at the wall instead of doing something productive means 15 less minutes at home with the family.

    People who claim it's not a big deal invariably don't have it, so they don't understand why you would want it.
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