College Football 2002



  • Reply 181 of 492
    norfanorfa Posts: 171member
    If ND can bury Florida State after Miami lost but had the game handed to them by the FSU kicker, they have a very good argument for being in the national Championship game. Don't get me wrong, I hate ND, but, I'm also really tired fot this " If ya didn't have a good team last year you can't be in the national Championship this year " crap. ND played a brutal schedule this year, and haven't lost yet. Anyway, I think Virginia Tech will beat Miami. I don't know if Oklahoma Will lose. The Big 10 teams Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio State, Iowa, they all have too many big games back to back at the end of the year to get into the BCS. They should do what the sleezy Florida teams do. Play your big games at the start fo the year. Then if you lose one, you still have time to put together 9 cheap wins against crap teams to pad your coaches and APS poll votes. I don't think OSU will go undefeated. but if they do and they don't get in, it's time to take the BIg 10 and Pac 10 back out of the BCS system. After all, better to have a perfect season and get voted number one, than have a perfect seaon and not get a chance to play. It's already happened to Pen State. How many years has the Big 10 and Pac 10 had one loss teams overlooked for one loss teams from other conferences? The voting prejudice is clear, even though it's not supported at all by what happens on the field.
  • Reply 182 of 492
    We shall see we shall see.
  • Reply 183 of 492
    the first BCS rankings have been posted. enjoy.


    2\tMiami (Fla.)

    3\tNotre Dame

    4\tVirginia Tech


    6\tOhio State

    7\tWashington St.



    10\tTexas (sucks my nut sack)

    11\tN.C. State

    12\tFlorida State




    [ 10-22-2002: Message edited by: running with scissors ]</p>
  • Reply 184 of 492
    The BCS licks sweaty nut sack.
  • Reply 185 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Ohio State, I think, will lose 2. Most likely Penn State and Michigan.

    Notre Dame will have at least 2 losses by season's end, if not 3. If you think they'll beat FSU on the road you're stoned. They will also lose to USC and I would put money on Boston College if I were a betting man. Even with 3 losses they'll be in a BCS bowl because they bring such a ton of money with them.

    V.Tech will lose to Miami at the very least. I might be tempted to pick Virginia over them.

    Georgia is interesting because I think they have a good chance of winning out. Florida is their biggest stumbling block, and I'm sure Florida will be primed for this game like it's the national championship.

    My guesses right now for undefeated teams at season's end are Miami, OU(sucks) and Georgia. Miami/OU Fiesta Bowl that Miami wins in a real battle.

    UT will win out and I hope like hell they make a BCS bowl.
  • Reply 186 of 492
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:


    V.Tech will lose to Miami at the very least. I might be tempted to pick Virginia over them.


    Va Tech does know how to blow it. But UVA this year...? <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
  • Reply 187 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Virginia ain't too bad this year. They lose to a very-hot-at-the-time Colorado State and to Florida State (which is a tough game, don't believe the "FSU sucks now" hype).

    If you can hold the two RBs back then VTech doesn't have an offense.

    Check out this offense:


    Randall - 81 attempts


    Suggs - 126 carries

    Jones - 106 carries

    [ 10-22-2002: Message edited by: groverat ]</p>
  • Reply 188 of 492
    THe OSU vs. Michigan game might be the Buckeye's national title game. I look at Penn State and don't think they are as tough as people make them out to be. I don't look for a stumble against PSU, but Iowa is a team you're sleeping on. They are still undefeated in the Big 10, so it could well come down to Ohio St. and Iowa for the Big 10 title. Believe it or not, that's actually the team I fear the most in OSU's road to the Fiesta Bowl. If they run the table, can they get in the Fiesta Bowl? Maybe.
  • Reply 189 of 492
    jeffyboyjeffyboy Posts: 1,055member
    Ohio State doesn't play Iowa.

    VERY lucky scheduling quirk for both teams, I think.


    [ 10-22-2002: Message edited by: jeffyboy ]</p>
  • Reply 190 of 492
    norfanorfa Posts: 171member
    Forget Iowa, this year, it's run the table or die. Oklahoma and one of Miami/Virginia tech are probably going to be undefeated . If ND runs the table they deserve consideration based on their strength of scedule. Penn State has lost two games, both very close, both with questionable officiating. I swear, in that Michigan game, the Ann Arbor ref who called the Penn reciever out of bounds was the only person in the stadium who saw anyone out of bounds. The replay shows not 1 but both feet in bounds, where was that man looking? The big 10 needs to clean up it's officiating now, You can say it all evens out, but it doesn't. The officiating favours Michigan every time.

    I think Penn State is probably the toughest game Ohio State has left on their schedule. Minnehaha hasn't played anybody, and Michigan just isn't tough enough this year. If Ohio State beats Penn, it will be because of their kicking game. I can't wait for saturday.
  • Reply 191 of 492
    You all underestimate the Hokies' defense. YOu cannot compare how Tech played agaisnt BC or Rutgers to how they will play against Miami or UVA. Tech has this terrible habbit of playing at or only slightly higher than the other team's ability. PLus, our defense has the great ability to force a lot of turnovers on the opposing offense, an ability that has won us many games. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE TECH.

    Our offense isn't as good as it looks, agreed. We do rely WAY too much on suggs and jones... BUT, texas A&M, LSU, Marshall, none of them could keep them from running the ball into the endzone.

    And I am sorry, UVA is OVERATED... The ACC sucks, and i mean completely sucks, this year. The only decent team is FSU, and they, no matter what anyone says, are not on top of their game. DONT EVER choose UVA over TECH. It just wont happen. You forget that TECH and UVA have a huge rivalry, and usually, TECH wants it more(due to in-state issues). (Sorry to keep editing) PLUS, the game is here at Lane stadium, UVA hasn't got a chance playing here in blacksburg.

    And I think tech has a decent chance against Miami.

    What I am worried about is how Notre Dame is still getting the silver platter handed to them time after time. When will our country get over that terrible school.

    [ 10-23-2002: Message edited by: chweave1 ]

    [ 10-23-2002: Message edited by: chweave1 ]</p>
  • Reply 192 of 492
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    What? No Canes fans? Wow, a lot of college kids rooting for the wrong school then.

    First (?) to repeat & be undefeated baby, hehe
  • Reply 193 of 492
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by chweave1:


    And I think tech has a decent chance against Miami.


    A decent chance of being crushed.
  • Reply 194 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Miami fans suck, most of them have never even seen the campus.

    VTech loses to Miami, that's a guarantee. They have the weakest schedule in the top 10, very pathetic. You know your schedule is pansy when Texas freaking A&M is your 2nd toughest opponent. I don't know how you can bag on Virginia, their schedule is tougher than VTech's.

    And how in God's name can you rag on the ACC when your squad is in the friggin' Big East? When West Virginia is #3 in your conference you know you're riding high. (Oh wait, they are tied for #3 with Pittsburgh! <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> )

    You'd better hope your Hokies aren't selected for a BCS bowl just to spare yourself the humiliation of watching them get absolutely demolished by a real football team.
  • Reply 195 of 492
    I'm just waiting for ND to lose a couple games and get in a national title game. Kinda like Nebraska, no?
  • Reply 196 of 492
    groverat, i used to respect you. Too bad.

    You dismiss tech, but Tech has consistently been a ranked team in recent years, plus has gone to a bowl game for the past 10 years straight, one of which was the national championship, and you think we are nothing?

    What about LSU, we played them, and beat them, now they are in the top ten. Does that mean that we are any less viable then they are?

    And as for the ACC, how many teams in the top ten do they have? ONE, the big east has two in the top five. I am sorry, but youre completely wrong on this one. The ACC is not the power house its cracked up to be.

    And who the hell has UVA beaten? Akron, WOW, Duke, WOW, Wake Forest, Barely, South Carolina, Good job wahoos. Give me a break. Besides, we will see how well they do once they play NC State, Penn State, and Us. To say that UVA has a better chance of winning than we do is to go too far. WAY TOO FAR, thats what probably is provoking me.

    [ 10-23-2002: Message edited by: chweave1 ]</p>
  • Reply 197 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Nebraska only lost one last year before the NC game; anyone who would've made it to that game would've gotten smoked.

    I would've put Oregon in there, but the collapse of Nebraska is only really visible in hindsight.
  • Reply 198 of 492
    jeffyboyjeffyboy Posts: 1,055member
    Is there any reason to believe Notre Dame will get special treatment by the BCS, other than the fact they play a tough schedule?

    I know they got treated like kings in the old days, but this stuff is computerized now, right?

    (Looking for an answer from someone other than MulderWoods...)


    [ 10-23-2002: Message edited by: jeffyboy ]</p>
  • Reply 199 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member

    The computers don't choose it automatically, the bowls still pick who gets in. There is a system, obviously, and since ND isn't in a conference they get special considerations. They bring a huge audience with tons of money to spend so any bowl that likes money (that's why they're there) will select ND if the team is eligible (and it's not too obvious, backlash is a bad thing).


    VTech is a good football team, yeah, but they aren't BCS quality, in my opinion. They have a one-dimensional offense and I don't see them posing a threat to any BCS teams. Again, my opinion.

    I realize VTech has gone to many bowls and has been ranked and I'm sure they will continue to be, but "The Untouchables" aren't going to win the Hokies any national championships, it doesn't work that way. They will lose to Miami, that's a guarantee. They very well might lose to Viriginia, because if you shut "The Untouchables" down they have nothing else to go with.

    Beating LSU is a good thing, but it's not like they are playing quality opponents. They caught Florida at their lowest point (so far) this year.

    Never claimed the ACC was a powerhouse.

    Never claimed UVA was better than VTech; the "better team" doesn't always win.

    [quote]To say that UVA has a better chance of winning than we do is to go too far.<hr></blockquote>

    Who said that?

    I said: I might be tempted to pick Virginia over them.

    Don't put words in my mouth, you'll just make yourself angrier.

    [ 10-24-2002: Message edited by: groverat ]</p>
  • Reply 200 of 492
    jeffyboyjeffyboy Posts: 1,055member
    Thanks for the clarification, Groverat. I don't remember the Irish being eligible since the system was fully in place. If they're in the middle of the teams that are BCS-approved at the end of the season, It will be interesting to see what happens. I know money talks, though.

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