College Football 2002



  • Reply 141 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Jeffy, that's a tough one because "logic" told all the "experts" that Emmitt wouldn't even make it after he exhausted his eligibility.

    I think running back is the only position that it is generally possible to go to the pros that young, like guard in basketball. Anyone playing higher than 2 will take longer to develop an NBA game.

    Actually, Randy Moss was ready (physically) for the NFL after his freshman year. NCAA ball was just a formality for him. I said "generally" above because Randy Moss truly is/was a freak of nature. A shame he's an idiot fruitcake.
  • Reply 142 of 492
    [quote]"The following is a list of guys I think were ready for the NFL after their 1st NCAA year (if not straight out of high school):

    - Earl Campbell

    - Bo Jackson (if he hadn't been injured so young, he could've developed into one of the most dominant athletes in history)

    - Herschel Walker<hr></blockquote>

    You werent even born when Earl Campball was a freshman and you were born about the same time the other two were freshman. How do you know how good they were then since you didnt see them play?

    Emmitt Smith was not ready for the NFL after his freshman year.
  • Reply 143 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    They record moving pictures now, it's kinda cool and kind of amazing. A lot of it is even in color.
  • Reply 144 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    To expound on my answer (for the guy who is 5 years older than me acting like he's been around since the 50s) note the words "I think" before the post. Obviously my exposure and knowledge is limited.

    Earl Campbell - Having grown up with a very good friend whose father was a good friend and business partner of The Tyler Rose I was fortunate enough to watch quite a bit of mid-1970s Texas Longhorns football on tape, some of it old-school reel film in Mr. Campbell's living room. Also being around the program to a small extent has given me a bit of (biased) insight. He always dominated, it wasn't even fair.

    Bo Jackson - I don't think this one even needs justification. I was 1 when he was a freshman in college but I was quite into sports during his heyday in the professional leagues. And as one might guess, they occassionally referenced his NCAA days.

    Herschel Walker - I grew up an avid Cowboys fan, see above.

    Randy Moss - See the first sentence of the Bo Jackson explanation.

    I remember thinking Ricky Ervins of USC would be a superstar. Silly. You might remember him, though, he kicked Michigan's ass in a Rose Bowl some years back.
  • Reply 145 of 492
    [quote]To expound on my answer (for the guy who is 5 years older than me acting like he's been around since the 50s) note the words "I think" before the post.<hr></blockquote>

    I never said I been around since the 50s. Note that I didn't take a position on those players, only on Emmitt Smith who came along later in the late 80s. I remember Bo Jackson and Herschel Walker though I was a yungin, Earl Campbell is before my time.

    Ricky Ervins? Don't remember him. Slipped my mind.

    I do remember Ron Dayne as a freshmen. He is the guy who later broke some other guy's record for most rushing yards. Mick Watson? Or Rick Wilson. Something like that.
  • Reply 146 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    I don't remember Emmitt in college really. It's difficult to say now, though, that he isn't one of the best running backs in history.

    I haven't seen much Eric Dickerson but by all accounts he might be one to add to the list. I remember him running for the Rams and such, talk about poetry in motion.

    I might also put Tony Boselli on that list. He was a monster from day one, if I remember correctly.
  • Reply 147 of 492
    Eric Dickerson had no need to come out of college. He was a professional anyway as were a lot of other people playing at SMU.

    I think the guy who had his record broken by Ron Dayne might have been named Ricky Webmaster.

    I don't think any OL are ready for the NFL after their freshman seasons. You just don't have the muscular thickness no matter how much you work out. You need that size that comes with being 22 instead of 18. Same for DTs. I've never seen a QB who was ready IMO after their freshman season. It is just way too complicated a position at the NFL without significant college preparation. I am skeptical on TE, FB and DE. Dunno about LBs. I think WRs and CBs could play. Maybe running backs and safeties.
  • Reply 148 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Ooooh safeties! Here I was thinking Ronnie Lott when j00 post this. But maybe he wasn't ready so soon, he was very good in college, though.

    No way are QBs ready, not even Vick from Eskimo Tech.
  • Reply 149 of 492
    jeffyboyjeffyboy Posts: 1,055member
    I bet if Clarrett or someone else successfully challenges the rule and does well in the league EVERY hotshot underclassman will think he's good enough, with agents feeding their egos the whole way.

  • Reply 150 of 492
    norfanorfa Posts: 171member
    Clarett is 18 years old and he's already had a knee surgery. A minor one, but still. With his running style I don't think he'd last long in the pro's. He inititates a lot of contact in his style. With the bigger faster pros, that's going to hurt more. He makes a lot of yards after the first hit. The pro's are better tacklers. After seeing him on TV a couple times I just hope he lasts through his years at OSU without injury. I mean , you never know, I could be wrong, but as a former running back, there are a lot of times i see him take hits that make me cringe. Think of the guys that last a long time, OJ, Emmet, Jim Brown, Walter Peyton, or if you're talking OSU guys, then Archie and Eddie etc, they all had running styles that were incredibly smooth, and efficient, and that minimized the hits they took . Clarett isn't like that yet, and, I'm not sure it's something you can learn.
  • Reply 151 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    That's one thing Emmitt used to be a master at, avoiding tackles. You never got a clean shot at him.
  • Reply 152 of 492
    jeffyboyjeffyboy Posts: 1,055member
    Eric Dickerson was good at that in his own way.

    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    Never met a sideline he didn't like!


    [ 10-17-2002: Message edited by: jeffyboy ]</p>
  • Reply 153 of 492
    norfanorfa Posts: 171member
    Ya that is incredible, if memory serves me well, I went on to other things. Then at some point I started using the back button to get back to a page I had left a while ago. Somehow when I got to the page with the post I stopped to admire the fact that the post was still there in it's entirety, I must have hit the enter key or something. I gotta start using the go menu instead of the back button.

    [ 10-17-2002: Message edited by: norfa ]</p>
  • Reply 154 of 492
    A double post with a double decker tweener and a 37 minute lag. Impressive.
  • Reply 155 of 492
    Uh make that 36 minutes. I struggle with Maths.
  • Reply 156 of 492
    squashsquash Posts: 332member
    Some of you are funny as hell. No HS player is ever going to be ready for the NFL. Not in my lifetime, at least.

    I have had season tickets to the Washington Huskies now for almost 6 years and attended games before that. I had the pleasure of seeing Napolean Kaufman, and Corey Dillon in college up close and personal.

    During this same time I have seen plenty to Seattle Seahawks games up close and personal, not on TV. TV tends to slow things down, to a degree. Anyone who thinks a HS player, or even a clooege freshman is ready to play Pro doesn't go to college games in person and then a pro game the following day.

    There is absolutely no comparison between the two. The logic of RB's being able to make it is a joke. It may be one of the hardest positions to play effectively in the pro's.

    I hope one of these fool's challenges it, and get's shot down like a scud.
  • Reply 157 of 492
    jeffyboyjeffyboy Posts: 1,055member
    Geez, it's Friday already again. Is this season (and year for that matter) going by fast, or what?

    Of course, I've got my eye on the ISU/OU game (hoping the 'Clones at least keep it close) and am really looking forward to Air Force/Notre Dame.

    What other matchups are good this week?


    [ 10-18-2002: Message edited by: jeffyboy ]</p>
  • Reply 158 of 492
    [quote]Originally posted by jeffyboy:

    <strong>Geez, it's Friday already again. Is this season (and year for that matter) going by fast, or what?

    Of course, I've got my eye on the ISU/OU game (hoping the 'Clones at least keep it close) and am really looking forward to Air Force/Notre Dame.

    What other matchups are good this week?


    [ 10-18-2002: Message edited by: jeffyboy ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    ditto on both accounts. i'll be going to the ou/isu game. the weather is supposed to be shitty though. cold and wet. OU winning would go along way to keeping me warm. that and all the alcohol.

    my brother went to USAFA so i'd love to see them stomp on notre dame. hell, for that matter, i'd love seeing anybody stomp on notre dame. go falcons.
  • Reply 159 of 492
    [quote]Originally posted by jeffyboy:

    <strong>Anyone (I'm looking at you Magicfingers) want to make a friendly bet on Air Force/Notre Dame next week?

    I think the Falcons can pull it off!

    How about the loser has to have the fight song from the winning team in his signature for a week?


    Well, I think the Falcons could easily beat ND if they play a good game. But my money is on ND!

    so come on.....
  • Reply 160 of 492
    [quote]Originally posted by jeffyboy:

    <strong>Geez, it's Friday already again. Is this season (and year for that matter) going by fast, or what?

    Of course, I've got my eye on the ISU/OU game (hoping the 'Clones at least keep it close) and am really looking forward to Air Force/Notre Dame.

    What other matchups are good this week?


    [ 10-18-2002: Message edited by: jeffyboy ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Texas vs. K-State looks like the only other interesting top 25 matchup. I'd like to see how Texas comes off the lose;
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