College Football 2002



  • Reply 201 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    For your edification.

    <a href=""; target="_blank">BCS rules.</a>
  • Reply 202 of 492
    jeffyboyjeffyboy Posts: 1,055member
    Jeez, that gets complicated. :confused:

    But bottom line for ND, if they win 9 games, they're in.

    As long as they don't wuss out on their future schedules, that seems fair enough.

    Listen to me, sticking up for these guys.

    That damned ditty in my signature must have some sort of hypnotic effect!

    <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />

  • Reply 203 of 492
    norfanorfa Posts: 171member
    It's funny how Miami fans completely ignore the fact that they beat FSU by one point and gave up a last minute field goal attempt. I'm not a V-Tech fan by any strtech of the imagination. But if Miami can lose to FSU, and they obviously could have, it was a matter of a few feet on a kick that Miami had nothing to do with, they can lose to V-Tech. Miami can't stop the run. That means OU, OSU, V-TECH any predominantly running team has a chance to beat them. having seen the game, between Miami and FSU, I can't believe they can handle any running team. FSU picked up almost 300 yards on the ground, They quite simply shredded them.
  • Reply 204 of 492
    Only problem is OSU can't stop the run either. <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> Just look at last week against Wisconsin.
  • Reply 205 of 492
    [quote]Originally posted by norfa:

    <strong>It's funny how Miami fans completely ignore the fact that they beat FSU by one point and gave up a last minute field goal attempt. I'm not a V-Tech fan by any strtech of the imagination. But if Miami can lose to FSU, and they obviously could have, it was a matter of a few feet on a kick that Miami had nothing to do with, they can lose to V-Tech. Miami can't stop the run. That means OU, OSU, V-TECH any predominantly running team has a chance to beat them. having seen the game, between Miami and FSU, I can't believe they can handle any running team. FSU picked up almost 300 yards on the ground, They quite simply shredded them.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    you've got to be careful here. fsu and v-tech are totally different animals for a defense to handle. fsu may have run the ball effectively, but it is there passing game or the threat of it that allowed them to do so. if miami would have committed to stopping the run, they would have been burned big time in the air with single coverage on the corners. v-tech is a bit more one dimensional on offense. they run the ball at you, then they run the ball at you some more. i'm not saying that they can't beat miami, but they'll need to balance out their offense and pose more of a passing threat down field to be able to make it happen. if miami can force an air game, then the contest is more than likely theirs.
  • Reply 206 of 492
    You're absolutely right. If you have heard anything that Coach Beamer has said, he has said exactly that. He stresses the fact that tech needs to work on their passing game, and its improving, slowly. It should be interesting to see how randall is doing by the time miami comes around. Do not forget that this is his first season starting.
  • Reply 207 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    If VTech can develop a passing game then obviously that makes them a lot more dangerous. As it is now just put 8 in the box. Against teams like Miami who have super-athletes (same for FSU) at corner you might even be able to cheat with 9 in the box.

    That's why Miami and FSU are always up there; they get the best athletes and while they may allow some numbers they have speed and power and they get wins.
  • Reply 208 of 492
    That site that you linked groverat is wrong on one count and outdated on another.

    The outdated rule used to be that if you finished in the top four in the BCS then you got an at large bid; provided of course that there are not already two at large teams from among the other members of hte top four. If there are three or more out of the top 4 which are at large (not conference champs) then the BCS can pick from any among the top four. That website was correct on that, as the website refers to last year. However for this year the rule was change to apply to the top six rather than the top 4. As you may recall, this was an outgrowth from 1998 when no such rule existed at all. Kansas State finished #3 or #4 in the BCS at 11-1 after losing the Big 12 championship game to Texas AM and got shafted into the Alamo Bowl because as a tradional low profile team wiht a small TV base they are unattractive bowl team. Of course Kansas State did not help their cause by going out and getting punked by a Purdue team that was 7-5 or something like that. Anyway, then the rule was put into place for 99-01 with top four getting automatic at large bids and now this year it is top 6.

    That website is just flat out wrong on the Notre Dame rule. They are misunderstanding a somewhat convuluted rule. The actual rule is that if any non BCS conference team finishes in the top 6 and thus receives an automatic bid, that Notre Dame in that case also receives an automatic bid should Notre Dame have at least 9 wins and be in the top 12. Let us suppose that Bowling Green, a non BCS conference team goes undefeated this year and finishes in the top 6 in the BCS [this won't happen in reality because even if they are undefeated they won't make the top 6 with their weak computer rankings]. In that case Bowling Green gets an automatic bid. However, lets say Notre Dame also finishes with 9+ wins and a top 12 BCS ranking which is pretty likely anyway in reality. In that case Bowling Green's automatic bid triggers an automatic bid for Notre Dame. Yes, honestly it really does. Now maybe just maybe no other teams finish in the top 6 except 5 conference champions and Bowling Green. In that fairly low probability case Bowling Green and Notre Dame get the two at large bids. On the other hand, lets say that there is another at large team in the top six, say a 1 loss Virginia Tech that loses to their conference champion Miami. Now Virginia Tech has an automatic at large, Bowling Green has an automatic at large, and Notre Dame by way of Bowling Green has their own at large. Now you have three automatics for the two at large berths. In that case the BCS again gets to choose which of the two it wants for its bowls, and which two it would chose is obvious.

    If Bowling Green does not make the top 6, as will be the case in reality, Notre Dame does not get that non BCS team trigger and the standards are the same for them as for anyone else. This is where that guy's website gets it wrong. The Notre Dame rule only applies if a non BCS team is top 6, if no non BCS team is top 6 is will be the case this year, as it was in past years and probably will be in future years, then the Notre Dame rule is not invoked and their standards as the same as those for anyone else. As I read his site, it seemed he thought the rule applied to Notre Dame all the time without the prerquisite non BCS top 6 team which is in fact a requirement. So if say Texas and Virginia Tech finish top 6 and take up two at large bids then that is that and they cannot take Notre Dame over the other two. Same as any other team 7-12, they are out in cold.

    If only Virginia Tech is top six then they can pick from the rest of the top 12 for the second team and if Notre Dame is in the top 12 and they get a chance to pick you can be certain that Notre Dame will be picked. This isn't a rule but there is only one small possible realistic way that they would ever not be picked if there is a slot and they are top 12 and that is if the Big Ten champ were going a national championship game and the Rose Bowl had a chance to fill with Ohio State, Penn State or Michigan then they might choose one of those 3 instead of Notre Dame since both are big time for TV and fan support and preserve the traditional Big Ten Pac 10 Rose Bowl matchup.

    In essence the BCS would tell you that the theory for the Notre Dame rule runs on hte premise that they as top 12 with hteir generally difficult schedule are more deserving than an undefeated Fresno State or Air Force or Bowling Green or Tulane or someone from those types of conferences even if they have a lower BCS. There is probably some truth in that too although it is not really what is driving the process. In reality of course it is a way to **** those teams over for the sake of TV revenue because Notre Dame brings the ratings and MAC teams don't.

    [ 10-24-2002: Message edited by: ColanderOfDeath ]</p>
  • Reply 209 of 492
    jeffyboyjeffyboy Posts: 1,055member
    Well, just like last week ND is in the most interesting national game. I think they can do it, if they can keep the game low-scoring.

    Hoping again Iowa State can keep it close. If they manage to run the ball some, I think they can, if not, things could get out of hand fast, just like last week. At least they're used to playing against a great defense!

    Iowa/Michigan should be a good game, too.

  • Reply 210 of 492
    Cheer, Cheer for old Notre Dame.........

    Guess what, FSU? it wasn't even that close.

    ND may lose only 1 game, and that would be USC, but I doubt it.

    12-0= automatic title game for ND

    11-1= probably the same thing

    it took 8 weeks ,but now I am now a believer
  • Reply 211 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Ok, apparently I was the stoned one about the FSU/ND game. Gah, how I hate that team.

    Michigan let me down.

    But, my Longhorns won, so I guess it's happy time either way.
  • Reply 212 of 492
    jeffyboyjeffyboy Posts: 1,055member
    Heck of a team down there, Groverat!

    It was kind of like watching the Giants in the mid-80's.

    Great D, run the ball, high percentage passing from Simms...

    Iowa State played a heck of a lot better than they did against OU, but I thought the Texas O-line was the real difference. They could have run it all day long.

    Coach McCarney said the last 2 weeks have been like 4! Nice to be home next week and play a non-top 10 team. Missouri's no pushover, though.

    I'll be rooting for UT and OU the rest of the way.(Unless ISU comes in the back door to the Big XII title game! )

    Like I said at the beginning of the year, I think it's good for College Football if Notre Dame is a contender, given their tradition and polarizing effect on fans. I didn't think they'd get this good this fast, though!

    I believe, MagicFingers!

  • Reply 213 of 492
    jeffyboyjeffyboy Posts: 1,055member
    Biggest surpise of the year for me:

    Hawkeyes in the Rose Bowl? :confused:

    Never would have guessed that at the start of the year, weak Big Ten or no.

  • Reply 214 of 492
    Ohio State wins again!

    Without the services of Mr. Clarett.

    Gamble ownz you beeyatches.
  • Reply 215 of 492
    norfanorfa Posts: 171member
    So after another wekend of carnage,

    It looks like ND will win out. It's quite possible Ohio State will win out. Oklahoma has a championship game to play. That's gotta be tough. Miami and V-Tech, one of them will win out. Georgia will have a championship to play. If Ohio State beats Minnesota, they will probably move up in the BCS based on Strength of Schedule. And if Washington State wins out, Ohio State gets a bonus .5 points for beating a top 10 team. People are saying what if there's three undefeated teams , what then? To hell with three, what if there are 5. True football fans everywhere are hoping for this because then, we'd maybe, finally get a playoff. What would be better than a playoff of 5 or 6 undefeated teams after a 12 game schedule? I can hear the money rolling in. Once we get to the point where there are way more unhappy people with legitimate beefs, than happy people, change is gonna come.
  • Reply 216 of 492
    Who's the Buckeye's next victim? Michigan is it? DIE DIE DIE!!!!!
  • Reply 217 of 492
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    I never thought I'd say this, but:

    How 'bout them Hawkeyes?

    Undefeated so far in the big 10, after handing Michigan their asses at their own homecoming.
  • Reply 218 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Damn nice work this year from Iowa. I'm hoping they knock off Ohio State.

    Random thought of the day:

    Michael Vick, had he stayed in the NCAA, would be a 5th year senior right now.

    Can you imagine a backfield of Mike Vick, Lee Suggs and Kevin Jones?

    Sweet Jesus.
  • Reply 219 of 492
    jeffyboyjeffyboy Posts: 1,055member
    Once again, Iowa doesn't play Ohio State this year.

  • Reply 220 of 492
    Not that it would matter anywayz.
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