Conan O?Brien spoofs Apple iPad 2 event as "a little bit cocky"



  • Reply 61 of 146
    Originally Posted by Jonamac View Post

    A fair point. But I still think it's a poorly done satire. Even CollegeHumour's was better, and that really was pretty childish.

    I don't mind satire, but I do hate our culture's love of tearing down. Apple make great stuff, market it in a really nice, clean way. It's cheese on a stick, but it's highly effective and unique.

    I guess different people have different senses of humour, but I just found this really lacking wit. There's good material there to work with and this just wan't prime time quality for me.

    Don't expect people to stop buying Apple products because of a late night talk show host poking fun at their company and marketing of products. Apple's products speak for themselves.
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  • Reply 62 of 146
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    I didn't find it funny. But I couldn't stop laughing when watching this one.
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  • Reply 63 of 146
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by lilgto64 View Post

    I solved the Flash performance problem by installing Click to Flash - now all flash content is blocked from loading unless I click on it.

    I solved the Flash problem on my Mac by removing Flash completely. If I must use a Flash content then I open the page using Chrome, which happens maybe once every two or so days.
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  • Reply 64 of 146
    extremeskaterextremeskater Posts: 2,248member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    I didn't find it funny. But I couldn't stop laughing when watching this one.

    My stomach hurts after watching that one.
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  • Reply 65 of 146
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by _Hawkeye_ View Post

    Yeah, i too am getting really, really tired of listening to Jonathan Ive regurgitate the same old stuff about each new product.

    It seems he needs a neck brace too. The almost-constantly tilted neck and hand mannerisms have been largely the same for a decade.
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  • Reply 66 of 146
    I'm amazed this hasn't come up in the thread yet, but Team Coco has an iPhone app, which plays the video just fine. (And all the other videos from his web site.)
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  • Reply 67 of 146
    mrstepmrstep Posts: 526member
    "although Adobe is still working out the kinks to get Flash Player delivered for tablets"

    From the way Flash runs on desktop machines, I'd say they're still trying to work the kinks out there, from sucking down multiple GB or RAM to multiple-cores worth of CPU cycles. I have a 12 core Mac Pro and avoid Flash whenever possible, haven't installed it on my Air at all. I find it amazing that including that steaming pile of... whatever it is... is pushed as a selling point for other tablets. I guess they need something to say they have that the iPad doesn't. (Well, assuming they're not going to crow about the Android Trojans...)

    Then again, MS-DOS / Windows sold more copies than OSX ever did, so who am I to judge.n
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  • Reply 68 of 146
    sprockketssprockkets Posts: 796member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Amen to this. I never found O'Brien funny, even when he was on the big networks. There is just something about him that just rubs me the wrong way. When I heard he was going to replace Jay I figured I'd better take up late night reading again. Then when he flopped, lost the Tonight Show, and began to spout bitterness and blame everywhere, I was clearer on why I never liked him. There is a certain nastiness at the core of his humor. Hard to believe he made his nut being a writer on SNL, a show whose humor I really respond to.

    My animus to CoCo far predates my Apple fan status. That he may be sponsored by Apple competitors would explain why this skit seemed to go beyond satire merely for purposes of humor.

    Oh, and to those clowns (read: the recently banned StevesMinion) who park themselves early on a thread like this to "predict" negative responses? Do you even realize how douchey and infantile that is?

    You think Jay Leno kicked Conan out because Conan sucked? Wow, are you ever mis informed.
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  • Reply 69 of 146
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    does anyone else find it remotely ironic that this post has a video for an iDevice that said iDevice cannot view?

    Honestly people, it's a frackin' joke. You all really need to lighten up.
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  • Reply 70 of 146
    Originally Posted by Mister Snitch View Post

    BAD satire. Look it up. Then go look up something by a true master of satire. REAL satire. GOOD satire. Then again, you wouldn't know the difference, would you?

    Whether it's good satire or not was not the point, which you effectively missed. And I also like how you can infer I wouldn't know the difference. Clearly you can gauge what I know and do not from a single post. I do wish to make a modest proposal , and request that you not insult me when I've not directly insulted you or anyone else.

    [QUOTE=Mister Snitch;1822717]He certainly did have a point. Some people are quick to post, slow to think about whether they actually have something worth saying. 'redbarchetta, unfortunately, is the problem rather than any kind of solution./QUOTE]

    If the "problem" is that we can't make jokes because it may influence the way others think, then the "problem" really lies with you.
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  • Reply 71 of 146
    _hawkeye__hawkeye_ Posts: 139member
    Originally Posted by Jonamac View Post

    I don't mind satire, but I do hate our culture's love of tearing down. Apple make great stuff, market it in a really nice, clean way.

    Yeah, i agree with that. There are some people who just hate Apple (and love douche-bag companies like MicroSoftie). But when i hear them spout off, they just sound ignorant and stupid.

    I'm a long-time Apple customer. Over the years i've owned Apple ]['s, a Lisa, and numerous Macs. Apple has always made some of the best computers. But the company isn't perfect, they've produced some lemons, some of their positions on things are wrong, and they have their warts. I don't have a problem laughing at them, even though i generally respect the company.

    Originally Posted by Jonamac View Post

    I guess different people have different senses of humour, but I just found this really lacking wit. There's good material there to work with and this just wan't prime time quality for me.

    While i thought it was pretty funny, it was far from a comedic masterpiece. Honestly, it felt like a quickly produced hack job. But like all good humor, it had a kernel of truth. Without some seeds of truth, parody falls flat. This tickled my funny-bone because it struck some gems of truth. That's what made it funny to me.

    Originally Posted by lilgto64 View Post

    I solved the Flash performance problem by installing Click to Flash - now all flash content is blocked from loading unless I click on it.

    Couldn't live without it.

    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    It seems he needs a neck brace too. The almost-constantly tilted neck and hand mannerisms have been largely the same for a decade.

    Ain't that the truth.

    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    I didn't find it funny. But I couldn't stop laughing when watching this one.

    You have got to be kidding! It almost had a sneeze of humor. Pretty lame, all in all. The only part i enjoyed was the 3 seconds showing the cute girl with the nice cleavage.
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  • Reply 72 of 146
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    Sounds to me like you hated it but thought it was on target.

    On target.
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  • Reply 73 of 146
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    It seems he needs a neck brace too. The almost-constantly tilted neck and hand mannerisms have been largely the same for a decade.

    Do you change your neck positioning and your hand mannerisms every seven years?
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  • Reply 74 of 146
    _hawkeye__hawkeye_ Posts: 139member
    Originally Posted by mrstep View Post

    "although Adobe is still working out the kinks to get Flash Player delivered for tablets"

    From the way Flash runs on desktop machines, I'd say they're still trying to work the kinks out there, from sucking down multiple GB or RAM to multiple-cores worth of CPU cycles. I have a 12 core Mac Pro and avoid Flash whenever possible, haven't installed it on my Air at all.

    Ain't that the truth!

    And let's not forget that Flash is used mostly to deliver annoying animated advertising, and poorly written UI's.

    About the only thing useful that it does is deliver video content? and HTML5 is better at that, in my opinion.

    Flash is mostly evil. I'm glad it's dying. And i'm proud of Apple for driving the wooden stake through its heart.

    Originally Posted by mrstep View Post

    I find it amazing that including that steaming pile of... whatever it is... is pushed as a selling point for other tablets. I guess they need something to say they have that the iPad doesn't. (Well, assuming they're not going to crow about the Android Trojans...)

    Then again, MS-DOS / Windows sold more copies than OSX ever did, so who am I to judge.n

    Just goes to show the average person is pretty stupid, and easily impressed/duped.

    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    does anyone else find it remotely ironic that this post has a video for an iDevice that said iDevice cannot view?

    Honestly, no.
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  • Reply 75 of 146
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by _Hawkeye_ View Post

    After reading the article, i was expecting to hate the piece. But the clip is very funny indeed. It's a good parody.

    A parody of what?


    It fits your definition of good satire: You make the mistake of thinking the parody was about the iPad 2. It isn't. It's about Apple's marketing video. That's what they were making fun of, not the iPad itself.

    How many people actually watch Apple marketing videos?


    Yeah, i too am getting really, really tired of listening to Jonathan Ive regurgitate the same old stuff about each new product. Good grief, this guy is supposedly the creative genius behind Apple's product designs. How is it he lacks the ability to say anything new about any product? He said nearly the exact same thing when Apple came out with the first flatscreen (lampshade) iMac, way back when, and every product ever since. The truth is, i laughed during the real iPad 2 film when Ive came on and was verbatim predictable. Ive invites satire anymore.

    I suspect the true design creatives work for Ive; it isn't Ive himself.

    You're really tired of seeing something that you have to go way out of your way to see? Ives in marketing videos isn't just showing up on your TV or computer; you either have to watch Apple product release presentations or go to Apple's website and seek out the videos. If it rubs you the wrong way you could always forgo doing all that.

    In general, I think it's funny that there's this idea that Apple has particularly insipid or fatuous advertising, because they really don't. The average iOS ad shows the device being used to do stuff, generally to jaunty little tune.

    I just saw a Xoom ad that depicted a guy picking up a Xoom in portentous urban night scape which transformed him into the captain of a starship, or something. Deeply puerile, in other words, just like most of the Android advertising I've seen. But I never hear a word about it-- possibly because it adheres to national norms of kind of stupid fantasy macho bullshit. Stupid fantasy macho bullshit: always OK! Talk of quality and precision and passion: probably gay!

    Really, most of the stuff I see about Apple seems to involve a great deal of projection. If you just look at what Apple puts out it's pretty innocuous, especially compared to the Sturm und Drang of the competition. But you'd think they were filling the airwaves with smug, smirking hipsters chanting slogans and ordering you to worship Jobs. It's actually gotten fairly bizarre, at this point, with "Apple" haven taken on a cultural identity, for certain people, that seems more racial than corporate-- in that the animosities seem similarly irrational and virulent.
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  • Reply 76 of 146
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Do you change your neck positioning and your hand mannerisms every seven years?

    I'm kidding with that, but I do think the almost constantly tilted head looks really stupid. I'm surprised the guy can manage to draw a straight line.
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  • Reply 77 of 146
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    I laughed at the spoof.

    I'm an Apple fan.

    Some of the posters here poking fun at Jonny Ives, Scot Forstall, etc.: lay off!

    In their defense, you should realize that due to their quarks and tics, and bordering on psychological obsessiveness in need of therapy... it's what makes Apple's products great in the first place.

    You are NOT going to get that kind of passion, nor a similar end product, from the accounting department, or an MBA i.e. the types that are running "the other" companies.

    As only a designer can appreciate and sympathize with, unfortunately, you can appear to other people as "strange" and eclectic. Especially if they catch you staring mesmerized at the rounded corner of a dinner-plate for a long minute without breathing. Worse and embarrassing, is when you wax poetic after being woken from your "dream state" by your GF, and bore her to death with the organic beauty of a double bezier concave curve... for like the 100th time.
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  • Reply 78 of 146
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    I wish just one exec. would come out and say that the major reason why the NEED to have those mega-specs like a 2ghz+ processor, 1 GB (or more) RAM, a juiced graphics chip, is to run Flash.

    Which is really their ONLY defining feature.

    Add to that, Honeycomb and Android running in a VM environment, is not as efficient as an OS tailored to the chip spec-wise. It's why a lower-spec'ed Mac can run better than a similar spec'ed Windows machine.

    It's the OS and underlying frameworks that can use ALL of the power embedded in the chips and board design, WITHOUT unnecessary overhead and superfluous messy code.

    Adobe needs to just kill Flash and concentrate on an HTML5 IDE. They could hang on to the hope that Moore's Law will provide them with a quad-core ARM processor with 4 GB RAM in the not too distant future. But where will their strategy of clinging on to the current Flash-Trash code be at that time?
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  • Reply 79 of 146
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,393member

    I thought this was funnier:
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  • Reply 80 of 146
    foljsfoljs Posts: 390member
    Originally Posted by redbarchetta View Post

    Satire. Look it up.

    I've looked it up.

    Satire is also supposed to be funny.

    This is... whatever...
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