Conan O?Brien spoofs Apple iPad 2 event as "a little bit cocky"



  • Reply 81 of 146
    foljsfoljs Posts: 390member
    Originally Posted by LuisDias View Post

    I thought it was frakking funny as hell. And true too.

    Of course you did.

    But then again, you've seen "Disaster Movie" 10 times in the theater and think that that one is also "funny as hell" --and true too.
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  • Reply 82 of 146
    futuristicfuturistic Posts: 599member
    Wow. I didn't realize this forum was so full of jaded hipsters. The video made me LOLLLL a lot!

    But then, I have a very unsophisticated, juvenile sense of humor, so whatev's.


    Just watched it again. And LOL'd again.

    I can imagine the Apple folks got a big kick out of it.
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  • Reply 83 of 146
    futuristicfuturistic Posts: 599member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    I didn't find it funny. But I couldn't stop laughing when watching this one.

    Really? Snore. To each his/her own, I guess. \
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  • Reply 84 of 146
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    ... Stupid fantasy macho bullshit: always OK! Talk of quality and precision and passion: probably gay!

    Do you mean that quality and passion are homosexual? That doesn't seem to make any logical sense. Or were you just being homophobic by repeating that childish jibe? Even as a knowing comment?

    And if you want to see classy Apple satire, then look to the Onion of course:,14299/
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  • Reply 85 of 146
    futuristicfuturistic Posts: 599member
    Originally Posted by _Hawkeye_ View Post

    Yeah, i too am getting really, really tired of listening to Jonathan Ive regurgitate the same old stuff about each new product. Good grief, this guy is supposedly the creative genius behind Apple's product designs. How is it he lacks the ability to say anything new about any product? He said nearly the exact same thing when Apple came out with the first flatscreen (lampshade) iMac, way back when, and every product ever since. The truth is, i laughed during the real iPad 2 film when Ive came on and was verbatim predictable. Ive invites satire anymore.

    I suspect the true design creatives work for Ive; it isn't Ive himself.

    Hmmm... I disagree. I think the problem is not that Jony doesn't have creative design chops; it's that he's too close to his designs to be very articulate about them. His gift is industrial design, not marketing.

    To put this another way, think about something you've done recently that you're incredibly proud of and deeply passionate about. It's the best thing since the invention of the electric breadknife. Then think of all the Philistines out there who don't understand just how great your project is, how genius, unbelievably fantabulous! You will likely get to the point where words simply become superfluous, because the awesomeness of your project transcends your ability to describe it. So you're reduced to saying stuff that just sounds pretentious and redundant to the unwashed masses. Come on. We've all been there.
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  • Reply 86 of 146
    futuristicfuturistic Posts: 599member
    Originally Posted by KiltedGreen View Post

    Do you mean that quality and passion are homosexual? That doesn't seem to make any logical sense. Or were you just being homophobic by repeating that childish jibe? Even as a knowing comment?

    And if you want to see classy Apple satire, then look to the Onion of course:,14299/

    Probably would have been better if you had quoted the entire paragraph from which you excerpted:


    I just saw a Xoom ad that depicted a guy picking up a Xoom in portentous urban night scape which transformed him into the captain of a starship, or something. Deeply puerile, in other words, just like most of the Android advertising I've seen. But I never hear a word about it-- possibly because it adheres to national norms of kind of stupid fantasy macho bullshit. Stupid fantasy macho bullshit: always OK! Talk of quality and precision and passion: probably gay!

    Emphasis mine

    It's pretty clear to me from this that he's (I'm gonna assume that addabox is a dude) criticizing the homophobia (and I would add sexism) present in the "national norms", which basically say that "stupid fantasy macho bullshit" is always okay, while talk of "quality and passion and precision" is probably gay. Again?he's suggesting that this is the prevailing attitude, which he is criticizing, not agreeing with.

    A TIP: if someone says something in a forum that irks you, it's best to take a breath, and then re-read it, to see if you possibly missed something the first time around. It's also good to keep in mind that, because the use of actual words makes up a very small fraction of communication (experts disagree on the actual percentage)?the rest taken up by body language, expression, quirks, gestures, idiosyncrasies?a large portion of the message is lost in the medium, i.e., teh internets.
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  • Reply 87 of 146
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,656member
    Originally Posted by tomlawler View Post

    Not that I would want to watch something as insensitive and offensive as the referenced video...

    Offensive to your religion, huh? Do you have an altar with a picture of Steve on it?
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  • Reply 88 of 146
    Originally Posted by zoetmb View Post

    Offensive to your religion, huh? Do you have an altar with a picture of Steve on it?

    I do... is there something wrong with that?!
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  • Reply 89 of 146
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    Originally Posted by foljs View Post

    I've looked it up.

    Satire is also supposed to be funny.

    This is... whatever...

    It wouldn't be satire if everyone thought it was funny.
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  • Reply 90 of 146
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,042member
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    You think Jay Leno kicked Conan out because Conan sucked? Wow, are you ever mis informed.

    No, the network kicked Conan out because he was not capturing the share that Leno did. Suckiness is in the eye of the beholder.
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  • Reply 91 of 146
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    No, the network kicked Conan out because he was not capturing the share that Leno did. Suckiness is in the eye of the beholder.

    This is how I understood it went down: Stupid Jay Leno says "I'm retiring" and turning over the show to Conan. He then does a stupid 180 and comes out with his own show. His show is the same rehashed crap he always did and fails to work. So the network says let's give him back his old slot and that will solve *his* crappy ratings.

    Conan's humor may have not worked for some or perhaps a lot, but Jay Leno should have just quit like he said he would. I don't watch either since I find the daily show/colbert report to be better, and the last airing of TDS this Thur is a great example of why.
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  • Reply 92 of 146
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    Conan's humor may have not worked for some or perhaps a lot, but Jay Leno should have just quit like he said he would. I don't watch either since I find the daily show/colbert report to be better, and the last airing of TDS this Thur is a great example of why.

    Almost any stand up comedian has only a brief window in time where their humor is true genius. Unfortunately all of the aforementioned are way past that part of their career.
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  • Reply 93 of 146
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Almost any stand up comedian has only a brief window in time where their humor is true genius. Unfortunately all of the aforementioned are way past that part of their career.

    The further way they get the more money they make each year.
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  • Reply 94 of 146
    multimediamultimedia Posts: 1,061member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Wasn't the huge CPU drain a problem fixed last year? I don't see that kind of drain on my first gen Mac Pro since updating the Flash several months ago, maybe last summer. It's probably more than it should be, but also far from that bad. I'd check if Apple is shipping an outdated flash player.

    When you install the free ClickToFlash on your Macs it will block all flash from loading yet allow you to load it on individual pages as necessary while keeping out all those pesky Flash Ads etc that bog down Safari's performance.

    I find the joke Ad most objectionable when they say it's a little bit faster when it is in fact radically faster. Anyone who keeps their first iPad instead of selling it to buy the new one for the difference is really hurting themselves. I find the new iPad 2 a major leap in performance over the original. The first has been great and better than none for these past 10 months. But I can't wait to get the new one for a giant leap in capability.

    I find the satiric premise of the fake ad to be fundamentally flawed in that it misstates all the facts about the new iPad 2 so flagrantly as to be a big outrageous lie rather than satire. I'm sure word of mouth will correct the false impressions left by it. And there are plenty of iPad evangelists in the wild spreading the truth so sales won't be harmed. I'm sure Apple's sales will only be limited by their ability to make them. Willing to bet demand will exceed supply all year long.
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  • Reply 95 of 146
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    The further way they get the more money they make each year.

    Actually it is an inverse function. The more money they make the less funny they become.
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  • Reply 96 of 146
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Comedian Conan O?Brien presented a parody of Apple's iPad 2 event video on his show last night, introducing it by saying, "I personally think that the people at Apple are starting to get a little bit cocky."

    The clip took aim at Apple's minimalistic product videos that portray the company's products against blank backgrounds while narrators speak effusively about great their new features are.

    The spoof (below), ironically doesn't play on the iPad because TBS distributes its videos using a Flash applet. O?Brien has successfully leveraged the Internet, particularly Twitter and Facebook, to reach his fan base after leaving his old network in a dispute and moving to TBS.

    O?Brien's staff of actors posed as Apple executives who poked at the new iPad 2 as being "the culmination of literally two to three meetings. It's truly incredible how little we did," specifically skewering the new model as "adding two holes with cheap cameras in them" and predicting that "people would just go nuts" for the model.

    Other presenters lobbed jokes aimed at Steve Jobs' signature black turtleneck and the variety of "non specific ethnic accents" of various executives that speak in Apple videos.

    The video ends with the tagline: "iPad 2. You'll buy it no matter what we say."

    Flash and Xoom

    Few new consumer electronic devices are well recognized enough to serve as parody material, but Apple's iPods, iPhone and iPad have been regularly spoofed by late night comics and in shows such as "Saturday Night Live," providing millions of dollars worth of free advertisement for Apple.

    Somewhat ironically, viewers report that the clip is being shown with ads that include paid spots for Motorola's Xoom tablet, which it hopes will compete with iPad 2 this year. Motorola's Flash-based Xoom ads by Verizon have also entered paid circulation on AppleInsider, prompting at least one reader to complain that the ads are sapping the performance of his quad processor machine.

    Flash playback is a promoted feature of both Motorola's Xoom and Google's Android 3.0 Honeycomb platform, although Adobe is still working out the kinks to get Flash Player delivered for tablets nearly a year after it began its campaign attempting to badger Apple into supporting its web browser plugin on the iPad.

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  • Reply 97 of 146
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Futuristic View Post

    Probably would have been better if you had quoted the entire paragraph from which you excerpted:

    Emphasis mine

    It's pretty clear to me from this that he's (I'm gonna assume that addabox is a dude) criticizing the homophobia (and I would add sexism) present in the "national norms", which basically say that "stupid fantasy macho bullshit" is always okay, while talk of "quality and passion and precision" is probably gay. Again—he's suggesting that this is the prevailing attitude, which he is criticizing, not agreeing with.

    A TIP: if someone says something in a forum that irks you, it's best to take a breath, and then re-read it, to see if you possibly missed something the first time around. It's also good to keep in mind that, because the use of actual words makes up a very small fraction of communication (experts disagree on the actual percentage)—the rest taken up by body language, expression, quirks, gestures, idiosyncrasies—a large portion of the message is lost in the medium, i.e., teh internets.

    Yes, that, thank you. I often remark on what I perceive as the links between hatred for Apple and macho posturing-- a link that Android advertising is clearly intent on exploiting.

    "Apple is gay" isn't a concept I made up or object to because I find gayness reprehensible, I object to it because that idea arises out of homophobic and misogynistic ideas about what might be the proper place of style, esthetics, meticulousness, enthusiasm, passion and perfectionism in one's life. Or perhaps just a bit of detachment from punching things, blowing things up, and talking as low in my chest as possible-- all of which are apparently assets of Android handsets.
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  • Reply 98 of 146
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,519moderator
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Comedian Conan O?Brien presented a parody of Apple's iPad 2 event video on his show last night, introducing it by saying, "I personally think that the people at Apple are starting to get a little bit cocky."

    I guess it's understandable they'd be a bit cocky when they sell 15 million units in year 1 for a new device category. The Conan video was ok but a bit predictable, like it's all been done before.

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Adobe is still working out the kinks to get Flash Player delivered for tablets nearly a year after it began its campaign attempting to badger Apple into supporting its web browser plugin on the iPad

    I think they should stop pursuing it as a plugin and start making it an app. When a Flash movie shows up, you could just tap-hold then 'open in Flash Player'. That way you can make sure it's not running.
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  • Reply 99 of 146
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,042member
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    This is how I understood it went down: Stupid Jay Leno says "I'm retiring" and turning over the show to Conan. He then does a stupid 180 and comes out with his own show. His show is the same rehashed crap he always did and fails to work. So the network says let's give him back his old slot and that will solve *his* crappy ratings.

    Conan's humor may have not worked for some or perhaps a lot, but Jay Leno should have just quit like he said he would. I don't watch either since I find the daily show/colbert report to be better, and the last airing of TDS this Thur is a great example of why.

    That's one interpretation of how and why it went down. You may be right, or not. Neither of us were in the room.

    But at least we agree on the second part of your post--I like TDS better than Leno.
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  • Reply 100 of 146
    futuristicfuturistic Posts: 599member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Almost any stand up comedian has only a brief window in time where their humor is true genius. Unfortunately all of the aforementioned are way past that part of their career.

    I don't think there's any "rule" to the "durability" or longevity of a comedian. Some last some don't. Some rise up quickly, shine brightly, and disappear?or self-destruct. Others simmer for a while before they "make it". Some last a long, long time. Some outstay their welcome.

    I've loved Conan from day one?back when I was in college?and feel that he's only gotten better with time. But I think that's mostly because he resonates with my juvenile sense of humor. I expect that there are many in this forum who strongly disagree with me, and I'm cool with that.
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