Conan O?Brien spoofs Apple iPad 2 event as "a little bit cocky"
Comedian Conan O?Brien presented a parody of Apple's iPad 2 event video on his show last night, introducing it by saying, "I personally think that the people at Apple are starting to get a little bit cocky."
The clip took aim at Apple's minimalistic product videos that portray the company's products against blank backgrounds while narrators speak effusively about how great their new features are.
The spoof (below), ironically doesn't play on the iPad because TBS distributes its videos using a Flash applet. O?Brien has successfully leveraged the Internet, particularly Twitter and Facebook, to reach his fan base after leaving his old network in a dispute and moving to TBS.
O?Brien's staff of actors posed as Apple executives who poked at the new iPad 2 as being "the culmination of literally two to three meetings. It's truly incredible how little we did," specifically skewering the new model as "adding two holes with cheap cameras in them" and predicting that "people would just go nuts" for the model.
Other presenters lobbed jokes aimed at Steve Jobs' signature black turtleneck and the variety of "non specific ethnic accents" of various executives that speak in Apple videos.
The video ends with the tagline: "iPad 2. You'll buy it no matter what we say."
Flash and Xoom
Few new consumer electronic devices are well recognized enough to serve as parody material, but Apple's iPods, iPhone and iPad have been regularly spoofed by late night comics and in shows such as "Saturday Night Live," providing millions of dollars worth of free advertisement for Apple.
Somewhat ironically, viewers report that the clip is being shown with ads that include paid spots for Motorola's Xoom tablet, which it hopes will compete with iPad 2 this year. Motorola's Flash-based Xoom ads by Verizon have also entered paid circulation on AppleInsider, prompting at least one reader to complain that the ads are sapping the performance of his quad processor machine.
Flash playback is a promoted feature of both Motorola's Xoom and Google's Android 3.0 Honeycomb platform, although Adobe is still working out the kinks to get Flash Player delivered for tablets nearly a year after it began its campaign attempting to badger Apple into supporting its web browser plugin on the iPad.
The clip took aim at Apple's minimalistic product videos that portray the company's products against blank backgrounds while narrators speak effusively about how great their new features are.
The spoof (below), ironically doesn't play on the iPad because TBS distributes its videos using a Flash applet. O?Brien has successfully leveraged the Internet, particularly Twitter and Facebook, to reach his fan base after leaving his old network in a dispute and moving to TBS.
O?Brien's staff of actors posed as Apple executives who poked at the new iPad 2 as being "the culmination of literally two to three meetings. It's truly incredible how little we did," specifically skewering the new model as "adding two holes with cheap cameras in them" and predicting that "people would just go nuts" for the model.
Other presenters lobbed jokes aimed at Steve Jobs' signature black turtleneck and the variety of "non specific ethnic accents" of various executives that speak in Apple videos.
The video ends with the tagline: "iPad 2. You'll buy it no matter what we say."
Flash and Xoom
Few new consumer electronic devices are well recognized enough to serve as parody material, but Apple's iPods, iPhone and iPad have been regularly spoofed by late night comics and in shows such as "Saturday Night Live," providing millions of dollars worth of free advertisement for Apple.
Somewhat ironically, viewers report that the clip is being shown with ads that include paid spots for Motorola's Xoom tablet, which it hopes will compete with iPad 2 this year. Motorola's Flash-based Xoom ads by Verizon have also entered paid circulation on AppleInsider, prompting at least one reader to complain that the ads are sapping the performance of his quad processor machine.
Flash playback is a promoted feature of both Motorola's Xoom and Google's Android 3.0 Honeycomb platform, although Adobe is still working out the kinks to get Flash Player delivered for tablets nearly a year after it began its campaign attempting to badger Apple into supporting its web browser plugin on the iPad.
idiot masses probably consider Conan's skit a source of accurate information.
Satire. Look it up.
Not that I would want to watch something as insensitive and offensive as the referenced video...
And I'm not sure what Flash and Xoom have to do with Conan O'Brien, but again, this is AppleInsider, so the authors here are a bit strange with grouping things together.
Satire from the guy who told the same basic Paris Hilton joke every night for three years.
Called it. And the post right beneath mine, too. You people are so predictable.
Does anyone care about conan and his hair anymore?
Not emotionally fragile Apple fanboys, at least.
Called it. And the post right beneath mine, too. You people are so predictable.
I'd rather be predictable than prejudiced, arrogant and self-righteous.
This is just an example of exactly the penetration Apple has in popular culture, with the iPod and now the iPad. Their competitors would kill for that.
You could replace penetration with pretentious. Can't Apple make a normal video? I don't need Jony Ive to describe the iPad as a god. Product shots and captions would do.
Is there some way for Appleinsider to get video wrapped in an html5 video player? Isn't this something that can be done on the server end? To recognize user end capacity? That way we can see flash video content, increasingly rare as it is?
Not that I would want to watch something as insensitive and offensive as the referenced video...
AI has posted HTML5 videos of its own, but this is a TBS video that AI doesn't own. So you'll have to complain to TBS.
You could replace penetration with pretentious. Can't Apple make a normal video? I don't need Jony Ive to describe the iPad as a god. Product shots and captions would do.
Come on show us how it should be done funny guy.