Japanese disaster could leave Apple with shortage of five key iPad 2 components



  • Reply 41 of 124
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by montefuego View Post

    I'm sorry, but if this company is doing so much research about who makes what, where, then why do they not specify WHERE IN JAPAN these plants are? A generalized fear of earthquakes, transportation, electricity may not apply if the manufacturing is nowhere near where the quakes are occurring. Japan is not 20 miles wide. All the problems cited in this article would be region specific, and there is NO information whatsoever about this. If there is an earthquake in Los Angeles, it may not even affect San Francisco.

    The problems might be directly region specific but the will impact all of Japan. The ports that are closed will mean the undamaged ports will have to absorb the overflow. Same with roads. Same with airports. Same with rail. The damage to the electrical supply may also have have been regional but again the impact is national. The quakes and aftershocks are being felt across the country so there effects will be across the country in terms of equipment that is sensitive to them. And all of that is on top of the human side, where workers are absent to assist with S&R, caring for others or generally distressed.
  • Reply 42 of 124
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by montefuego View Post

    I'm sorry, but if this company is doing so much research about who makes what, where, then why do they not specify WHERE IN JAPAN these plants are? A generalized fear of earthquakes, transportation, electricity may not apply if the manufacturing is nowhere near where the quakes are occurring. Japan is not 20 miles wide. All the problems cited in this article would be region specific, and there is NO information whatsoever about this. If there is an earthquake in Los Angeles, it may not even affect San Francisco.

    I looked them all up on a Google Map and every one has their manufacturing in the southern part of Japan far away from the affected area. Some with offices in Tokyo high rise buildings. The one exception is Toshiba which has numerous facilities with only one being in the north but on the western coast, far away from the disaster area.

    The article did a lot of speculation about logistics and raw material, but I have close business contacts in Japan, who are in high tech industries and they have said that in the south there are no problems impacting their manufacturing.
  • Reply 43 of 124
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by DESuserIGN View Post

    Yeah, core meltdowns, reactor breaches, and MOX fuel fires are so overhyped. I bet those guys with the fire hoses struggling to prevent a phreatic explosion in a dark, highly radioactive nuclear plant think it's really over hyped too.

    The immediate and surrounding area around the nuke plant is of course dangerous. And I certainly wouldn't want to be one of those workers who are there now.
  • Reply 44 of 124
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by BC Kelly View Post

    ."... advanced ... manufacturing technologies that reside in Japan?

    Doubt that refers to $5.00 a day sweat shop laborers working some assembly line.

    Really? Where in Japan do workers get $5 per day working on an assembly line? Your concept of global economics is seriously flawed.

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Investment and research firms this week continue with their efforts to quantify the effect the recent Japanese earthquake will have on Apple and its capacity to manufacture its top-selling products, with the latest report identifying five core iPad 2 components likely sourced from the region.

    They're ignoring a number of issues:

    1. Apple has some stock available at all times.

    2. Apple prepaid for many key components and will therefore get first dibs

    3. If things like NAND and resin are in short supply while Apple has first dibs, that is going to hurt the competitors more than it hurts Apple.

    Originally Posted by steverance View Post

    I would assume the Magnets are in the cover, not in the iPad itself?

    The iPad is aluminum. Magnets won't stick. That means that by simple logic, the iPad itself must contain either magnets or magnetic metals. A trivial amount of research would tell you that the case itself has a lot of magnets (in fact, I think it was posted here just a couple of days ago).

    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    My girlfriend is actually leaving for Japan tomorrow. The main reason I tried to get an iPad yesterday was because I was going to let her bring it with her instead of her old macbook. That didn't work out too well, thanks to the professional hoodlums which primarily consists of geriatric people working for gangs.

    And that whole nuclear situation in Japan is overhyped and exaggerated, especially by the media and other drama queens.

    Like everything else the media does.
  • Reply 45 of 124
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by DESuserIGN View Post

    Yeah, core meltdowns, reactor breaches, and MOX fuel fires are so overhyped. I bet those guys with the fire hoses struggling to prevent a phreatic explosion in a dark, highly radioactive nuclear plant think it's really over hyped too.

    He already explained he was referring to the west coast USA fears being hyped not the situation in Japan.

    Sometimes snotty, sarcastic, knee jerk responses come back to bite the perpetrator in the ass
  • Reply 46 of 124
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I looked them all up on a Google Map and every one has their manufacturing in the southern part of Japan far away from the affected area. Some with offices in Tokyo high rise buildings. The one exception is Toshiba which has numerous facilities with only one being in the north but on the western coast, far away from the disaster area.

    The article did a lot of speculation about logistics and raw material, but I have close business contacts in Japan, who are in high tech industries and they have said that in the south there are no problems impacting their manufacturing.

    Thanks I was trying to discover this info, it's not easy. So time to buy more AAPL while everyone assumes iPad 2 is doomed
  • Reply 47 of 124
    Originally Posted by ranReloaded View Post

    Now finally everyone will care about Japan!

    What on earth would make you assume that people don't 'care about Japan?'
  • Reply 48 of 124
    desuserigndesuserign Posts: 1,316member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    He already explained he was referring to the west coast USA fears being hyped not the situation in Japan.

    Yes, as I was posting. Just as he already responded to my post (as you were posting.)

    In any case the nuclear situation in Japan could turn far more serious in an instant, given an unfortunate change of events and wind direction.
  • Reply 49 of 124
    s4mb4s4mb4 Posts: 267member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    What on earth would make you assume that people don't 'care about Japan?'

    lol. can anyone here say "Haiti"
  • Reply 50 of 124
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Thanks I was trying to discover this info, it's not easy. So time to buy more AAPL while everyone assumes iPad 2 is doomed

    Many of those investors are such cowardly types.

    I wish that Apple would come out with at least one flop in the near future and that stock prices would take a dive. That would be a good time for me to get some Apple stock.
  • Reply 51 of 124
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    What on earth would make you assume that people don't 'care about Japan?'

    Discussions about sales or investment immediately draw attacks of being cold and uncaring. If one makes a disclaimer saying the comments are not without heart felt sympathy you are told there is no need to apologize and business must go on. It is a difficult road to navigate for sure. My thoughts are it is in Japan's best interest that business continues as I am sure most of us on this blog feel. It doesn't doesn't preclude caring. People should stop being so quick to be snippy when we discuss these issues relating to the economic dangers and opportunities.
  • Reply 52 of 124
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    They do. One Apple employee said that it was disgusting but they were powerless to do anything about it, at least under the current rules that they have. Those rules should be changed, obviously.

    Unfortunately no matter what they do, someone will scream foul. they say no cash (which they can legally do) they get last years stuff again with old ladies on welfare calling consumer protection lawyers and news stations. They say 'you must prove you are a us citizen' and they will get the same warnings about discrimination because the folks that aren't are generally asian (at least in NYC, SF etc). IF they record id numbers, the privacy nuts will sue. And so on.

    Even 'one per person' won't really stop the scalpers cause they will just hire more folks. It's the same money to them.

    The only thing the stores can do and not really get in trouble is monitor the line and if they see someone handing out cash etc they can invoke that that makes all those people the same customer and refuse them service just like they do with anyone else that buys two and tries to hand his credit card to his brother back in line. But that takes staff, security back up etc and still might not work
  • Reply 53 of 124
    desuserigndesuserign Posts: 1,316member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Many of those investors are such cowardly types.

    I wish that Apple would come out with at least one flop in the near future and that stock prices would take a dive. That would be a good time for me to get some Apple stock.

    Honestly, any time in the last 2 years has been a pretty good time to buy AAPL.


    [perhaps this illustrates it even better]


    2 days ago was an excellent opportunity (that I missed for options,) but now is still very good for stock.
  • Reply 54 of 124
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    What on earth would make you assume that people don't 'care about Japan?'

    ranReloaded is from Tokyo so understandably may be a little emotionally sensitive to various topics is thread. I'd give him a pass on this.
  • Reply 55 of 124
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Many of those investors are such cowardly types.

    I wish that Apple would come out with at least one flop in the near future and that stock prices would take a dive. That would be a good time for me to get some Apple stock.

    Apple doesn't need a flop for that to happen. Be it 'death grips' or 'deliberate inventory withholding' or 'parts shortages' stories there are always ample FUD attacks by the opposition and Apple haters to ensure ups and downs whilst ever trending upward. I am in for the long haul mostly but lately have been playing with a few hundred shares of AAPL and selling on the ups and buying on the downs ahead of the changes (mostly guesses on my part based on info i read here at AI to be honest) and so far on those stocks I keep making five or six thousand dollars a go. I'd never dare do this with our major holdings though, those we have had for many years. This short term stuff scares me to death to be honest!
  • Reply 56 of 124
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    What on earth would make you assume that people don't 'care about Japan?'

    Well, for one it looks like the crisis in Japan gets mentioned just because it is causing trouble to the supply of the so-awaited iPad2. Nothing to do with the readers/posters!

    In any case, I am aware that this is just an Apple gizmo-related website, and most people of the world are leading their lives as usual these days. No serious complaint intended!
  • Reply 57 of 124
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by DESuserIGN View Post

    Honestly, any time in the last 2 years has been a pretty good time to buy AAPL.

    Looking at that chart, I'd say that you were right. I don't have any experience in the stock market and I unfortunately don't have as much funds as I would like to be able to buy up a significant amount of Apple shares that would make any difference I think. But in the future, I definitely plan on getting some Apple shares. I was a moron for not doing it 10 years ago, as I have always loved Apple and have always had a high confidence in them.
  • Reply 58 of 124
    desuserigndesuserign Posts: 1,316member
    Originally Posted by ranReloaded View Post

    Well, for one it looks like the crisis in Japan gets mentioned just because it is causing trouble to the supply of the so-awaited iPad2. Nothing to do with the readers/posters!

    In any case, I am aware that this is just an Apple gizmo-related website, and most people of the world are leading their lives as usual these days. No serious complaint intended!

    Although most Americans are not travelers and don't really think internationally, you can be sure that people here are quite concerned and sympathetic. It is even more upsetting to those of us who have traveled to Japan or who have friends there.
  • Reply 59 of 124
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Apple doesn't need a flop for that to happen. Be it 'death grips' or 'deliberate inventory withholding' or 'parts shortages' stories there are always ample FUD attacks by the opposition and Apple haters to ensure ups and downs whilst ever trending upward. I am in for the long haul mostly but lately have been playing with a few hundred shares of AAPL and selling on the ups and buying on the downs ahead of the changes (mostly guesses on my part based on info i read here at AI to be honest) and so far on those stocks I keep making five or six thousand dollars a go. I'd never dare do this with our major holdings though, those we have had for many years. This short term stuff scares me to death to be honest!

    That's interesting info. Hopefully I'll be playing that game soon too.
  • Reply 60 of 124
    desuserigndesuserign Posts: 1,316member
    Originally Posted by DESuserIGN View Post

    Although most Americans are not travelers and don't really think internationally, you can be sure that people here are quite concerned and sympathetic. It is even more upsetting to those of us who have traveled to Japan or who have friends there.

    [BTW, don't take this as investing advice.]

    Doubling an investment is always good, even if you can't invest as much as you would like. People get freaked out by the stock price for no rational reason. Performance not price is the key.

    10 shares of AAPL at 330 is the same as 100 shares of MSFT at 33 (except that it tends to go up!)
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