Mac software chief Bertrand Serlet to depart Apple



  • Reply 21 of 136
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    So he learned English late, big deal.

    I'm sure that my German has an American accent and my Irish is laughable at best, but they get the job done.

    Agreed 'big deal' indeed. It's funny how arrogant English speaking people can be about English not being spoken how they perceive as correct. Just ask a cockney in London what they think of a Geordie from Newcastle Upon Tyne ..

    I have lived in the US for 21 years and still have an English accent (I have no idea how I would change it ... faking a US one would seem ludicrous). Luckily for me my accent is actually liked by most here so I don't suffer the sort of comment you were responding to.
  • Reply 22 of 136
    myapplelovemyapplelove Posts: 1,515member
    I see ios at the moment as being as powerful as os x, but different. Their integration is more an issue for me, itunes is ok as the middleman but it will have to go, and bring about better integration. Let's see what the new mm will herald.
  • Reply 23 of 136
    Originally Posted by Mario View Post

    My point is that Apple can't afford to sit comfortably and have iOS drive desktop OS, when soon enough portable pocket devices will need OS as powerful (or more powerful) as OS X. OS X should be advanced and it should be driving the innovation.

    So your point is that iOS can never become the OS you're describing?

  • Reply 24 of 136
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by Mario View Post

    It must and should be the other way around. Eventually, as hardware gets more and more powerful, people will want more and more from their devices. People will want full blown OS on their tablets and even phones.

    Imagine iPhone sized device with 32 cores, 64 GB of RAM and couple of terabytes of storage (let's say 10 times the power of most powerful Mac Pro today), running multitude of OSes in virtual machines. You put it in your pocket, go to work, and it automatically recognizes your screen and starts sending video signal to it wirelessly. OF course your keyboard sitting on the desk is hooked up automatically too. You fire up your productivity software suite (or XCode 14) and code away . You need to go to a meeting. Just bring your tiny phone. It hooks to the projector automatically and you give a presentation... etc.

    Sounds like science fiction? So did iPhone we now carry in our pockets back in 1990.

    My point is that Apple can't afford to sit comfortably and have iOS drive desktop OS, when soon enough portable pocket devices will need OS as powerful (or more powerful) as OS X. OS X should be advanced and it should be driving the innovation.

    Well to be honest my thoughts were more along the line of an inter departmental management struggle rather than trying to define the percentage change from iOS or OS X as they continue to borrow from each other. There may come a time when the two are headed by one person to ensure smooth cooperation and perhaps that is something to do with this. Just a wild guess but it has happened before at Apple in similar situations. Perhaps Scott Forstall's name will be mentioned as over all leader?
  • Reply 25 of 136
    paulmjohnsonpaulmjohnson Posts: 1,380member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I read your question to mean ... "I wonder why he is 'really' leaving" as I read the obvious PR statement put out. Some people take everything written in blogs so literally and just love to pounce on anything. Makes them feel smart I guess.

    I think it's a shame some people take every company statement as "obvious PR".

    The company I work for had the CFO leave a couple of months ago. He left because he wanted to find a CEO position, and our CEO is going nowhere so there is no chance of him moving up internally. The press attacked us claiming there must be something going on, whereas actually, he wanted to find a CEO position.

    People are now doing the same with this announcement. I hope Serlet is going to pursue a science career.
  • Reply 26 of 136
    Originally Posted by myapplelove View Post

    It's maybe because people feel compelled to embarrass themselves by posting fucking idiocies on what others have to say.

    FYI because I have an academic career, it's understandable to ask how come someone with an established business career is aiming to make an academic leap, given that it's usually quite difficult to move from one domain to the other (esp. from business to academia). But of course this all flies over your head...

    For such a smart person, profanity does not communicate, only irritates.
  • Reply 27 of 136
    pokepoke Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I should have worded that slightly differently, I meant ... perhaps the iOS team gaining a degree of control over OS X's destiny. Kind of like the old Mac versus Lisa team thing.

    I've been wondering if OS X 10.8 will just be a version of iOS 6 or 7.

    The way I see this happening is that Apple will add a "Mac" UI idiom to iOS similar to the Chameleon Project that will allow iOS apps to run in Lion with a Mac UI.

    But using a single universal binary that can be compiled in XCode. So you could make a single universal iPhone/iPad/Mac app.

    Then the Mac and iOS developer programs would be combined and the Mac App Store would start listing Mac-compatible iOS apps.

    Apps like iMovie, GarageBand, Pages, Numbers and Keynote would become 'universal' Mac/iOS apps.

    The only real impediment to this is that iOS is ARM and the Mac is x86. Apple already has universal PPC/x86 app bundles but you probably wouldn't want the x86 binary bundled into a universal x86/ARM app on your iPad because it has limited storage. But maybe this could be fixed dynamically on the App Store so you only download what you need.

    I can see all this happening with Lion and iOS 5 in the summer (if it is what they are doing, I think they'd have to wait until the iOS 5 preview to announce it, since it's an iOS thing more than a OS X thing). It would establish cross-compatibility for iOS apps. Then the next major OS X update would transition to a single codebase with all built-in apps moving to iOS's UIKit (some time ago John Gruber said he was told by an Apple employee that UIKit is the future of the Mac and AppKit would eventually be deprecated). Obviously OS X would have to have legacy support, so it'd still be a separate product, but new apps would be universal. (Apps could still target only the Mac just like you can target only the iPhone or iPad now.)

    This would also mean you could have Macs that can transition from mouse/touchpad input to multitouch. The apps would just switch from the Mac UI idiom to the iPad UI idiom.
  • Reply 28 of 136
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    I think it's a shame some people take every company statement as "obvious PR".

    The company I work for had the CFO leave a couple of months ago. He left because he wanted to find a CEO position, and our CEO is going nowhere so there is no chance of him moving up internally. The press attacked us claiming there must be something going on, whereas actually, he wanted to find a CEO position.

    People are now doing the same with this announcement. I hope Serlet is going to pursue a science career.

    Hey it's all conjecture for sure. Indeed both scenarios could be true ... the PR story and changes within Apple. Being a loyal guy he is never going to publicly say any thing negative or disagree with SJ or Apple I'm sure.
  • Reply 29 of 136
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Let's just hope this is actually the reason and not some massive inducement from RIM, Samsung or Mattel (I keep wondering why they don't have an Android clone too) or something.

    Seriously though, I wonder if this is because of the demise of OS X in the face of iOS?

    iOS is OS X. some of our security appliances detect iOS as OS X 10.5 when someone tries to connect their iwhatever to the corporate network
  • Reply 30 of 136
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Agreed 'big deal' indeed. It's funny how arrogant English speaking people can be about English not being spoken how they perceive as correct. Just ask a cockney in London what they think of a Geordie from Newcastle Upon Tyne ..

    I have lived in the US for 21 years and still have an English accent (I have no idea how I would change it ... faking a US one would seem ludicrous). Luckily for me my accent is actually liked by most here so I don't suffer the sort of comment you were responding to.

    Sheena Easton, remember her? Moved to the US and within months was speaking like a good ol' boy, sort of...a good ol' boy from LA, if there's such a thing.

    Some people travel well, some don't...heard Madonna lately?
  • Reply 31 of 136
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by poke View Post

    I've been wondering if OS X 10.8 will just be a version of iOS 6 or 7.

    The way I see this happening is that Apple will add a "Mac" UI idiom to iOS similar to the Chameleon Project that will allow iOS apps to run in Lion with a Mac UI.

    But using a single universal binary that can be compiled in XCode. So you could make a single universal iPhone/iPad/Mac app.

    Then the Mac and iOS developer programs would be combined and the Mac App Store would start listing Mac-compatible iOS apps.

    Apps like iMovie, GarageBand, Pages, Numbers and Keynote would become 'universal' Mac/iOS apps.

    The only real impediment to this is that iOS is ARM and the Mac is x86. Apple already has universal PPC/x86 app bundles but you probably wouldn't want the x86 binary bundled into a universal x86/ARM app on your iPad because it has limited storage. But maybe this could be fixed dynamically on the App Store so you only download what you need.

    I can see all this happening with Lion and iOS 5 in the summer (if it is what they are doing, I think they'd have to wait until the iOS 5 preview to announce it, since it's an iOS thing more than a OS X thing). It would establish cross-compatibility for iOS apps. Then the next major OS X update would transition to a single codebase with all built-in apps moving to iOS's UIKit (some time ago John Gruber said he was told by an Apple employee that UIKit is the future of the Mac and AppKit would eventually be deprecated). Obviously OS X would have to have legacy support, so it'd still be a separate product, but new apps would be universal. (Apps could still target only the Mac just like you can target only the iPhone or iPad now.)

    This would also mean you could have Macs that can transition from mouse/touchpad input to multitouch. The apps would just switch from the Mac UI idiom to the iPad UI idiom.

    There is no disputing OS X and iOS continue to borrow from each other and all to the benefit of both. Your points, if true, would lend credence to a new single head of the two departments and give some support to my theory on Scott becoming head and Bertrand gracefully moving on.

    BTW I'd LOVE to see a fully fledged iOS emulator or even seamless integration on a Mac so I can run some of the apps I have. I realize some would not make sense but many could be controlled by a magic mouse and keyboard. The ability to continue entering data for example would be nice if you were sitting at a Mac when you wanted to do this, indeed the ability to cut and paste between the two would be also.
  • Reply 32 of 136
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Certainly hope this isn't the case, particularly when Apple would collapse without its computers.

    Also, please no "Frenchman immediately surrendering" jokes. Serlet's not the type to give up or Jobs wouldn't have hired him.

    It had not even crossed my mind until you mentioned it

    Going to miss his pronunciation of "Léepar'"
  • Reply 33 of 136
    Originally Posted by myapplelove View Post

    It's maybe because people feel compelled to embarrass themselves by posting fucking idiocies on what others have to say.

    FYI because I have an academic career, it's understandable to ask how come someone with an established business career is aiming to make an academic leap, given that it's usually quite difficult to move from one domain to the other (esp. from business to academia). But of course this all flies over your head...

    He's leaving because people feel compelled to embarrass themselves by posting fucking idiocies on what others have to say? Well, why didn't you say so!

    For a scholar, you're pretty derned presumptuous, if I may say so. I'm working on my master's-degree right now, bossman, and I'll certainly continue pursuing academia further. A real academic wouldn't use that sort of claptrap to argue a point: they'd do it by demonstration, setting an example. I mention my "credentials" if only to stop the shit-slinging now and lend warranted criticisms to your arguments (such as they are).

    Funny you should mention the difficulties of transitioning from one field to another... This gentleman was only *part* businessman; he was (is?) an engineer at heart. That should have been evinced by his title, but well, what do I know?

    Similarly, if this woman (link) can accomplish what she's accomplished after an *eight year hiatus*, I'm certain our man here, hardly rusty from his contributions to the development of "the most advanced operating system in the world," will do fine.

    And I hardly think my taking a *direct* quote literally is evidence of an inherent faith in blogs, heh. I personally find it admirable.

    I look forward to seeing what he contributes outside of "products." Very exciting for him.
  • Reply 34 of 136
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by JackTheRat View Post

    Sheena Easton, remember her? Moved to the US and within months was speaking like a good ol' boy, sort of...a good ol' boy from LA, if there's such a thing.

    Some people travel well, some don't...heard Madonna lately?

    In my experience (and I have lived in many parts of the UK and America not to mention places that don't speak English at all) the folks that change that quickly do so deliberately. I can do any accent from where I have lived, I simply don't feel the need to fake it. I knew a PhD in engineering that left Newcastle, UK with a broad geordy accent and after a few months returned from the US with a strong Texan accent. The mistake was he was working in California! (no comments on which is worse ok?)

    p.s. just curious ... is "Some people travel well, some don't...heard Madonna lately?" meant to mean those that change over night do or don't?
  • Reply 35 of 136
    mariomario Posts: 348member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    So your point is that iOS can never become the OS you're describing?


    My point is that OS X is a lot closer to the future I'm describing than stripped down, locked version of OS X that we know as iOS.
  • Reply 36 of 136
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by myapplelove View Post

    sad news...why is he leaving?

    There are not a lot of details but it sounds like he wants to shift to non company specific products. Like maybe a new open video codec/format for downloadable blu-ray quality files. Or other 'open' software for all to utilize.

    He's had a good run and like Steve has probably been grooming his replacement for years. So I'm not particularly worried.
  • Reply 37 of 136
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by sacrilegend View Post

    He's leaving because people feel compelled to embarrass themselves by posting fucking idiocies on what others have to say? Well, why didn't you say so!

    For a scholar, you're pretty derned presumptuous, if I may say so. I'm working on my master's-degree right now, bossman, and I'll certainly continue pursuing academia further. A real academic wouldn't use that sort of claptrap to argue a point: they'd do it by demonstration, setting an example. I mention my "credentials" if only to stop the shit-slinging now and lend warranted criticisms to your arguments (such as they are).

    Funny you should mention the difficulties of transitioning from one field to another... This gentleman was only *part* businessman; he was (is?) an engineer at heart. That should have been evinced by his title, but well, what do I know?

    Similarly, if this woman (link) can accomplish what she's accomplished after an *eight year hiatus*, I'm certain our man here, hardly rusty from his contributions to the development of "the most advanced operating system in the world," will do fine.

    And I hardly think my taking a *direct* quote literally is evidence of an inherent faith in blogs, heh. I personally find it admirable.

    I look forward to seeing what he contributes outside of "products." Very exciting for him.

    Being a guy (I assume by your original post on this thread) I can't exactly quote "I think the lady doth protest too much" but it's close . Come on your leapt straight in with an insult in a totally over the top manner. I for one didn't read the post the way you did, c'est la vie, but no need to be obnoxious then and overly explanatory and hyper defensive now. Let it go and move on
  • Reply 38 of 136
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by Mario View Post

    My point is that OS X is a lot closer to the future I'm describing than stripped down, locked version of OS X that we know as iOS.

    Ah ... but the best of iOS added to OS X while retaining a user controlled file system structure is pretty awesome to consider!
  • Reply 39 of 136
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    There are not a lot of details but it sounds like he wants to shift to non company specific products. Like maybe a new open video codec/format for downloadable blu-ray quality files. Or other 'open' software for all to utilize.

    He's had a good run and like Steve has probably been grooming his replacement for years. So I'm not particularly worried.

    I've got a dollar on Scott. Any takers?
  • Reply 40 of 136
    cgc0202cgc0202 Posts: 624member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    iOS is what's driving Apple and handing them record quarters. It's also an example for the rest of the industry. Essentially, Apple with iOS sets the bar.

    What I see is not so much a demise of the OSX but a more natural integration with iOS. The focus of the iOS was initially to address efficient power consumption and that required efficiency in a mobile OS, thus the rework on the OSX.

    The iOS is becoming more powerful while the OSX is getting more features of the iOS. It now even has its equivalent of the App Store.

    When I saw the first iPad, I posted that I hope eventually they will make a unibody standalone computer that has the design form of the iPad rather than the clamshell notebook. The clamshell design form is not as portable as the iPad design form.

    Let's not forget that even the original iPad has more CPU and diskstorage that the the standalone Macs many years ago, and even the early models of the iMac. The disk storage of my second generation iMac was 2Gb. My 1994 top of the line Mac computer cost $5000, if I remember correctly, its CPU was 200MHz and the disk storage is not in the Gb.

    My G3 MacBook has 800MHz and 20Gb disk storage. The base iPad2 has almost comparable specifications and yet even faster, and better screen resolution than the G3 MacBook.

    The other concern that I have of the iPad though is that the exposed glass screen is still glass and need some form of protection that would not destroy its elegant design. The new iPad cover is a step in the right direction.
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