IDC predicts Windows Phone will top Apple's iOS in market share by 2015



  • Reply 21 of 149
    This is all a laugh..... typical Microsoft FUD.

    Gee if Apple ends up with "only" 16% of the total smartphone market that would be huge seeing how fast smartphone handsets are going to grow.

    My guess would be closer to 25%, but time will tell.... 2015 is way beyond anybody's prediction power. So much can happen in that time frame that can't be seen.....
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  • Reply 22 of 149
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member
    In other news the end of the world will come in 2012 so none of this matters....
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  • Reply 23 of 149
    I don't pay a lot of attention to IDC's forecasts.

    In mid 2010 IDC gave an authoritative forecast of 7.6M tablets sold worldwide for 2010.

    They completely missed that. Why should they be any more accurate on the Windows phone (or anything else for that matter?)
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  • Reply 24 of 149
    res08haores08hao Posts: 114member
    Yes, and they will be the most miserable people alive.

    Microsoft should just pay people to own win 7. They already buy everything else.

    And this anal-ist was probably paid, Samsung like-to say it.
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  • Reply 25 of 149
    jmmxjmmx Posts: 341member
    Opinons are like a*** - everyone's got one.
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  • Reply 26 of 149
    I actually lol'ed
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  • Reply 27 of 149
    nabzifnabzif Posts: 16member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    I don't care how awesome the software is if it is coupled with overpriced/outdated/non-upgradable hardware that ruins the entire experience.

    There fixed that for you.

    This is about the Mac, right?

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  • Reply 28 of 149
    jmmxjmmx Posts: 341member
    If only they had to place a wager on their prediction. By 2015 everyone will have forgotten this prediction.
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  • Reply 29 of 149
    Originally Posted by mebbert View Post

    All I can think is "wow"! Either this guy knows something, or M$ paid him some money. There is no basis for such a claim.

    He's paid off. Think about it:

    1) The forecast is based on nothing but speculation. There's nothing measurable, right now, that can be extrapolated to his conclusions.

    2) MS needs to convince developers to create apps for their platform. They're paying them to do so, in fact. So - why not pay analysts, too? They need 'authorities' to tell the world Windows is the Next Big Thing on smartphones.

    Yeah, Windows is the next iPhone killer. Just like Zune killed the iPod.
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  • Reply 30 of 149
    jonrojonro Posts: 67member
    Oh, IDC, you really had me going there, but then I realized that you released your April 1st release three days early.
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  • Reply 31 of 149
    straskstrask Posts: 107member
    At what point will "smartphones" start to be simply "phones?"
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  • Reply 32 of 149
    I'm not so sure Windows Phone will become that big. It has been replaced in business, mostly by RIM, but a chunk are also on iOS. It also has only a handful of applications.

    Another thing is that Nokia make cheaper products compared to the competition, have you seen the system requirements for Windows Phone 7?

    WP7 needs (nothing is optional) a 1GHz CPU, 256MB of RAM at minimum, 8GB of built in memory at minimum, a DX9 capable GPU, a capacitive multi-touch screen, a five megapixel camera, GPS, Light sensor, accelerometer, compass, six hardware buttons and, for some strange reason, an FM Radio tuner.

    A phone from Nokia that just meets those minimum requirements would still be several hundred to buy and would alienate their large user-base who are expecting something cheap and cheerful - it also would perform rather poorly and would give people more reason not to buy it. Given how undesirable Windows Phone is right now, I don't see Microsoft and Nokia coming out of this with a smile. I'll go fetch them some ibuprofen.

    If it, somehow, works in their favour, I will eat my car.
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  • Reply 33 of 149
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    This prediction isn’t as crazy as people think, though I doubt Symbian will be that low. The IDC basically exchanged Symbian for WP7 on Nokia devices while still siphoning off a good deal of the Nokia’s sales to other vendor’s OSes.

    I think it’s far too early to tell what 2015 will be like, but this isn’t even close to being improbable. WP7 is a good modern mobile OS. It’s still missing some key features, but these are features that iPhone OS and Android didn’t have when they first emerged and slated features that Android still doesn’t have ready. Because of this I don’t think we will be able to tell what WP7 can do for Nokia or the competition until we get some more evidence, which should be available this year.
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  • Reply 33 of 149
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    I think I should get a job as an analyst, cause clearly you can getnpaid to say just about anything. First off, Symbian will still be on feature phones, so I doubt it will be .02 percent . Second of all we still have not seen a single good windows phone or developer excitement. Third off it will be android, iOS, blackberry, windows phone ( if it is still around) in that order.

    Remember there will never be windows phone tablets so the os market overall ( not just smartphone) will be tilted towards iOS a little more then windows.
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  • Reply 35 of 149
    The "anal yst" behind this report is working on two "ass umptions"

    1. Apple's strategy will remain unchanged

    2. Nokia will effectively migrate 100% of its current user base to it's future platform
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  • Reply 36 of 149
    tjwaltjwal Posts: 404member
    What I found interesting is that the Windows+Symbian share actually drops from 26.4% to 21.1%. The forecast for RIM might be a bit optimistic but other than that no other surprise.
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  • Reply 37 of 149
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    This prediction isn’t as crazy as people think, though I doubt Symbian will be that low. The IDC basically exchanged Symbian for WP7 on Nokia devices while still siphoning off a good deal of the Nokia’s sales to other vendor’s OSes.

    I think it’s far too early to tell what 2015 will be like, but this isn’t even close to being improbable. WP7 is a good modern mobile OS. It’s still missing some key features, but these are features that iPhone OS and Android didn’t have when they first emerged and slated features that Android still doesn’t have ready. Because of this I don’t think we will be able to tell what WP7 can do for Nokia or the competition until we get some more evidence, which should be available this year.

    Yea but not all symbians will migrate to windows phone 7. Those who use Symbian now are likely not in it for cutting edge software. Which means they are just as likely to hop on low end android as they are on wp7. Plus apple indicated they are gonna compete on low end as well.

    I'd give windows phone 15 percent tops, and that is if they do something amazing or pay people to buy their phones.
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  • Reply 38 of 149
    cowhidecowhide Posts: 49member
    In the same time that the iPhone released till now, another gadget could take the place of all smart phones and cells. 3 years isnt that long in this world.
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  • Reply 39 of 149
    dimmokdimmok Posts: 359member
    Ha ha!!!!!
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  • Reply 40 of 149
    srathisrathi Posts: 29member
    Apple is doomed!
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