IDC predicts Windows Phone will top Apple's iOS in market share by 2015



  • Reply 101 of 149
    fuwafuwafuwafuwa Posts: 163member
  • Reply 102 of 149
    macnycmacnyc Posts: 342member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I didn?t mean to come off pretentious. If the original comment was about actual lines then I don?t see how it would make sense to later refer to figurative line when the correlation was about literal lines, hence my comment.

    First of all that response couldn't be anything but pretentious and not even pertinent.

    You're reversing what I said. In the initial comment he was talking about figurative lines, in the sense that Apple was selling huge numbers. The reply was that there are more PCs sold than Macs. Which means nothing. He was taking "lines" as literal, confirmed by his "sprint" versus "marathon comment.

    Asking what his point was clearly was a legitimate question given that you can't seem to figure it out either.
  • Reply 103 of 149
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    ROFLOL, ROFLOL, ROFLOL - ah, the anal-ists... clueless. How in the world could anyone with any common sense at all make such a ridiculous assumption about MSFT? No one wants it. No one cares. Nokia is in serious trouble based on this spectacularly dumb move.
  • Reply 104 of 149
    Originally Posted by Paul94544 View Post

    It might be a good idea to explain why otherwise you have very little credibility. You must give valid reasons.

    I'd like to see the original article follow your rule.
  • Reply 105 of 149
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    This prediction isn?t as crazy as people think, though I doubt Symbian will be that low. The IDC basically exchanged Symbian for WP7 on Nokia devices while still siphoning off a good deal of the Nokia?s sales to other vendor?s OSes.

    I think it?s far too early to tell what 2015 will be like, but this isn?t even close to being improbable. WP7 is a good modern mobile OS. It?s still missing some key features, but these are features that iPhone OS and Android didn?t have when they first emerged and slated features that Android still doesn?t have ready. Because of this I don?t think we will be able to tell what WP7 can do for Nokia or the competition until we get some more evidence, which should be available this year.

    What nonsense - you are missing one very important point. PEOPLE DON'T WANT MSFT ON THEIR PHONES! Consumers have already made this quite clear. They are tired of all the crap from MSFT that they have put up with over the years and there is absolutely NO compelling reason to do so when they have much better choices available to them in iOS and Android.MSFT is an old stoggy and extremely flawed company. Big fail in smart phones. (Oxymoron - windows smart phones).
  • Reply 106 of 149
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by Rabbit_Coach View Post

    RGOSA predicts, in 2017 Microsoft will be the leading producer of Hamburgers overtaking McDonalds.

    Ballmer keeps trying to get the Microsoft board of directors to go in that direction, but they have resisted him so far.
  • Reply 107 of 149
    AT LAST! Someone else agrees with him that Windows on mobile devices will turn Apple into toast!

    (DISCLOSURE: Ballmer is the megalomaniac who forecast Zune would bury iPod... you have been warned!)

    I've decided to become an analyst. My forecast is IDC will become the top script writer for Comedy Central by 2015
  • Reply 108 of 149
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    What nonsense - you are missing one very important point. PEOPLE DON'T WANT MSFT ON THEIR PHONES! Consumers have already made this quite clear. They are tired of all the crap from MSFT that they have put up with over the years and there is absolutely NO compelling reason to do so when they have much better choices available to them in iOS and Android.MSFT is an old stoggy and extremely flawed company. Big fail in smart phones. (Oxymoron - windows smart phones).

    I?ve had the pleasure of using iOS, Android and WP7. If I couldn?t have an iPhone I?d get an WP7-based device. It?s good and the flaws it does have are apparently being addressed right now with the promised OTA updates. We?ll have to see how much they?ve addressed them and what?s still missing ? those reports should be filtering in this week and next ? but it?s not a bad start for a new, modern OS. Certainly better than Android did out of the gate.

    You also need to look at WM6 since the iPhone came on the scene. You don?t hear much of anything about WM devices yet it wasn?t until the second half of 2010 that they finally went below 10% marketshare. That?s 1 in 10 devices stopped being bases on Windows old and crusty mobile OS even with all the competition and knowledge that they were focusing on WP7 as their successor. They didn?t have a huge marketshare in 2007 as it was.

    So tell me why, if they still had a 10%+ marketshare with WM^ when the iPhone 4 as released can they not increase their marketshare with a new OS that does something we?ve never seen MS do (actually think of the box) and a partnership with Nokia who does know how to make mobile HW. Counting out MS simply because you don?t like them is not objective.
  • Reply 109 of 149
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by stevetim View Post

    Ha Ha ... I like that.

    LOL, me too. You feed me the straight lines and I will knock it out of the funny park.
  • Reply 110 of 149
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    This must be a joke!

    I will give you one main reason.. No one is buying Windows phones now.

    MS can license their Windows Phone OS to as many as they want. Their market share will go no where if no one is buying them. Right now, no one is buying WP7 phones.

    That is not completely true. We have 3 clients so far having WP7 devices (not exclusively, though) and here in NZ, Vodafone is offering only one WP7 model - the most basic HTC 7 Trophy; in addition, I haven't even seen a single WP7 commercial on NZ TV.

    No personal users that I know so far, but it makes sense considering what I said before (lack of choice and marketing).

    I think you are underestimating power of MS in the business/corporate fields. MS has all it takes to make same sort of integration for business users that Apple did for home users. Exchange, Office, Sharepoint, CRM. All hard to replace business tools. And WP7 can be (or will be able to) untegrated with all of them natively. Exchange already has bunch of WP7 features (like remote wipe) built in it's current form.

    I don't have much fear for WP7 business existence, but comes to personal users... not so bright. Nokia might do wonders here. It is amazing how inert people are (in general) - I still know huge number of people who still think Nokia is the best thing that ever happened to mobile industry and refuse to purchase anything else. They are all candidates to grab Nokia WP7, regardless if it is competitive to iPhone or Androids available for the same or less money. Many people will be buying Nokia WP7 not because it has WP7, but because it is Nokia.
  • Reply 111 of 149
    Originally Posted by guch20 View Post

    They need a Sprint iPhone for us idiots who are stuck with Sprint because we like the Unlimited plan. I don't want an Android phone (I have enough risk of viruses with my PC), and Windows Phone 7 is boring and dated already and has very few apps.

    But I'm due to upgrade in July. If Apple doesn't do something quick, I'll be stuck adding either to Google's or Microsoft's numbers.

    Buy it & jailbreak it - easy.
  • Reply 112 of 149
    I think WP7 is already a number two.
  • Reply 113 of 149
    dickprinterdickprinter Posts: 1,060member
    Originally Posted by jmmx View Post

    Opinons are like a*** - everyone's got one.

    ...and they all stink.
  • Reply 114 of 149
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by Dmora_123 View Post

    I think WP7 is already a number two.

    True. They dropped a deuce.
  • Reply 115 of 149
    stenarstenar Posts: 22member
    How much did Microsoft pay IDC to say that?
  • Reply 116 of 149
    Originally Posted by Curmudgeon View Post

    Personally, I think that 2007 stuff is nonsense. Windows Phone 7 is a modern OS. It's interface is superior to iOS in many ways. People seem to be freaking out about the lack of cut-and-paste and multitasking. Two things I'd personally like to disable on my iOS devices. I'm constantly selecting content without meaning to. I go to swipe the page down and end up with a huge swatch of blue selected data. Annoying. And it irks me to no end that when I close an app it doesn't actually close the app. That I have to manually visit the task manager just to close a freaking app. Very poor design. Every app should be rewritten to have a big "close" button that can be used to actually close the application. And why does Apple waste so much of the screen with their task manager? Why just a ribbon of icons at the bottom 10% of the screen? HP's webOS at least as a nice looking task manager (card interface). It looks like Windows Phone is going to steal it. Both beat the hell out of Apple's implementation.

    I guess I'm still stunned by people that live by extremes. Something is either great or crap. There's no in between.

    When you make a statement that "it is superior" can you follow up with an example.

    If not, you are simply lying, if you did have the courage to list them, you would have it picked to the bones by us Apple lovers. Either way you lose. Best not to post.

    Yes you ranted on the so called disadvantages on iOS, but these mainly reflect the poor way you are using the handset.

    By stating the negatives are you referring that wp7, or what ever the fuck its called, has none of these ?
  • Reply 117 of 149
    dickprinterdickprinter Posts: 1,060member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Counting out MS simply because you don?t like them is not objective.

    Since when is anyone on this forum (save a few, and especially you) being objective?

    You have no idea (or maybe you do) how postured these guys get when you're not here to mediate and temper the thread.
  • Reply 118 of 149
    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    Those numbers aren't really that illogical. Third party operating systems like Android and WP7 require manufacturer support to be successful. The more phone manufacturers they can get to commit to the OS, the better. They live and die by manufacturer support. Microsoft made a big score with Nokia, and it's not that unrealistic that WP7 could take Symbians place in the market. Most people weren't buying Nokia phones for the OS, they were buying it for the hardware and/or price. If Nokia owners wanted an iPhone or Android device, they've probably already jumped ship. The reasons for buying a Nokia phone won't change, but Nokia phones will come with WP7, so WP7 market share should rise as a result.

    This guess is perfectly logical, but that doesn't mean it's right. There are other potential factors, like Apple expanding its lineup beyond one phone and a resurgence of WebOS under HP, but it is a reasonable guess.

    I don't know why you guys want WP7 to fail so badly anyway. A successful WP7 platform divides manufacturers between Android and WP7 limiting the market potential of both operating systems, ensuring a competitive OS market and good app support for all operating systems, including iOS. When presented with the option of Android at 65% or Android at 45% and WP7 at 20%, I'd take the latter without question. Although market share is an over used metric in the first place since not everyone is playing the same game (Apple and RIM sell phones, Microsoft sells an OS and Google sells ads and distributes a free OS).

    Because i hate microshit with every fibre of my body. I despise them and cannot wait to see them go bankrupt. I cannot wait to have that ugly disgusting smirk wiped from ballmer's ugly fat mug.

    They have made fun of Apple, cheated and back stabbed them, plus have to put up with all the shit from windoze loving fannies.

    Having to use their garbage over the years, the pain and punishment.

    When they are wiped into the dust, I will walk past and spit on it. Now do you understand.
  • Reply 119 of 149
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by MikieV View Post

    ^ This!

    How can Nokia follow its past practice of cranking-out a plethora of models, when any of them with WP7 will -have- to look just like a clone of any other WP7 phone currently on the market?

    The only way they can differentiate is by either bringing-out a minimum-spec WP7 phone at a great price, or going up-scale in features and hope their engineering reputation can attract people willing to pay more for a quality product.

    We don't really know if Nokia will do generic WP7. There were some rumors that Nokia will have more freedom in implementing WP7 - or that, actually, MS people will work together with Nokia developing WP7 phones. It is my understanding that MS will

    Being the first major brand to exclusively adopt WP7, I can see Microsoft giving them some VIP treatment.
  • Reply 120 of 149
    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    What nonsense - you are missing one very important point. PEOPLE DON'T WANT MSFT ON THEIR PHONES! Consumers have already made this quite clear. They are tired of all the crap from MSFT that they have put up with over the years and there is absolutely NO compelling reason to do so when they have much better choices available to them in iOS and Android.MSFT is an old stoggy and extremely flawed company. Big fail in smart phones. (Oxymoron - windows smart phones).

    Well said. People are leaving windoze in droves, this is reflected in very strong Mac sales year after year, while windoze (aka pc) sales are minimal at best.

    People have we forgotten why we we left the wonderful windoze world and switched to Apple ?

    Most people are not stupid, they learn and now understand that time is money too.

    This is reflected on windows 7 series mobile phone (now shortened considerably to wp7 lol !), rather poor sales to date. Where is the evidence that this will change in the foreseeable future ?

    Nokia/microshit partnership will relegate Nokia as simply the manufacturer of handsets, if Nokia thinks they have a say in this, they will be soon disappointed. So Nokia becomes another dell, and we know where that led to.

    Ballmer has wet dreams that all of Nokia's customers will flock to wp7, no chance. Most will go android, rim or iOS.
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