Time to talk NFL...

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
okay, i know there's gotta be a few football fans around here besides me. i'll throw out a few comments to get the ball rolling...

Using Intant Replay to spot the ball has got to be the dumbest thing ever. Instant Replay should be used only for situations that can be answered by a "yes" or a "no," like "did the ball cross the end zone line" or "was he in bounds". in a game of inches, i have seen dozens of times when coaches and the "guys upstairs" challenge calls for spotting the ball, and then adjust it. but how the hell are you supposed to figure out if it's supposed to be an inch further ahead, or back? abuse of the system, if you ask me...

ever commentator is saying that the AFC situation is a mess of mediocrity. allow me to wise up those numbskulls -- the AFC has better teams than the NFC. look aroufn the NFC, and there are a lot of VERY BAD TEAMS. that's why there are only a few with winning records. you play your own division and conference most of the season. hell, my grandma could've won the NFC north this year. the AFC, by contrast, face good teams every damn week. they play better and harder, and i think will be in better shape to win the super bowl this year.

michael vick is not the second coming. get over it. aside from steve young, no running quarterback has ever... EVER... won the big dance. and steve had a TON of great players around him. elway won, but he was not a runner in his last two years (hell, he retired because he couldn't even walk 18 holes of golf anymore). randall cunningham couldn't do it. steve mcnair couldn't do it. donovan mcnabb might do it... but history says otherwise (remember what i said about the AFC? remember who handled the eagles the easiest this year -- that's right, the colts.)

anyway, i'll post more when i think of it.


  • Reply 1 of 104
    gooooo eagles... <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
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  • Reply 2 of 104
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    You mean, "Goe Iggles!"

    As for AFc mediocrity, I think it's parity, but not mediocrity. Those teams stuck in that playoff mess are all pretty good, they just all kind of balance out with what strengths and weaknesses they have.

    Problemw with Vick's situation (like what people were thinking about McNabb except for the management in Philly) is that they risk becoming one-dimensional, assuming that one player will make all the difference when he really does need a lot of help around him, even if he is amazing. This isn't basketball after all (the only sport where one player really can and does carry an entire team.)

    And how many times have we watched some scrambling QB described as being the new prototype? Cunningham, Young, Cullpepper, McNabb, etc., etc. It's nothing new in itself, so they should stop pretending it is.
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  • Reply 3 of 104
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    We'lll see tonight about that AFC vs NFC bizzz

    We'll see if the scary-quick-D of Tampa is any match for the scary-mean-D of Pittsburgh . . . . .

    GOOO Steelers!!!!
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  • Reply 4 of 104
    AFC situation is f*cked up, that's fo sho.

    Browns still got a chance of getting in if they finish 9-7. To think, playin like crap the whole year......

    Northcutt got snubbed for Pro Bowl.
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  • Reply 5 of 104
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    1) You have to be shitting me. Is "did the ball cross the plane" not a Yes/No question? 2 minute warning...last ditch effort...4th down and inches...challenging the spot of the ball is everything if the 4th down attempt is close.

    2) The Niners beat Oakland and KC. They should have beat SD.

    The Packers beat the Pats, Miami, Buffalo, and they'll beat the Jets next week.

    The Bucs beat every AFC team they played and they'll probably beat Pittsburgh tonight.

    The top NFC teams are definitely not weak.

    3) Michael Vick is how old? You're talking a lot of smack about a guy who has been absolutely amazing this year. He's played 22 games in his career. Sheesh. One of the most unforgettable images of Elways first Super Bowl win was him running for a first down, then getting flipped sideways and doing a horizontal back-flip after being sandwiched by two linebackers.

    McNabb will win more than one Super Bowl. McNair came within 1 damn foot of a Super Bowl win. heck, even Favre ran a bit vs the Pats in '97.

    [ 12-23-2002: Message edited by: Eugene ]</p>
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  • Reply 6 of 104
    [quote]Originally posted by Eugene:


    2) The Niners beat Oakland and KC. They should have beat SD.


    OT: that new kicker isn't exactly inspiring my confidence either. Of course, shanking a couple from 40 yards out isn't as bad as missing from 20 yards but is this really progress? <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
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  • Reply 7 of 104
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    [quote]Originally posted by spaceman_spiff:


    OT: that new kicker isn't exactly inspiring my confidence either. Of course, shanking a couple from 40 yards out isn't as bad as missing from 20 yards but is this really progress? <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Chandler has been tons better than Cortez...What are you talking about? Sure he's not a Gramatica, but he did hit a 47 yarder against Green Bay in Candlestick in a torrential downpour. He hit a 44 yarder on the next drive. I missed the game against the Cardinals, but Chandler has been much more consistent than Cortez. Chandler doesn't make your heart stop on EVERY attempt.
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  • Reply 8 of 104
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    [quote]Originally posted by Eugene:

    <strong>1) You have to be shitting me. Is "did the ball cross the plane" not a Yes/No question? 2 minute warning...last ditch effort...4th down and inches...challenging the spot of the ball is everything if the 4th down attempt is close.

    [ 12-23-2002: Message edited by: Eugene ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    um, i think i said pretty clearly that is a situation where instant replay IS a good idea. and the spot of the ball is aided by the fact that on any given game, there are about 5 million cameras trained on the goal line, and you have that nice, high contrast line to assist in the review... it makes total sense. which is what i said... any question that can be answered by "yes" or "no" is an allowable replay... so "did it cross the goal line" is an allowable replay.

    but you are out yo' friggin' mind if you think it makes sense to re-spot a ball, even if it is fourth-and-inches, on, say, the 32-yard line with a camera 15 yards in front of or behind the action. i can see the ref now "upon further review, we should move the ball forward 2.2 inches." yeah, right.

    the NFC is littered with bad teams... redskins, cowboys, lions, vikings, bears, panthers, cardinals... and you could make a case for others, too. the niners are a good team, if only for terrell owens. the eagles are scary... an being the biggest bucs fan on earth, i pray we don't meet 'em in the playoffs, or that's it...

    i could make the case that the NFC teams are beating the AFC teams you mentioned because they're less banged up, because the rest of their schedule is so damn easy, but that's be too easy...

    re: elway... great, one play, his second to last season. i didn't say that he couldn't run at all, dammit. but he was, by no definition of the term, a "running quarterback" at that stage of his career. he WAS a running quarterback the first few times he took the broncos to the super bowl to have them be obliterated each time. and i was (and still am) one hell of an elway fan.

    i love my bucs, but i don't think they'll beat the steelers tonight. even if they do, they have the cold weather jinx going against them vs. chicago next week. do the eagles play earlier in the day? because if they wrap up home field with a win, the bucs will mail it in to get healthy before the playoffs.

    i think mcnabb is the strongest candidate to be a "running quarterback" to win the big game since steve young. but, as one poster said, michael vick is getting the EXACT same press that daunte, steve mcnair, randall, etc., etc. all got. he'll learn to balance his game, but i laughed my ass off when the bucs got him firgured out every game this season.
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  • Reply 9 of 104
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    [quote]Originally posted by Eugene:


    Chandler has been tons better than Cortez...What are you talking about? Sure he's not a Gramatica, but he did hit a 47 yarder against Green Bay in Candlestick in a torrential downpour. He hit a 44 yarder on the next drive. I missed the game against the Cardinals, but Chandler has been much more consistent than Cortez. Chandler doesn't make your heart stop on EVERY attempt.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    people have been so love/hate with kickers these days. cortez was making game saving kicks early in the season, and now it's just in his head (which, for a kicker, is deadly). i hated coach tice of the vikings when he decided to pin all the blame of his first few loses on the kicker and got back gary anderson out of retirement. i'm not saying that was a bad move, but tice seemed to ignore the fact that his defense should've been able to stop somebody... ANYbody... to keep them out of that position each week. then the rest of the season happened, and they got their asses handed to them.

    gramatica is a spaz, but i can tolerate him as long as he keeps winning games for the bucs (hell, he was the ONLY one winning games for them two years ago -- well, and the defense, too, but you can't win a 0-0 game after all...).

    [ 12-23-2002: Message edited by: rok ]</p>
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  • Reply 10 of 104
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by Artman @_@:

    <strong>gooooo eagles... <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

    As a lifetime New York Giants fan, there is no team I hate more than the Eagles. I've never forgotten the Joe Pisarchek fumble recovered by Herman Edwards who ran it in for a TD and won the game for the Eagles. We still need to get even for that boneheaded play...

    You guys have made mincemeat out of us the past few games. Hopefully, the G-Men will kick Eagle ass this coming Saturday.
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  • Reply 11 of 104
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by rok:


    michael vick is not the second coming. get over it. aside from steve young, no running quarterback has ever... EVER... won the big dance.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I bet he's the first running QB to win the big dance.
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  • Reply 12 of 104
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Well, Shaun King is playing right now, so the Bucs have no chance. I thought Johnson was healthy...
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  • Reply 13 of 104
    [quote]Originally posted by Eugene:


    Chandler has been tons better than Cortez...What are you talking about?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You get to see more of the Niners the games than I do out here on the east coast (that is, unless I start spending more time at the sports bars) so I'll defer to you. Saturday's game with the Cardinals was the first one I saw all the way through since Cortez got cut. That's probably not enough for me to make a fair judgement about Chandler. It's just that it's getting close to the playoffs and a missed field goal could be huge.
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  • Reply 14 of 104
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    well, so much for my bucs. damn, they are stinking up the stadium tonight. major f*ck-ups in every phase, and shaun king couldn't hit the broad side of a barn for two and a half quarters.

    and pittsburgh has shown tampa bay's biggest weakness -- they can't keep up with big recievers. which means san fran should eat them alive in the playoffs (jeff garcia will probably have 712 yards passing that day).

    damn, damn, damn. maybe jon gruden can get warrick dunn BACK next year. sheesh...
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  • Reply 15 of 104
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    Hee Hee


    --sure helped to have King play so badly but we woulda won anyway.
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  • Reply 16 of 104
    Shaun King was tha sh*t at Tulane dogg.
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  • Reply 17 of 104
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    <strong>Shaun King was tha sh*t at Tulane dogg.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    yeah, you don't have to tell me that... i graduated from Tulane... he was a freshman when i was a senior, and he led them to an undefeated season his senior year. pity that doesn't mean much in the pro's. <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
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  • Reply 18 of 104
    [quote]Originally posted by sc_markt:


    As a lifetime New York Giants fan, there is no team I hate more than the Eagles. I've never forgotten the Joe Pisarchek fumble recovered by Herman Edwards who ran it in for a TD and won the game for the Eagles. We still need to get even for that boneheaded play...

    You guys have made mincemeat out of us the past few games. Hopefully, the G-Men will kick Eagle ass this coming Saturday.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> gooooooooooooo eagles. <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
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  • Reply 19 of 104
    As long as the Steelers lose I'm happy.
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  • Reply 20 of 104
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by Artman @_@:


    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> gooooooooooooo eagles. <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Not this time...

    Giants: 10

    Beagles: 7

    Quite a few bad calls by the refs against both teams. Two of these bad calls cost the Giants 14 pts.
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