Rumor: Apple may release 'iPad 2 Plus' with high-res display this year

in iPad edited January 2014
If Apple does release a new iPad this year, it will be a high-end model with a greater pixel density display rather than an entirely new third-generation model, according to a new report.

Analyst Craig Berger with FBR Capital Markets cited contacts in Apple's overseas supply chain in a note to investors that says Apple could release a so-called "iPad 2 Plus" later this year. He was told that component makers have received requests-for-quotes from Apple for such a device, though no production schedule has been confirmed.

"We hear Apple could migrate the iPad's display resolution from a current pixel density of 132 (pixels per inch) to 250-300 ppi for the 'iPad 2 Plus' (note that the iPhone 4's screen is 326 ppi)," Berger wrote.

But Berger also cautioned that while the information shared is "interesting," he would need to hear more information about a new hardware model before "fully believing" that a new model iPad will debut this year.

The latest suggestion of a new model comes less than a week after a report claimed that Apple will launch a so-called "iPad 3" this October. But if Berger's sources are accurate, that rumored device won't be a full-fledged third-generation iPad, and will instead be an expansion of the iPad product lineup.

The launch of an "iPad 2 Plus" this holiday could diminish production volumes in the fourth quarter of 2011, Berger said, by resulting in screen production constraints at suppliers like LG and Samsung. He said those companies would "likely have difficulties" ramping up production of such high-resolution screens immediately.

Berger had previously heard that Apple is evaluating various touchscreen solutions for the actual third-generation iPad, but prototypes of that hardware are not expected to be built until early 2012.

The iPad 2 first went on sale in March, and Apple was immediately faced with supply constraints, though those have since eased. For the second quarter of 2011, FBR Capital Markets sees iPad 2 production at 10.8 million, while Berger has forecast 17 million units built in the third quarter.

"With total iPad builds of 32.5M units during the first three quarters of 2011, targeted annual builds of 40M-45M units again seems not only possible but perhaps even beatable," he said. "Given the volatility seen in iPad build data of late, we will continue to monitor field checks for any positive or negative revisions."


  • Reply 1 of 107
    tcphototcphoto Posts: 65member
    What Steve actually meant to say was, "It's the fiscal year of the iPad2."
  • Reply 2 of 107
    applecationapplecation Posts: 147member
    It is hard to see a business justification for releasing a new model so quickly, without any real competition to drive that decision. There is cost with switching models. I think Apple will stick to the schedule on this one. It's not like there is a major flaw in iPad2 to overcome.

    It still takes up to 2 weeks to ship the current model, so sales are certainly staying high.
  • Reply 3 of 107
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member
    These analysts might as well try to predict the weather for September and October.
  • Reply 4 of 107
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member
    Originally Posted by Applecation View Post

    It is hard to see a business justification for releasing a new model so quickly, without any real competition to drive that decision. There is cost with switching models. I think Apple will stick to the schedule on this one. It's not like there is a major flaw in iPad2 to overcome.

    It still takes up to 2 weeks to ship the current model, so sales are certainly staying high.

    Unless Apple wants to really kill the competition during the holiday buying season... insurance so to speak. Apple has been known lately to up the ante to a position that completely shuts out the competition...
  • Reply 5 of 107
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    This is a rumor I'm truly tired of hearing.
  • Reply 6 of 107
    mcarlingmcarling Posts: 1,106member
    Of course Apple are asking for quotes. They need to know the how the capabilities of the suppliers are changing over time so that they can plan for introducing the iPad3 next year. That does not even begin to suggest the iPad3 will be introduced this year. This is just a stupid rumor which has been debunked over and over and over again.
  • Reply 7 of 107
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by tcphoto View Post

    What Steve actually meant to say was, "It's the fiscal year of the iPad2."

    It could still be called the iPad 2.

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Unless Apple wants to really kill the competition during the holiday buying season... insurance so to speak. Apple has been known lately to up the ante to a position that completely shuts out the competition...

    No mass production smartphone has yet to match the iPhone 4's display and this would help make the iPad another iPod if they did this, but I'm still not sold on the idea with the current HW and mid-cycle.

    They have introduced the G1 32GB iPod Touch, iPhone 4 for Verizon and white iPhone 4 mid-cycle, all which are technically slightly different HW so I guess there is some precedence for it. I know I'd surely buy one.
  • Reply 8 of 107
    addicted44addicted44 Posts: 830member
    This might be an additional, more expensive iPad2, while the existing iPad2s continue to be sold as is.
  • Reply 9 of 107
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    iPad 3 maybe with this next year but I have my doubts they will bring out an iPad 2 with this. I could be wrong but that's my 2 cents.
  • Reply 10 of 107
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Which of course means a new "A" chip, so at that point you might as well call it iPad 3. Actually that new "A" series chip would need more RAM too. If Apple quadruples the number of pixels to be serviced then performance will suffer pretty badly on the current iPad hardware. Considering the data involved a boost in bandwidth would likely be needed too.

    So unless Apple does something else to address these issues I wouldn't recommend this machine to anyone. It would be literally a step backwards. I just don't believe the current hardware has the capacity to drive that resolution display well.

    All that being said I'm still hopeful these rumors are about a sub 7" device with a high resolution screen. Just a couple of days ago I was looking at a bunch of GPS units in the 5-6" range and imagined an iOS device that size. The phrase extremely handy comes to mind.

    Unfortunately no new "I" devices for me this year.
  • Reply 11 of 107
    galeforcegaleforce Posts: 67member
    Originally Posted by addicted44 View Post

    This might be an additional, more expensive iPad2, while the existing iPad2s continue to be sold as is.

    I think this is entirely likely and I have made this prediction for some time.

    I think it will be an iPad 2 Pro (or HD) and will be priced above the existing devices (starting at, say $699 for a 32GB )

    - Retina level displays

    - The quad core version of the PowerVR graphics chip

    -1Gb memory

    - option of a "professional" drawing tool ("don't call it a stylus"!)

    - some other unique selling points I haven't thought of

    Some killer "pro" apps
  • Reply 12 of 107
    cloudgazercloudgazer Posts: 2,161member
    Originally Posted by addicted44 View Post

    This might be an additional, more expensive iPad2, while the existing iPad2s continue to be sold as is.

    I'd say that's pretty much a certainty - at this stage Apple isn't going to be demising models in a hurry, not for as long as supply is an issue. The current iPad-2 is really an iPad-1+, rather like the 3GS I think it has major longevity.
  • Reply 13 of 107
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    So unless Apple does something else to address these issues I wouldn't recommend this machine to anyone. It would be literally a step backwards. I just don't believe the current hardware has the capacity to drive that resolution display well.

    Which is why I think you can totally discount rumors that treat any resolution increase so casually or imply it's just a "bump" upgrade. Apple would never compromise the overall experience so cavalierly.

    I would, however, welcome a higher resolution iPad. Between the iPhone 4 and my Kindle, the original iPad looks blurry by comparison. It's about the only thing that could get me to upgrade at the moment.
  • Reply 14 of 107
    galeforcegaleforce Posts: 67member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Which of course means a new "A" chip, so at that point you might as well call it iPad 3. Actually that new "A" series chip would need more RAM too. If Apple quadruples the number of pixels to be serviced then performance will suffer pretty badly on the current iPad hardware. Considering the data involved a boost in bandwidth would likely be needed too.

    So unless Apple does something else to address these issues I wouldn't recommend this machine to anyone. It would be literally a step backwards. I just don't believe the current hardware has the capacity to drive that resolution display well.

    All that being said I'm still hopeful these rumors are about a sub 7" device with a high resolution screen. Just a couple of days ago I was looking at a bunch of GPS units in the 5-6" range and imagined an iOS device that size. The phrase extremely handy comes to mind.

    Unfortunately no new "I" devices for me this year.

    There is an easy route on the grasphics in that there is a quad core version of the A5's GPU (SGX543MP4) and the package will support 1GB of ram

    I think we will see a 5-6 inch device too but it will be sold as an iPod Touch variant rather than a downsized iPad

    I wasn't at all sold on the Galaxy Tab or Playbook but the HTC Flyer made a lot more sense(ha!) as a notepad (of the writing type)
  • Reply 15 of 107
    "This is the year of the iPad 2." Not, plus, not 3, 2. 2 Only! "This is the year of the iPad 2." "This is the year of the iPad 2." "This is the year of the iPad 2." "This is the year of the iPad 2." "This is the year of the iPad 2." "This is the year of the iPad 2." "This is the year of the iPad 2." "This is the year of the iPad 2." "This is the year of the iPad 2." "This is the year of the iPad 2." "This is the year of the iPad 2."
  • Reply 16 of 107
    gotwakegotwake Posts: 115member
    It's amazing how many times analysts can be wrong and still have a job.

    There's absolutely no reason for Apple to release a new iPad this year. There's no competition.
  • Reply 17 of 107
    curmudgeoncurmudgeon Posts: 483member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    These analysts might as well try to predict the weather for September and October.

    It will still be warm in September, but with cooler nights. October will bring chills. Damn I'm good at this predicting stuff.
  • Reply 18 of 107
    curmudgeoncurmudgeon Posts: 483member
    Originally Posted by mcarling View Post

    Of course Apple are asking for quotes. They need to know the how the capabilities of the suppliers are changing over time so that they can plan for introducing the iPad3 next year. That does not even begin to suggest the iPad3 will be introduced this year. This is just a stupid rumor which has been debunked over and over and over again.

    Unless you're an Apple employee with direct knowledge, I'd say "debunked" is the wrong choice of word.
  • Reply 19 of 107
    mcarlingmcarling Posts: 1,106member
    Originally Posted by Curmudgeon View Post

    Unless you're an Apple employee with direct knowledge, I'd say "debunked" is the wrong choice of word.

    I showed that the conclusion does not follow from the premise. That suffices to debunk.
  • Reply 20 of 107
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    That is if they are going to sync up iPad releases with the rest of the "I" devices line up.

    The number one thing is that it puts a very desirable consumer item into the market just before the holiday shopping season. September is early enough that early adopters get taken care of yet you have plenty of time to fill channels for November/December. So this could be a sync up to have new technology entering the marketplace at the ideal time to serve the mass market.

    The next issue is that having a clean slate in late winter early spring would be good because Apple often introduces new hardware in this time frame.

    Originally Posted by Applecation View Post

    It is hard to see a business justification for releasing a new model so quickly, without any real competition to drive that decision.

    It is a mistake to believe Apple doesn't have any competition. You might not like or appreciate the competition but that does not mean it does exist. Remember in late fall it is expected that vastly improved SoC will be available to Android & WebOS tablet builders. It might seem inelegant to an Apple user but WebOS can be greatly improved via the brute force application of CPU power.

    If you are an old 3G iPhone user Apple pretty much took the brute force approach with iOS at a lesser scale. Devices after the 3G had a massive impact on usability due to faster processors and more RAM. HP could easily take this approach to address TouchPad performance issues.


    There is cost with switching models.

    There is a cost associated with everything a company does.


    I think Apple will stick to the schedule on this one. It's not like there is a major flaw in iPad2 to overcome.

    Flaws have nothing to do with it. It isn't a question of iPad 2 being good or bad, often decissions are made based on goals not expressed publically. Goals that might not even be obvious to us.


    It still takes up to 2 weeks to ship the current model, so sales are certainly staying high.

    Sales are extremely strong, but again that has absolutely nothing to do with an iPad 3 debuting in the fall. Remember we are talking about business here. Decisions are made after determining how a bunch of conflicting interests will impact the change up.

    From Apple perspective one positive outcome of a brand new shinny iPad in the fall is the slugging of the competition that is trying to get on it's feet. Think of it as a fighter about to throw a knock out punch. Beyond that the competition can become far mire viable with better hardware, so a performance boost could be seen as a defensive move.

    On top of all of that having a low cost and a high end model will broaden the appeal of iPad. Think about it a bit, if Apple could slot in the low end iPad 2 at under $450 and then offer significant improvements for the high end they could corral even more customers. More importantly they can make the tablet business unprofitable for many manufactures.

    Business is all hardball. If you want to stay in business you have to be willing to bruise the competition.
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