German court bars Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 from sale in Europe in Apple suit



  • Reply 61 of 179
    Originally Posted by AdonisSMU View Post

    How old are you?

    The Grand Canyon was just a gully when I was born.
  • Reply 62 of 179
    aizmovaizmov Posts: 989member
    Samsung is extremely huge, they are in everything, hospitals, heavy machinery, nuclear power, etc. How important is the Galaxy Tab to their bottom-line?
  • Reply 63 of 179
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    Ah, the meme that wouldn't die, in spite of its self-evident silliness:

    Let?s be serious about these Android return rates

    Android Returns Can't Be 30-40%

    The Ridiculous Myth Of Android Return Rates

    40% of Android phones are returned? ?Absolutely ridiculous?

    Android phone return rate rumor started by Apple ?fanboys?

    Motorola DROID 2 has lowest smartphone return rate on Verizon Wireless?

    A single unnamed source says you eat kittens.


    Okay... so what you are trying to tell us is that you don't have any hard evidence to prove otherwise.
  • Reply 64 of 179
    Originally Posted by Aizmov View Post

    Samsung is extremely huge, they are in everything, hospitals, heavy machinery, nuclear power, etc. How important is the Galaxy Tab to their bottom-line?

    Not huge but it's a bit of a black eye for some of it's other businesses. Besides possibly losing Apple as a components buyer, Samsung could end up losing a lot of other business in that sector. Who wants to buy parts from a company who will probably copy your product and sell it for less?
  • Reply 65 of 179
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    That was the trigger, but not what it's about anymore. At this point it's just a lot inchoate anger aided and abetted by anarchy with a small A.

    I agree with the exception of I wouldn't even say they are up to the "small a" level. Ideology has pretty much left the stage at this point. It's more just plain thuggery, greed and opportunism now.

    What a shame though. There are buildings and businesses that have been in almost continuous operation since the 1860's, (that escaped the bombing of London in WWII), that have now been burned to the ground and completely destroyed just because some ignorant thugs had too much beer and wanted to destroy something.

    America next.
  • Reply 66 of 179
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    How the hell can a regional court ban something in the whole union? Certainly brits go crazy if someone infringed on their sovereignty this way.
  • Reply 67 of 179
    srangersranger Posts: 473member
    I thought all of this Look and Feel stuff was settled years ago as un-suportable in court. Unless some one copied a technical design, copyright or software it was not considered a violation....

    What has changed recently to allow this?
  • Reply 68 of 179
    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    How the hell can a regional court ban something in the whole union? Certainly brits go crazy if someone infringed on their sovereignty this way.

    Ah but that's half of Britains problem isn't it? They go crazy even over *imagined* infringements on their sovereignty. They still believe all that guff about the Empire.
  • Reply 69 of 179
    Originally Posted by sranger View Post

    I thought all of this Look and Feel stuff was settled years ago as un-suportable in court. Unless some one copied a technical design, copyright or software it was not considered a violation....

    What has changed recently to allow this?

    Trade dress has never been invalidated in court as a means to seek damage. It insures that a company selling salt can't use packaging that's the same as Morton's except the raincoat is red and not yellow.
  • Reply 70 of 179
    cloudgazercloudgazer Posts: 2,161member
    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    How the hell can a regional court ban something in the whole union? Certainly brits go crazy if someone infringed on their sovereignty this way.

    We don't tend to freak out about EU IP laws, or safety legislation. We save our ire for things like the Euro - which as it turns out was a pretty smart thing to avoid. We're also dead set against tax harmonization and some criminal justice initiatives, but then we have a totally different legal system to the rest of europe.

    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    Ah but that's half of Britains problem isn't it? They go crazy even over *imagined* infringements on their sovereignty. They still believe all that guff about the Empire.

    From an american, that's hilariously funny. Aren't you lot the ones who worry that the UN is controlling the world with some sort of conspiracy involving black helicopters?
  • Reply 71 of 179
    srangersranger Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by freckledbruh View Post

    Trade dress has never been invalidated in court as a means to seek damage. It insures that a company selling salt can't use packaging that's the same as Morton's except the raincoat is red and not yellow.

    I understand trademarking, but this is a patent issue....

    I know Apple wants to halt all competition in the tablet market, but I worry about what effect this will have on their product. No viable competition usually means no good innovations. For example do you think Apple would be dramatically improving it's notification system ( copying Android who copied WebOS ) if there was no competition?
  • Reply 72 of 179
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by freckledbruh View Post

    Trade dress has never been invalidated in court as a means to seek damage. It insures that a company selling salt can't use packaging that's the same as Morton's except the raincoat is red and not yellow.

    There are certainly ... grains of truth in that.
  • Reply 73 of 179
    cloudgazercloudgazer Posts: 2,161member
    Originally Posted by sranger View Post

    I understand trademarking, but this is a patent issue....

    I know Apple wants to halt all competition in the tablet market, but I worry about what effect this will have on their product. No viable competition usually means no good innovations. For example do you think Apple would be dramatically improving it's notification system ( copying Android who copied WebOS ) if there was no competition?

    It's a design patent, actually a Community Design but basically the same thing. It covers only the non-functional elements of the design. Samsung could have easily made a product that didn't look like an iPad and avoided this but they decided not to.

    'a Community design includes any design which does not produce a different overall impression on an informed user, taking the degree of freedom of the designer into consideration.'
  • Reply 74 of 179
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by cloudgazer View Post

    We save our ire for things like the Euro - which as it turns out was a pretty smart thing to avoid.

    That depends greatly on time frame, doesn't it?
  • Reply 75 of 179
    cloudgazercloudgazer Posts: 2,161member
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    That depends greatly on time frame, doesn't it?

    Not really. The Greeks, Italians, Spanish & Irish are discovering what sensible economists have been saying for years. The EU isn't an optimal currency area and is unlikely ever to be an optimal currency area. All they've accomplished is to limit their options for handling their debt problems.
  • Reply 76 of 179
    Apple are now officially in the same league as Lodsys...pathetic.
  • Reply 77 of 179
    Originally Posted by sranger View Post

    I thought all of this Look and Feel stuff was settled years ago as un-suportable in court. Unless some one copied a technical design, copyright or software it was not considered a violation....

    I'm pretty sure this is just a popular misconception.

    Apple famously brought a look and feel lawsuit against Windows and lost. Up until fairly recently, "the story" was that they lost because such lawsuits are unenforceable. In fact they lost for completely different reasons. Also there is a difference between "trade dress" lawsuits and "look and feel" which is not really a legal term as far as I'm aware.
  • Reply 78 of 179
    Originally Posted by fredaroony View Post

    Apple are now officially in the same league as Lodsys...pathetic.

    Seriously? You don't see a difference between enforcing a legal patent on something you invented or designed and being a patent troll? I feel sorry for you and whomever tried to educate you as a child, because they seemingly failed.
  • Reply 79 of 179
    Originally Posted by fredaroony View Post

    Apple are now officially in the same league as Lodsys...pathetic.

    Yeah, it's soooo the same. Some huge company bigger than Samsung licensed a functional patent from Apple and allowed Samsung to use said patent. Then big, bad Apple came swooping in to sue Samsung (a very small, fledgling manufacturer) for additional fees even though it was paid by the unnamed, huge corporation. The similarities are uncanny.
  • Reply 80 of 179
    Originally Posted by cloudgazer View Post

    ... From an american, that's hilariously funny. Aren't you lot the ones who worry that the UN is controlling the world with some sort of conspiracy involving black helicopters?

    Actually I'm a born in England, English citizen with ancestors going back to the 1400's within a few miles of my Nan's house. I just know when to move on and I consider myself a global citizen (as perhaps we all should nowadays).

    America has the exact same problem anyway, they are just a few years behind. The world won't be safe until we can put all that Empire crap behind us and the USA is not far off from the kind of decay and idiocy sweeping the UK at the moment IMO.

    Nationalism is a disease of which the British and American Empires are just the most extreme and egregious examples.
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