Ha! Apple was right to kick him out of the store for filming. That lying liar. Being finally revealed as the corporate shill he was, this technically wasn't a flash mob.
Of course, now that it's been revealed to be the work of RIM: bawhahahahaha!
And the moron who goes by the name of "Blunty" is the same moron who posted a three part review of the Blackberry Playbook. What a coincidence. Needless to say, it was a very positive and glowing review.
I thought that Samsung's recent commercials were pretty lame, but this RIM stunt just takes the cake. How utterly pathetic and totally desperate. Actually sending a mob to picket in front of a store? This is lower than low.
It may be worth waiting to see what RIM actually come up with before we start saying how crap the new OS will be. Don't forget Apple was almost dead before SJ turned everything around. This could be a new beginning for RIM... or the final nail in the coffin.
The part of the equation that RIM is missing, is that they don't have anything close to a Steve Jobs, so I will have to predict "final nail in the coffin" for them.
Just goes to show what Rim has become. Shouldn't it be Rim that needs to 'Wake Up',
Executives leaving, customers flocking in droves to Iphone & Android, stock price sinking...................................what are the Big jerks at Rim thinking.
Most likely Rim is gone within 12 months, someone probably buys them for their patents not their Debt...LOL.
From your link... "?The two then act out a brief vignette, in which the capabilities and attributes of Mac and PC are compared"
Were they snarky? Absolutely. But the message was comparison... not outright criticism. At least Apple tried to teach you something about their product.
Apple's "Get a Mac" ads were in better taste than these mock protests from RIM or the Samsunged commercials. And who can forget Microsoft's iPhone funeral? Or the "Smartphone Beta Test" ?
I still get a chuckle out of RIM proclaiming "Amateur Hour is Over"
Maybe it could be a successful campaign if RIM is talking about themselves - that they are the one in need of waking up (from the nightmare that has been the past 5 years since the iPhone was launched).
In this already thinning marketplace, where Apple and Android rule, while even MS fights to remain viable, RIM has what I suspect is an insurmountable challenge in front of it. They'd need to have the perfect storm of great OS with no issues, big uptake by developers and a way to stem the tide of defectors, even among the [boneheaded] financial and political communities and some competitive, if not groundbreaking, new hardware. I'm not a betting man, but the odds are really not in their favor given the misses they've had on all fronts the past few years.
It's not like they've all of a sudden had that "aha" moment and now they're going to right all the wrongs they've had. Sure, they've chopped the head off the monster, but what they're left with isn't going to be great or maybe even good. It would take years to get things not just up to speed but ahead of any competitor if they could hire some creative engineers.
I mostly agree with you, though, this was also said of Apple in the late 90s. Even I, as a loyal Mac user, was feeling the hurt (wish I'd bought stock then!), and now Apple is the biggest company in the world. So, strange things can happen. But, for Apple, it took a truly visionary leader, and powerful, driven team to make it happen. I think part of Apple's success is driven by the passion of the Apple folks. Apple is not just a company they work for, it's part of who they are. Yes, some executives and employees have been lured away by other companies, and I'm sure for some, it's "just a job", but I think most folks are proud of what they do. Now, if RIM can instill that level of pride and passion into their company and product development, they might have some hope of turning things around, but now they just seem desperate.
The part of the equation that RIM is missing, is that they don't have anything close to a Steve Jobs, so I will have to predict "final nail in the coffin" for them.
Point taken, but I will still wait to pass judgement. Having said that no android device has ever impressed me, nor did the NOKIA Lumia 800 or the Playbook. The odds are definitely stacked against RIM.
<p> </p><div class="quote-container"> <span>Quote:</span> <div class="quote-block"> Originally Posted by <strong>AppleInsider</strong> <a href="/t/149750/rim-admits-it-was-behind-wake-up-mock-protest#post_2103226"><img alt="View Post" class="inlineimg" src="/img/forum/go_quote.gif" /></a><br /> <br /> <vc><br /> It has also come to light that blogger Nate "Blunty" Burr, who originally released "footage" of the mock protest, has worked with RIM on previous projects.</vc></div></div><p> </p><p> No one commented on my suspicion, but I called it. :)</p><p> </p>
You and me both. He was just trying way too hard to sound casual with his little review etc. it was clearly either part of the whole thing or he was tipped off, the former being my main thought
Not even close. Nokia still makes and sells more handsets than anyone.
Nokia's portion of smartphones is actually dropping though. They are making up the numbers with more dumb phones, but Samsung and others are encroaching on the dumb phone market as well.
What a disaster! This just show that RIM is irrelevant anymore. No one care about RIM. They have to come out and say we did that!! They didn't even wait until the countdown is done!
I don't know what's more sad. RIM pulling such a childish stunt, or everyone thinking that Samsung did it because Samsung has branded itself as a conpany that hates Apple, insults consumers, and can't innovate on its own.
Ha ha... this RIM debacle showed off Apple's logo and even gave Samsung some press, so they had to come out and go, "Hey guys, we did it... you know, the guys that were once relevant, yeah, really, it was us. Guys? yoo-hoo?"
Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton
Ha! Apple was right to kick him out of the store for filming. That lying liar. Being finally revealed as the corporate shill he was, this technically wasn't a flash mob.
Of course, now that it's been revealed to be the work of RIM: bawhahahahaha!
And the moron who goes by the name of "Blunty" is the same moron who posted a three part review of the Blackberry Playbook. What a coincidence. Needless to say, it was a very positive and glowing review.
I thought that Samsung's recent commercials were pretty lame, but this RIM stunt just takes the cake. How utterly pathetic and totally desperate. Actually sending a mob to picket in front of a store? This is lower than low.
Originally Posted by CrashMyTstDummy
It may be worth waiting to see what RIM actually come up with before we start saying how crap the new OS will be. Don't forget Apple was almost dead before SJ turned everything around. This could be a new beginning for RIM... or the final nail in the coffin.
The part of the equation that RIM is missing, is that they don't have anything close to a Steve Jobs, so I will have to predict "final nail in the coffin" for them.
Just goes to show what Rim has become. Shouldn't it be Rim that needs to 'Wake Up',
Executives leaving, customers flocking in droves to Iphone & Android, stock price sinking...................................what are the Big jerks at Rim thinking.
Most likely Rim is gone within 12 months, someone probably buys them for their patents not their Debt...LOL.
Physician, heal thyself.
Originally Posted by fredaroony
Agreed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Get_a_Mac
Those weren't that bad.
From your link... "?The two then act out a brief vignette, in which the capabilities and attributes of Mac and PC are compared"
Were they snarky? Absolutely. But the message was comparison... not outright criticism. At least Apple tried to teach you something about their product.
Apple's "Get a Mac" ads were in better taste than these mock protests from RIM or the Samsunged commercials. And who can forget Microsoft's iPhone funeral? Or the "Smartphone Beta Test" ?
I still get a chuckle out of RIM proclaiming "Amateur Hour is Over"
Indeed it is...
Originally Posted by jmgregory1
Maybe it could be a successful campaign if RIM is talking about themselves - that they are the one in need of waking up (from the nightmare that has been the past 5 years since the iPhone was launched).
In this already thinning marketplace, where Apple and Android rule, while even MS fights to remain viable, RIM has what I suspect is an insurmountable challenge in front of it. They'd need to have the perfect storm of great OS with no issues, big uptake by developers and a way to stem the tide of defectors, even among the [boneheaded] financial and political communities and some competitive, if not groundbreaking, new hardware. I'm not a betting man, but the odds are really not in their favor given the misses they've had on all fronts the past few years.
It's not like they've all of a sudden had that "aha" moment and now they're going to right all the wrongs they've had. Sure, they've chopped the head off the monster, but what they're left with isn't going to be great or maybe even good. It would take years to get things not just up to speed but ahead of any competitor if they could hire some creative engineers.
I mostly agree with you, though, this was also said of Apple in the late 90s. Even I, as a loyal Mac user, was feeling the hurt (wish I'd bought stock then!), and now Apple is the biggest company in the world. So, strange things can happen. But, for Apple, it took a truly visionary leader, and powerful, driven team to make it happen. I think part of Apple's success is driven by the passion of the Apple folks. Apple is not just a company they work for, it's part of who they are. Yes, some executives and employees have been lured away by other companies, and I'm sure for some, it's "just a job", but I think most folks are proud of what they do. Now, if RIM can instill that level of pride and passion into their company and product development, they might have some hope of turning things around, but now they just seem desperate.
Originally Posted by Apple ][
The part of the equation that RIM is missing, is that they don't have anything close to a Steve Jobs, so I will have to predict "final nail in the coffin" for them.
Point taken, but I will still wait to pass judgement. Having said that no android device has ever impressed me, nor did the NOKIA Lumia 800 or the Playbook. The odds are definitely stacked against RIM.
You and me both. He was just trying way too hard to sound casual with his little review etc. it was clearly either part of the whole thing or he was tipped off, the former being my main thought
People only cared because they thought it was Samsung. Now no one will give a damn about the "reveal" at the end anyway.
Originally Posted by SolipsismX
Not even close. Nokia still makes and sells more handsets than anyone.
Nokia's portion of smartphones is actually dropping though. They are making up the numbers with more dumb phones, but Samsung and others are encroaching on the dumb phone market as well.
Originally Posted by SolipsismX
Is amateur hour over again?
Meet the new amateur, same as the old amateur.
What a disaster! This just show that RIM is irrelevant anymore. No one care about RIM. They have to come out and say we did that!! They didn't even wait until the countdown is done!
i loved blackberry in 2005...now they need to goto sleep and not wake up.
Wake up and watch RIM flop and copy iOS you sheepy people.
I don't accept the implication that if you bought the iPhone you were "asleep." Maybe it was just the best product.
What an ugly stupid thing to do.
We know who has been asleep for the last few years.
Several months ago I got a BB Playbook.
It has a few good points over the iPad, but also has some serious weakness. The first weakness is the 3+ minute boot up, time to have a coffee !
If only Apple had a 7" iPad, I'd switch very fast !
Ha ha... this RIM debacle showed off Apple's logo and even gave Samsung some press, so they had to come out and go, "Hey guys, we did it... you know, the guys that were once relevant, yeah, really, it was us. Guys? yoo-hoo?"