RIM admits it was behind 'Wake Up' mock protest



  • Reply 41 of 107
    citycity Posts: 522member

    The new BlackBerry 10 will be a cool phone! The "Wake Up" is a reference to an App for cooking bacon on the back of the phone when it is placed face down on a table.

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  • Reply 42 of 107
    xflarexflare Posts: 199member

    They must have been very disappointed that everyone suspected it was Samsung lol

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  • Reply 43 of 107

    Nate "Blunty" Burr has never been a RIM's employee... this information is incorrect. See his youtube channel 'Blunty3000', he has clearly said its incorrect. He has never worked for Blackberry... its all rubbish.

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  • Reply 44 of 107

    But he did say he was warned about what was going to happen by RIM in advance... just so you guys know :)

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  • Reply 45 of 107
    lorinstarlorinstar Posts: 2member
    RIM is obviously trying desperately to stay relevant.
    And the Captcha here needs to evolve.
    What a f**king joke! I almost couldn't comment because of this bullshit!
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 46 of 107
    uguysrnutsuguysrnuts Posts: 459member

    Thorsten Heins.


    This is not the way to bring RIM back from the dead.


    Great products sell themselves. Hiring a "polarizing" ad agency to put a bullet in your head will not help you sell products that does not exist. Haven't you learned at all from your predecessors?


    Amateur hour is not over it seems.

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  • Reply 47 of 107
    uguysrnutsuguysrnuts Posts: 459member

    What RIM didn't realize is that it is actually seem a self promo from the ad company they hired, but RIM paid for.



    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    Well, i think it was pretty safe to say that RIM is over and done with.  I think it is upper management at RIM that needs to WAKE UP! and concede that their platform is over and done with.  These kind of marketing tactics are just plain childish.  I guess they really are desperate.  



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  • Reply 48 of 107
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member

    In a best case (and highly unlikely) scenario for RIM, they release a new phone that has features, quality and UI design on par with Apple at the same price point. Now who's going to invest in this product given their nonexistent app marketplace, especially since most of their target customers have already invested in the Apple or Android platform?


    The enterprise? Unlikely. Companies that were die-hard Microsoft/Blackberry shops have happily embraced there iPhone and iPad as their employees have demanded them, to the point of bringing their own devices for work. Only a small and rapidly vanishing minority of dinosaurs still prefer Blackberry phones - usually the sort of people who always cling to outdated technology because they dislike change.


    RIM will be out of business in less than a year or absorbed by some other company. My prediction is that their stock plummets massively shortly after the announcement of their next next phone fails to impress anyone.

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  • Reply 49 of 107
    granmastakgranmastak Posts: 298member
    What's funny and pathetic at the same time, is that nobody suspected them at first....as if, they are not in people's minds anymore.
    This silly thing they're doing, reminds me of when my 4 year old cries for attention.
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  • Reply 50 of 107
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member



    Originally Posted by CrashMyTstDummy View Post

    It may be worth waiting to see what RIM actually come up with before we start saying how crap the new OS will be. Don't forget Apple was almost dead before SJ turned everything around. This could be a new beginning for RIM... or the final nail in the coffin.


    Ignoring for the moment the fact that you just created this account, Apple was a visionary company long before they introduced the iPhone. Many, including myself, were dying for them to introduce a mobile phone and disrupt the market - which is exactly what they did. Are you suggesting that there's any evidence that RIM is this type of company and that they will soon introduce a product that will leapfrog so far ahead of Apple that millions will not hesitate to switch?


    My sympathies if you're a RIM employee.



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  • Reply 51 of 107
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,790member
    I'm not so sure insulting people is the way to get them to switch. Wake up? Beta testing smartphones? Sheep in line?

    And RIM? Maybe the message was to their own engineers?
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  • Reply 52 of 107
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member
    <p> Nate "Blunty" Burr has never been a RIM's employee... this information is incorrect. See his youtube channel 'Blunty3000', he has clearly said its incorrect. He has never worked for Blackberry... its all rubbish.</p>

    Ah, another RIM shill who created a fresh account just to post in their defense.
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  • Reply 53 of 107
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member
    lorinstar wrote: »
    RIM is obviously trying desperately to stay relevant.
    And the Captcha here needs to evolve.
    What a f**king joke! I almost couldn't comment because of this bullshit!

    I think they're actually under the delusion that 1) they have a great product or 2) that attention-grabbing marketing spectacles is all it takes to get people to buy a product.
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  • Reply 54 of 107
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member



    Originally Posted by cinder View Post

    What a total Microsoft move.


    Insult the 'idiots' who bought your competitors product - and then tell them to buy yours instead


    thus proving their original point?!


    Look on the bright side. Samsung copied this idea from Microsoft rather than from Apple. They're spreading their theft around.



    Originally Posted by Michael Scrip View Post



    Those weren't that bad.


    From your link... "?The two then act out a brief vignette, in which the capabilities and attributes of Mac and PC are compared"


    Were they snarky?  Absolutely.  But the message was comparison... not outright criticism.  At least Apple tried to teach you something about their product.


    Apple's "Get a Mac" ads were in better taste than these mock protests from RIM or the Samsunged commercials.  And who can forget Microsoft's iPhone funeral?  Or the "Smartphone Beta Test" ?


    I still get a chuckle out of RIM proclaiming "Amateur Hour is Over"  image


    Indeed it is...


    The "I'm a Mac" ads may have been one of the most successful ad campaigns ever in terms of attracting new customers to Apple. Look at Apple's Mac sales growth. It coincides with theses ads. While that is clearly not causation, Apple's approach to the market was clearly working at the time - and the ads were part of it. 

    Granted, Mac haters went out of their way to despise the ads, but among the general public, they were well received. Since Apple has no real hope of getting the haters to buy their product, there is no point in even trying.

    The entire set of ads are available here:


    I enjoyed looking them over again.

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  • Reply 55 of 107
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,679member



    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post


    Look at Apple's Mac sales growth. It coincides with theses ads. While that is clearly not causation, Apple's approach to the market was clearly working at the time - and the ads were part of it. 

    Granted, Mac haters went out of their way to despise the ads, but among the general public, they were well received. Since Apple has no real hope of getting the haters to buy their product, there is no point in even trying.

    This is the same reason Samsung is probably unconcerned whether long-time Apple fans like their ads or not. They aren't likely to buy a Samsung mobile product anyway. Also like Apple's Mac vs PC campaign, the latest rounds of Samsung ads coincide with over 200% growth in mobile products delivery YOY, best in the industry. They're making the right calls for now based on current mobile success.


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  • Reply 56 of 107
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    People only cared because they thought it was Samsung.  Now no one will give a damn about the "reveal" at the end anyway.


    This kind of ad campaign annoys me anyway.  As far as I'm concerned for ads, announce the product or go home.  Don't make an ad campaign to announce the announcement.  I'm not going to anticipate a vague announcement.

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  • Reply 57 of 107
    sactoman01sactoman01 Posts: 209member

    I was actually surprised that Samsung wasn't behind this weird marketing campaign, considering that the Samsung Galaxy SIII was going to be unveiled very soon anyway. From what I've read, the Galaxy SIII is supposed to be a really good cellphone, too.


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  • Reply 58 of 107
    markbyrnmarkbyrn Posts: 662member

    Not really surprised.  The New York Times article on corporate taxes isn't news unless they make it about Apple, the Greenpeace dirty energy campaign doesn't get mass attention until they focus on Apple, efforts to promote worker rights in China are tied to Apple, and RIM needs to advertise Apple to get people to look at their phones.  Bottomline: if you need attention for your cause or product, make it about Apple.

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  • Reply 59 of 107
    uguysrnutsuguysrnuts Posts: 459member

    If measured strictly based on getting people to talk about your brand (which is the ad agency's claim to fame), then it is a good promo piece for Samsung, and they didn't even have to pay for it-


    Originally Posted by SactoMan01 View Post

    I was actually surprised that Samsung wasn't behind this weird marketing campaign, considering that the Samsung Galaxy SIII was going to be unveiled very soon anyway. From what I've read, the Galaxy SIII is supposed to be a really good cellphone, too.




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  • Reply 60 of 107
    uguysrnutsuguysrnuts Posts: 459member



    Originally Posted by SactoMan01 View Post

    I was actually surprised that Samsung wasn't behind this weird marketing campaign, considering that the Samsung Galaxy SIII was going to be unveiled very soon anyway. From what I've read, the Galaxy SIII is supposed to be a really good cellphone, too.



    It's still powered by Android and the whole "I think I can" or "good enough" mentality that goes along with it.


    Yes, D on a report card is a passing grade too, but who really aspires to getting that?

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