Despite my preference for Apple products over RIM the fact is that RIM has funded the Perimeter Institute which is arguably significant on a cosmic scale in the same manner as Bell Labs, IBM research, and Xerox PARC. These were industry funded basic research institutes that benefited the US and the world as well as garnering several Nobel Prizes. Today it is hard to point to similar ventures other than Perimeter and possibly Microsoft Research. I wish Apple would use some of its vast profits to pay forward so future companies have basic research to build on like Apple did for Xerox PARC.
From your link... "?The two then act out a brief vignette, in which the capabilities and attributes of Mac and PC are compared<span style="font-family:sans-serif;line-height:19px;">"</span>
<span style="font-family:sans-serif;line-height:19px;">Were they snarky? Absolutely. But the message was comparison... not outright criticism. At least Apple tried to teach you something about their product.</span>
And they didn't insult the users the way this protest did by implication
For Samsung. EVERYONE thought it was Samsung. NO ONE thought it was RIM. They had to tell us. It failed and was a complete waste of money.
Note my responses in the other thread. There are a couple remarkably stupid people on here (either that or their sense of reasoning is disabled when posting on Apple forums). More than one of them suggested that the flash mob was orchestrated by Samsung, accompanied by the typical internet chest beating. Personally I think the stupid commercials are just a sign that they need a better ad agency, or if they were internal ideas, then they need to stop interfering with their ad agency.
What an ugly stupid thing to do.
We know who has been asleep for the last few years.
Several months ago I got a BB Playbook.
It has a few good points over the iPad, but also has some serious weakness. The first weakness is the 3+ minute boot up, time to have a coffee !
If only Apple had a 7" iPad, I'd switch very fast !
Um I think you have a problem with your Playbook, even with the new 2.0 update mine only takes 40 seconds to boot. Try re-installing everything. I like the multitasking on the Playbook, I wish all mobile OS's used the same technique.
Originally Posted by Tallest Skil
RIMM is the stock symbol.
Not the name of the company though.
Originally Posted by fredaroony
Not the name of the company though.
Technically, that's true, but the ticker symbol is often used interchangeably with the company name, especially in investment lingo.
Despite my preference for Apple products over RIM the fact is that RIM has funded the Perimeter Institute which is arguably significant on a cosmic scale in the same manner as Bell Labs, IBM research, and Xerox PARC. These were industry funded basic research institutes that benefited the US and the world as well as garnering several Nobel Prizes. Today it is hard to point to similar ventures other than Perimeter and possibly Microsoft Research. I wish Apple would use some of its vast profits to pay forward so future companies have basic research to build on like Apple did for Xerox PARC.
And they didn't insult the users the way this protest did by implication
Originally Posted by Tallest Skil
For Samsung. EVERYONE thought it was Samsung. NO ONE thought it was RIM. They had to tell us. It failed and was a complete waste of money.
Note my responses in the other thread. There are a couple remarkably stupid people on here (either that or their sense of reasoning is disabled when posting on Apple forums). More than one of them suggested that the flash mob was orchestrated by Samsung, accompanied by the typical internet chest beating. Personally I think the stupid commercials are just a sign that they need a better ad agency, or if they were internal ideas, then they need to stop interfering with their ad agency.
Um I think you have a problem with your Playbook, even with the new 2.0 update mine only takes 40 seconds to boot. Try re-installing everything. I like the multitasking on the Playbook, I wish all mobile OS's used the same technique.