iOS 6 Maps turn-by-turn requires iPhone 4S, iPad 2 or later



  • Reply 121 of 178
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member


    Originally Posted by Captain J View Post

    This just seems like more Apple crap designed to force users to upgrade, They remove Google Maps and replace it with their own partially functional replacement. What a load of crap. Evidence by Siri working on jailbroken iPhone 4.


    Apple's products may be lightyears ahead of where they were 15 years ago, but their customer service/treatment is lightyears behind. And this is from someone who has been using Apple products for over 27 years.


    Nobody cares how long you've been using Apple products. Some feel the need to point this out as if to legitimize their completely off-base opinion- which remains completely off-base.  Noone is forcing anyone to do anything. I have an iPhone 4, have had one since launch, and did not assume for a second that it could handle what was shown for the flyovers. 

  • Reply 122 of 178
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    flaneur wrote: »
    Thank you for asking. I haven't seen anything from anyone, except for maybe one or two posters here, about Apple's capacity to handle real-time data loads from Siri. I'm using this ancient technique called "logic," which is in short supply in today's overwrought minds, who can only think about what THEY want.
    It goes like this.
    1. All Siri requests are processed centrally by Apple, even those that ask her to dial a number out of your own contact list. At least that's my understanding, correct me if i'm wrong.
    2. From the beginning, Siri has been overloaded at certain times, like Friday nights, or on Oscar weekend here in LA. "I'm really sorry about this, but I can't take any requests right now. Please try again in a little why-uhl."
    3. Therefore I draw the radical conclusion that Apple's network and processing capacity is limited at this early stage—they just opened the new data center, they're simultaneously rolling out iCloud, and they're selling new phones with Siri at unprecedented rates.
    So you (not you but certain others) want them to further bog down Siri by opening her up to the iPhone 4 crowd as well? Then NOBODY WOULD BE HAPPY. That's not what Apple wants.
    The same goes for turn-by-turn. IT'S THE NETWORK, people! They are not trying to force you to upgrade, or deprecating your older hardware. They are scrambling to get their data load covered—obviously!
    Edit: SoliX reminds us of the first Siri weekend, when hardly anybody had a good time with her. I missed that party. Anyway, I bet turn-by-turn is going to be unusable at certain times for a while, after it rolls out.

    Well said!
  • Reply 123 of 178
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member

    From the perspective of an iPhone 4 owner, I wonder why I would 'upgrade' to iOS 6.   I'll lose the vastly superior Google Maps, I'll lose Street View, and I'll gain what...?  Nothing.  No gimmicky 3D maps, no turn by turn. Well I guess I'll get low res black and white satellite imagery instead of the nice Google satellite photography, so that might be nice for an old time feel.


    I guess my phone will run even slower than before as well, as it did when I installed iOS5. It used to be a quick device,  but no longer.

  • Reply 124 of 178
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    Nobody cares how long you've been using Apple products. Some feel the need to point this out as if to legitimize their completely off-base opinion- which remains completely off-base.  Noone is forcing anyone to do anything. I have an iPhone 4, have had one since launch, and did not assume for a second that it could handle what was shown for the flyovers. 


    But I bet you never expected Apple to pull street view functionality. You'll be getting a huge downgrade when you install iOS 6.  Happy with that?

  • Reply 125 of 178
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    captain j wrote: »
    Not the point. Of course we upgrade. But to replace a fully functional built in app  with one that is not fully functional is not a good thing. They are still going to be selling/giving the 4 when they next update. Having a fully functional built in map function is not too much to ask for.

    Yes... and iOS 5 has, and will continue to have a fully functional Maps app! They aren't going to erase the Maps app from your phone.
  • Reply 126 of 178
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    gazoobee wrote: »
    I agree 100%.  People are just looking for something to complain about. 

    This entire argument looks pretty silly to me as I am one of those people who has *never* driven a car in the first place.  All my life I've had people telling me that I'm a fool for wanting to ride my bike or walk everywhere and that driving is about "freedom," control, power (and by implication) ... "being a man" (although I'm not sure what this means for women drivers).  I've lost count of how many times I've been told over the years that GPS driving and "turn by turn" were for "idiots" and "old ladies," and (again by implication) "real men know where they are going."  

    In fact these things were just initially for the rich and the fact that most couldn't afford the luxury, meant that they had to be denigrated of course.  Now these things are available to all, and for free, and everyone's just pissed that they can't get theirs because the picked the wrong phone or are still not rich enough to upgrade.  

    It's all sour grapes.  It's all extremely childish, selfish, behaviour over something people claimed not to even want a few years ago, but now it's being handed out for free they are damned sure they are going to jump up and down and hold their breath til they turn blue if they don't get it.  "Real men" Indeed.  :rolleyes:

    Wah-wah-wah.  Baby wants a bottle.  

    Ha! A "real man" would never ask for (or follow) directions or consult a map! That's what wives are for... and someone to yell at when you get lost :)
  • Reply 127 of 178
    staypuft01 wrote: »
    is the turn by turn functionality going to be available outside of the U.S.? e.g. Canada?

    Yes, it is.
  • Reply 128 of 178
    rtm135rtm135 Posts: 310member

    Looks like I'll be sticking with TomTom until at least iOS7.  I'm not willing to sacrifice features just to use Apple's built-in solution.

  • Reply 129 of 178
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    quadra 610 wrote: »

    Strange. Apple scores highest in consumer satisfaction and customer service year after year on nearly every survey conducted. Sometimes by quite a wide margin. 

    I'll let you look up this common knowledge for your own enjoyment and edification.

    Next time, please include a disclaimer in your post that tells us it's only your anecdotal opinion and shouldn't actually be taken to mean anything more. 

    But as someone who has been "using Apple products for 27 years" none of this should be a surprise to you, and furthermore, Apple has always been this way and you've happily consented to it for over 27 years. You've voted with your wallet each time. So you can't have any complaints. 

    Apple KNOWS THEIR SH*T. Period. If the feature is not on your phone, there's a reason for it. No, it's not to shaft you, it's to keep the User Experience in line with their standards. The very same standards that have been making them richer than God. You want all those neato-jailbreak options? Then jailbreak your device, install what Apple didn't allow you to have standard, and watch all the glorious lag ensue, if the app is even as functional as it *should* be. Or get an Android device, and do nothing at all to watch the lag. It comes standard. 

    LOL... one of the best posts on this thread!
  • Reply 130 of 178
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    The lack of Street View is my major concern for usability right now. I seldom use it but when I do it's indispensable. I hope Google has a maps app for iOS before too long.
    I've been testing iOS 6 on my iPad (3) and Maps isn't so great visually in many ways. The directions, which do offer driving, public, and walking, are all there but the way the blue course line is drawn is wonky in several ways.
    For instance, I can do a simple 0.7 mile trip from my house to the Amtrak train station and the course line not only gets oddly thicker and thinner in places for no apparent reason but also gets off the road a bit and into yards, and even overshoots the location a bit on the map so it's not where it should be in relation to the pin. Comparing it to Maps on my iPhone with iOS 5.x doesn't have these issues.
    On top of that, this was all in the flat view of the upcoming Maps. If I hit the 3D view (not Flyover view), which is nice just like with my TomTom, the blue course line gets completely fubar and doesn't even match anything remotely usable or accurate.
    It's the first beta so I expect plenty of changes before it's released but I have doubts that it will be as usable as the current Maps even after it's released.
    PS: I had thought you can email your directions to someone who can then pull it up on Google Maps but that does not seem to be the case in the current Maps apps.
    But is that because of the audio receiver tech they added to the A5 chip for compressing the audio for Siri's servers? It's an excuse and easily true but is it the complete truth? I'd think the load from piling on several dozen million more devices at once is a more accurate reason than having slightly better local HW for processing the audio for transmission.

    I do not have an issue with the "missing" street level view. In my opinion, the combination of an bird's eye view (overhead oblique angular view) with the static images from Yelp compensates for the loss. The addition of 3D Flyover Mode makes the resulting application superior.

    Directions to my home are inaccurate by seven miles. I used the spectacular "report a problem" interface to notify Apple.

    I noted that sharing from an iOS 5 device shared a Google Maps URL as well as a V Card. Only the ability to copy and paste the V Card address is provided apparently.
  • Reply 131 of 178
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member
    kotatsu wrote: »
    Why do you think Apple's crowd sourced traffic will beat Waze? Waze is cross platform, so you get data from all those Android and Blackberry users too. Plus Waze also has things that Apple won't dare to show, such as speed traps and hidden police cars.

    You comment doesn't make sense. Android users are always telling us how great their apps are, in fact, that is the gist of many comments in this thread. Now you indicate that a significant number of Android users are Waze users?
  • Reply 132 of 178
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    I do not have an issue with the "missing" street level view. In my opinion, the combination of an bird's eye view (overhead oblique angular view) with the static images from Yelp compensates for the loss. The addition of 3D Flyover Mode makes the resulting application superior.
    Directions to my home are inaccurate by seven miles. I used the spectacular "report a problem" interface to notify Apple.
    I noted that sharing from an iOS 5 device shared a Google Maps URL as well as a V Card. Only the ability to copy and paste the V Card address is provided apparently.

    There is absolutely no way one can rationally that FlyOver is even close to Street View, much less superior.

    Here is a quick set of screenshots I just took. I'll overlook that it took me many tries to get even common places to be searchable with Apple's map database as it's not yet live and the rendering effect that makes it look like the camera used 17th century glass making techniques.

    What I can't overlook is that FlyOver is available for very few places, the quality is excessively poor compared to street view, there is thing with physics and light that prevent images from going through buildings, as noted in the pics. I couldn't even use Grauman's Chinese Theater, my first pic because it would have just been obstructed by the building completely, hence the angled shot.

    Also note how close you can get in with Street View. Regardless of whether you use Street View or not there is absolutely no way a rational person can say that FlyOver or FlyOver and a bunch of other misaligned services make up for Street View. It's like people saying Android is superior to an Apple product after they think of a bunch of semi-functional services that can technically do almost all of what Apple offers.

    Bottom line: Apple needs it's own Street View.



    Street View


    Edit: You can't even see the logo for Starbucks next to Madame Tussauds in the FlyOver image (and it's not even blocked by anything) and yet I can zoom in on it easily in Street View despite it being far back from the street.

  • Reply 133 of 178
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post



    I dunno, I kind of like Melty World. Sort of LSD minus synaesthesia plus nearsightedness. image

  • Reply 134 of 178
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    There is absolutely no way one can rationally that FlyOver is even close to Street View, much less superior.
    Here is a quick set of screenshots I just took. I'll overlook that it took me many tries to get even common places to be searchable with Apple's map database as it's not yet live and the rendering effect that makes it look like the camera used 17th century glass making techniques.
    What I can't overlook is that FlyOver is available for very few places, the quality is excessively poor compared to street view, there is thing with physics and light that prevent images from going through buildings, as noted in the pics. I couldn't even use Grauman's Chinese Theater, my first pic because it would have just been obstructed by the building completely, hence the angled shot.
    Also note how close you can get in with Street View. Regardless of whether you use Street View or not there is absolutely no way a rational person can say that FlyOver or FlyOver and a bunch of other misaligned services make up for Street View. It's like people saying Android is superior to an Apple product after they think of a bunch of semi-functional services that can technically do almost all of what Apple offers.
    Bottom line: Apple needs it's own Street View.

    You are entitled to your opinion but it is only your opinion.

    iOS 6 Maps currently provides:

    • 2D Mercator-variant projection with (at higher zoom levels) and without 3D projection with approximately 20 zoom levels of the entire (readily-navigable globe)
    • 2D aerial and satellite imagery of the entire globe (Space Oblique Mercator projection)
    • 3D aerial and satellite imagery superimposed on a digital elevation model providing a 360-degree panoramic overhead oblique view including a low level "bird's eye view" (Space Oblique Mercator-variant projection)

    Every projection misrepresents the surface of the Earth in some way. Since all projections can show one or more but not all of the following; the greater the number of projections the greater the ability of the user to discern their location (although larger numbers of projections become increasingly confusing at an exponential rate); true direction, true distance, true areas, true shape.

    Dead reckoning is a wholly unreliable method given that the average global positioning system (GPS) user is not trained in the technique. For the purposes of modern living, satellite navigation is vastly superior and additionally methods to supplement the model only increase navigation accuracy. Furthermore, given the limitations of 360-degree panoramic "street level" views of the entire surface of the planet which is entirely impractical versus aerial and satellite photography the superiority of the later becomes manifest.

    I further submit that Apple has intentionally decided to not include multimodal navigation (e.g. pedestrian and public transportation routes) to appease otherwise upset partners who previously provided a navigation service for Apple products that many users may determine is no longer necessary. Such reasoning could apply to street level views as well as other expected high-end features and functions.

    A well integrated street view would be nice but I suggest that the best method for Apple to develop such a database is to rely upon users. If Apple were to implement the hidden panoramic mode in iPhone 4S and higher, users themselves could photograph points of interest and with the exif and GPS metadata submitted to Apple along with imagery where such is "missing."
  • Reply 135 of 178
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    You are entitled to your opinion but it is only your opinion.

    It's not my opinion. It's unquestionable fact, that I backed up with screenshots, that FlyOver does not replace, replicate, or surpass the functionality in Street View.

    FlyOver is bugging me out when I look at it. I feel it's some WIlliam Gibson story with 21st century computing is being mixed with 17th century glass making to give it that weird render efect 5:43

    They have buttons for transmit and pedestrian direction in their new Maps app.
  • Reply 136 of 178
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    It's not my opinion. It's unquestionable fact, that I backed up with screenshots, that FlyOver does not replace, replicate, or surpass the functionality in Street View.

    Yet you haven't countered my arguments or provided unequivocal, objective evidence supporting your opinion that Street View is superior. For example, why is Street View superior to 2D aerial and satellite imagery of the entire globe (Space Oblique Mercator projection) and 3D aerial and satellite imagery superimposed on a digital elevation model providing a 360-degree panoramic overhead oblique view including a low level "bird's eye view" (Space Oblique Mercator-variant projection) especially as supplemented further by multiple (typically) static photographs of points of interest?

    You could always go to Android. Have fun with that. They do have Street View though.
  • Reply 137 of 178
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by MacBook Pro View Post

    Yet you haven't countered my arguments.

    I fail to see how he hasn't.

  • Reply 138 of 178
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Yet you haven't countered my arguments.
    You could always go to Android. Have fun with that. They do have Street View though.

    I have countered them with pictures that prove you are wrong. There is nothing else to prove. Any points about how FlyOver could get better or how it has other uses or reasons why Apple couldn't do its own Street View have no baring on it being axiomatically false that FlyOver is a valid replacement for Street View.

    If I wanted a FlyOver-like experience for my OS instead of a Street View-like experience for a specific task I would move to Android but I like my features to be well thought out so I'll stick with my iPhone and whatever 3rd-party app will offer me Street View on it. If you want to keep making excuses that FlyOver + Yelp is superior to Street View (which is extra odd because by having Street View doesn't mean one can't use Yelp) then perhaps you should consider the Android experience as you're making all their excuses for them today.
  • Reply 139 of 178
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    I have countered them with pictures that prove you are wrong. There is nothing else to prove. Any points about how FlyOver could get better or how it has other uses or reasons why Apple couldn't do its own Street View have no baring on it being axiomatically false that FlyOver is a valid replacement for Street View.
    If I wanted a FlyOver-like experience for my OS instead of a Street View-like experience for a specific task I would move to Android but I like my features to be well thought out so I'll stick with my iPhone and whatever 3rd-party app will offer me Street View on it. If you want to keep making excuses that FlyOver + Yelp is superior to Street View (which is extra odd because by having Street View doesn't mean one can't use Yelp) then perhaps you should consider the Android experience as you're making all their excuses for them today.

    You haven't proven anything. What do pictures prove or at least what is the point you are attempting to make with the pictures? You posted some pictures. I could post some images to counter your images. Images themselves don't prove anything other than, perhaps, that you have the capability to post images on this website. Furthermore, a single data set isn't indicative of an entire dataset as vast as a GIS model.

    Are you suggesting that one set of images has more contrast or definition?

    If I post an image of a monkey does that prove that monkeys are superior to a Space Oblique Mercator-variant projection?

    You really seem to have an issue with Apple. Perhaps you need a vacation. While on the vacation you should peruse a dictionary for the definition of "fact."
  • Reply 140 of 178
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    You haven't proven anything. What do pictures prove or at least what is the point you are attempting to make with the pictures?
    You're asking what do pictures prove in a debate about comparing the quality of pictures for a given task? Seriously?!!!!
    You posted some pictures. I could post some images to counter your images. Images themselves don't prove anything other than, perhaps, that you have the capability to post images on this website. Furthermore, a single data set isn't indicative of an entire dataset as vast as a GIS model.
    Are you suggesting that one set of images has more contrast or definition?
    Then do it. Pick any place that has both FlyOver and Street View results and show me where FlyOver is superior to Street View for the task that Street View was designed.
    If I post an image of a monkey does that prove that monkeys are superior to a Space Oblique Mercator-variant projection?
    I didn't think you could lose this argument any worse than you had. At least now you can honestly say you've proved me wrong once in this thread.
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