FaceTime over 3G with iOS 6 limited to iPhone 4S, iPad 3



  • Reply 101 of 149
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    No, that's not how you determine it.

    Would you say that since the original iPhone could do FaceTime over Wi-Fi it could do FaceTime over cellular? Not all 3G is created equal, either.


    My iPhone 4 does video calls over cellular perfectly fine, using Skype and other third party Apps.


    My two years will be up soon I can upgrade any time now so it's a moot issue for me.


    Now, I'm not really for phones having too many things out of the box, each thing that's included kills an opportunity for third party developers as they have to compete with built in features.

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  • Reply 102 of 149
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member

    Congrats to Apple. They are finally matched Android in having mutltiple devices with diffferent operating systems, something that Android has been criticized for in this community.

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  • Reply 103 of 149
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    This is the worse news EVER!¡ How can Apple do this to us? I've been a longtime customer of Apple so they owe me and yet they are not giving me for my older iPhone. I'm livid! I'm thinking of emailing Tim Cook to let him know how it's wrong to not have a feature in all previous iOS versions to still not have in the next one. It really is inhumane the way Apple treats their loyal customers. I bet Foxconn treats their workers better. Hitler¡
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  • Reply 104 of 149
    zoolookzoolook Posts: 657member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    This is the worse news EVER!¡ How can Apple do this to us? I've been a longtime customer of Apple so they owe me and yet they are not giving me for my older iPhone. I'm livid! I'm thinking of emailing Tim Cook to let him know how it's wrong to not have a feature in all previous iOS versions to still not have in the next one. It really is inhumane the way Apple treats their loyal customers. I bet Foxconn treats their workers better. Hitler¡


    Nice sarcasm. I don't think anyone is saying "Apple owes me", it's more about how quickly products are being left behind with features that were implied years ago.

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  • Reply 105 of 149


    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post

    Carriers may be a reasonable answer, except Skype is bigger than Facetime and works on 3G, as does every other Video calling service. 


    It's a question of market penetration. While Skype is a very popular service it probably doesn't offer the potential threat to carriers that FaceTime, fully integrated into iDevices and Macs, can now or will in the future. Also, it is worth noting that there may be differences in handling between something Apple is integrating into devices and a service offered by a third-party developer. As is the case with Skype, I'm sure someone is watching to see how much data it is consuming as an app. We went through a period where third party apps were limited based on potential impact to carriers and today the involved parties probably know what to expect from a service like Skype (potentially big enough to matter on an independent basis) and if something terribly unexpected did happen it could be resolved reasonably (which could not be said for Apple pulling a feature like FaceTime over 3G from an older iDevice because the service wound up using too much bandwidth).

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  • Reply 106 of 149
    diddydiddy Posts: 282member


    Originally Posted by wnurse View Post

    Congrats to Apple. They are finally matched Android in having mutltiple devices with diffferent operating systems, something that Android has been criticized for in this community.

    What are you smoking?  All the phones and iPads actively being sold by Apple are getting the newest OS - that is not what people’s complaints about fragmentation regarding Andrioid are when only 7 percent of devices sold are running the latest OS.

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  • Reply 107 of 149
    diddydiddy Posts: 282member


    Originally Posted by Xian Zhu Xuande View Post


    It's a question of market penetration. While Skype is a very popular service it probably doesn't offer the potential threat to carriers that FaceTime, fully integrated into iDevices and Macs, can now or will in the future. Also, it is worth noting that there may be differences in handling between something Apple is integrating into devices and a service offered by a third-party developer. As is the case with Skype, I'm sure someone is watching to see how much data it is consuming as an app. We went through a period where third party apps were limited based on potential impact to carriers and today the involved parties probably know what to expect from a service like Skype (potentially big enough to matter on an independent basis) and if something terribly unexpected did happen it could be resolved reasonably (which could not be said for Apple pulling a feature like FaceTime over 3G from an older iDevice because the service wound up using too much bandwidth).

    That is true, Skype uses it’s own systems and services on their own servers to handle the voice calls and videos (it has to for billing purposes).  Facetime is integrating directly with the phone dialer more directly.

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  • Reply 108 of 149
    SpamSandwichspamsandwich Posts: 33,407member


    Originally Posted by wnurse View Post

    Congrats to Apple. They are finally matched Android in having mutltiple devices with diffferent operating systems, something that Android has been criticized for in this community.


    Android is deserving of much harsher criticisms that that. Double down on criticizing Android, people!



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  • Reply 109 of 149


    Originally Posted by clgoh View Post

    On the Australian site (http://www.apple.com/au/ios/ios6/)


    4. FaceTime over a cellular network requires iPhone 4 or later, or iPad 2 or later with cellular data capability. Carrier data charges may apply. FaceTime is not available in all countries.


    That's what I read... I'm running iOS 6 now on an iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S and the option to enable FaceTime over 3G is missing on the iPhone 4.

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  • Reply 110 of 149
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member

    On second thought, I agree, that is a likely reason as well.


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  • Reply 111 of 149
    cash907cash907 Posts: 893member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    No, that's not how you determine it.

    Would you say that since the original iPhone could do FaceTime over Wi-Fi it could do FaceTime over cellular? Not all 3G is created equal, either.


    You know how I determine it? FaceTime over 3G on a jailbroken iPhone 4 worked flawlessly for me, that's how.


    Somehow, I just knew you'd be the first to support this obvious dick move by Apple. Either I'm psychic, or you're just that predictable.

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  • Reply 112 of 149
    cash907cash907 Posts: 893member


    Originally Posted by diddy View Post


    FaceTime and Skype aren't exactly the same in terms of it's technical functions - to some degree Factime is part of the cellular voice system (it does video over voice) - skype is just pure data through and through - they even have their own account system for voice phone calls to the telephony network (in fact their entire network is private) - something that Apple lacks since it uses the carrier network - that's why its availability is limited.


    Um. What?


    You are aware that until recently, FaceTime was a wifi-only App, right? Wifi-only, as in "not a GD thing to do the "cellular voice system"?


    Just checking, because your comments would seem to indicate you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, but I thought I'd be clear just in case.

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  • Reply 113 of 149
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member


    Originally Posted by diddy View Post

    What are you smoking?  All the phones and iPads actively being sold by Apple are getting the newest OS - that is not what people’s complaints about fragmentation regarding Andrioid are when only 7 percent of devices sold are running the latest OS.

    I went to the apple store. They are still selling ipad 2's, which will not support IOS 6.

    There are two versions of Ipad 2's as well as Ipad 3's.. so right there, 50 percent of their IPAD's do not support newest OS.


    Then i checked on the phones.

    Apple still selling Iphone 4 and Iphone 3GS, which will not support all the new features of the new OS. Hnmmm...


    Then i went over to the ipad touch and well, not sure if they only selling one version of itouch.. but regardless, how is it that you arrived that all iPads and iPhones actively sold by apple are getting the newest OS?.

    Sometimes, you should visit the website before spewing your propaganda.

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  • Reply 114 of 149

    iPhone 4S quer comprar preço???

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  • Reply 115 of 149
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    cash907 wrote: »
    Somehow, I just knew you'd be the first to support this obvious dick move by Apple. Either I'm psychic, or you're just that predictable.

    Yeah, you'll notice I did no such thing, thanks.
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  • Reply 116 of 149
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    darkvader wrote: »

    The 3GS absolutely IS a current model.

    Any device still being manufactured and sold new is by definition a current model.  A 3GS bought new today is most certainly NOT 3 years old, it's likely less than 3 weeks old.

    You clearly need to get YOUR facts straight.

    You are correct, they are current models. What the OP should have stated was that the 3GS and 4 are OLD, BUDGET models. Thus you should expect them to not be as feature complete as any newer models released.
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  • Reply 117 of 149
    gyorpbgyorpb Posts: 93member


    Originally Posted by MacVertigo View Post

    Wow - us iphone 4 owners are really getting the shaft.  Pretty shitty move Apple - considering my phone is only a little over a year old.


    Originally Posted by jdsonice View Post

    I agree. I am really mad that iPhone 4 has become a stepchild.

    Wait -- did your iPhone 4 suddenly stop doing things it did when you bought it? No? Well, then what are you complaining about?


    Assuming that when you bought the iPhone 4, you considered it worth the price you paid for the feature set you received. Or did you buy it expecting that the feature set would be expanded for years to come? in that case, you're not a very smart shopper.


    Quit whining. You're already getting more than you bargained for.


    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post

    This will be the cop-out answer like Soph's yesterday with the maps, which is illogical on multiple levels. If it works on Wifi, it's not taking any more phone resources, and if it's carriers, the other devices handle just fine and those are increasing in number with 4's decreasing over time, so load would still only rise. No such restrictions exist on competing platforms, and if reports are to be believed, they still outnumber iphones.

    Facetime over 3G might well use compression that doesn't run on A4's. You don't know that.


    Originally Posted by tylersdad View Post

    Not on Verizon, they don't. Network throughput is not the reason they are limiting these features to the 4S. There are no hardware limitations either.

    Prove it.



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  • Reply 118 of 149
    jnoeljnoel Posts: 19member


    Originally Posted by gyorpb View Post


    Facetime over 3G might well use compression that doesn't run on A4's. 




    Did you miss the post of the video that shows Steve Jobs himself saying that FaceTime will work over 3G on the iphone 4?  That the carriers did not want it?


    Also, dont both the 4S and the iPad 2 have the A5 chip?  So if the issue was the chip why one and not the other?


    FaceTime on a 4 over 3G on a jailbroken 4 has been working great for my family for over a year and a half now.\


    What concerns me is that Tim Cook will not take the proactive and passionate stance with the industry's that Steve Jobs did. I believe it was Steve who drove the new cost paradigm in the music industry and drove down data plan costs for wireless carriers.  Now look at the new data plans coming out - the Verizon family plans actually drive up costs all told.  This will slow the growth and adoption of all wireless tablets and smartphones.

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  • Reply 119 of 149
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    jnoel wrote: »
    What concerns me is that Tim Cook will not take the proactive and passionate stance with the industry's that Steve Jobs did. I believe it was Steve who drove the new cost paradigm in the music industry and drove down data plan costs for wireless carriers.  Now look at the new data plans coming out - the Verizon family plans actually drive up costs all told.  This will slow the growth and adoption of all wireless tablets and smartphones.

    We know Steve; we know what he could do. So does everyone else. The telecoms think they can waltz all over Tim because Steve is gone. They just need put back in their place, is all. Give Tim some time.
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  • Reply 120 of 149
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member
    Clearly there is only one resolution to this issue.

    The new policy should be no updates, ever. The iPhone you buy shouldn't receive any updates with any new features. Apparently this is what everyone wants. I already called Apple Executive Customer Service to place an urgent feature request. Hopefully no new features, ever, will make everyone who is complaining happy. For those who really don't want any new features ever after purchasing your "smartphone," you should consider Android-based "smartphones" since this is a major feature of the Android platform.
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