Microsoft unveils 'Surface' Windows 8 tablet



  • Reply 321 of 513
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by NelsonX View Post

    Boy, I have never seen so many Apple shareholders scared in my life!!! Literally scared to death!!! image


    Yes, terrified. Apple's stock bounced up almost $12 a share on the news...

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  • Reply 322 of 513
    dobbydobby Posts: 797member

    Stop dizzing Microsoft. This is an awesome product just like the Zune! You should be quaking (as thats 1990's tech as well)!

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  • Reply 323 of 513
    cycomikocycomiko Posts: 716member


    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post


    In the PC era, it was all about specs and numbers.

    In the post-PC era, it's about user experience.


    Its not a post-pc era, no matter how many times steve jobs claimed so.  But congrats on completely buying into the apple advertising terms.

    its a multiple gadget era.  The ipad cannot ultimately replace a PC

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  • Reply 324 of 513


    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    And I find it a bit strange that you would ever want a cable of any kind hanging from a tablet. I have all of the dongles, and have used them each 1 TIME... just to see that they worked.


    I use wi-fi exclusively... and as someone else has mentioned, I have 3 mini 32-gb USB stick drives on my keychain, that I load up with movies, music, photos whatever when going to a friend's or relations house. Plug it into the TV and away we go with their silly remote.


    When will people just get it that iOS devices are not supposed to replace common sense?!

    I think we can conclude then that people have different needs - for whatever reason. And, that USB and HDMI out is interesting for some users. With a product thats supports both you do not have to choose.

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  • Reply 325 of 513
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member

    I have a few comments, really, first-reaction kind of stuff...


    First, I think there are a few cool ideas here. In particular, the nice-looking keyboard, which is a strong "hook" for the product… but I certainly wouldn't buy it based on that alone. And, it remains to be seen just how well one can actually type on the thing, build quality, etc. 


    A few comment/questions:


    - Is it just the perspectives, or is that keyboard actually taller than the tablet itself? does it "stick out" when folded down?


    - kickstand 1: it looks precariously perched. It might come in handy, but, will it be worth the extra weight, and not fall easily?

    - kickstand 2: it looks like it'll break way too easily.

    - kickstand 3: plug a couple of cables into those upper-right ports, and I suspect it could easily become top-heavy, rendering the stand pointless.


    - The proportions look more like a Playbook. Longer and narrower than the iPad. Noticeably "stretch". Is that just the 16:9 proportion?


    It feels like they want to call it a "tablet", but are pushing it entirely into the "laptop" space, with a keyboard, the non-carried/desktop positioning, multiple ports, etc. As a portable tablet, I'm more interested how it feels and functions when I'm away from the peripherals and work surfaces.


    They may be trying to create a new "hybrid" category… not sure.


    And, OK, it comes bundled with Office. Anything else? Beyond that, is there "an app for that"? A compelling ecosystem?


    Let the fun begin!

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  • Reply 326 of 513
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member


    Originally Posted by cycomiko View Post


    Its not a post-pc era, no matter how many times steve jobs claimed so.  But congrats on completely buying into the apple advertising terms.

    its a multiple gadget era.  The ipad cannot ultimately replace a PC

    Just tell that to the millions that only own an iPad. The PC for many of those customers, was not even on the radar when considering a "computing device", because it was too difficult to learn new... and too much computer for what they wanted to do, like email, internet, and maybe Facebook.


    Now go tell them their idiots, and see how far that gets you. I bet they have more fun in life than you do as well.

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  • Reply 327 of 513
    cycomikocycomiko Posts: 716member


    Originally Posted by theskivvys View Post

    Microsoft simply copying and imitating Apple poorly is not progress.  There is no need for HDMI when you can use Airplay. $100 for an Apple TV is not much more than HDMI cables. USB ports also become irrelevant, if for example you have a NAS connected to your router.  Why have cables and dongles connected to your device that simply get in the way and are unnecessary and ugly? You don't need external memory the supplied ram is fine! Long life is not required because you will usually upgrade every 2 years or less and the mobility makes the devices more fragile than existing desktops, so that is why the lifecycle has lessened.


    What part are they copying?



    1) not much more than HDMI cable... but you still need the HDMI cable, so in fact its 100$ dearer no matter the price of HDMI.

    2) USB irrelevant?  what for?  Even apple does not have the melons to release a PC without USB

    3)Cables and Dongles?  Applea re the king of dongles.  Had a marketer at work the other day, attempting to get his macbookpro working on a local projector.  VGA? no, need a dongle.  HDMI? no need a dongle... oh ..   Brand spanking new macbook prowith retina - want to use ethernet?  30$ thank you.  Nice dongle bro...

    4) Just upgrade the OS to block out the older generations.  Means upgrading even without devices being fragile.

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  • Reply 328 of 513
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member


    Originally Posted by serializer View Post

    I think we can conclude then that people have different needs - for whatever reason. And, that USB and HDMI out is interesting for some users. With a product thats supports both you do not have to choose.

    I'll accept the "olive branch" approach... but... how many "users" to support an unknown platform and whether it really works or not?


    We don't know yet what compromises the "user" looking for this, is going to be forced to make.


    And I'm almost sure there are going to be compromises... more than likely many of them!

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  • Reply 329 of 513
    sapamsapam Posts: 6member

    ............. what if the Kickstand Breaks .............

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  • Reply 330 of 513
    cycomikocycomiko Posts: 716member


    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    Just tell that to the millions that only own an iPad. The PC for many of those customers, was not even on the radar when considering a "computing device", because it was too difficult to learn new... and too much computer for what they wanted to do, like email, internet, and maybe Facebook.


    Now go tell them their idiots, and see how far that gets you. I bet they have more fun in life than you do as well.

    Evidence for 'millions only owning ipad?


    I though apple sold millions of PCs a year on the basis of not being difficult to learn or use?

     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 331 of 513
    cycomikocycomiko Posts: 716member


    Originally Posted by sapam View Post

    ............. what if the Kickstand Breaks .............


        Same as when your macbook air decides to stop working. 

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  • Reply 332 of 513
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member


    Originally Posted by tribalogical View Post

    I have a few comments, really, first-reaction kind of stuff...


    First, I think there are a few cool ideas here. In particular, the nice-looking keyboard, which is a strong "hook" for the product… but I certainly wouldn't buy it based on that alone. And, it remains to be seen just how well one can actually type on the thing, build quality, etc. 


    A few comment/questions:


    - Is it just the perspectives, or is that keyboard actually taller than the tablet itself? does it "stick out" when folded down?


    - kickstand 1: it looks precariously perched. It might come in handy, but, will it be worth the extra weight, and not fall easily?

    - kickstand 2: it looks like it'll break way too easily.

    - kickstand 3: plug a couple of cables into those upper-right ports, and I suspect it could easily become top-heavy, rendering the stand pointless.


    - The proportions look more like a Playbook. Longer and narrower than the iPad. Noticeably "stretch". Is that just the 16:9 proportion?


    It feels like they want to call it a "tablet", but are pushing it entirely into the "laptop" space, with a keyboard, the non-carried/desktop positioning, multiple ports, etc. As a portable tablet, I'm more interested how it feels and functions when I'm away from the peripherals and work surfaces.


    They may be trying to create a new "hybrid" category… not sure.


    And, OK, it comes bundled with Office. Anything else? Beyond that, is there "an app for that"? A compelling ecosystem?


    Let the fun begin!

    And before commenting, maybe you should check out first that almost everything in the MS tablet has been done before, and is available today both for the iPad and for Android devices.


    Yes... it is a hybrid. Check out Asus products since a year ago. As to the iPad, check out "iPad Bluetooth keyboard case" on Amazon. More than a few for those that need such a thing. I've sold a couple of Kensington Keyfolios to clients. BTW: either from Kensington or Logitec, they allow for portrait AND landscape typing. Does the kickstand Smurf-Top?

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  • Reply 333 of 513


    Originally Posted by tribalogical View Post

    I have a few comments, really, first-reaction kind of stuff...


    First, I think there are a few cool ideas here. In particular, the nice-looking keyboard, which is a strong "hook" for the product… but I certainly wouldn't buy it based on that alone. And, it remains to be seen just how well one can actually type on the thing, build quality, etc. 


    A few comment/questions:


    - Is it just the perspectives, or is that keyboard actually taller than the tablet itself? does it "stick out" when folded down?


    - kickstand 1: it looks precariously perched. It might come in handy, but, will it be worth the extra weight, and not fall easily?

    - kickstand 2: it looks like it'll break way too easily.

    - kickstand 3: plug a couple of cables into those upper-right ports, and I suspect it could easily become top-heavy, rendering the stand pointless.


    - The proportions look more like a Playbook. Longer and narrower than the iPad. Noticeably "stretch". Is that just the 16:9 proportion?


    It feels like they want to call it a "tablet", but are pushing it entirely into the "laptop" space, with a keyboard, the non-carried/desktop positioning, multiple ports, etc. As a portable tablet, I'm more interested how it feels and functions when I'm away from the peripherals and work surfaces.


    They may be trying to create a new "hybrid" category… not sure.


    And, OK, it comes bundled with Office. Anything else? Beyond that, is there "an app for that"? A compelling ecosystem?


    Let the fun begin!


    I think the kick stand stands for being targeted for business and for replacing home pcs. If you put the device on a desktop it will not fall. In all other cases, where surface is not plain and stable, it will not be useful.


    For Microsoft this means a lot as current pc's can easily be replaced with this hybrid. It will have the desktop functionality and the portability. The iPad feel but can also be something else if needed.

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  • Reply 334 of 513
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member


    Originally Posted by cycomiko View Post


    What part are they copying?



    1) not much more than HDMI cable... but you still need the HDMI cable, so in fact its 100$ dearer no matter the price of HDMI.



    2) USB irrelevant?  what for?  Even apple does not have the melons to release a PC without USB

    For an iPad... yes... irrevalent. Who's talking about MBA's here? You think this Smurf-Top is going to replace an MBA?


    3)Cables and Dongles?  Applea re the king of dongles.  Had a marketer at work the other day, attempting to get his macbookpro working on a local projector.  VGA? no, need a dongle.  HDMI? no need a dongle... oh ..   Brand spanking new macbook prowith retina - want to use ethernet?  30$ thank you.  Nice dongle bro...

    I'm a consultant and do tech support for many of my clients as a designer. I have a converted CD case where I keep dongles/cables of every kind for when I need them. Adds a negligible few ounces to my briefcase, which also includes a Wacom tablet, mouse, and touch pad. Most people could get by with a pencil case for the cables and adapters.



    4) Just upgrade the OS to block out the older generations.  Means upgrading even without devices being fragile.

    Huh? What are you talking about?

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  • Reply 335 of 513


    Originally Posted by cycomiko View Post


    What part are they copying?



    1) not much more than HDMI cable... but you still need the HDMI cable, so in fact its 100$ dearer no matter the price of HDMI.

    2) USB irrelevant?  what for?  Even apple does not have the melons to release a PC without USB

    3)Cables and Dongles?  Applea re the king of dongles.  Had a marketer at work the other day, attempting to get his macbookpro working on a local projector.  VGA? no, need a dongle.  HDMI? no need a dongle... oh ..   Brand spanking new macbook prowith retina - want to use ethernet?  30$ thank you.  Nice dongle bro...

    4) Just upgrade the OS to block out the older generations.  Means upgrading even without devices being fragile.

    This is all been answered previously but to wrap up for those of you trapped in the OLD SKOOL way of thinking--


    • I own a HDMI dongle but have used it once, I use airplay for all the movies I want to watch

    • My 1GB NAS that also has 2 500GB USB drives connected to, is used for my storage to listen to my 750G music collection, or watch movies thru Apple TV, ipod touch etc. WIFI AC is out soon so will be even faster in the near future.

    • Most new projectors have HDMI, you could even connect an Apple TV to a projector and be able to use ML and ipads with no cables! Cables are a safety hazard in the workplace and I would recommend this, how many accidents have been caused by loose dangling cables connected to projectors. VGA is really becoming outdated fast for its limited resolution, plus it doesnt carry audio, so you also need another cable for sound. No need to harp about legacy stuff cos they wont be around for much longer.  It would be like complaining about a PC not having printer ports for that old printer lying around or a PS/2 port for that nifty MS Keyboard from the mid 90s (Which I absolutely hated as it split the keyboard up in two LOL).

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  • Reply 336 of 513
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member


    Originally Posted by Technarchy View Post

    Price is going to be critical.


    The keyboard is slick, but nothing we can't get on an iPad


    I think overall it's a nice $500 tops.


    Also, this seems to be the very definition of Tim Cook's explanation of compromise when you try to merge a tablet and "PC". Not a negative, but certainly a fact.


    I really would rather see MSFT do a proper mobile ecosystem between phone and tablet, and not worry so much about windows desktop integration.


    The 32GB RT model will be > $700 and the i5 will be > $1200.

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  • Reply 337 of 513

    all we have to do is make it VM-able and then port iOS X to it. Perfect!

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  • Reply 338 of 513
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member


    Originally Posted by cycomiko View Post

    Evidence for 'millions only owning ipad?


    I'm sorry... 1,154,456-1/2... it was a rounding error on my part.



    I though apple sold millions of PCs a year on the basis of not being difficult to learn or use?

    For people that actually need the power of a full OS. For those that I mentioned that don't... the iPad is the go-to device. Although that's conjecture too I suppose.


    Because: who really knows for sure? The publicized Apple numbers are surely part of a wide conspiracy akin to Obama's birth certificate.

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  • Reply 339 of 513


    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post


    The 32GB RT model will be > $700 and the i5 will be > $1200.

    Please post a source to that if you know... I doubt ARM model will cost more than iPad.

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  • Reply 340 of 513
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member


    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post


    The 32GB RT model will be > $700 and the i5 will be > $1200.

    better be cheaper than this: ASUS Zenbook Prime = $864.99 incl. $14.99 upgrade certificate to Windows 8.

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