Microsoft unveils 'Surface' Windows 8 tablet



  • Reply 381 of 513
    sensisensi Posts: 346member


    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    Again... please point to WHY it needs one, when wifi and/or Bluetooth connects to everything now.


    Well except a mouse. Let's not get into why you would want a mouse on a decidely touch device.

    USB is convenient, like if nobody ever wanted to plug a USB key on its iPad to share content or extend the storage directly available for a cheap price, with 32 GB USB keys under $20 I am sure many would settle with that rather than to pay the heavier price asked for the extra-space of the high-end models... Also Windows can put to use external devices like USB keys for extra ram.

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  • Reply 382 of 513
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member


    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post


    Logitech and Zagg beg to differ. But, whatever version of history you like.

    Logitech and Zagg ain't Apple ;)


    In addition - I haven't seen Zagg, but Logitech one is basically a box with no real physical connection with iPad, isn't it? It has to be charged separately every now and then, and you cannot flip it behind (something I'm expecting to see from this one)..? Anyhow, not exactly the same.

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  • Reply 383 of 513
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member


    Originally Posted by NelsonX View Post

    Boy, I have never seen so many Apple shareholders scared in my life!!! Literally scared to death!!! image


    Are you suggesting we're all scared Monkey Boy is going to come along and steal our iPads? You're right that is funny lol. 


    I mean Microsoft have only been trying to build a decent tablet for the last 10 years.

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  • Reply 384 of 513


    Originally Posted by NelsonX View Post

    Boy, I have never seen so many Apple shareholders scared in my life!!! Literally scared to death!!! image


    If that fiction helps you sleep at night. It's a defensive move intended to prevent erosion of their installed base.

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  • Reply 385 of 513
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member


    Originally Posted by Lebensmuede View Post


    Tim Cook saw this coming two months ago:


    "Converging a toaster and a refrigerator"

    Now that's called "Damage Control".

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  • Reply 386 of 513
    edrededred Posts: 57member
    Looks fine but they should have called it Surface Reloaded or something like that.
    This must be like the fourth time Microsoft tries to "define" the tablet market.
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  • Reply 387 of 513
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member


    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Now that's called "Damage Control".


    And you are drawing a long bow.

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  • Reply 388 of 513
    j1h15233j1h15233 Posts: 274member


    Originally Posted by KevinN206 View Post

    My Windows Phone Lumia 710 can boot up faster than your newest iPhone. A Windows tablet takes about 10-20 sec to boot.

    I doubt that, but then again, the iPhone does have several thousands of apps that are also on the phone so maybe that's slowing it down a bit haha.

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  • Reply 389 of 513


    Originally Posted by EdRed View Post

    Looks fine but they should have called it Surface Reloaded or something like that.

    This must be like the fourth time Microsoft tries to "define" the tablet market.


    Dang. I thought UMPC was going to be "it".

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  • Reply 390 of 513
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member


    Originally Posted by Sensi View Post

    USB is convenient, like if nobody ever wanted to plug a USB key on its iPad to share content or extend the storage directly available for a cheap price, with 32 GB USB keys under $20 I am sure many would settle with that rather than to pay the heavier price asked for the extra-space of the high-end models... Also Windows can put to use external devices like USB keys for extra ram.

    No. I nor my clients have ever wanted to plug in a USB stick. Well they did, until I showed them how to use FileBrowser, DropBox, Goodreader, PhotoManagerPro.... or just plain email.


    After that... no ... the question has never come up.

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  • Reply 391 of 513
    chrispoechrispoe Posts: 80member


    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Considering how many people play FB games, it will be handy for number of FB-ers.


    Outside of that, different scenarios, different needs. Personally, I have desktop, laptop and tablet. Since heavy work is being done on desktop anyway, I can replace my tablet and laptop with this amalgamation. Still have my Lightroom and Pinnacle Studio when travelling, while being able to use device for books/comics/movies in landscape and portrait mode.


    In general, I think there are a lot of scenarios when one needs simple tablet for most of the time, but requires laptop power every now and then. This might be good device for such usage. Of course we'll have to wait and see how well it compromises between two worlds. It does look promising in my eyes, at least.

    I think the I5 Pro version could replace the desktop also. All you would need is some sort of docking station that would power the tablet, and instantly allow you to use a regular monitor, keyboard, and mouse by utilizing the mini display port and the USB port.

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  • Reply 392 of 513
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member


    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    It brings full PC functionality to the table(t)... and still remains reasonably slim and lite. That is worthwile for a lot of home, and much more corporate users.


    You talk about this as if it's a shipping product. I think we have quite a ways to go before we see the light of day with Surface.


    Are there some good ideas?  Sure.


    Will MS actually pull this off in a flawless fashion? I sincerely doubt it.

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  • Reply 393 of 513
    nceencee Posts: 858member

    And I wonder what this would have been / looked like / worked like and so on, had Apple not come out with the iPad???



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  • Reply 394 of 513
    nelsonxnelsonx Posts: 278member


    Quote: Yup... that's why the AAPL share price rose today by almost $12.00. We be a shaken... :)



    The announcement was made after the market has closed. But let's see what is going on today! The entire market is up on good news from Greece, Microsoft is up 4% but Apple... nothing! One of the few stocks that is not up today! Oops!!!! Bad news for you, greedy Apple shareholders. But great news for tech fans and for true Apple fans (consumers). Because Apple needs good competition no greedy shareholders who wants nothing but to fill their pockets!
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  • Reply 395 of 513
    jcdinkinsjcdinkins Posts: 114member

    When Apple does a big announcement like this, the hardware is almost always immediately available the day of the announcement.  With Microsoft, it's always "coming".  That is a big let down to prospective consumers.  Consumers get geared up with the announcement and get in a "frenzy", only to be told they can't buy it.


    I personally don't think this thing is going to do very well.  Anything Microsoft sells hardware-wise has generally been a failure.  The kickstand is gonna break.  Just give it time.  Mechanical things eventually wear out.  And the pen...don't get me started on that.  I'd like to think Microsoft did something great here, but it's nothing new.

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  • Reply 396 of 513


    Originally Posted by jcdinkins View Post

    When Apple does a big announcement like this, the hardware is almost always immediately available the day of the announcement.  With Microsoft, it's always "coming".  That is a big let down to prospective consumers.  Consumers get geared up with the announcement and get in a "frenzy", only to be told they can't buy it.


    I personally don't think this thing is going to do very well.  Anything Microsoft sells hardware-wise has generally been a failure.  The kickstand is gonna break.  Just give it time.  Mechanical things eventually wear out.  And the pen...don't get me started on that.  I'd like to think Microsoft did something great here, but it's nothing new.


    I can almost guarantee you that Apple ran through all these things; built-in kickstand, keypad cover... any number of other innovations... but in the end, simplicity won the day. As you say, things tend to wear out and/or break.


    Building things by committee, with Ballmer being the decider, tends to include the living room, office and bedroom into the kitchen design. All things to all people... jack of all trades, master of none. Sometimes they sell well but nobody ever makes any money. (I'm talking about hardware)

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  • Reply 397 of 513

    As much as I dislike MS products.  This actually looks ok.  I'd love to have an iPad that ran OS X.. something I could actually use to store stuff on... If and when apple comes out with an ipad with REAL storage.. not just for pictures and music.  An actual file system I can access.. I'll buy one.  Looks like MS did a good job with this one.

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  • Reply 398 of 513

    Every hardware designer must work at Apple or Samsung because this thing is not attractive it looks really bad. Folks, Apple nailed it with the iPad there is no competition deal with it. Two years ago when Apple came out with the iPad I was the first one to say among my friends " Why would I need that it's just a giant iPhone" Well two years later I have a iPad 64gig that replaced my 2006 MacBook Pro and can do anything that I did on the old MBP and more and iPad travels so well.


    Every tablet that has come behind the iPad has no character. I had a Samsung Galaxy Tab for a weekend that a family member bought. The design of it was good, thin,light good size. The problem was Android Honeycomb which was awful.  The screen of the Galaxy was not attractive at all. If MS were to put their OS in that form factor of a Galaxy Tab the might have something but it still wouldn't compare to the iPad.


    No one and I mean No one does tablets better than Apple. It's a fact of life.

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  • Reply 399 of 513
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    macvertigo wrote: »
    I'd love to have an iPad that ran OS X…

    No, you wouldn't. :broken_wink_emoticon.png:
    …If and when apple comes out with an iPad with REAL storage.. not just for pictures and music.

    Lawl, that's a good one.
    An actual file system I can access

    Go buy an Android tablet. Not only will this never happen, it's becoming ever more clear that it's not necessary.
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  • Reply 400 of 513


    Originally Posted by NotScott View Post




    Dance for us, Monkey-Boy!  Dance!

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