Microsoft unveils 'Surface' Windows 8 tablet



  • Reply 141 of 513
    tmallontmallon Posts: 39member
    Net books worked great these things should too right????
  • Reply 142 of 513
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    neiltc13 wrote: »

    This is the "Pro" model with the tactile keyboard. Easily a replacement for my MacBook Air. It has an i5 Processor and runs both metro and desktop apps, so I can use it as both a laptop and tablet. Best part is, no syncing, ever.
    How can you say that when you haven't even tested this thing out?
  • Reply 143 of 513
    visualzonevisualzone Posts: 299member

    What no Home Basic, Home Premium, Business or Ultimate Edition?


  • Reply 144 of 513
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    tmallon wrote: »
    MS is truly visionary, no one will ever make a product like this....      NOT

    Actually they are. They are the first to create a tablet ish thing do ugly Apple would be embarrassed to claim was ripped off the iPad design
  • Reply 145 of 513


    Originally Posted by neiltc13 View Post



    This is the "Pro" model with the tactile keyboard. Easily a replacement for my MacBook Air. It has an i5 Processor and runs both metro and desktop apps, so I can use it as both a laptop and tablet. Best part is, no syncing, ever.

    With a two-hour battery life, you better stand close to a wall outlet. Because of heat restrictions, this will be as under-powered as a MBA. Because of the keyboard connection, this will not be as satisfactory as a Laptop, you really need a table to prop up the screen too. I'd recommend the MBA running Parallels... you are not really an iPad person.

  • Reply 146 of 513
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    How can you say that when you haven't even tested this thing out?


    He's a Microsoft FAN desperate for anything - literally ANYTHING - marketed as an iPad competitor with an MS logo on it. 


    THAT is how much it positively sucks to be an MS fan these days. Or these . . . years. 

  • Reply 147 of 513
    It's foolish to compare typing on the cover with typing on a screen. That's not the game. The question is, will it be as good to type on as the Logitech Ultraslim Keyboard Cover that I'm typing on (or something comparable). My guess is NO.
  • Reply 148 of 513


    Originally Posted by csuess View Post

    The art of engineering.




    LOL. Is Microsoft trying to convince you they have equal manufacturing and design prowess as a certain rival in Cupertino, who shall remain nameless? "It's got magnesiumly deposited super vapor coating for light-years of durability and tensile limit!" and "The screen is optically bonded to the screen, making the screen one solid piece of optically bonded screen that won't wash off!"

  • Reply 149 of 513


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    How can you say that when you haven't even tested this thing out?


    And you have?

  • Reply 150 of 513
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member

    Does it come in brown?

  • Reply 151 of 513
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Mistake. MS offering too many devices and not coordinated with an OS, And not available now, and not in stores, no price mentioned. Poorly done annoincement.
    Might be an interesting product.
    Wonder what J Allard is thinking right now...
  • Reply 152 of 513
    pembrokepembroke Posts: 230member
    If the intention is to use the soft keyboard, why not just buy a more robust UltraBook?

    Wonder how HP, the first to market with the Slate using their partner MS's software, feels about this development?

    Yes, impressive technology, but it lacks elegance and it feels crack-handed within the context of MS's OEM partnerships. And why announce now with no ship date or firm pricing? Have they published expected battery time yet?
  • Reply 153 of 513
    technarchytechnarchy Posts: 296member

    Tim Cook said it best:






    In my view, the tablet and the PC are different. And you can do things with the tablet, if you’re not encumbered by the legacy of the PC. If you view it as different. If you take the view that says this is another PC, all of a sudden you’re pulling along all of the baggage of the PC market…

    I love convergence, convergence is great, but products are about tradeoffs. You have to make tough decisions, you have to choose, and the more you look at a tablet as a PC, the more the baggage of the 

  • Reply 154 of 513
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    rogifan wrote: »
    I don't get these events where you show something off with no price or release date. And what about all the Windows tablets/Ultrabooks Intel showed off a couple weeks ago? With this announcement it's like MS is giving a vote of no confidence to all the OEM's.

    Worked out pretty well for RIMM and the PlayBook!
  • Reply 155 of 513
    sensisensi Posts: 346member


    Originally Posted by tmallon View Post

    they forgot to say, the RT use 18 gig for the OS,, and the Pro uses 40 gig

    I doubt it: Windows 8 Release Preview, by definition an unoptimized build, requires 16 Gb of disk space.

  • Reply 156 of 513
    normmnormm Posts: 653member

    Copying the iPod didn't work out well for MS.  The only thing I really like here is the keyboard/cover, but if you can't get exactly that for the iPad right now, you will be able to soon.  MS obviously has to try to respond to the iPad, and this is a plausible strategy.  I just don't think it's going to work.  Too late, with a product that isn't as good.  It won't attract many consumers, and it will alienate its windows-tablet hardware partners.

  • Reply 157 of 513


    Originally Posted by CogitoDexter View Post

    I wonder if it's possible to install a decent operating system on it...


    You know, like OS X, albeit a bit 'hackintoshy' and rather naughty in doing so...



    OSX would be horrible on a touch based device.

  • Reply 158 of 513

    The first person to post "haha! You Apple fanbois are all scared now!" wins a prize. It's inevitable...

  • Reply 159 of 513



    it's not a netbook, it's not an ultraportable, it's not a's SURFACE! 


    hey Microsoft why don't you just leave Tech industry all together, you are already making ppl more miserable with your horrible operating system.

  • Reply 160 of 513

    Hey, a "tablet" with a C:\ drive.

    Now I know why it has a physical keyboard. Like a laptop. Wth a detachable keyboard.

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