Microsoft unveils 'Surface' Windows 8 tablet



  • Reply 101 of 513
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Looks to me as if MS has come out with the single-best tablet out there!

    Actually they have come out with two single-best tablets out there.

    Way to go MS… Way to commit to a single vision!

    Dictated on my non-Ultrabook tablet.
  • Reply 102 of 513
    peter236peter236 Posts: 254member

    This Windows tablet is sleek in design and makes the iPad and MacBook Air obsolete. The keyboard is just innovative. The magnetic connector is way ahead of the iPad.

    This could have been an Apple product.

  • Reply 103 of 513

    I wonder if it's possible to install a decent operating system on it...


    You know, like OS X, albeit a bit 'hackintoshy' and rather naughty in doing so...

  • Reply 104 of 513
    tmallontmallon Posts: 39member


    Originally Posted by Sensi View Post

    From the released specs the window 8 pro version has USB 3, USB 2 is for RT.




    Surface for Windows RT

    Surface for Windows 8 Pro


    Windows RT

    Windows 8 Pro


    676 g

    903 g


    9.3 mm

    13.5 mm


    10.6" ClearType HD Display

    10.6" ClearType Full HD Display


    31.5 W-h

    42 W-h


    microSD, USB 2.0, Micro HD Video,

     2x2 MIMO antennae

    microSDXC, USB 3.0,

    Mini DisplayPort Video,

    2x2 MIMO antennae


    Office '15' Apps, Touch Cover, Type


    Touch Cover, Type Cover,

    Pen with Palm Block


    VaporMg Case & Stand

    VaporMg Case & Stand


    32 GB, 64 GB

    64 GB, 128 GB

    (1, 2 ) Actual size and weight of the device may vary due to configuration and manufacturing process



    they forgot to say, the RT use 18 gig for the OS,, and the Pro uses 40 gig

  • Reply 105 of 513
    sacto joesacto joe Posts: 895member
    Yeah. It's a tablet on training wheels....
  • Reply 106 of 513
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    It started late, a device failed, there was some odd comments and demos, confusing OS and HW offerings, it gave a complete FU to all other vendors that plan to use Win8, and a lack of info on price and availability.

    Conclusion: All is right with the world.

    But in all fairness there is a lot I like about the devices shown.
  • Reply 107 of 513
    tmallontmallon Posts: 39member

    how long to boot this thin is there an f8 to safe mode 

  • Reply 108 of 513
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member


    Originally Posted by peter236 View Post

    This Windows tablet is sleek in design and makes the iPad and MacBook Air obsolete. The keyboard is just innovative. The magnetic connector is way ahead of the iPad.

    This could have been an Apple product.

    You mean THIS?




  • Reply 109 of 513
    justbobfjustbobf Posts: 261member

    Zune? No. It's not brown.

  • Reply 110 of 513
    gatortpkgatortpk Posts: 33member
    technarchy wrote: »
    Price is going to be critical.

    The keyboard is slick, but nothing we can't get on an iPad

    I think overall it's a nice $500 tops.

    Also, this seems to be the very definition of Tim Cook's explanation of compromise when you try to merge a tablet and "PC". Not a negative, but certainly a fact.

    I really would rather see MSFT do a proper mobile ecosystem between phone and tablet, and not worry so much about windows desktop integration.

    I agree with everything here. Especially, the part with Microsoft doing a great job with a phone and a tablet, rather than try to do both on both. If they successfully did that, Apple will only make even better products. Competition is good! I wish there was more of it.
  • Reply 111 of 513
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    roka wrote: »
    Unfortunately, when MobileMe gets shuttered in 2 weeks sp basic functionality will be lost.

    However, there is a movement to save some of the soon-to-be-lost features. Check out this link.
    Just use in the poll to register your vote.

    Thank you

    Save your time and effort. When it comes to Apples reactions to online petitions i've got two words for ya -- Honey Badger.
  • Reply 112 of 513
    tmallontmallon Posts: 39member

    MS is truly visionary, no one will ever make a product like this....      NOT

  • Reply 113 of 513
    boxmaccaryboxmaccary Posts: 146member
    It's a laptop in tablet form.


    And wait until Joe Gadgetguy gets a load of "Sone Win8 apps work on one, but not the other ...."

    Can you say FRAGMENTATION ?!?


    I knew you could.

  • Reply 114 of 513
    tmallontmallon Posts: 39member

    Is today april 1st because this has to be the biggest joke MS has ever had.. 

  • Reply 115 of 513
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member

    What's with the hate! This is awesome. It's a tablet and a computer in one device. It's what Apple should have done with a special version of the 11" MacBook Air years ago as soon as iPad became a hit. Things like this and the ASUS PadFone are awesome. 


    The Win 8 UI looks interesting, I guess. Maybe not the best, then again I haven't used it in person. But the general concept of running REAL apps on a mobile touchscreen is awesome. Also, people want to have a big touchscreen. The Galaxy Note is homerun. I predict the ASUS PadFone will sell well, also. There is another reason. Up until these devices you had to pay extra for tethering. Because you had two devices, a tablet and a computer. Or a phone, tablet, and computer. If you merge all of them, you pay one data plan. Of course I'm sure US carriers will muck this up.  But kudos to Microsoft for innovating, dare I say it. Kinect is awesome. This Surface product looks really awesome, too. Personally I'd rather see an something like the ASUS transformer powered by an Intel mobile chip that can run Windows and MacOS X and Android all one device: a phone that plugs into a tablet which clips onto a keyboard. How sweet would that be!? All your apps everywhere all the time with all your data. The cloud doesn't work so well for large files when you pay per megabyte.


    I really wonder about battery life, though. Other than that, I think this may possibly be a dark horse that becomes successful. The x86 Surface tab in particular. I imagine businesses will greatly prefer this to having to deal with Apple and iOS.

  • Reply 116 of 513
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Why is MS doing hardware anyway? Do they not trust Dell, HP, Lenovo, etc to get it right? So they have to release their own hardware which basically is a competitor to all the Wintel OEM's?
  • Reply 117 of 513

    Its funny going to how many boards and seeing windows fan-boys, mac fan-boys, linux-fanboys than everyone else.



    Mac-Can't be better than anything Apple Produces

    Windows - Finally better than Apple

    Linux- F' all you (thanks linus)

    Evey normal person - looks interesting have to wait and see when it comes out and compare it. I'll wait before buying an iPad 3 or this thing. 

  • Reply 118 of 513
    maccadmaccad Posts: 87member

    People are excited by the cover with a keyboard. I wouldn't want one, and here's why. If you fold the cover back so you can walk around with the tablet, you would be constantly pressing the keys on the back. If you take it off, then you have an extra item to carry around. I have neither problem with my iPad smart cover. I realize I'm in the minority, but I actually enjoy typing on the iPad's onscreen keyboard. If I want to do some serious typing, I bring my wireless keyboard which is a real keyboard.


    The Surface's worst feature is that it's running Windows.


    Microsoft seems proud that the Surface is a tablet and an ultra-thin. The problem is that they didn't hit the mark on either one. Microsoft always comes close, but they never quite get it right. The Zune was close too.


    From the back, it's as ugly as Ballmer.

  • Reply 119 of 513
    gridgrid Posts: 21member
    I'm sorry but the people in charge of naming MS's garbage needs to be shot! Xbox; dumb but not real bad, Zune; it sounds like a 3 year old trying to say zoo with a mouth full of marshmallows. Now we have"surface". ooooOOOOooooo..... The surface of what? A polished turd? Stupid is as stupid does I guess.
  • Reply 120 of 513
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    csuess wrote: »
    This does not look like something I want to touch.

    I have been generally impressed with the whole Surface table project. But this lacks a certain je ne sais quoi. And am I correct that it doesn't work with Smart Glass? That to me would be a huge fail. If you want to really push a new tech your own stuff needs to use it? And if it does use it, hype it.
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