iPhone 5 will put Samsung's Galaxy S III to shame, says Foxconn CEO



  • Reply 121 of 134
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,385member

    A few notes on the business side of the Galaxy S3:



    -Samsung said it will release the S3 via 296 carriers in 145 countries by July.


    -Profit from Samsung's mobile division nearly tripled in January-March to $3.6 billion, accounting for 73 percent of operating profit.


    -Analysts estimate its global marketing campaign for the S3 will likely have cost several hundred million dollars.


    -Samsung - whose shares have gained 82 percent since late-August, beating Apple's 58 percent rise - is now banking on an aggressive marketing campaign ahead of the summer London Olympics to further drive sales. It has said its mobile market share in China doubled after the 2008 Beijing Olympics.


  • Reply 122 of 134

    I see this guy's response as only one thing... he's trash talking and I love it!  It's sweet and simple... his "dig" about respect for the Japanese style of communication and the "backstabbing" of the Koreans. How any of you can read "racism" into that line is beyond me.  This is only about how he wants to kick Samsung's butt and is mouthing off that he has the products and services to do it with!  Whether it's true or not, he's got the balls to do it publicly!  I support him on that!


  • Reply 123 of 134
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,385member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Because having some form of a feature not matter how poorly implemented is more important than a well thought out implementation so long as you can claim "First!" Well done¡

    Based on that list at least, claims of Android being a copy of iOS sound a bit hollow, don't you think Soli? It looks like Android developers are innovating just fine, just missing with the paste wax in a few spots. 

  • Reply 124 of 134

    Wow, now that was exactly the predictable response that I was expecting... Love it. Thanks.

    As far as litigation, some companies try to protect technology, yes. Apple lays claim to things like rectangular shape, and on/off buttons, and such. Maybe we could step forward and look to new technology beyond on/off buttons and rectangles and the whole world will be better off.

  • Reply 125 of 134
    galbigalbi Posts: 968member

    He has a financial stake in the success of the iPhone.


    He wouldnt say anything otherwise.

  • Reply 126 of 134
    galbigalbi Posts: 968member


    Originally Posted by 69ergoo View Post

    Samsung = No OS. Apple, Google, MS = OS.

    Samsung has been, is, and will always be a component manufacturer. Too bad Koreans simply don't know how to do OS. Even though Sammy is working hard to have their own OS, like Tizen, it is bound to fail miserably. oh well, at least Sammy is making money right now and they should be happy about it.


    "how to do OS"?


    What does that mean?


    Taking that statement literally, your second statement "Samsung is working hard to have their own OS, Tizen" basically refutes your first statement.


    What you want to state is whether Samsung can successfully MARKET their new OS to the developers/carriers/consumers.


    It's quite obvious that Samsung can and indeed "do" an OS.


    Please, be more clear next time. And no, "this is just a blog" or "just the internet" excuses doesn't count.

  • Reply 127 of 134
    galbigalbi Posts: 968member

    I'm surprised that AI didnt cover Samsung's TecTiles in their news feed?


    Perhaps the editors thinks its a formidable idea?





  • Reply 128 of 134
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    That has to be one of the least intelligent ideas I've seen in modern tech.
  • Reply 129 of 134
    fredaroonyfredaroony Posts: 619member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    That has to be one of the least intelligent ideas I've seen in modern tech.

    Yes it is rather lame. Can't imagine sticking these things all over the place.

  • Reply 130 of 134
    fredaroony wrote: »
    I stand by what I said, if someone proclaims a hatred for something so much then they should stand by what they say and don't use the products, or parts of. This site doesn't work like that though...posters in here want to make big outlandish statements and not back them up.

    It's worth pointing out that the parts used by the iPhone that are manufactured by Samsung are still designed and patented by Apple. Samsung is essentially the same as Foxconn in terms of their relationship with Apple.
  • Reply 131 of 134
    fredaroonyfredaroony Posts: 619member


    Originally Posted by MaxTremors View Post

    It's worth pointing out that the parts used by the iPhone that are manufactured by Samsung are still designed and patented by Apple. Samsung is essentially the same as Foxconn in terms of their relationship with Apple.

    Yes, I understand that and that's why it's so stupid to proclaim a hatred for a company with such passion as you see in some posters. 

  • Reply 132 of 134
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    fredaroony wrote: »
    Yes, I understand that and that's why it's so stupid to proclaim a hatred for a company with such passion as you see in some posters. 

    No, that's the opposite of what is being said here.
  • Reply 133 of 134
    fredaroonyfredaroony Posts: 619member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    No, that's the opposite of what is being said here.

    What do you mean? I was just talking in general terms.

  • Reply 134 of 134

    Exactly, not a fair comparison anyway.  The New iPhone (5? 6?) should be compared to the 2013 Galaxy S IV. It shouldn't be compared to the previous Galaxy Siii.

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