Jury likely to decide Apple and Samsung case as parties fail to narrow dispute



  • Reply 21 of 179
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by 845032 View Post

    World will be a better place if without Apple

    Ok I'll take the bait.

    How would you personally benefit from the absence of Apple?

  • Reply 22 of 179
    misamisa Posts: 827member
    chris_ca wrote: »
    So you prefer DOS prompts and crappy cell devices?

    The command line is superior... on "Windows" PC's (The Windows Vista/7 start menu also counts as a command line.) It's also only way to use Linux PC's. On the Mac it's nicely done up in a way that you never have to use a command line, but the option exists.

    Crappy cell devices... Motorola has never produced a non-crappy phone. Stylistically they were prefered by Americans because of the "whoa cool flipphone" factor. Nokia was stubbornly slow to realize this, produced technologically superior devices, but their phones were always ugly or poorly thought out. Nokia's flipphone looked like a Gameboy SP, Nokia's N-Gage had the "side talking taco" problem that turned into a meme. Samsung and LG just made phones that copied Motorola back then, and their phones were poorly engineered and barely worked on US networks. Nokia and Motorola squandered the leads they had in their respective home markets.

    Like, call me skeptical, but I wouldn't believe a word that comes from Samsung. The produce nothing but cheap pretty copycat trash. They may make outlandish claims about not copying, but the very fact that Samsung was producing parts for Apple was probably enough for engineers to do what we've seen in the leaks, put the parts together and fill in the missing blanks. Once a real device came out, they had every opportunity to copy it better. Maybe there were meetings held privately "off the record" where someone went "so we put all the apple parts we are producing together, and suspect Apple is making X, Y and maybe a Z"

    I have no love for Samsung, and no love for Motorola, and both of these come from having to deal with customers returned/exchanging them. I would never sell their stuff at any price.
  • Reply 23 of 179

    Originally Posted by Misa View Post

    The command line is superior... on "Windows" PC's (The Windows Vista/7 start menu also counts as a command line.) It's also only way to use Linux PC's. On the Mac it's nicely done up in a way that you never have to use a command line, but the option exists.


    "Only way", huh.


    Your line of thinking was outmoded 28 years ago.

  • Reply 24 of 179


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    And if they lose?

    That's how the system works.


    If I were Apple, I'd gladly take my chances with a jury than Judge Koh.

  • Reply 25 of 179


    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Ok I'll take the bait.

    How would you personally benefit from the absence of Apple?

    You'll be waiting a long time for an answer for a long time.


    Good luck.

  • Reply 26 of 179
    xrcxxrcx Posts: 117member


    Originally Posted by 845032 View Post

    Google’s Motorola Files New Patent Case Against Apple



    Whatever, Samsung is not the last one.

    Good Luck with that

    Apple is 'one and only' trouble maker in industry.

    World will be a better place if without Apple

    do you need a hug?

  • Reply 27 of 179
    ivladivlad Posts: 742member

    If there was no Apple, how could Samsung or anyone else have copied them? World wouldn't be a better place.

  • Reply 29 of 179
    ewanewan Posts: 36member

    I love Apple but for the sake of humanity I hope they lose! Apple losing will set an example for every other corporation who tries to bully the small guy. Go Samsung! Free Apple Juice for everyone when Apple loses.

  • Reply 30 of 179
    ewanewan Posts: 36member


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    That's how the system works.


    If I were Apple, I'd gladly take my chances with a jury than Judge Koh.


    Is Judge Koh Kohrean by any chance? He seems very bias against Apple.

  • Reply 31 of 179
    ewan wrote: »
    I love Apple but for the sake of humanity I hope they lose! Apple losing will set an example for every other corporation who tries to bully the small guy. Go Samsung! Free Apple Juice for everyone when Apple loses.

    I mostly feel the same way. Been an Apple shareholder since before the iPod, but something drastic needs to happen in order for this lawsuit happy environment to end. Only people benefitting from this are lawyers and patent trolls. I understand the reasons for patents but it surely hinders competition (generally speaking). Competition is good for everyone. Intel and MS got lazy when they were the top dog, i don't want to see Apple do the same.
  • Reply 32 of 179


    Originally Posted by Ewan View Post

    I love Apple but for the sake of humanity I hope they lose! Apple losing will set an example for every other corporation who tries to bully the small guy. Go Samsung! Free Apple Juice for everyone when Apple loses.


    Really?! I guess you also support those little chinese copycats (like Goapple) who make total ripoffs of the iPhone too!


    (Is Samsung the small guy? ROFL)



    Originally Posted by Ewan View Post



    Is Judge Koh Kohrean by any chance? He seems very bias against Apple.


    FYI 'she' is of Korean descent and born in the US.

  • Reply 33 of 179
    galbigalbi Posts: 968member


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    That's how the system works.


    If I were Apple, I'd gladly take my chances with a jury than Judge Koh.

    You do know that the Judge can overthrow the Jury's decision if she/he doesnt agree with its outcome, no?

  • Reply 34 of 179
    ewan wrote: »
    Is Judge Koh Kohrean by any chance? He seems very bias against Apple.

    Judge Koh is of Korean heritage but was born in the USA and he is also a she. At least half of the articles on AI that mention her name also include a picture of her.
  • Reply 35 of 179
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    galbi wrote: »
    You do know that the Judge can overthrow the Jury's decision if she/he doesnt agree with its outcome, no?
    Then why bother with a jury trial at all?
  • Reply 36 of 179
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by 845032 View Post


    Apple is 'one and only' trouble maker in industry.


    If you bothered to get your facts straight, then you would know that the "trouble maker" in this instance is Motorola, who sued Apple first.


    They also sued Microsoft, first.


    Apple and Microsoft are defending themselves against Motorola's unprovoked attack.


    Google only bought Motorola because this "trouble maker" was also threatening to sue Samsung, HTC and other Android handset makers, they forced Google's hand in the scam of the century, twelve and a half billion dollars, laughing all the way to the bank.


    The world will be a better place without Motorola, the pager is as dead as they soon will be.

  • Reply 37 of 179
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member


    Originally Posted by 845032 View Post

    Google’s Motorola Files New Patent Case Against Apple



    Whatever, Samsung is not the last one.

    Good Luck with that

    Apple is 'one and only' trouble maker in industry.

    World will be a better place if without Apple


    You one and only trouble maker on forum?

  • Reply 38 of 179


    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post


    You one and only trouble maker on forum?


    Yes... and also yes.


    He is also arguing in a fundamentally wrong way. 


    He says APPLE is causing trouble (presumably because they sue everyone).

    Yet in the article he links to... even the headline says, that GOOGLE is suing here... 

    If we go by the crude and simplistic logic... GOOGLE is the trouble maker here... not Apple. 


    I mean...hell... if you wanna make a case against Apple... say that they are douches... you can. But at least do it logically.

  • Reply 39 of 179
    ochymingochyming Posts: 474member

    Samsung is counting on the cheap mentality of the Westerns ( no wonders european police makers and european car manufacturers are afraid of Chinese and South Korean cars ).

    And it may win.


    It is a crime to download movies from the internet even if you do not make any money out of it.

    It is normal for a big international corporation to steal other big corporation and make money, billions.

  • Reply 40 of 179
    ochymingochyming Posts: 474member


    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Ok I'll take the bait.

    How would you personally benefit from the absence of Apple?

    Simple, how an envier ( from my dictionary.app • Envy is best defined as a resentful emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another's(perceived) superior quality, achievement or possession and wishes that the other lacked it." )  feels when his/her wish become reality?

    image: Gets an orgasm.

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