Apple 'completely blown away' by iPhone 5 demand



  • Reply 141 of 162

    Couldn't this be a big reason why iphone 5's sold out so fast (beside it being awesome)?



    "Sharp Corp.'s slow production of display screens for Apple Inc.'s iPhone 5 could lead to shortages of the new smartphone if demand is strong, the Nikkei business daily reported Friday without citing sources. The report said engineers from Apple and Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., which assembles the iPhone, needed to help Sharp get mass production started at one key plant, which is now slated to operate at full capacity next month."



  • Reply 142 of 162


    Originally Posted by mcrs View Post

    And, yet, the two of you gave us an example of how disposable Apple's gadget is. After merely two years and spending between USD650 to USD1200, the gadgets you so loved are about to be ready to be flushed down the toilet.

    Let me correct your original statement. The crap device is the one which only last months. The less crappy device is the one that lasts a couple of years [in here comes various Apple gadgets, especially Ipods, Iphones]. The best device which commands the profit margin of 50+% will last a lot longer than that. Of course, this is in theory only, in practice, however, Iphone proudly raises its hand as the one deserved to be paid much more than its worth due to its "reliability" and "longevity", and thus the term "Apple tax" was coined. But, for a gadget that can barely lasts for two years, the Iphones certainly do not deserve to be paid premium for.

    Two years is an eternity for the average cell phone.... I know someone who still has the original iPhone, and it's still ticking. As well as several people who still have their 3GS, that they bought when they first came out.....

  • Reply 143 of 162


    Originally Posted by Psych_guy View Post

    Uh oh, you know what this means. Apple intentionally shorted the inventory so that they could make this claim.



    Ya your right, they probably withheld from making more money so they could convince people they were making more money...

  • Reply 144 of 162


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Here's something that Samsung and others are free to copy, without repercussions.


    There are no patents on long lines and there are no patents on having the most desirable phone in the world. Go ahead Samsung, go and copy that, I don't think that Apple can sue you for that. The only problem is that you first have to make an original and amazing product that will cause millions of people to lose sleep and get up in the middle of the night with their credit cards by their side, ready to order said product, causing slow servers and creating a feeding frenzy unlike anything ever seen before.


    One thing is for sure, countless people on the internet are apparently infected by the retard virus, a virus which causes certain people to completely lose their minds and it makes these people look like complete idiots and it causes them to make the most outlandish and comical claims. These people are borderline mentally ill and they have a totally warped sense of reality. Anybody with a normally functioning brain could see that the iPhone 5 would be a grand slam from the start!


    Anybody claiming that the iPhone 5 was not a significant upgrade is either lying or they are completely clueless. Just about every single component in the iPhone got an upgrade. 


    And here's a clue, the iPhone 6, iPhone 7 (or whatever they're going to call them) and so on, will also improve upon the iPhone, making the best phone in the world slightly better each time. Only a complete freaking idiot would abandon or drastically change a wildly successful product, which is pretty much what some morons claim to want. If you are young and ignorant or maybe just stupid, go look up "New Coke" and perhaps you'll understand how utterly stupid your ideas sound and you also might learn a thing or two about how successful businesses work and how to avoid historic fiascos.


    If iOS is "boring" to you, then perhaps you should ask your mother to up your dosage of Ritalin. I can guarantee you that you will be disappointed in the next iPhone and the next version of iOS also. The simple fact of the matter is that the people have spoken (the people who matter most, customers with money), and the iPhone is the undisputed most desirable and best designed phone on the planet. If you disagree, then you most likely have some oversized, plastic piece of crap in your pocket which runs a vastly inferior OS with enormous lag, that is barely even fit for human consumption. Hell, I wouldn't even buy an Android phone and give it to my dog, if I had one. And you are of course free to use whichever phone you want, just don't pretend that you don't know who the king is.


    lol a little crude, but point made.


    The reality is most of these other phone on the market today are clear copies of iPhone... but that's the thing about a copy, the very best it can be is as good as the original; but so far even that doesn't seem to be the case.

  • Reply 145 of 162


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Perhaps the most humorous are the people that are so upset because the iPhone isn't radically different YoY. I honestly don't think they comprehend just how well Apple understand the customer, understand the technology, understood their strengths to make something so incredibly perfect from day one that all they've had to do since is refine and polish their initial concept.


    The best part about this is those same people then go on and post about how Apple is also alienating their market buy CHANGING things such as the Lightning connector and the size of the phone as consumers now have to update their accessories.


    People... ugh.

  • Reply 146 of 162


    Originally Posted by DeanSolecki View Post

    I have noted the "I don't like the design" comments, but I think people are more inclined to dislike "different" at first glance. I've always liked the glass sandwich look, but being able to skip the case... if you're feeling daring... is a welcome prospect.

    I half-wonder if Apple didn't drop the bumpers to send the message that the case isn't necessary for this phone, like it was for 4 and 4S.

    I think it looks up to par even in the pictures, but I agree, not least of what I'm excited for is the in-person experience of the aesthetics.

    In regard to the pre-order, I had to be up early today, so I gave it a half hour of trying and decided to do it first thing in the morning when I couldn't get through. Now I've got an Oct 5 delivery date and regret not staying up all night.

    Clearly Apple only made two or three hundred for the first run so they could pretend the launch was a success by virtue of the shipping estimates. image


    Not sure how many others tried this route, but I used the apple store app on my existing iPhone to pre-order and believe it or not (at least for me) the pre-orders went live one minute BEFORE midnight EST lol.  Needless to say I'll be anxiously awaiting FedEx come this Friday :P

  • Reply 147 of 162
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    mcrs wrote: »
    And, yet, the two of you gave us an example of how disposable Apple's gadget is. After merely two years and spending between USD650 to USD1200, the gadgets you so loved are about to be ready to be flushed down the toilet.
    Let me correct your original statement. The crap device is the one which only last months. The less crappy device is the one that lasts a couple of years [in here comes various Apple gadgets, especially Ipods, Iphones]. The best device which commands the profit margin of 50+% will last a lot longer than that. Of course, this is in theory only, in practice, however, Iphone proudly raises its hand as the one deserved to be paid much more than its worth due to its "reliability" and "longevity", and thus the term "Apple tax" was coined. But, for a gadget that can barely lasts for two years, the Iphones certainly do not deserve to be paid premium for.

    Just for comparison:
    Hardly "ready to be flushed down the toilet". (not to mention that iPhones never cost $1200).

    I would love to see the people complaining about how expensive the iPhone is show us the resale value of an Android phone that cost the same as the iPhone 2 years ago? (Hint: it's a tiny fraction of what the iPhone is worth).
    Couldn't this be a big reason why iphones 5's sold out so fast (beside it being awesome)?

    "Sharp Corp.'s slow production of display screens for Apple Inc.'s iPhone 5 could lead to shortages of the new smartphone if demand is strong, the Nikkei business daily reported Friday without citing sources. The report said engineers from Apple and Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., which assembles the iPhone, needed to help Sharp get mass production started at one key plant, which is now slated to operate at full capacity next month."

    I guess I called it - see post #12, option #5.
  • Reply 148 of 162
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by Maecvs View Post

    I know what you mean. The home button on my iP4 is slowing beginning to die.......


    It's usually dust build up, try blowing out the dock connector port with a can of air.

  • Reply 149 of 162
    Apple said they were blown away by demand for the iphone 5 but did they ever say this was their biggest launch (unit volume) ever?
  • Reply 150 of 162
    mcrsmcrs Posts: 172member

    That's how much you end up paying if you go with your big telco's two year contract. Do you HONESTLY think you only pay USD199 for your Iphone when you signed that two year contract with your telco? I'm sure  doing a little arithmetic won't kill you.



    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Just for comparison:

    Hardly "ready to be flushed down the toilet". (not to mention that iPhones never cost $1200).

    I would love to see the people complaining about how expensive the iPhone is show us the resale value of an Android phone that cost the same as the iPhone 2 years ago? (Hint: it's a tiny fraction of what the iPhone is worth).

    I guess I called it - see post #12, option #5.

  • Reply 151 of 162
    mcrs wrote: »
    That's how much you end up paying if you go with your big telco's two year contract. Do you HONESTLY think you only pay USD199 for your Iphone when you signed that two year contract with your telco? I'm sure  doing a little arithmetic won't kill you.

    What good is an iPhone without the telco? You're much more their customer than you are Apple's.
  • Reply 152 of 162
    jragosta wrote: »
    Just for comparison:
    Hardly "ready to be flushed down the toilet". (not to mention that iPhones never cost $1200).
    I would love to see the people complaining about how expensive the iPhone is show us the resale value of an Android phone that cost the same as the iPhone 2 years ago? (Hint: it's a tiny fraction of what the iPhone is worth).
    I guess I called it - see post #12, option #5.

    It's going to be curious to see what happens in the next few years. As a pure GSM phone the ATT iPhone could be used worldwide but with those overseas networks going to LTE their frequencies are now more compatible with VZW's iPhone. Now there are as many different versions of the iPhone 5 as there are SGS llls.
  • Reply 153 of 162
    mcrsmcrs Posts: 172member

    There's a better and more sane solution. You buy your Iphone outright/unlocked, then you choose either call/data contract that suits your need or the pay-as-you-go if you'd like. 

    Even using your credit card to pay for Iphone makes MORE sense than to buy Iphone with a two year contract. The common interest rate for credit card is around 10%-13%, so you'll end up paying at around USD750 in two years. Meanwhile, paying the telcos monthly installments for two years will make you pay them around 35% interest rate per annum.  And you are doing this for what, again? For something which has its value sunk like a rock in a matter of just two years. it sure is not worth it. Iphone 4 two years ago= USD650 cash [USD 1200 with contract], Iphone 4 resale value now = USD200 [Go advertise and sell to craigslist, you'll get at most USD100 more]. That's a whopping lost of value of more than 70% in a matter of just two years. For something that is so revered here at AI touted for its superb QC and unparalleled service, Iphone sure doesn't hold its value very well. 



    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    What good is an iPhone without the telco? You're much more their customer than you are Apple's.

  • Reply 154 of 162

    Originally Posted by mcrs View Post

    Iphone 4 two years ago= USD650 cash [USD 1200 with contract], Iphone 4 resale value now = USD200 [Go advertise and sell to craigslist, you'll get at most USD100 more]. That's a whopping lost of value of more than 70% in a matter of just two years.


    That sounds wrong, just like everything trolls say, so I looked it up.


    Yep. It's a lie.

  • Reply 155 of 162
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member


    Originally Posted by mcrs View Post

    And, yet, the two of you gave us an example of how disposable Apple's gadget is. After merely two years and spending between USD650 to USD1200, the gadgets you so loved are about to be ready to be flushed down the toilet.

    Let me correct your original statement. The crap device is the one which only last months. The less crappy device is the one that lasts a couple of years [in here comes various Apple gadgets, especially Ipods, Iphones]. The best device which commands the profit margin of 50+% will last a lot longer than that. Of course, this is in theory only, in practice, however, Iphone proudly raises its hand as the one deserved to be paid much more than its worth due to its "reliability" and "longevity", and thus the term "Apple tax" was coined. But, for a gadget that can barely lasts for two years, the Iphones certainly do not deserve to be paid premium for.


    The home button costs like a dollar. I got mine replaced for $10. Yet, when this button begins to get worn out after a few thousand presses (cause, you know, it's a BUTTON, and subject to the rules of physical mechanism wear and tear) the device is ready to be 'flushed down the toilet? Incredible what your twisted, foaming at the mouth hatred makes you say. Sucks all rationality out of any argument (or troll) that you try to make. Apple devices have been the most reliable pieces of technology I ever owned, but that doesn't mean they're somehow impervious or invincible. 

  • Reply 156 of 162
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member


    Originally Posted by mcrs View Post

    There's a better and more sane solution. You buy your Iphone outright/unlocked, then you choose either call/data contract that suits your need or the pay-as-you-go if you'd like. 

    Even using your credit card to pay for Iphone makes MORE sense than to buy Iphone with a two year contract. The common interest rate for credit card is around 10%-13%, so you'll end up paying at around USD750 in two years. Meanwhile, paying the telcos monthly installments for two years will make you pay them around 35% interest rate per annum.  And you are doing this for what, again? For something which has its value sunk like a rock in a matter of just two years. it sure is not worth it. Iphone 4 two years ago= USD650 cash [USD 1200 with contract], Iphone 4 resale value now = USD200 [Go advertise and sell to craigslist, you'll get at most USD100 more]. That's a whopping lost of value of more than 70% in a matter of just two years. For something that is so revered here at AI touted for its superb QC and unparalleled service, Iphone sure doesn't hold its value very well. 



    $100? You're a shameless, hopeless liar. I just sold my iPhone 4 for $300 last week on Kijiji. For a 2.5 year old, 2 generation old phone, that's pretty damn impressive. The Galaxy Nexus was released only LAST YEAR, at the same price as the 4, yet now can be purchased for $300 NEW. 


    Why the **** don't you just go buy and use the devices you want, instead of incessantly trolling this forum, which is dedicated to products you claim to not care about, with your vitriolic hate, FUD, and lies? Seriously, how pathetic can you be? 

  • Reply 157 of 162
    mcrs wrote: »
    There's a better and more sane solution. You buy your Iphone outright/unlocked, then you choose either call/data contract that suits your need or the pay-as-you-go if you'd like. 
    Even using your credit card to pay for Iphone makes MORE sense than to buy Iphone with a two year contract. The common interest rate for credit card is around 10%-13%, so you'll end up paying at around USD750 in two years. Meanwhile, paying the telcos monthly installments for two years will make you pay them around 35% interest rate per annum.  And you are doing this for what, again? For something which has its value sunk like a rock in a matter of just two years. it sure is not worth it. Iphone 4 two years ago= USD650 cash [USD 1200 with contract], Iphone 4 resale value now = USD200 [Go advertise and sell to craigslist, you'll get at most USD100 more]. That's a whopping lost of value of more than 70% in a matter of just two years. For something that is so revered here at AI touted for its superb QC and unparalleled service, Iphone sure doesn't hold its value very well. 

    I've looked into your so called better solutions and frankly they are not. They aren't much cheaper and the service is worse. Why buy a Ferrari to then put regular gas in it? The more sane solution is that if you can't afford a smartphone and all that goes with it then don't buy a smartphone.
  • Reply 158 of 162
    Duplicate post
  • Reply 159 of 162
    mcrsmcrs Posts: 172member

    Do you not HAVE enough coffee to drink when you woke that morning? Do you have reading comprehension problem? I don't want to use word for you because no words seem to exist to explain your ..... [sorry, couldn't find any words in the dictionary to define your ....]


    this was what I had written: 

     Iphone 4 two years ago= USD650 cash [USD 1200 with contract], Iphone 4 resale value now = USD200 [Go advertise and sell to craigslist, you'll get at most USD100 more].


    Do you have problem "deciphering" the meaning when there is none to decipher? Where did I say the Iphone4 will sell for USD100? I said specifically Iphone4 would fetch you USD200, but you can get an additional USD100 MAX if you advertised through craigslist, so that is the grand total of USD300 total max.


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    $100? You're a shameless, hopeless liar. I just sold my iPhone 4 for $300 last week on Kijiji. For a 2.5 year old, 2 generation old phone, that's pretty damn impressive. The Galaxy Nexus was released only LAST YEAR, at the same price as the 4, yet now can be purchased for $300 NEW. 


    Why the **** don't you just go buy and use the devices you want, instead of incessantly trolling this forum, which is dedicated to products you claim to not care about, with your vitriolic hate, FUD, and lies? Seriously, how pathetic can you be? 

  • Reply 160 of 162
    mcrsmcrs Posts: 172member

    Well, million of Americans seem to have disagreed with you. They apparently can't afford to pay for the Iphone with hard cold cash, unlike those chinese, other affluent asian buyers and buyers from other continents who genuinely can pay for Iphones at any price. So,  in droves they'd gone these American Iphone buyers signing their two year contracts to pay up their Iphone purchases, in essence becoming the big telco's cash cow. 


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    I've looked into your so called better solutions and frankly they are not. They aren't much cheaper and the service is worse. Why buy a Ferrari to then put regular gas in it? The more sane solution is that if you can't afford a smartphone and all that goes with it then don't buy a smartphone.

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