Apple CEO Tim Cook apologizes to customers for Maps in iOS 6



  • Reply 101 of 381
  • Reply 102 of 381

    Originally Posted by Vaelian View Post

    Your analogy is flawed, Google Maps didn't replace anything.


    That's funny. Neither did Apple Maps. Both supplanted their successors.

    Originally Posted by iSheldon View Post

    Sorry I failed your inane pop quiz.


    Sorry you treat life like a pop quiz instead of just a question asked by others.

    Go right ahead. Who cares?


    Everyone here intelligent enough to see through your lies. image

    Originally Posted by twosee View Post

    It shows confidence in his product and that it'll get better…


    Pointing users to competitors shows confidence in their product?! 

  • Reply 103 of 381
    jragosta wrote: »
    OK. Don't buy an iPhone. No one really cares.
    The problem is that all the Applegate crap puts Apple into a tough situation. The media has learned that there's nothing that generates hits (read: revenues) faster than fabricating some Apple scandal. There are plenty of people who want to make Apple look bad and the "problem" spreads like wild fire. And since the first one to report it gets most of the credit, there's nothing to be gained by delaying. As soon as you get the least hint of a problem, you go public with it.
    If they do nothing, they are attacked for ignoring the "problem".
    If they do what Jobs did on the antenna issue (pointing out that every phone does the same thing), they are attacked for being arrogant and trying to deflect 'legitimate' criticism onto their competitors.
    If they do what Cook just did and acknowledge that their product is not perfect, then people come out of the woodwork screaming that it's a steaming pile of dung (which is not, of course, what Cook said, at all).
    I think Daekwan has it right:
    I think you're right. Of the possible scenarios, the one most likely to make it go away is to say "we know it's not perfect and here's what we're doing to make it better".
    I still would like to see someone actually do an analysis as to what percentage of the addresses is wrong on both Apple's and Google's systems.

    Is this the same media that gives Apple praise and adulation at every product announcement/launch? Apple fans enjoy bragging and boasting when the media attention is positive but you'll smite the same attention when it's negative. Nobody's infallible, and there's no one that can right a ship better than Apple.
  • Reply 104 of 381


    Originally Posted by jnjnjn View Post

    It's a good thing stock holders have no say in Apples plans.

    Since you have no trust in Apple you should sell your stock immediately.


    Your wrong, actually stock holders have a lot to say in Apples plans.

    What's trust got to do with this issue? They made a big mistake. Now they need to act quickly and offer a satisfying correction. ASAP.

    You must be one of those people who doesn't put his money where his mouth is. Me on the other hand I have done very nicely investing in Apple in spite of the lousy economy.

    Apple stock has gone down this week partly because of the negative press associated with this Apples limited mapping choices.

    I know of 3 people who planned to upgrade to the new phone but are holding off because of this app issue.

    Tim's apology is not adequate he needs to get the Google app available for OS 6 now. 

  • Reply 105 of 381


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    While we're improving Maps, you can try alternatives by downloading map apps from the App Store like Bing, MapQuest and Waze, or use Google or Nokia maps by going to their websites and creating an icon on your home screen to their web app.






  • Reply 106 of 381
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member

    This is my response to the people who argue that there's nothing wrong with the current iOS Maps App.  It's not about Navigation, it's all about information.  Not everyone uses the Maps app for JUST driving and Turn-By-Turn.  I've done plenty of whining in the last 5 days about iOS 6 maps and I'm just about over with all but 3 key things at this point.


    • The geographical boundaries (water edges and lack of detail and accuracy) are hugely simplified (and sometimes non-existent) compared to Google Maps.  And in most cases even if you zoom in really close...somethings appear and some don't.  To me geographical data should be visible at all zoom levels.  And for god's-sake make the boundaries accurate.  They're using vector graphics for crying out loud, there's no excuse for simplifying these things.

    • The building outlines can only be viewed largely at a zoom levels that are unusable in most cases (it's better on the iPad but on the iPhone it's unusable).  Meaning you have to zoom in too far to actually see building outlines.  Not to mention the way it denotes types of zoning (i.e. hospital, University, governmental boundaries) are inaccurate as well.

    • Transit overlays on top of the maps.  It's great they they at least show transit stops on iOS 6 maps.  But not having the routes overlaid on the maps is a huge annoyance.  I could care less about Siri telling me which train route is the best and time tables.  Just give me the overlay transit system on the map and I can find my way.  In larger, more complex transit systems...showing the layouts of the stations and exit locations is also a huge advantage Google has over iOS Maps.  Check Beijing on Google Maps for a great example.


    Using 3rd Party Apps is totally counter intuitive to the Apple method of design (meaning the one-stop-shop).  And I resent the suggestion to use existing 3rd part Apps as a solution to something that wasn't a problem until this new App was released.  If you want us to use 3rd party transit Apps, allow the Dev's to design "Plug-Ins" to the iOS Maps Apps, not the other way around.  If I have to switch to a separate App, It's a FAIL in my book and totally pointless.


    Being able to interact with multiple layers of information in a Mapping App is what made Google Maps so brilliant.


    Google had the vision to see maps as more than just for planning a trip from point A to B.  The ability to see all these layers of information allowed for an experience that was so much more than just navigation.  It became a tool for exploration and learning (in Google Earth there were Wikipedia links too).  With Street View you could quite literally tour the world (where available).  There are many more layers of information that made Google maps better (like names of buildings on College Campuses)...but you see my point.


    I'd have to say that is really the one reason why I hate iOS Maps.  And I guess I shouldn't really be surprised, because everything in this new App is typical Apple's MO.  Start Small and get better over time with generational improvements.


    That said though, I think the problem is that since Google has been at this for nearly 7+ years and is so flooded with data, people are used to that and we can't wait another 7 years for iOS Maps to catch up.  My guess is it won't take another 7 years...perhaps half that, but still that's a long time to wait for Apple to just get ON PAR with Google from now on.


    I understand that crowd-sourcing is a necessary evil to improve maps accuracy.  But if you look at my bullet-points above, most of what I believe are THE KEY issues with iOS Maps are not something that necessarily needs crowd-sourcing to improve.  Just give me an accurate map with vital info.  Addresses and location accuracy will come.  We all agree even Google still has issues with that.  Heck, all Apple had to do is go to the local visitor's center in any major city and get the free city map to see what the vital info is they need to show.


    Also solely relying on Yelp! for location data is a mistake.  They need multiple sources.  If I learned anything in school, it's that you need at least 3 sources for all information you present.  You need to cross-reference data for accuracy...triangulation of data if you will.  And Apple dropped the ball on that.  


    Something needs to happen fast.  Or there will be a lot more articles about the deficiencies of this App.

  • Reply 107 of 381


  • Reply 108 of 381


    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    Oh man, in for an epic thread.


    Tallest Skil, why don't you have a seat over there image


  • Reply 109 of 381
    nht wrote: »
    Easy, most folks wont bother since maps works okay for many users.  In those areas they will get the POI updates they need.

    For areas where the maps completely suck crowdsourcing wont help unless it's of the OSM kind where some folks enter data for an entire local area.  

    It will anonymously collect data from every user whether they use the app or not. That's how one is able to see how traffic is moving along on any given street /highway/expressway etc...
  • Reply 110 of 381


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Pointing users to competitors shows confidence in their product?! 


    I believe so. it's that "Go ahead and try them, you'll be back" attitude. They feel they have a superior product, or that at the very least, in the near future it will be a superior product, so they aren't afraid of the competition.


    Personally I reaaalllly like the new maps. I love the vector, the 3D, the cleanliness. Again, I live in Miami so it works pretty well for me. And I'm confident they'll make BIG leaps in the near future.

  • Reply 111 of 381

    Wow!  I didn't think Tim Cook needed to apologize.  IMO, Maps in iOS6 works great.  I have used the turn by turn navigation and it works fine.  I like how it zooms in and out at like a 45 degree angle.  Now of course, it is nowhere near Google Maps, but Jesus it's a great start for a beta.  I'm sure Apple's Maps had a far better start then Google Maps did.  Yeh, yeh, Apple had all this time to make it perfect.  But we will soon have a downloadable Google Maps for those who are impatient.  And an update is surely to come soon for Maps iOS6.  It's a win win situation for us iPhone iOS6 users because in the end, we will have the best of BOTH worlds!

  • Reply 112 of 381
    twosee wrote: »
    I actually like the move. It shows confidence in his product and that it'll get better, and shows (and also shuts up the naysayers) people that this truly WAS a move to give the users a better product, and not an attempt to "Stick it to Google". So in essence, they really do want the iPhone users to have the best experience, and they are doing what they can to provide it. Hopefully it'll be with their mapping solution soon.

    Same. I like the fact that Apple is actually acknowledging the problem, as much as it causes butt hurt to the idiots who assume that just because it works for them they should be the norm rather than the exception. I live outside of the US, and as far as my experience is concerned, there is no way I can trust the crap Apple Maps is; it fails to the point of being worse than I would expect from amateurs. When your map data isn't even in sync with your search database, your mapping app sin't ready for prime time; when your search fails to recognize that 'a' and 'â' are the same letter, your mapping app isn't ready for prime time; when your search fails to recognize that 'st' is an abbreviation of "saint', your map app isn't ready for prime time; when your vectorial maps take longer to download than the competitor's raster maps, your mapping app isn't ready for prime time; when rasterizing your vectorial maps consumes significantly more resources than displaying your competitor's raster maps despite you having an entire vectorial API at your disposal in the rendering platform that can accelerate it on the hardware (OpenGL ES), your mapping app isn't ready for prime time. Apple Maps fails on way too many levels to describe; it is a pristine example of pure incompetence, and totally unacceptable from a company that prides itself for quality; so I am pretty happy that Cook is coming out to say that they fucked up, because they really did.
  • Reply 113 of 381

    Let the class action lawsuits begin.



  • Reply 114 of 381
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member


    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    Good point.  What did Steve say about maps?





    That is a fantastic video!

    This needs to be re-posted to everyone until the cows come home because I think even Cook needs a refresher.

  • Reply 115 of 381

    Everyone here intelligent enough to see through your lies. :lol:

    "Lies, lies, lies, get up!"
    Where do I find emoticons?
  • Reply 116 of 381
    Tim Cook acted like a ceo should, Apple made a mistake, they admitted it, they are trying to fix the problem, it will get better, it will take time. Lets all move on, google maps will be a app in the app store soon. Competition=Cunsumer wins. 

    So whats the next drama in the tech world?
    Weve had:
    google policy change is killing babies
    Twitter is killing free speech 
    Microsfot is dead
    Apple maps is worst than satan

    Any guesses?
    Hear, Hear!!
  • Reply 117 of 381


    Originally Posted by Vaelian View Post

    Your analogy is flawed, Google Maps didn't replace anything.


    Sure it did - standalone GPS units - paper maps - dead reckoning - stoping to ask the gas station attendant for directions. 

  • Reply 118 of 381


    Originally Posted by Arthur123 View Post

    Your wrong, actually stock holders have a lot to say in Apples plans.

    What's trust got to do with this issue? They made a big mistake. Now they need to act quickly and offer a satisfying correction. ASAP.

    You must be one of those people who doesn't put his money where his mouth is. Me on the other hand I have done very nicely investing in Apple in spite of the lousy economy.

    Apple stock has gone down this week partly because of the negative press associated with this Apples limited mapping choices.

    I know of 3 people who planned to upgrade to the new phone but are holding off because of this app issue.

    Tim's apology is not adequate he needs to get the Google app available for OS 6 now. 


    How can he get the Google app available now?  The last report I saw said that Google themselves haven't even submitted an app yet, and won't be able to for a couple of months.  Tim going to design it himself?


    3 people planned to upgrade to the new phone but won't because of the app issue?  I sure hope they don't upgrade to iOS 6 then on their current phones.  Because it's the OS, not the phone.  And who hesitates to upgrade a phone because of one app?  That's just silly.  It's a PHONE.  And their precious Google maps can still be accessed via web.  It offers the SAME features at the old Google maps baked into the OS.


    Give me a break

  • Reply 119 of 381
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member
    macrulez wrote: »

    Good point.  What did Steve say about maps?


  • Reply 120 of 381


    Originally Posted by Lerxt View Post

    Where I live, and where i regularly travel too, it's hopelessly unusable.


    Ah, I see you're international now.  Hard to comment on that because I haven't used maps outside the US....well...ever.

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