Rapper's performance at Microsoft Store event cut short after destruction of several PCs



  • Reply 121 of 128
    desuserigndesuserign Posts: 1,316member

    Introducing Microsoft's new spokesman!



    That's one thing that always impressed Steve about Microsoft --- their taste.

    (And he meant taste in a big way, not a small way!)

  • Reply 122 of 128
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    sockrolid wrote: »
    What? John Mayer said no?

    He was too busy getting laid.
  • Reply 123 of 128
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
  • Reply 124 of 128
    Throughout the entire video I just wanted to slap him across the face, pull up his trousers and sit him down in front of an English teacher like some fussy mother.

    That aside, anyone else notice everyone was using iPhones?
  • Reply 125 of 128


    Originally Posted by astrubhar View Post


    Should we kill everyone who produces music you don't like?


    They've hit the top 100 and are signed by Interscope Records. That takes a lot of dedication that you don't find in someone you'd call "trash".

    "Dedication" is not the world you're looking for. "Knowing your target audience", however, is far more appropriate. You'd be surprised how hilariously simple pop music like that is to make.


    To boil it down to its simplest form - sing about the following:

    1. Whores;

    2. Guns, or;

    3. Whores getting shot with guns


    Then grab the "RnB" preset from a cheap synthesizer with the kick and snare drum from a Roland TR808. I made a generic backing track in a few hours: loop 8 bars and fill the beat every 16 bars and you're golden.


    I have nothing against Rap and Hip-Hop when its good. I've got about 350GB of music and a good little chunk of that is Rap and Hip-Hop, listening to Gang Starr right now, actually; but music like the stuff in the video usually makes me hide the fact that I do actually like the genre because its just mindless drivel being spit out by a pretentious prick with anger problems.

  • Reply 126 of 128

  • Reply 127 of 128

    Originally Posted by NotScott View Post


    "Dude, where's my vaporware, [expletive redacted]?!"

  • Reply 128 of 128


    Originally Posted by benanderson89 View Post

    "Dedication" is not the world you're looking for. "Knowing your target audience", however, is far more appropriate. You'd be surprised how hilariously simple pop music like that is to make.


    To boil it down to its simplest form - sing about the following:

    1. Whores;

    2. Guns, or;

    3. Whores getting shot with guns


    Then grab the "RnB" preset from a cheap synthesizer with the kick and snare drum from a Roland TR808. I made a generic backing track in a few hours: loop 8 bars and fill the beat every 16 bars and you're golden.


    I have nothing against Rap and Hip-Hop when its good. I've got about 350GB of music and a good little chunk of that is Rap and Hip-Hop, listening to Gang Starr right now, actually; but music like the stuff in the video usually makes me hide the fact that I do actually like the genre because its just mindless drivel being spit out by a pretentious prick with anger problems.

    Well said sir!

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