Apple reveals iPad mini: 7.9" display, 7.2mm thin, starting at $329



  • Reply 221 of 286
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member


    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post


    Last time I checked, $379 - $329 = $50. It's a $50 difference between the refurbished iPad 3 and the iPad mini and you get:


    A5X processor with better graphics.

    Retina Display (after having a Retina display iPad, I can't go back)


    And it still comes with a one-year warranty.


    Your math is better than mine. I was actually talking rough figures between iPad 3 gen and iPad 4 and referring to length of iOS support not warranty.   Full sized iPad  and iPad mini are not cross shop-able in my book. They are not in the same use case category for me.  Of course they may be for you.  

  • Reply 222 of 286
  • Reply 223 of 286

    This thing will sell like crazy in Hong Kong, Japan, and Korea. This will make sales seem even better than you'll expect. I don't see these selling out like crazy but I do think they'll sell really well. You can walk in to any Apple Store in Dallas right now and pick up an iPhone 5 so it's not like those are just crazy out of stock like people think. Still the best selling phone ever, though.

  • Reply 224 of 286


    Originally Posted by mocseg View Post

    That says it all for today.



    That says it all for Apple's stock. I don't believe the stock went down because of this product announcement. Do investors really think this product won't sell like crazy? No way.

  • Reply 225 of 286
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    snova wrote: »
    Your math is better than mine. I was actually talking rough figures between iPad 3 gen and iPad 4 and referring to length of iOS support not warranty.   Full sized iPad  and iPad mini are not cross shop-able in my book. They are not in the same use case category for me.  Of course they may be for you.  

    The way I see it, neither one is going to fit in my pants or coat pocket, so they'll need to be carried in a bag. So for that reason alone, they fit into the same usage scenario for me personally.

    And given the size of the iPad mini, why wouldn't I just reach for my iPhone 5 instead?
  • Reply 226 of 286
    mac_dogmac_dog Posts: 1,083member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    "…we'd love to, but we don't have enough time…"


    … Why? It's your event. Is Apple being shooed out of the theater because they have to get ready for a play tonight?

    whatever. what a useless post. 

  • Reply 227 of 286
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    thehecta wrote: »

    That says it all for Apple's stock. I don't believe the stock went down because of this product announcement. Do investors really think this product won't sell like crazy? No way.
    I quit trying to find logic in the fluctuations of Apple' stock. Last Friday it was down almost 4%, then Monday it goes up 4% and then today it's back down almost 4%. The stock fluctuates a lot irrespective of product.
  • Reply 228 of 286
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member


    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    The way I see it, neither one is going to fit in my pants or coat pocket, so they'll need to be carried in a bag. So for that reason alone, they fit into the same usage scenario for me personally.

    And given the size of the iPad mini, why wouldn't I just reach for my iPhone 5 instead?

    I agree with you about the pocket issue and reaching for iPHone 5 instead of mini.  

    The full sized iPad retina in my opinion gives you are much more pleasant usage for working with for large static layout media like Magazines, Comic books and certain web pages which have lots of content. I hate constantly using pinch and zoom on my iPhone and my 7" Nook Color (rooted with Gingerbread). Its do-able but very cumbersome and gets old fast.  Not only for visibility but also for workable touch resolution to choose the desired screen touch areas (such as links).  I primarily use Apps on my iPhone and avoid browsing non iPhone optimized web pages with it like the plague.  I would gladly pay for an AppleInsider App for the iPhone for forums! Who here uses their iPhone for the forum? Who has tried a 7" device?  I have.. it sucks big time. 


    The full sized iPad is "ok" for browsing normal web pages (including posting to forums) and much more pleasant than on the iPhone or 7" Nook tablet.  The 7" Nook Color gets no use for these reasons and the Android Apps suck so no relief for my web browser issues.   The iPad mini would resolve the App issues for me but should not resolve the large layout and touch resolution issues on web pages.  I'm fairly certainly will be a similar situation as the 7" Android tablet ( PITA). This is why I will pass on the iPad mini and spend the extra money on the full sized iPad 4.  I have learned my lesson. The iPad mini will not be a bargain for me. The screen size as well a the associated touch resolution shortcomings is not worth the frustration.   


    wise man once taught me.. don't take short cuts and skimp on good shoes.  You wear them everyday.. Aren't your feet worth the extra expense?  If you use your car, house, phone, computer or tablet everyday.. same applies IMHO.  

  • Reply 229 of 286
    like Theresa answered I didnt know that any body can profit $9763 in 4 weeks on the internet. have you read this(Click on menu Home more information)
  • Reply 230 of 286
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    snova wrote: »
    I agree with you about the pocket issue and reaching for iPHone 5 instead of mini.  
    The full sized iPad retina in my opinion gives you are much more pleasant usage for working with for large static layout media like Magazines, Comic books and certain web pages which have lots of content. I hate constantly using pinch and zoom on my iPhone and my 7" Nook Color (rooted with Gingerbread). Its do-able but very cumbersome and gets old fast.  Not only for visibility but also for workable touch resolution to choose the desired screen touch areas (such as links).  I primarily use Apps on my iPhone and avoid browsing non iPhone optimized web pages with it like the plague.  I would gladly pay for an AppleInsider App for the iPhone for forums! Who here uses their iPhone for the forum? Who has tried a 7" device?  I have.. it sucks big time. 

    The full sized iPad is "ok" for browsing normal web pages (including posting to forums) and much more pleasant than on the iPhone or 7" Nook tablet.  The 7" Nook Color gets no use for these reasons and the Android Apps suck so no relief for my web browser issues.   The iPad mini resolves the App issues for me but does not resolve the large layout and touch resolution issues on web pages.  It will be a PITA. This is why I will pass on the iPad mini and spend the extra money on the full sized iPad 4.  I have learned my lesson. 

    I browse the AI forums on my iPhone, and I don't pinch and zoom. Maybe I just have good eyesight :smokey:
  • Reply 231 of 286
    mocseg wrote: »

    That says it all for today.

    Apple stock was at $377 when Steve Jobs passed away.

    Look at it now.

    If the death of Apple's co-founder and leader had no ill effects on the stock price... and the stock price eventually rose a year later... imagine what more new products and record sales will do too.
  • Reply 232 of 286
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member


    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    I browse the AI forums on my iPhone, and I don't pinch and zoom. Maybe I just have good eyesight image

    You must.  young whipper snapper. image

  • Reply 233 of 286


    Originally Posted by Wovel View Post

    Yeah that 10% price difference will make all the difference! Come on, what planet are you people from.


    Planet Cheapskates. It's orbited by two small moons: Android and Junk.

  • Reply 234 of 286
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member
    For the past couple of weeks, I've been fascinated by the pundits who thought that Apple was going to suddenly dive into the bargain bin, when the company has become a tech powerhouse by avoiding it.

    I thought it would come in at $349 because I failed to take into account how Apple mixes specs and prices to make it easy for their customers to decide which product suits their needs the best.

    It's really very simple: spec whores, geeks and cheapskates are not Apple's target demographic. If you're going to quibble over $30 then you're going to complain about buying cables, you're going to whine about not being able to browse files on a mobile phone and you're going to balk at paying for apps

    Apple targets customers who spend money and will not change this just to destroy Android. Why? Because that would bring Android customers to Apple, and I don't Apple wants customers with a 'pay nothing' mindset.
  • Reply 235 of 286
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member


    Originally Posted by Rayz View Post

    For the past couple of weeks, I've been fascinated by the pundits who thought that Apple was going to suddenly dive into the bargain bin, when the company has become a tech powerhouse by avoiding it.

    I thought it would come in at $349 because I failed to take into account how Apple mixes specs and prices to make it easy for their customers to decide which product suits their needs the best.

    It's really very simple: spec whores, geeks and cheapskates are not Apple's target demographic. If you're going to quibble over $30 then you're going to complain about buying cables, you're going to whine about not being able to browse files on a mobile phone and you're going to balk at paying for apps

    Apple targets customers who spend money and will not change this just to destroy Android. Why? Because that would bring Android customers to Apple, and I don't Apple wants customers with a 'pay nothing' mindset.

    love your post.   especially the spec whores, goods, cheapskates paragraph.  What portion of Amazon Fire customers do you estimate fall into the cheapskates category? How does this compare to Google Nexus 7 customers?  I don't know too many Fire customers.. but the ones I do know have never purchased any content. Same goes for Android.  Anyone? Anyone?  Then again, I know plenty of iPhone customers who have never purchased on app either.  So maybe my only conclusion is that I know a lot of cheapskates.

  • Reply 236 of 286


    Originally Posted by snova View Post

    love your post.   especially the spec whores, goods, cheapskates paragraph.  What portion of Amazon Fire customers do you estimate fall into the cheapskates category? How does this compare to Google Nexus 7 customers?  I don't know too many Fire customers.. but the ones I do know have never purchased any content. Same goes for Android.  Anyone? Anyone?  Then again, I know plenty of iPhone customers who have never purchased on app either.  So maybe my only conclusion is that I know a lot of cheapskates.


    Agree Rayz post nailed it. I also expected a $350 price.  I don't have a tablet, but a few of my friends have 7" tablets, not because 7" is ideal, but because they were cheap. The have Android and RIM Playbook tablets that they got for under $200, have pretty much no software on them and just use them for web, media playback.


    After playing with them I was not impressed. 7" didn't feel that much bigger than a large smartphone screen, but a smartphone is a lot easier to carry with you. I had no real interest in 7" 16:10 tablets, I will wait to also see the iPad mini in person before I pass judgement on it.

  • Reply 237 of 286

    The way I see it is this. Apple still sells boatloads of iPad 2's at $399. However, the Mini has these advantages over the iPad 2:


    - Improved front camera is 720P instead of VGA.

    - Improved rear camera is 1080P with image stabilization vs 720P without.

    - Bluetooth 4.0 instead of 2.1.

    - Airplay streaming at 1080P (instead of 720P).

    - 2.4 and 5.0 GHz WiFi instead of only 2.4GHz.

    - Siri.


    So you get an improved version of an iPad 2 in a smaller package. And they also knock $70 off the price. I don't see how Apple is going to have a tough time selling these. People were already willing to save $100 and settle for the iPad 2 instead of the iPad 3. Now they can save $170 and get a Mini.

  • Reply 238 of 286
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    The question now is when? 6 months from now, a year from now? I'd love to buy a iPad mini but not if a updated version is coming out in 6 months. See the dilemma Apple caused today? It could potentially cost them to lose sales.

    But I thought that Apple releasing on an annual basis is costing them sales? Whatever they do, it's costing them sales. Apple is doomed!

  • Reply 239 of 286
    The way I see it is this. Apple still sells boatloads of iPad 2's at $399.

    People were already willing to save $100 and settle for the iPad 2 instead of the iPad 3. Now they can save $170 and get a Mini.

    I'm not sure Apple sells boatloads of the iPad 2.

    There are articles that estimate that the cheaper iPad 2 is only 18% of iPad sales. Apparently the more expensive $500+ iPad was the bulk of sales.

    I guess people had the $399 base price in mind as they entered the store.... but that extra $100 to step up to the beautiful Retina display was a deal too good to pass up.

    It will be interesting to see how the new $329 base price and the smaller form factor will do... and if it will slow sales of the "good" Retina iPad or not.

    I still think the iPad Mini is a great idea... it's good to have options.
  • Reply 240 of 286
    alexnalexn Posts: 119member
    snowdog65 wrote: »
    Agree Rayz post nailed it. I also expected a $350 price.  I don't have a tablet, but a few of my friends have 7" tablets, not because 7" is ideal, but because they were cheap. The have Android and RIM Playbook tablets that they got for under $200, have pretty much no software on them and just use them for web, media playback.

    After playing with them I was not impressed. 7" didn't feel that much bigger than a large smartphone screen, but a smartphone is a lot easier to carry with you. I had no real interest in 7" 16:10 tablets, I will wait to also see the iPad mini in person before I pass judgement on it.

    I agree with your last comment: I'm looking forward to both the iPad Mini and the new iPad to appear in the local Apple Store so that I can play about with both of them extensively and judge for myself. I find that relying on 2nd-hand reporting of, for example, screen resolutions and weight is - for me - not very reliable. Having said that, I have the feeling from what I've read so far that the Mini screen might actually look better than the stated spec might lead one to believe, base on relative dimensions and ppi.

    I currenlty use an iPad 1 amongst other things, and will certainly be interested to see how the new ones stack up against the old ;).
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