Launch of Google Maps for iPhone viewed as a 'mixed blessing' for Apple



  • Reply 121 of 267

    Here ya' go...


  • Reply 122 of 267
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by Andre Bee View Post

    I like the google maps app. Actually its 10 times better than before. So it was the right move from apple to throw them off the system.

    Now we have a much better app.


    My opinion is that apple should realize that they can not do everything. One key success for the future is to partner with specific companies. Even if its google. When they have the best content for maps then go ahead apple and license it. 


    Put me in the CEO position and I would stop apple's own mapping ambitions and start working on products and services again which make the apple eco system the best in the world.


    It absolutely makes no sense to build up an own mapping solution when everybody is happy with google maps.


    Apple understands the importance of creating developer opportunities.


    Apple's App store equals free market capitalism at it's finest.

  • Reply 123 of 267

    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Apple's App store equals free market capitalism at it's finest.


    Here come the government regulation and censorship analogies.

  • Reply 124 of 267
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by NexusPhan View Post


    That's why CNet's top smartphone this year is a Samsung....



    And Samsung Galaxy series has outsold the iPhone 5. Don't put too much weight with what the customer satisfaction surveys say. If they weren't satisfied, they wouldn't continue to sell so many tens of millions.


    Which one?


    All those cheap PAYG phone's dragging Android down to the lowest level as is clearly obvious from usage stats.

  • Reply 125 of 267
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Soli, nearly every tech blogger I've seen comments from has indicated that Google Maps is their recommended nav app over Apple's own so I think it's really the other way around. The editors at Ars, TheVerge, Techcrunch and Engadget all write that Google Maps for iOS outshines Apple's efforts so far.



    ...and who pays the bills, which of those sites rely on Google advertising revenue?


    Conflict of interest, much.

  • Reply 126 of 267
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    I downloaded this and tested it several times yesterday. It might be cool for people in some places other than the US or with other iPhone models not natively supporting turn by turn.

    However, I thought the turn by turn was nowhere as good as my Navigon App, or Apple's own map. It also wasn't intuitive to use. For instance, you type in a place you want to go and once the app finds it I had to fiddle around to figure out how to get the app to start turn by turn.

    The app also failed to tell me to make a few turns (lucky I knew where I was going). The app was also horrible at correcting routes on the fly.

    My girlfriend and I both had our Iphones out. I used Apple's maps, she used Google's. Apple's maps didn't make the same mistakes, and I used Siri to get maps to give me directions. We both thought apple's maps did a better job. They also are prettier.

    In truth, both Apps lack some of the cool features of Navigon. For instance, Navigon will tell me when I am speeding and I don't need an Internet connection for the app to work.

    Like Apple's criticism has been inflated, I think Google's credit is over inflated. Google's app is good, but isn't the holy grail some would lead you to believe.
  • Reply 127 of 267
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,566member


    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post


    ...and who pays the bills, which of those sites rely on Google advertising revenue?


    Conflict of interest, much.

    Ah, gocha. MG Siegler and David Pogue are on Google's payroll now. Is that your claim?

  • Reply 128 of 267
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member

    I experienced Apple's maps issue in Dallas.  I've downloaded Google maps for a backup but once Apple's stabilizes I'll use that exclusively.  It was only when Apple came out with their own turn-by-turn did Google deliver the same they had on Andriod for iPhones.  I see Amazon slighting iPhones with their augmented reality application too.   

  • Reply 129 of 267
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,566member


    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post


    Which one?


    All those cheap PAYG phone's dragging Android down to the lowest level as is clearly obvious from usage stats.

    The worldwide usage stats are here. With "supposedly" somewhat equivalent user base numbers iOS and Android, evidence that the two look pretty well in line with each other going by the charts here.

  • Reply 130 of 267
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Well thats about it for now, sorry have to get back to work which appears to be a problem you don't have, which might explain your lack of insight.

    Mind the door on your way out. There's a pretty strong wind at your back.
  • Reply 131 of 267
    icoco3icoco3 Posts: 1,474member

    Wow..choice.  Use what ya want and quite moaning.


    So, I install Google Maps, fire it up, step outside my building, switch to satellite view, and.......white clouds.  Some would call that a "fail" !!


  • Reply 132 of 267
    Could they have made the user interface on Google Maps any less intuitive? When I was finally able to set up turn-by-turn directions, it was by sheer luck.
  • Reply 133 of 267
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    Oh, and buy the stock. hold it up the ass for a few months. 


    there, fixed that for you.

  • Reply 134 of 267
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by NexusPhan View Post


    What makes you say that? Because of app revenues? Many of the paid apps on iOS are ad supported on android and it is not published (at least I couldn't find it) how much the developers make from those ads. So it's not really fair to compare that.


    Apple maps failed to find the restaurant I ate lunch at today. Friend with an iPhone had to download the Google maps to meet us there. Sure enough, it was there. I thought it was great timing.




    Apple leaves holes for developers to fill, unlike other manufacturers (pre-iPhone) who thought they had to provide everything.


    Google just filled in a hole, now Apple has no responsibility or obligation to Google as regards their App.


    btw, this is interesting:-


    When you do this:-





    You always start here, which was puzzling at first until I switched to satellite:-





    Stonehenge, well played Google, although the observatory at Greenwich would have been better.

  • Reply 135 of 267
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    What makes you believe Google could have offered one with Apple branding?
    Well that's what I keep hearing the haters of Apple's maps want. Get Google maps back on iPhone as native app now. My point was Apple would never go for that. And Google certainly wouldn't have allowed a fully functioning maps (voice directed TBT, street view, transit info etc.) app that didn't have their branding. Neither side is wrong. It's just unfortunate that what Apple released wasn't up to their high standards.
  • Reply 136 of 267
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member


    Originally Posted by TBell View Post

    I downloaded this and tested it several times yesterday.…

    In truth, both Apps lack some of the cool features of Navigon. For instance, Navigon will tell me when I am speeding and I don't need an Internet connection for the app to work.

    Like Apple's criticism has been inflated, I think Google's credit is over inflated. Google's app is good, but isn't the holy grail some would lead you to believe.

    I drove from Toronto to Buffalo today using Google and TomTom, and returned using Apple Maps and TomTom. Note that I had TomTom on an non-data plan iPad.


    Had to turn off data entering the US and within a couple of mile, I lost the Google Map without data, as well as the Apple Map until I reentered Canada and turned data back on.


    The TomTom's turn by turn on the other hand continued working perfectly without the data. More importantly, neither Google's or Apple's came anywhere near the simplicity of my TomTom. It too warns me when I am exceeding the speed limit. And with the go-to-picture feature, it is extremely easy to find a student or colleague just by having him/her email a picture of where they are on campus.

  • Reply 137 of 267
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    thebum wrote: »
    Could they have made the user interface on Google Maps any less intuitive? When I was finally able to set up turn-by-turn directions, it was by sheer luck.
    and yet I keep hearing how Google is better at software design than Apple these days. :lol:
  • Reply 138 of 267
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    thebum wrote: »
    Could they have made the user interface on Google Maps any less intuitive? When I was finally able to set up turn-by-turn directions, it was by sheer luck.

    It's not the same as iOS — feels more like WinPh than Android — but I don't think it's not unintuitive*. In fact, I think it's thought out very well and is very straightforward for how many features it has built in.

    * un + in? Why can't we just use the word tuitive? :p
  • Reply 139 of 267
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Ah, gocha. MG Siegler and David Pogue are on Google's payroll now. Is that your claim?


    Are they the editors of the sites you mentioned (i.e. The editors at Ars, TheVerge, Techcrunch and Engadget all write that Google Maps for iOS outshines Apple's efforts so far.)?

  • Reply 140 of 267
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,566member


    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post


    Are they the editors of the sites you mentioned (i.e. The editors at Ars, TheVerge, Techcrunch and Engadget all write that Google Maps for iOS outshines Apple's efforts so far.)?

    Yes sir. One is an editor at TechCrunch I believe: Mr Siegler. They're also the two Apple-friendly bloggers (some have claimed "Apple shills") you deleted from my original response, as you already know. As for the others, are you also claiming that any site that offers Google ads, such as AppleInsider or RoughlyDrafted, must be assumed to be Google mouthpieces? If not, exactly what is your point.


    Can't wait for this answer

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