Apple 'leaving money on the table' by not releasing big-screen iPhone



  • Reply 141 of 318
    ruel24ruel24 Posts: 432member


    Originally Posted by Adrayven View Post

    Phablets feed the 'bigger is better' croud.. the 'muscle' nerds large move to it because it was the latest.. Then you have those that don't want to carry 2 devices, and merge the two with a phablet.

    My issue, updates - Samsung design's a pre-death nail into their products when it comes to updates, they draaaaag their feet as long as possible once it's not the newest device to 'encourage' you to upgrade.. they make money from that, not the OS updates. I've had a iPhone 4 since retail. it's running iOS 6.1 - yea, it doesn't get all features, but it's not the newest. But at least it's up-to-date and secure.

    Me, I end up reaching for m tablet anyway. So I figure, stick with what I have.

    And that's why it's popular and legal to install custom ROMs like Cyanogenmod when the phone starts to age. Not an elegant solution, but it works for many of them. Then there's the Nexus route, which is mostly like the iPhone, except its not available on all carriers.

  • Reply 142 of 318


    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post

    If apple doesnt have a big screen when my contract expires, i am buying a nexus phone. And i am not alone

    I may do the same.

  • Reply 143 of 318


    Originally Posted by allenbf View Post



    You beat me to it by 2 minutes :-)  Add call options to the mini and ipad, and boom:  "Problem" solved.

    You guys have never actually seen a Nexus 4 or a Galaxy III, have you?  I'm wondering if you've even seen a mini.

  • Reply 144 of 318


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    It's not a argument it's the truth.


    Right, because we've seen how dialed in to that you are. image

  • Reply 145 of 318
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    But you really can't say that it won't either.

    That's a informal fallacy that represents a false dichotomy. He never stated that it won't happen again only that you can't say it will happen again simply because it has happened before.
  • Reply 146 of 318
    sol77sol77 Posts: 203member


    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post

    If apple doesnt have a big screen when my contract expires, i am buying a nexus phone. And i am not alone

    I'm a huge apple fan, and I'd much rather have a 5 inch or bigger phone from them, but I wasn't going to hold my breath.  A few months ago I switched to a Galaxy Note 2 and I absolutely love it.  I'm a huge reader, both online and kindle books, and the screen is nearly identical in size to a paper back book and incredibly comfortable to read on.  I don't think it's just suits me very well.


    I find people criticizing larger screened phones to a bit lazy.  The complaint is almost invariably mingled with the idea that it is too big "for a phone."  I've been saying for two years now that the device in your pocket is not a phone.  It has phone technology, but it isn't a phone.  Less than a year ago I jailbroke my iphone and stuck an app on it that allowed me to view which apps I used the most.  After the first and second month my "phone" app was at number thirteen.  It's even "worse" now - I have the smallest phone call plan available and  I still only talk for a total about about twenty or thirty minutes a month...of my 450 minute plan.  At the top of the list: text messages, email, facebook, zite, kindle, dropbox, google docs, and the like.  After two years of this kind of result (I used both my iphone 4 and 4s the same way) I'm surprised more people haven't really caught on: as much as humans have a disposition to take what they're given, we really ought to stop calling these devices "phones."  Especially if there are twelve other things I do on mine far more often.  Even if my galaxy note 2 was bigger than the beast you had in your kitchen in the eighties and early nineties, can you really say my phone is "too big" for an email browser/composer? Messaging?  Reading magazine-type information?  Reading paperback-sized books?  Sure, I talk on the phone occasionally, but most of my calls last about one or two minutes.  Does anyone really think I am hindered by holding something that is merely one inch longer than what everyone else holds to their ear? 


    Yeah, we call them phones.  But one could just as easily call it any of the names of the twelve apps I use more than my phone.  And I'd bet anyone I know a hundred dollars their phone app is not in their top three most used apps.  I'll win a lot more money than I lose.  It's not a phone.  It's a mobile device.'s literally a Personal Computer.  Calling it a PC makes more technical sense than calling it a phone.  One handed use is nice, but I'm not concerned about how many hands I have to use when I'm standing in line or sitting on a couch browsing the web or reading a book.  Your phone is a PC, folks.  And the perfect size is the one that fits your needs the most. 

  • Reply 147 of 318


    Originally Posted by saarek View Post


    I’m genuinely curious as to why you want a phone with a bigger display? Everyone I have seen with a large Android device pressed against their heads looks like absolute twats. I can understand wanting a bigger display for content such as games/books/movies etc but then why wouldn’t you just get an iPad?


    Apple has explained why they went for the 4” display, it’s the biggest they could go and still maintain one handed operation.

    I can answer you. What you are calling a "phone" for me it's a pocket computer which happens to be also a communication device. But its first function, for me, is as a computer. My desktop computer had always the biggest screen I could get, or afford. Why? Because I need to work on my computer screen and I want as much information on the screen as possible. That's why I have bought first a 14 inch display, then 15, 21, 24, and finally 27 inch. On my pocket computer I want the same thing. A big screen so I can work comfortably and see as much information as possible but also it should still fit in my pocket so I can have maximum mobility. Why not an iPad? It doesn't fit into my pocket. I want a pocket computer not a bag computer.

  • Reply 148 of 318


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Calls for Apple to make an iPhone with a larger display around 5 inches diagonally are growing among analysts, who see a big-screen iPhone as a major revenue opportunity.

    Fixed that for ya, AI.

  • Reply 149 of 318
    ruel24ruel24 Posts: 432member


    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post


    I'm pretty sure you're just a troll at this point, but, no, the evidence is in and history does not in fact repeat itself.

    No troll at all. You're just someone that lives, breathes, and craps everything Apple and believes it cannot do anything wrong - the hypnotized... That's exactly what makes companies make bad decisions - when they no longer have anyone telling them their ideas aren't perfect. Like I said, I've seen all the ups and downs. I've owned Macs when everyone thought it would just go the way of the dinosaur. I sure hope Apple doesn't begin another tailspin. If they miss market opportunities or fail to refresh their product according to market demands, this will happen. Just think, Blackberry was king and RIM was on top of the world. Then came the announcement of the iPhone... The same thing can happen to any company.

  • Reply 150 of 318

    Originally Posted by Sol77 View Post

    I'm a huge apple fan… but… 


    Uh… huh.

    Originally Posted by ruel24 View Post

    You're just someone that lives, breathes, and craps everything Apple and believes it cannot do anything wrong


    Another falsehood.

    If they miss market opportunities or fail to refresh their product according to market demands, this will happen.


    No, it won't.

  • Reply 151 of 318
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member


    Originally Posted by NelsonX View Post

    Yes, me too! I have no contract any more and I still have my old iPhone 4, which is perfectly functional by the way. But I can promise you, I WILL NEVER BUY ANOTHER IPHONE with a 3.5-4 inch screen!!! NEVER!!! Either you give me a 4.7-5.5 inch iPhone or BYE BYE Apple! And don't give me that crap talk about Apple should ignore me bla, bla, bla! Just try to ignore me! Just try it! But you know what? I don't think Tim Cook is that stupid.


    No, Tim Cook obviously is not stupid enough to ignore YOU. I mean, not YOU. Oh, the horror. I'm sure retaining YOUR business is the top priority of Tim Cook and Apple.  


    Honestly, I don't think anyone gives a shit what you buy- so stop being so self-righteous, threatening to leave Apple, and just buy whatever you want. Believe it or not, Tim Cook won't lose any sleep over your busying decision, so stop pretending he will. I have nothing against a bigger phone, but your childish attitude is moronic. 

  • Reply 152 of 318


    Originally Posted by ruel24 View Post

    Hey buddy, GM once had 60% marketshare and was the most profitable car company in the world. Where are they now?


    Let's see, they used to make Hummers, didn't they?

    What happened to that "bigger/better" market?

  • Reply 153 of 318
    ruel24ruel24 Posts: 432member


    Originally Posted by PScooter63 View Post


    Let's see, they used to make Hummers, didn't they?

    What happened to that "bigger/better" market?

    Yeah, that was the reason for their demise... They still make Suburbans. Dumb answer.

  • Reply 154 of 318
    ruel24ruel24 Posts: 432member


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    No, Tim Cook obviously is not stupid enough to ignore YOU. I mean, not YOU. Oh, the horror. I'm sure retaining YOUR business is the top priority of Tim Cook and Apple.  


    Honestly, I don't think anyone gives a shit what you buy- so stop being so self-righteous, threatening to leave Apple, and just buy whatever you want. Believe it or not, Tim Cook won't lose any sleep over your busying decision, so stop pretending he will. 

    You miss the fact that he's not alone. There are others out there the feel the same. There are Android users that would be iPhone users if they had the option. Glad you're not running a company because you are completely closed off to other ideas. That doesn't work very well too long in business.

  • Reply 155 of 318
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    That's a informal fallacy that represents a false dichotomy. He never stated that it won't happen again only that you can't say it will happen again simply because it has happened before.

    No he's acting like it never happened before.
  • Reply 156 of 318


    Originally Posted by ruel24 View Post

    1/100th? I bet if they do introduce a larger iPhone, it'll cannabalize at least 20% of the current iPhone market, let alone attract another 10's of millions of users. It won't take lawsuits. It just takes a better product that appeals to the most people it possibly can, at a price that satisfies the market. Easy enough, wouldn't you say? Like I said, iPod did it, and it did it with multiple variations - iPod Classic, iPod Nano, iPod Touch, iPod Shuffle. Something for eveyone...


    As far as your second comment. That is about as dumb of a reply I can think of. Many of you can't see the forest through the trees, can you?

    That's right. We can't tell leaves and trees apart.

  • Reply 157 of 318
    I have been an iPhone user since 2007 as well, and i -almost- switched to a Galaxy SIII or Note II before I upgraded to my iPhone 5. The screen size was the big draw for me and why I almost made the switch, but remained with Apple mainly due to the ecosystem. We have multiple tablets at our house (iPad, Kindle Fires), but I'd really like a larger screen phone to reduce eye strain and allow me to read on it for extended periods without going nuts. I would love a larger screen option for iPhone. The "phonification" of the iPad mini is a great idea, but I believe that the mini is just a bit too large for practical phone use.
  • Reply 158 of 318
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    I don't get why some of you even care if Apple made a bigger phone. Don't buy it, stay with the smaller one, but plenty will definitely buy a bigger one.
  • Reply 159 of 318


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    And how do you know those could've been Apple customers?

    Because all these phones lose on every single metric against the iPhone (besides the screen size) and android does not provide a similar user experience. even if it is half of that number, do the math.

  • Reply 160 of 318
    ruel24ruel24 Posts: 432member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    I don't get why some of you even care if Apple made a bigger phone. Don't buy it, stay with the smaller one, but plenty will definitely buy a bigger one.

    Exactly, including me. I love my iPhone, but I want a bigger screen. I see this as a lost opportunity for Apple if they don't do something like this.

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