Apple 'leaving money on the table' by not releasing big-screen iPhone



  • Reply 161 of 318


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    No, Tim Cook obviously is not stupid enough to ignore YOU. I mean, not YOU. Oh, the horror. I'm sure retaining YOUR business is the top priority of Tim Cook and Apple.  


    Honestly, I don't think anyone gives a shit what you buy- so stop being so self-righteous, threatening to leave Apple, and just buy whatever you want. Believe it or not, Tim Cook won't lose any sleep over your busying decision, so stop pretending he will. I have nothing against a bigger phone, but your childish attitude is moronic. 

    Are you so close minded to believe I'm just ONE? I can guarantee you that Tim Cook IS losing sleep right now because he chose to ignore me... and the other millions who want a big screen. Look where AAPL is right now. Do you think 450 is low? Just wait until it hits 300!

  • Reply 162 of 318
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    jungmark wrote: »
    Look what happen to Apple in the last year, they only had the most profitable calendar year in human history. Such a failure. They have 2/3 rds of the mobile profits and yet they are "falling behind". Gimme a break. Apple will release a 5" iPhone if and when it's ready (and profitable).

    Btw, Apple missed out on those net books too.

    Then what's the 11" MBA? Just an expensive net book.
  • Reply 163 of 318
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    I don't get why some of you even care if Apple made a bigger phone. Don't buy it, stay with the smaller one, but plenty will definitely buy a bigger one.

    I valid reason might be they are shareholders and think it would be a bad direction for the company but I haven't heard anyone say that simply don't want it to exist.

    I have heard many people say it needs to exist because there are Android-based phones that are bigger. I don't think Apple matching the size of an Android-based device simply because it exists makes any sense.

    I certainly have no problem with it and have argued as to how Apple could do it based on their history of the iPad mini. I don't think I'll be interested in it (just like I'm not interested in the iPad mini, but for different reasons) but I'm perfectly fine if it exists… and I assume most others are, too, so long as Apple is doing because they see a market desire they can capitalized on not simply because a competitor vendor did it.
  • Reply 164 of 318
    ruel24ruel24 Posts: 432member

    What is it with some of you that you seem to think that if we don't think Apple has the perfect mix of the perfect products and they do everything right with perfect perception of what's best for them and the market that you try to sneer down your noses with the utmost elitism at those who don't agree? You don't even put up a good argument except that "Apple knows best". It's absurd... Apple can never be wrong... Apple can never make mistakes... Apple can't fail... Sorry, but you're dead wrong.

  • Reply 165 of 318


    Originally Posted by ruel24 View Post

    No troll at all. You're just someone that lives, breathes, and craps everything Apple and believes it cannot do anything wrong - the hypnotized... That's exactly what makes companies make bad decisions - when they no longer have anyone telling them their ideas aren't perfect. Like I said, I've seen all the ups and downs. I've owned Macs when everyone thought it would just go the way of the dinosaur. I sure hope Apple doesn't begin another tailspin. If they miss market opportunities or fail to refresh their product according to market demands, this will happen. Just think, Blackberry was king and RIM was on top of the world. Then came the announcement of the iPhone... The same thing can happen to any company.


    Subtype: Concern Troll

  • Reply 166 of 318
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Because all these phones lose on every single metric against the iPhone (besides the screen size) and android does not provide a similar user experience. even if it is half of that number, do the math.

    Most people don't take metrics into consideration. Some people just don't choose Apple devices. There are plenty that chose Android before the big screens came out.
  • Reply 167 of 318
    ruel24ruel24 Posts: 432member


    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post


    Subtype: Concern Troll

    Do you even know the meaning of the word "troll"? You obviously don't...

  • Reply 168 of 318


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    No he's acting like it never happened before.


    No, SolipsismX was correct in his analysis. You are incorrect in yours.

  • Reply 169 of 318
    ruel24ruel24 Posts: 432member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Most people don't take metrics into consideration. Some people just don't choose Apple devices. There are plenty that chose Android before the big screens came out.

    Most of those were because Apple wasn't on their chosen provider. Let's face it, had Verizon not launched the "Droid" campaign, Android wouldn't be where it is. They only did that because the didn't carry the iPhone and needed to compete within the space. Android had been around for sometime before the campaign, but mostly ignored. That all changed when the commercials hit the air with that now famous "droid" sound.

  • Reply 170 of 318
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    ruel24 wrote: »

    Hey buddy, GM once had 60% marketshare and was the most profitable car company in the world. Where are they now?

    ruel24 wrote: »

    Yeah, that was the reason for their demise... They still make Suburbans. Dumb answer.

    GM lost focus and tried to produce a car for everyone. What's the diff between a Chevy, Pontiac, Saturn sedan? It used a shotgun approach and almost went under.
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Then what's the 11" MBA? Just an expensive net book.

    Are you seriously trying to compare an MBA to a Netbook? Net books are under powered, cheap pieces of junk with low battery life and cramped keyboard and screen.
  • Reply 171 of 318
    sol77sol77 Posts: 203member


    Originally Posted by NelsonX View Post

    I can answer you. What you are calling a "phone" for me it's a pocket computer which happens to be also a communication device. But its first function, for me, is as a computer. My desktop computer had always the biggest screen I could get, or afford. Why? Because I need to work on my computer screen and I want as much information on the screen as possible. That's why I have bought first a 14 inch display, then 15, 21, 24, and finally 27 inch. On my pocket computer I want the same thing. A big screen so I can work comfortably and see as much information as possible but also it should still fit in my pocket so I can have maximum mobility. Why not an iPad? It doesn't fit into my pocket. I want a pocket computer not a bag computer.

    It amazes me that people don't get your point.  And that there are adults who literally base most of their argument on the idea that "other people might think you look stupid" is the quintessence of cognitive underdevelopment.  Really?  You're a grown man and you feel passionately about your choice of phone precisely because you are concerned about whether other people think you look silly using something else?  Okay. 

  • Reply 172 of 318
    c4rlobc4rlob Posts: 277member
    These analysts contradict themselves by saying Apple is about "high-end leadership" but then saying Apple should release a 5" display with much lower pixel density than current high-end leading phones (to retain current resolution specs).

    These analysts also misrepresent Apple's true brand traits. Apple has always been a company that believes in %u2013 as Steve Jobs frequently quoted %u2013 "skating to where the puck will be, not where it is." So they skated to where would be, skated away with the puck leaving everyone in their dust, scored several goals with the puck in an empty net. Finally the goalie and other players caught up with them. Wasting resources with a done puck is not the Apple way. I believe Apple thinks the touchscreen smartphone phenom is done %u2013 in terms of being revolutionary. So now they're resetting for skating to the next puck.

    I think these analyst are very useful to Apple as examples of folly that Tim Cook can show to the board. Just keep their advice running on a ticker in the boardroom and make decisions based on doing the opposite.
  • Reply 173 of 318
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member


    Originally Posted by pedromartins View Post

    Because all these phones lose on every single metric against the iPhone (besides the screen size) and android does not provide a similar user experience. even if it is half of that number, do the math.


    It's hilarious that you believe every smartphone buyer is making a researched, rational decision based on knowledgeable consideration of all the 'metrics', and user experience, and that making a bigger iPhone will obviously refute this. It's a fact that carriers are heavily pushing Android phones. It has nothing to do with the size, but many other financial considerations. Carriers aren't pushing and recommending the S3 because of the size. 

  • Reply 174 of 318
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member


    Originally Posted by acslater017 View Post

    I have an iPhone 5 and I think its 4-inch Retina is great. The problem with Apples strategy though is that they produce one phone a year and assume it will be great for everyone, which is not the case. I work with low-tech people all the time, and many older folks have trouble typing on a small screen, hitting the touch targets, and just can't see the text. Not to mention bigger screens can be great for web browsing, videos, etc.

    The line of reason, i supppose, is that there's no reason they can't produce a 4-incher and a 5-incher simultaneously. There are 5 different iPod form factors being sold at any given time, and it's not like Apple found THE perfect ipod form factor. Why not keep the iPhone 5 size for those who like it, and sell an iPhone+ for those who want it?

    I think the iPod and MacBook path is the direction they'll be heading.


    Hmmm. With an IGZO screen they may be able to get voice radios inside a iPad mini with a somewhat smaller battery.... 

  • Reply 175 of 318
    ruel24ruel24 Posts: 432member


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    GM lost focus and tried to produce a car for everyone. What's the diff between a Chevy, Pontiac, Saturn sedan? It used a shotgun approach and almost went under.

    Are you seriously trying to compare an MBA to a Netbook? Net books are under powered, cheap pieces of junk with low battery life and cramped keyboard and screen.

    No, GM stopped responding the the demands of the market. They began producing cars people didn't want to buy. They were being eaten alive by their competition. GM had long been making a car for everyone, even when it was doing good. There were Novas for cheap transportation to Corvettes and Cadillacs and everything in between. They got caught up in bean counting, and the days where a Cadillac was substantially differentiated from a Chevy were long gone. They were badge engineered cars that used substandard materials. In its heyday, Earl wouldn't let the Pontiac design team even look at what the other teams were doing, and the same for all the other design teams. They had to design their own products with their own identity.


    The MBA was Apples attempt at the netbook market, IMO. Jobs declared that Apple didn't do junk, so a small form factor that wasn't junk at a reasonable price was developed...the MBA. What a nice alternative it is...

  • Reply 176 of 318
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    slurpy wrote: »
    Because all these phones lose on every single metric against the iPhone (besides the screen size) and android does not provide a similar user experience. even if it is half of that number, do the math.

    It's hilarious that you believe every smartphone buyer is making a researched, rational decision based on knowledgeable consideration of all the 'metrics', and user experience, and that making a bigger iPhone will obviously refute this. It's a fact that carriers are heavily pushing Android phones. It has nothing to do with the size, but many other financial considerations. Carriers aren't pushing and recommending the S3 because of the size. 

    That's a very good point!
  • Reply 177 of 318
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member


    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post

    If apple doesnt have a big screen when my contract expires, i am buying a nexus phone. And i am not alone


    And? No one, including Apple is likely to cry because there will always be someone ready to take your place

  • Reply 178 of 318
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,441moderator
    Joining Wu this week in calling for an iPhone with a bigger display was Ben A. Reitzes of Barclays. He believes that sales of "phablets" with screen sizes greater than 5 inches will catapult from 27 million in 2012 to 230 million in 2015.

    That's some catapult. Why stop at 230 million though? If they are making up numbers and growth rates, why not 70 trillion? These analysts' projections are below expectations and rather disappointing. I would call on them to improve whatever it is they do.
    He predicts a 5-inch iPhone would offset some of the average selling price declines Apple would see from an anticipated low-cost iPhone for emerging markets.

    So the bigger iPhone with higher margins is there to offset the lower margin cheaper iPhone. That's funny how they assume people will pay more for the bigger phone. The cheaper iPhone is really what they're after for the emerging markets.
    "The iPhone has lost a significant number of sales by buyers either wanting a larger screen or being drawn to how much better the large screens look in stores," he said.

    Q1 2013
    Samsung Galaxy S3 = 15m
    Galaxy Note II = 8m
    Divide by 10 to get actual total sold = 2.3m
    iPhones total = 47.8m - if at least half of those are iPhone 5, which is likely = 24m

    The iPhone 5 outsold both the S3 and Note II combined last quarter. If Apple had lost customers, Samsung would also have shown an increase in their sales but they didn't. It was around 6m per month for the S3 after launch and is now down to 5m per month.

    Newsflash: Samsung sales are dropping, people tired of big clunky phones. Big phones no good for emerging markets where they are weak from hunger and can't hold big phones. Samsung should make their flagship phone 4" to keep up with iPhone demand.
  • Reply 179 of 318
    sol77sol77 Posts: 203member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Uh… huh.


    Another falsehood.


    No, it won't.



    Right back at you.  What on earth was the point of that?  If there was no point, why communicate it?  I think your dander is up about something else and you're taking a swing at the wrong guy for the wrong reason.  My purpose in saying I'm an apple fan is within the same sentence you took it from: I want a large phone...but I want it from Apple because I'm a fan of Apple's products.  Where on earth is the fallacy there?  You're hyper vigilant because you're used to people using their alleged apple fandom to support their criticism of apple.  But that wasn't what I was doing.  Slow down, man.  I don't post a lot, but for the most part I think we're on the same team....except for my enjoying a big screened phone. 

  • Reply 180 of 318
    cash907cash907 Posts: 893member
    frankie wrote: »
    The phone is fine.  If you want something bigger get a tablet.  Seriously who wants to carry something that big?  I think the iphone 5 is perfect combination of both.

    Everyone that owns a Galaxy Note, which I'm seeing more and more of in my profession. Doctors love them because it's easy to look at X-rays and other images. Admins love them because they can display entire documents bad spreadsheets with minimal amounts of scrolling or zooming.

    Whether some people want to admit it or not, the market for iPhone-sized displays is becoming saturated. They don't have to replace the entire lineup with larger screens, just give consumers the option.
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