Apple's Schiller speaks out against Android on eve of Galaxy S4 debut



  • Reply 161 of 212
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Wouldn't work.

    Apple could release some nice feature that was well-integrated and worked extremely well and provided a world class UI. All the shills would bring up something that was only vaguely related and which was total crap - and claim that Apple simply copied it.

    Or they'd resort to their usual spec gams. "Ours has more cores (ignoring the fact that Apple's is still faster and smoother)". "Ours has a bigger screen (ignoring the fact that it's a crappy screen and is so large that it's hard to use as a phone)." "Ours has more megapixels (ignoring the fact that it's got such a cheap, crappy lens that its pictures are far worse than Apple provides)." No one but Apple understands the concept of a well-designed system that works well and provides great user satisfaction - so they're left with the sily spec games.

    Gosh, you've just given up then. No wonder you write "Apple is doomed " so often.

  • Reply 162 of 212

    Amazon doesn't brand it as an Android device. They are actually one of the people that are doing it right with Android, but in the end their implementation and model is closer to that of Apple's than any other vendor/carrier.

  • Reply 163 of 212
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member


  • Reply 164 of 212
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Wouldn't work.

    Apple could release some nice feature that was well-integrated and worked extremely well and provided a world class UI. All the shills would bring up something that was only vaguely related and which was total crap - and claim that Apple simply copied it.


    No wonder people sometimes mistake you as being one of your own paranoid fantasy Android shills. It's like you have some kind of weird forum version of Munchausen-by-proxy syndrome.  You make up your own attacks against Apple ahead of time, and then cry foul over them.


    All the person you responded to said, was that they wished Apple would come up with something big, that would impress the mass consumer.   Those buyers don't care about who came first or not, or what a forum thinks.

  • Reply 165 of 212
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member


    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post


    I know, it started out with DaHarder and went downhill from there. That's an accomplishment, downhill from there.

    Thanks to igriv, MacRulez, Mars 123 for leading the descent. Good job!

    Thanks, but giving credit where due, a majority of contributors to this thread share in the recognition of how counter-productive it was for Schiller to give another headline to his competitor just before their big launch, esp. while using that opportunity to show how isolated and unfamiliar Apple is with their competition.


    A more complete list of those noting these and other shortcomings with Schiller's defensiveness include:


























    You can shoot at messengers all you like, but as long as Schiller screws up like this a growing number of people will recognize it.


    When we consider how little Apple has been spending on marketing compared to their competition, and the self-evident ineffectualness of Schiller's comments, Apple would do well to consider another change of VPs.

  • Reply 166 of 212
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member


  • Reply 167 of 212
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    macrulez wrote: »
    You can shoot at messengers all you like, but as long as Schiller screws up like this a growing number of people will recognize it.

    When we consider how little Apple has been spending on marketing compared to their competition, and the self-evident ineffectualness of Schiller's comments, Apple would do well to consider another change of VPs.

    So "little" marketing account for record profits and 70% of the mobile profits. Indeed that's a failure. He should have earned Apple 103%.
  • Reply 168 of 212
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member


    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    Citation needed.



    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Why didn't you ask Phil for his citation? Or do you naively accept his claims at face value because they're pro-Apple?


    I love it when the trolls turn on each other.

  • Reply 169 of 212
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member


    Originally Posted by 512ke View Post

    ... This is the "shift to Windows 95" moment, when Apple's elegant but higher priced phone/tablet offerings start to become marginalized by a competitor who is ever faster, more nimble, cheaper, and more frantic in its offerings. ...


    Please, don't make analogies to the history of the computer industry when you don't even know that history. Your "'shift to Windows 95' moment" never happened.

  • Reply 170 of 212
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member


    Originally Posted by EricTheHalfBee View Post

    One more thing... ;)


    Why is everyone talking about Phil making the claim about "logging in 9 times"?


    Right, because nobody wants to talk about his other comments like fragmentation or the fact most Android devices are on a 2 year old OS. Let's pick apart a minor "comment" and avoid the real issues, which Phil is 100% correct about.


    That's how the astroturfers roll. 

  • Reply 171 of 212
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member


    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    ... Kawasaki, Wozniak, and more recently Ihnakto, have all been quite public about their enjoyment of Android; no citation needed there. ...


    Kawasaki is a professional shill now working for Google (Motorola), so his "opinion" is of no value. Andy Ihnatko has always been a yahoo. And Wozniak, although a very nice guy, is a hard core gadget freak who loves everything. These are about the weakest references, other than your own, that could possibly be given for Android's quality.

  • Reply 172 of 212
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member


    Originally Posted by Mars123 View Post

    I don't see any former Google employee switching from android to iOS, but the reverse is true. Goes to show how much better iOS is compared to android. 


    Read it and weep:



    Of course, "who cares what Wozniak said", except if Wozniak wasn't there, Steve Jobs would probably be selling Apples instead of apple computers. 


    Steve Jobs would have done something impressive with his life, with or without Wozniak. Wozniak, on the other hand, might have just remained a cog at HP were it not for Jobs.

  • Reply 173 of 212
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member


    Originally Posted by TJRSV View Post

    APPL hasn't said or done anything since SJ...just look at their press releases on the of the most recent posts is an apology for the maps fiasco and the iPhone5 that no-one "had" to have! My iPhone 4S is just as cool, or cooler and the shares i bought at $520 will take until the next Pope retires just to break even. ...


    Right, because they were so chatty and released revolutionary products every year when SJ was still with us. Come back when you have a clue.

  • Reply 174 of 212

    As soon as Kawasaki and Wozniak stopped advocating for apple, they became google schill? LOL. Referencing previous apple employees and fans are weak argument? Right. as long as the argument fits apple and your agenda, they are strong. Anyone with a taste/opinion otherwise is irrelevant. Its for people like anonymouse that apple gets away with pushing out the same thing every year with a simple update. They know blind fanboys like him would line up at 4 am on release day and buy the same rehashed product with an "S" at the end. Just ask yourself, from iPhone 4 to iphone 5 (two years) what has apple innovated that the competition didn't already have? 

  • Reply 175 of 212
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member


    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    I'll bet labeling their app store "Amazon Appstore for Android" in bold 64-point type really confuses people about whether the apps there are for Android. ;)


    So, are you a) claiming the Kindle Fire is an Android device, or b) simply trying to sow confusion to cover up the fact it isn't?

  • Reply 176 of 212
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    mars123 wrote: »
    . Its for people like anonymouse that apple gets away with pushing out the same thing every year with a simple update. They know blind fanboys like him would line up at 4 am on release day and buy the same rehashed product with an "S" at the end. Just ask yourself, from iPhone 4 to iphone 5 (two years) what has apple innovated that the competition didn't already have? 
    hey genius, not everyone bought a 4 when it came out. The 4S was a godsend for those who couldn't get out of their contracts for the 4. And if iPhones are bought only by fanboys, why does Apple keep selling record numbers of iPhones?

    As for innovation, Siri come to mind.
  • Reply 177 of 212
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member


    Originally Posted by Mars123 View Post

    As soon as Kawasaki and Wozniak stopped advocating for apple, they became google schill? 



    Kawasaki works for Google (i.e., its Motorola subsidiary), that's what makes him a shill. And, quite frankly, he was always a bit of an embarrassment to Apple. He's a cheerleader, that's all. And, if you can actually quote the bit where I in any way implied that Wozniak was shilling for Google, please do. But, then, you know I didn't, you were simply misrepresenting what I said in a dishonest attempt at discrediting it. I've asked this question before, but why is it that you Android "supporters" always feel the need to resort to lies and misrepresentations?



    ... They know blind fanboys like him would line up at 4 am on release day and buy the same rehashed product with an "S" at the end. ...


    See, there you go again. The only significant sameness in the 'S' models to date has been the appearance of the exterior shell. The internals have typically, if we can make a generalization from two instances, been as or more different than releases of "new" phones from competitors in their entirety, where sometimes the most significant change is the exterior shell, or slapping a big screen on it to camouflage a big battery. But, you know all that, yet you chose to completely misrepresent the facts, to lie.

  • Reply 178 of 212

    Right, took them one year to take the processor from the iPad and put it in the new iPhone. And also ship it with half baked Siri. Got it. That is really innovative. They were so busy innovating, they could not even update the look of a year old iphone. How about naming one thing that is unique to iOS that Android doesn't have. As far as I am concerned, I still can't select Chrome as my default browser on my iPAD 3 running the latest iOS. Even Android 2.3.6 had that feature. 

  • Reply 179 of 212
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    anonymouse wrote: »
    So, are you a) claiming the Kindle Fire is an Android device, or b) simply trying to sow confusion to cover up the fact it isn't?

    It does use Android as it's OS so yes it's a Android device, what it isn't is a Google device.
  • Reply 180 of 212
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member


    Originally Posted by Mars123 View Post

    Right, took them one year to take the processor from the iPad and put it in the new iPhone. And also ship it with half baked Siri. Got it. That is really innovative. They were so busy innovating, they could not even update the look of a year old iphone. How about naming one thing that is unique to iOS that Android doesn't have. As far as I am concerned, I still can't select Chrome as my default browser on my iPAD 3 running the latest iOS. Even Android 2.3.6 had that feature. 


    Oh, big deal, changed your default browser, go you. I suppose if I went down a checklist of features for both systems, I could find a number that were unique, but, how about this one: all the phones Apple ships have the latest version of the operating system on them, not some version that could be 2-3 years old. Hey, even the 2-3 year old phones mostly have the latest version of the OS on them.


    And there you go again about the "look". Yes, that's the important thing, does it "look" different? Now, go and spin your lies somewhere else, you sad little man.

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