Apple's Schiller speaks out against Android on eve of Galaxy S4 debut



  • Reply 81 of 212
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Just to make sure I have it right:

    - If Apple doesn't say anything about how much better they are, they must not believe in their own products. They need to talk more about their products.

    - If Apple DOES talk about their products and the competition, they're whiny and sound defensive, so they shouldn't do that.

    Either way, Apple is doomed.

    Did I get it right?

    What Apple should do is steal Samsung's thunder and announce the iPhone 5s the next week

  • Reply 82 of 212
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    512ke wrote: »
    I agree, it's just a phone.  

    But it's moment of the shift.

    This is the "shift to Windows 95" moment, when Apple's elegant but higher priced phone/tablet offerings start to become marginalized by a competitor who is ever faster, more nimble, cheaper, and more frantic in its offerings.  

    Big screen, small screen, glasses, watch, e-paper: Samsung and Android will win it all.  

    I've never owned a PC in my life.  I've had iPhones since the first one.  I have stuck with APPL.

    But the reality distortion is gone, and I see Samsung/Android/Google not only taking over but driving Apple to extinction like a slowly evolving dinosaur that struggles to come up with a 5s while the competish has mutated randomly with blinding speed and variety to become top predator.

    Ugh.  Selling APPL tomorrow (unless some wiser person convinces me otherwise lol).

    Do yourself and everyone who wants all the weak hands out and sell AAPL instead of APPL.
  • Reply 83 of 212
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    macrulez wrote: »
    Really?  That's where you're going with this?

    So anyone can make any claim they want, and it's up to everyone else to prove it's false rather than just ask for any substantiating data from the original claimant?

    That's rich.  Not surprising here, but entertaining just the same.

    Look, I'm right there with you in recognizing how sad it is that this man can't find anyone, anyone at all, who has data to support his claims.  But need we turn logic on its head to try to make sense of his defensiveness?

    If he's lying it would be easy to find out wouldn't it. You just made a claim with little research and no data.

    As for claims, Google does it all the time with activations. You take that at face value.
  • Reply 84 of 212
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member


  • Reply 85 of 212
    S. Jobs had exagerated too. However he is dead and everyone forgot about it. No need to make a big story about that.

    And do not forget that the people leading Apple have been put in place by S.Jobs himself.
  • Reply 86 of 212
    drewys808drewys808 Posts: 549member


    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post


    What are you talking about?


    I asked drewys808 for a citation on his claim about Wozniak and Kawasaki.  Schiller didn't mention either of them at all.


    Unless you're sockpuppeting that account, I wasn't writing to you.

    Do you know how to read message threads?  It wasn't my (Drewys808) claim, it was Mars123.  Reread and call me back later...not.

  • Reply 87 of 212
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    geekdad wrote: » call it as I see it...I prefer IOS over buts no slamming either platform. But what is the diference between lying and making stuff up?
    Edit FWIW...I have had every iPhone except the first one......i have had probably 10 Android phones. I spend a LOT of money phones. But in my Android experience I have never had to sign into 9 different accounts or whatever to get the same functionality as my iPhone.

    1) The operative words are "he is" v. "I think." So my comment reads the same if it's, " ...but you can't say he's [making it up], especially with the criteria given, you can only say you think he [is lying], which is very different.

    2) I think it's highly questionable that there are 9 different account you need to equal what Schiller thinks makes for the same user experience. For me, the more accounts there are the less of a good user experience it becomes. I've stated many times that I hate that when I setup a new iDevice you have to input your username and password many times to turn on all the features. Frankly it's annoying and less seamless than I think it should be. It's more convenient that it's one username and password but it's still weakens the UX a bit.

    3) Note that I've made the same argument for Google's Android activation numbers. I've questioned how they are derived but I have not asserted that they are outright lies with no statistical data to back them up, only that the info given on how they are derived is less than complete.
  • Reply 88 of 212
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member


    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    So what? He has fat fingers and no taste.

    Edit: Bless him, I just recalled that he dropped and broke his first iPhone 4 review unit. At least he told the story publicly. But he has fumbling fingers. His main complaint about the iPhone was that he kept turning on the dictation by accidently hitting the microphone"key." Lots of people commented that they never do that. I don't either.


    What the ****? I do a shitload of typing on the iPhone and not ONCE have I triggered the microphone key by accident. I'm pretty sure you can easily disable the key from the settings. 


    I love how there's been quite a few high profile "why I switched from iPhone to Android" blog posts, from people desperately seeking attention, when the truth is that many, many more people switch the other way around, but don't need to make articles about it. Oh, and Andy has been trolling Apple for a few years now.  

  • Reply 89 of 212
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    "As thick as Samsung shills on Schiller" — flies have been outnumbered.
  • Reply 90 of 212

    Wow, all the losers have come out today. Half this thread is on my block list.


    Don't really care what Phil said or what the GS4 will have tomorrow. I use an iPhone 5 and whatever Samsung puts in the GS4 doesn't change how well my iPhone operates. I'll still get better service/support and I still have higher quality Apps. Android's problem isn't the hardware - it's the software. So even if the GS4 has awesome hardware it's still crippled by the Android ecosystem.


    Google I/O is the bigger announcement since we'll see what Google has in store for Android itself. It was true in the 60's and it's true today: hardware is useless without software to run on it.

  • Reply 91 of 212

    One more thing... ;)


    Why is everyone talking about Phil making the claim about "logging in 9 times"?


    Right, because nobody wants to talk about his other comments like fragmentation or the fact most Android devices are on a 2 year old OS. Let's pick apart a minor "comment" and avoid the real issues, which Phil is 100% correct about.

  • Reply 92 of 212
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member


  • Reply 93 of 212

    ^ Who cares what Wozniak or anyone else said. You guys sound as stupid as those who find a famous evangelical pastor who becomes an atheist and therefore that proves there's no God. Or the reverse. You can always find people who like either side or people who have switched. Even famous people.


    Let's talk about what Phil said. Do any of you "experts" want to disect his comment about fragmentation or that most Android users are on a 2 year old OS?


    Any takers? Probably not.

  • Reply 94 of 212
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    ^ Who cares what Wozniak or anyone else said. You guys sound as stupid as those who find a famous evangelical pastor who becomes an atheist and therefore that proves there's no God. Or the reverse. You can always find people who like either side or people who have switched. Even famous people.

    Let's talk about what Phil said. Do any of you "experts" want to disect his comment about fragmentation or that most Android users are on a 2 year old OS?

    Any takers? Probably not.

    Woz never had the Apple mindset. He was a brilliant monkey controlled by Jobs but he was still his monkey. Jobs is the one that wanted to make the computer easier and more fluid for everyone while Woz was worried about how to enginneer it. Nothing wrong with that but for people to quote Woz as if he's agreed with they did with the Mac, what Jobs did with NeXT, and what Jobs did upon coming back to Apple is BS. He's always been the tinkerer and that simply isn't the kind of home-grown experience Apple is trying to offer the masses.
  • Reply 95 of 212
    mars123mars123 Posts: 26member

    Of course, "who cares what Wozniak said", except if Wozniak wasn't there, Steve Jobs would probably be selling Apples instead of apple computers. You value the opinion of a marketing guy more than that of the co-founder of Apple simply because he doesn't agree with you? I don't see any former Google employee switching from android to iOS, but the reverse is true. Goes to show how much better iOS is compared to android. 

  • Reply 96 of 212
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member


  • Reply 97 of 212
    mars123mars123 Posts: 26member

    I really don't understand what drewys808 is trying to say. How does Wozniak and Kawasaki switching to android prove iOS is more superior? image

  • Reply 98 of 212
    tjrsvtjrsv Posts: 35member
    lkrupp wrote: »
    Keep in mind that this is Apple we're talking about. The same people complaining that Apple should be fighting back are the same people who will now say it's beneath Apple to talk about the competition. This very thread contains some of that already. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. That's the fate of anything Apple says or does these days.

    APPL hasn't said or done anything since SJ...just look at their press releases on the of the most recent posts is an apology for the maps fiasco and the iPhone5 that no-one "had" to have! My iPhone 4S is just as cool, or cooler and the shares i bought at $520 will take until the next Pope retires just to break even.

    Cook and Co look exactly like RCA right now and are a crew of whiney wannabes with MBAs...SJ was Edison or Da Vinci, and Cook is Al Gore.
  • Reply 99 of 212
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    mars123 wrote: »
    Of course, "who cares what Wozniak said", except if Wozniak wasn't there, Steve Jobs would probably be selling Apples instead of apple computers. You value the opinion of a marketing guy more than that of the co-founder of Apple simply because he doesn't agree with you? I don't see any former Google employee switching from android to iOS, but the reverse is true. Goes to show how much better iOS is compared to android. 

    You don't think Jobs would have found other brilliant people to build the best products in that market? You think Jobs would have simply gotten a job as shift manager at a grocery store if he didn't meet Woz?

    So what did Woz have to do with the creation of NeXT? What did Woz have to do with Apple buying NeXT? What did Woz have to do with Apple still existing past 1997?

    I'm willing to listen to your thoughts on how Woz is secretly responsible for the success Apple has shown in Macs, iPod, iPhones, and iPads in the last decade and how Jobs get none of that credit but I think you'll come up very, very short in that argument.

    Bottom line is that Woz is not aligned with Apple's focus, with their vision, with their direction. He is aligned with the idealistic concept of "open" because that's how he thinks but it's not how Apple thinks and the masses aren't looking for root access to their phones when they walk into an Apple Store.
  • Reply 100 of 212
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member

    How funny would it be if Apple released a new MacPro or something totally left field tomorrow to shit on Android's razzle dazzle.  image

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