iPad shipments could see first ever year-on-year decline in Q2, analyst says



  • Reply 81 of 110
    512ke512ke Posts: 782member
    There is no denying that Android tablets have closed the gap with Apple in terms of design, UI, functionality, apps, battery life, physical features, advertising, and commercial availability. Oh, and they're cheaper. And Apple is losing market share.

    Do I not know what I'm taking about? Maybe. Or maybe the truth of Apple's decline is so glaringly obvious that many if you more sophisticated and smarter people are failing to see it. You pick lol.
  • Reply 82 of 110
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by 512ke

    There is no denying that Android tablets have closed the gap with Apple in terms of design, UI, functionality, apps, battery life, physical features, advertising, and commercial availability. Oh, and they're cheaper. And Apple is losing market share.


    Plenty of denying it. Most of it valid. Seems you don't have any reason to be here. Why not leave?

  • Reply 83 of 110
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,940member


    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    Translation: "I have no data at all, so I have no idea why people here keep going on about the difference between 'shipped' and 'sold', since I fully realize that difference may well be negligibly small, which of course would explain why retailers keep ordering ever-larger numbers of them."


    Unfortunately for you, the possibly corroborating evidence doesn't support your beliefs, but contradicts them.


    Translation: "You're wrong again. No surprise."

  • Reply 84 of 110
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member


  • Reply 85 of 110
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Groan. Tell us why it's 'stale'? And more importantly, what specific features of Android make it so unstale?

    Or can we just chalk it up to more troll garbage?

    Maybe he didn't keep it in a case, I know when I don't cover bread it get's stale pretty fast.
  • Reply 86 of 110
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Plenty of denying it. Most of it valid. Seems you don't have any reason to be here. Why not leave?

    Because he'll miss your charming personality and the constant berating of people who don't have an undying loyalty to a company that produces inanimate objects.:D
  • Reply 87 of 110
    lemon bon bon.lemon bon bon. Posts: 2,173member
    "The difference is that cheap people are getting around to buying tablets. And people who aren't cheap already bought theirs."


    At the end of the day, there is a glass ceiling on premium...and a glass ceiling on 'cheap.'

    Android growth looks decent on paper...but...it's from a much smaller base so damn lies and statistics and all that. So the figures are just readjusting...like they did for Macs, iPhone and now iPads. Premium to cheap market spread. Same old, same old.

    Apple, for their part, could keep the iPad Mini (1st gen) and offer a cheaper price on it...while bringing in the retina iPad mini. They also need to keep the metal on the floor for the iPad 5 with Rogue goodness with an A7(?) chip.

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 88 of 110
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member
    It is not really a fair YOY quarter comparision as last years quarter had a new iPad released in it while this years quarter has no new iPads.

    Indeed, but last year Apple didnt had the mini. I am hoping for the same numbers this year and it would be good enoughfor me.
  • Reply 89 of 110
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,940member


    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    You're welcome to provide data at any time to substatiate the ongoing claims here about "shipped" being somehow so different from "sold" that all retailers worldwide are both stupid and economically suicidal as they keep ordering more and more Android products every quarter.


    And, you're welcome to provide data at any time to substatiate the ongoing claims here about "shipped" being somehow the same as "sold". But, as already pointed out to you, the corroborating data isn't there. For example, the usage stats are nowhere near the claimed marketshare or shipped numbers. Find some independent numbers to corroborate your beliefs. 

  • Reply 90 of 110
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    Because he'll miss your charming personality and the constant berating of people who don't have an undying loyalty to a company that produces inanimate objects.image


    I already know that YOU don't have a clue why this site exists; I'm asking him.

  • Reply 91 of 110
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member


  • Reply 92 of 110
    harry wildharry wild Posts: 813member

    I think their is more interest in the iPad Mini Retina then the iPad5. 


    It is too bad Apple has switched the release of the new models however.  They are going to release the iPad5 first!  The Mini Retina is suppose to come sometime in October/November!  I not sure people will wait that long of a period to buy the Mini when the Nexus 7 will also be HD resolution and cost 1/2 as much!  Plus, Windows based RT will have HD screens starting in August time frame.


    Apple still think the large iPad is what people want but you see how the sales are and many people are trend towards the smaller tablets; not the bigger ones.   I notice this in coffee shops where people use to carry their 10" iPads and Andoids to the shops.  Now about 80% have the 7-8" size.  They do not seem to go back to the large tablets either. 

  • Reply 93 of 110
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Harry Wild View Post

    It is too bad Apple has switched the release of the new models however.  They are going to release the iPad5 first!  The Mini Retina is suppose to come sometime in October/November!


    How do you think anyone knows anything about what Apple is "doing"?

    I not sure people will wait that long of a period to buy the Mini when the Nexus 7 will also be HD resolution and cost 1/2 as much!


    Idiots buy the Nexus. Anyone who cares would wait for an iPad.

    …Windows based RT…


    *stifled laughter*

    Apple still think the large iPad is what people want…


    Oh, you sure?! Because they're really disappointing ME in that regard.

    …but you see how the sales are and many people are trend towards the smaller tablets; not the bigger ones.


    Again, people are idiots. People actually wanted a 2.5" iPhone. Even larger iPads are the future, not small ones.

  • Reply 94 of 110
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    512ke wrote: »
    There is no denying that Android tablets have closed the gap with Apple in terms of design, UI, functionality, apps, battery life, physical features, advertising, and commercial availability. Oh, and they're cheaper. And Apple is losing market share.

    Do I not know what I'm taking about? Maybe. Or maybe the truth of Apple's decline is so glaringly obvious that many if you more sophisticated and smarter people are failing to see it. You pick lol.

    Increasing iPad sales? Check. The only reason Apple is "losing" shipment market share is because the market is growing at a faster pace than Apple can grow. That and there are so many Androiders shipping 100s of thousands of tablets that they can't be sold to end users quick enough.
  • Reply 95 of 110
    19831983 Posts: 1,225member
    I was walking around my local mall yesterday evening - upstairs the Apple store had two people in it, the Samsung store (selling smartphones, tablets, laptops and accessories only, like its Apple counterpart) had at least ten times that many people! Not so long ago that wasn't the case, and its been this way for a while now. I'm so worried in fact, that I don't know if that store is even going to be there in few months time when most of the new products come out - so then I'll only be able to purchase online and have nowhere to go, in my area if something goes wrong. Apple in the country where I live seems to be in terminal decline, even resellers are beginning to dump it or recommend Samsung instead...very worrying indeed!
  • Reply 96 of 110
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by 1983 View Post

    I was walking around my local mall yesterday evening - upstairs the Apple store had two people in it, the Samsung store (selling smartphones, tablets, laptops and accessories only, like its Apple counterpart)had at least ten times that many people! Not so long ago that wasn't the case, and its been this way for a while now. I'm so worried in fact, that I don't know if that store is still even going to be there in few months time when all the new products come out - so I'll only be able to purchase online and have no where in my area to go if something goes wrong. Apple in my country seems to be in terminal decline, even resellers seem to be dumping it or recommending Samsung instead...very worrying!


    You gotta throw /s' on these. image

  • Reply 97 of 110
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    1983 wrote: »
    I was walking around my local mall yesterday evening - upstairs the Apple store had two people in it, the Samsung store (selling smartphones, tablets, laptops and accessories only, like its Apple counterpart) had at least ten times that many people! Not so long ago that wasn't the case, and its been this way for a while now. I'm so worried in fact, that I don't know if that store is still even going to be there in few months time when most of the new products come out - so I'll only be able to purchase online and have nowhere to go in my area if something goes wrong. Apple in the country where I live seems to be in terminal decline, even resellers seem to be dumping it or recommending Samsung instead...very worrying!

    Do you live in fantasyland? If resellers are recommended Sammy it's because Sammy is paying them commission.
  • Reply 98 of 110
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,940member


    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    ... So far you and one other posted have decided to try to answer for him, but so far all you've contributed are random insults, without a single shred of actual data. ...


    Really? Please point out my "random insults". This claim is about as evidenced based as your others.


    And, no, I don't consider pointing out that you don't have evidence to support your assertions a random insult.

  • Reply 99 of 110
    512ke512ke Posts: 782member
    As long as opinions are stated politely there is no cause to suggest that anyone leave the discussion.

    I don't see why my observation that Android is surpassing Apple suggests that I'm not interested in Apple's current products, future plans, and business success.

    In fact I'm very invested $$$ and perhaps that's one reason why I'm attentive to what I personally perceive as the reality of the changing market.
  • Reply 100 of 110
    suddenly newtonsuddenly newton Posts: 13,819member
    1983 wrote: »
    I was walking around my local mall yesterday evening - upstairs the Apple store had two people in it, the Samsung store (selling smartphones, tablets, laptops and accessories only, like its Apple counterpart) had at least ten times that many people! Not so long ago that wasn't the case, and its been this way for a while now. I'm so worried in fact, that I don't know if that store is even going to be there in few months time when most of the new products come out - so then I'll only be able to purchase online and have nowhere to go, in my area if something goes wrong. Apple in the country where I live seems to be in terminal decline, even resellers are beginning to dump it or recommend Samsung instead...very worrying indeed!

    Grade: B+
    Almost a textbook "concern troll" post. Next time, be sure to list every Apple product you supposedly own for a stronger finish. /s
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