iPad shipments could see first ever year-on-year decline in Q2, analyst says



  • Reply 101 of 110
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by Lerxt View Post

    Most of Asia is using Samsung at the expense of Apple products. You may not like to hear it but its true. I live in Hong Kong and I travel weekly all over Asia, from as far north as Japan to as far south as Indonesia and I work in a large local company. I can tell assure you that I see less than a quarter of the number of Apple products than I used to. Samsung big screen phones are everywhere. My teams used to be all iphone, now me and maybe one or two others in groups of 16 are iPhone. The rest are Samsung.

    It's interesting and a little pathetic to read the fanboys on this sites difficulty in accepting opinions of others that don't fit in with their limited view of the world.


    Perhaps more pathetic is that you actually believe your selective observation/conclusion is a genuine, accurate and authoritative measure of the market.


    In truth the line, "I see less than a quarter of the number of Apple products than I used to..." is completely meaningless. You do get that, right? 


    Following mined data and 'triangulating' the results from that paints a very different picture than the narrative you created here. No-one here is denying that Samsung has been making inroads into the higher-end handset market, but by unilaterally convincing yourself that their share is mostly being taken from Apple, I think it may be you that's in denial, "fanboy".

  • Reply 102 of 110
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by 512ke View Post

    There is no denying...


    Sure there is. ONE company's single product line owns half the market. The other 100 or so product lines from a few dozen companies SHARES the rest. Enough said.


    There. I denied it.



    Originally Posted by 512ke View Post

    ...the truth of Apple's decline...


    Which decline are we talking about exactly?


    The "decline" in the stock price maybe? (Which occurred while sales continued to break records during every quarter of that "decline".)


    Or the "decline" in gross margins maybe? (While net profits continued to hold steady in spite of lower margins, due to ongoing increased RECORD sales.)


    Oh, I know!!! The decline in market share in areas Apple doesn't really compete! Yeah, that's it… that's the ticket!





  • Reply 103 of 110
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by 1983 View Post

    Apple in the country where I live seems to be in terminal decline...


    Which country is that exactly? South Korea, maybe?

  • Reply 104 of 110
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member


    Originally Posted by 1983 View Post

    I was walking around my local mall yesterday evening - upstairs the Apple store had two people in it, the Samsung store (selling smartphones, tablets, laptops and accessories only, like its Apple counterpart) had at least ten times that many people! Not so long ago that wasn't the case, and its been this way for a while now. I'm so worried in fact, that I don't know if that store is even going to be there in few months time when most of the new products come out - so then I'll only be able to purchase online and have nowhere to go, in my area if something goes wrong. Apple in the country where I live seems to be in terminal decline, even resellers are beginning to dump it or recommend Samsung instead...very worrying indeed!




    Apple decline in Narnia.


    Tim Cook needs to get right on that.

  • Reply 105 of 110
    garbagegarbage Posts: 12member


    Originally Posted by tribalogical View Post


    Sure there is. ONE company's single product line owns half the market. The other 100 or so product lines from a few dozen companies SHARES the rest. Enough said.


    There. I denied it.



    Which decline are we talking about exactly?


    The "decline" in the stock price maybe? (Which occurred while sales continued to break records during every quarter of that "decline".)


    Or the "decline" in gross margins maybe? (While net profits continued to hold steady in spite of lower margins, due to ongoing increased RECORD sales.)


    Oh, I know!!! The decline in market share in areas Apple doesn't really compete! Yeah, that's it… that's the ticket!





    Apple's profit growth has been declining for a while now. This hasn't perhaps been immediately obvious to the average forum visitor who's wondering why the stock is falling. Apple themselves have projected a profit decline YoY for the current quarter. That decline has to come from somewhere, a good guess is their iOS lineup since that makes up ~70% of their profits.

  • Reply 106 of 110
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    Remember, this years Android Tablet owner is next years iPad owner.
  • Reply 107 of 110
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,940member


    Originally Posted by Rayz View Post




    Apple decline in Narnia.


    Tim Cook needs to get right on that.



  • Reply 108 of 110
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    [...] If you think Apple is actually waiting until the end of the year to release new products you have lost touch with the Apple way


    Um, it was Mr. Cook himself who said new products are in the pipeline for the end of 2013 and into 2014. His way very definitively is "the Apple way."




    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    I find it hard to believe people put so much stock into the rumor mill.


    The analyst's sale projections are rumor. The new product timetable is right from the horse's mouth. He didn't say what but he did say when.

  • Reply 109 of 110
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    rayz wrote: »

    Apple decline in Narnia.

    Tim Cook needs to get right on that.

    Apple introduces the iWardrobe.
    garbage wrote: »
    Apple's profit growth has been declining for a while now. This hasn't perhaps been immediately obvious to the average forum visitor who's wondering why the stock is falling. Apple themselves have projected a profit decline YoY for the current quarter. That decline has to come from somewhere, a good guess is their iOS lineup since that makes up ~70% of their profits.

    A "while" now is one quarter. Damn. Two qtrs must be an eternity. Three must equal bankruptcy. By the way profit growth decline does not equal profit decline.
  • Reply 110 of 110
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by garbage View Post

    Apple's profit growth has been declining for a while now. 


    Define the time period of "a while". For that matter, 'declining profit growth'? Really? So… if profit was GROWING at 12% a quarter, but now it's GROWING at 9% a quarter we declare that we are IN DECLINE…?


    This hasn't perhaps been immediately obvious to the average forum visitor who's wondering why the stock is falling. 


    That was mostly due to stock manipulation (very obvious to anyone who bothered to look). And the stock stopped falling a month or two ago. Didn't you get the memo? Now at 445, up from 385, where it hit bottom. Trending upward. Funny thing is, the recent "profit projections" clearly had little to do with it.


    Apple themselves have projected a profit decline YoY for the current quarter. That decline has to come from somewhere, a good guess is their iOS lineup since that makes up ~70% of their profits.


    Sure, and the increased dividends outlay/stock buyback has nothing to do with reduced net margins, eh?


    Yes, they also anticipate a weaker quarter due to product cycle timing and seasonal trends. One quarter does not "a company in decline" make. Please.


    With every post you completely live up to your avatar name...

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