Nokia slams iPhone 5 camera in parody of Apple ad

in iPhone edited January 2014
A new advertisement from Nokia parodies Apple's "Every Day" advertisements to promote what the Finnish handset maker believes are the superior picture taking abilities of its own Lumia 925 smartphone.

The commercial starts off quoting Apple's own ad from April, which declared that "Every day, more photos are taken with the iPhone than any other camera." But Nokia's ad goes on to say that the company builds "for quality, not just quantity."

In a series of side-by-side comparison shots, the ad shows how pictures taken in a variety of scenarios are superior on the Nokia Lumia 925 rather than Apple's iPhone 5. Examples include with flash, in low-light, color balance in regular lighting, and more.


The ad also highlights features of the Lumia 925 camera such as "action shot," "motion blur" and "best shot" capabilities that Apple does not offer with its built-in Camera app.

"Every day, better photos are taken with Nokia Lumias than with any other mobile," the commercial concludes.

Camera quality has long been a focus for Nokia in developing its smartphones. Just last month, it unveiled the Lumia 1020, a new handset with a massive 41-megapixel camera capable because of an oversized image sensor.


  • Reply 2 of 177
    pdq2pdq2 Posts: 270member

    Ah, well. I guess that's what comes from being king of the hill.


    Something about "... the most sincere form of flattery" comes to mind.

  • Reply 3 of 177
    Dear Nokia,

    More photos are taken with the iPhone than any other camera... because more people actually [B]want[/B] to use an iPhone.

    Maybe you haven't noticed... but Windows Phone 8 isn't all that popular.

    The reason wasn't because of the camera... but it's nice that you're now putting decent cameras in your new phones.

    Best of luck,

  • Reply 4 of 177
    "iPhone 5 slams sales of Nokia phones by actually selling phones for profits."
  • Reply 5 of 177
    who the **** buys a cellphone based off how good the camera is? stupid fucks who spit in the face of the establishment (Apple & Android) and buy from the little guy (Microsoft). I have no faith left in America, we are a stupid people
  • Reply 6 of 177
    bullheadbullhead Posts: 493member

    How can Nokia be so clueless?  People do not buy cell phones for the camera.  Nokia is just another Microsoft Windows Phone cloner.  Being a cloner, they have nothing to distinguish their phones from anyone else.  So they have latched onto the camera as being their difference.  well, Nokia, any cloner can play the megapixel game, and even Apple can too.  Fact is the camera in a super thin cell phone is _never_ going to get close to a point and shoot.  Physics rule.


    Windows Phone is a failure because the OS is terrible. Plan and simple.  Nokia killed them self by selling their soul to Microsoft, who always stabs their "partners" in the back.  Anyone dealing with Microsoft needs to get their heads checked as they are clueless.  Had Nokia kept Symbian, and perhaps introduced Android cloner phones, they would still be relevant.  Now, all they can hope for is to have Microsoft buy them out for pennies on the Euro

  • Reply 7 of 177
    mactoidmactoid Posts: 112member

    That seems to be growing marketing strategy. 


    1. Find one function or feature which you can improve over iPhone

    2. improve it

    3. ignore the rest of the faults of Android, Windows 8, etc and ignore any effect this has on battery life

    4. profit (???...maybe not so much!)



  • Reply 8 of 177
    The ad DID teach me how to pronounce "Nokia". Apparently, it's not the way I've been saying it!
  • Reply 9 of 177
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    Nokia? Don't they make furniture? :)
  • Reply 10 of 177
    notscottnotscott Posts: 247member


  • Reply 11 of 177
    rptrpt Posts: 175member

    Nokia probably makes the best phone cameras, and I hope they will succeed in making a comeback, and that Microsoft will succeed in establishing a healthy system. I am convinced that competition will result in me getting even better iPhones in the future at a lower price. And I personally couldn't care less about not having the best camera.

  • Reply 12 of 177
    sumergosumergo Posts: 215member


    Originally Posted by Michael Scrip View Post

    Dear Nokia,

    More photos are taken with the iPhone than any other camera... because more people actually want to use an iPhone.

    Maybe you haven't noticed... but Windows Phone 8 isn't all that popular.

    The reason wasn't because of the camera... but it's nice that you're now putting decent cameras in your new phones.

    Best of luck,


    It is interesting isn't it, a 'phone maker touting it's device camera capabilities?  What next - Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Hasselblad effusing about their toast-making capabilities?

  • Reply 13 of 177
    Fear not, the funny moments of the Nokia ad are yet to come!

    Let us take a count of the number of blogs that report how Nokia successfully slammed the iPhone's camera while using the commercials the same blogs condemned.

    I sincerely doubt one blog will post a caution to Nokia that no one understood or connected with the Apple ads and the ads should not be made fun of to promote a competing product since no one will understand the context of what Nokia is attempting to promote. :-)))
  • Reply 14 of 177
    rjc999rjc999 Posts: 69member


    Originally Posted by mactoid View Post

    That seems to be growing marketing strategy. 


    1. Find one function or feature which you can improve over iPhone

    2. improve it

    3. ignore the rest of the faults of Android, Windows 8, etc and ignore any effect this has on battery life

    4. profit (???...maybe not so much!)




    You mean like adding fingerprint sensors? All the manufacturers are trying to find the next big differentiating feature. Apple blanketed the airwaves with Siri, a gimmicky, slow, busted feature, enticing you to use it because Zoey Deschanel is. 

  • Reply 15 of 177
    backstabbackstab Posts: 138member
    Meh. I'll give them that they decided to sell "a camera"; a kind of normal, standard point and shoot camera, that you can make calls on.
    I think anybody else could do this if they wanted to fill that niche. (and link up with FCC)
    Canon, Casio, Sony.
    If "camera" is the ultimate big feature for why you want a device in your pocket; go for it. Someone else will probably knock this one out soon enough though.

    Edit: As an aside; the commercial is pathetic. Would expect nothing less from them though.
  • Reply 16 of 177
    evilutionevilution Posts: 1,399member
    A good camera makes a good camera, it doesn't make a good phone.

    Maybe Nokia should go into making cameras.
  • Reply 17 of 177
    disturbiadisturbia Posts: 563member
    That's OK. It's all about marketing. I don't mind this sort of fair competition.

    Microsoft makes fun of Apple same as Apple used to do with their MAC / PC guys! ;)

    But it's a lot different than Google, Motorola, Samsung and a few others simply copying Apple and then bash Apple!
  • Reply 18 of 177
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Oh goodie the troll (who thinks the government has the right to steal Apple's cash) is back. Yippee! :D
  • Reply 19 of 177
    paul94544paul94544 Posts: 1,027member
    No Kia, no I don't own a Kia!
  • Reply 20 of 177
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    disturbia wrote: »
    That's OK. It's all about marketing. I don't mind this sort of fair competition.

    Microsoft makes fun of Apple same as Apple used to do with their MAC / PC guys! ;)

    But it's a lot different than Google, Motorola, Samsung and a few others simply copying Apple and then bash Apple!
    But what's creative about just copying Apple's ad? And how come every time this comes up someone has to bring up the Mac vs PC ads? Can someone point to an iPhone or iPad ad that is a direct swipe against a competitor? If there was one I can't remember it.
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