Jury awards Apple $290 million in patent infringement case with Samsung

in General Discussion edited January 2014
A jury of eight granted Apple $290 million in damages from rival Samsung on Thursday, in exchange for the South Korean electronics maker copying the patented software and hardware designs of the iPhone and iPad.

The verdict was reached in court in San Jose after two days' worth of deliberations. Jurors were deciding how much money to award Apple out of a possible $380 million decision.

The $290 million will join nearly $600 million that Samsung was already ordered to pay in the initial trial with Apple. This latest retrial was held to determine damages related to five specific patents in the suit.Thursday's decision brings Apple's total awards from Samsung to over $900 million.

The verdict comes in the second week of a retrial to determine how much more Samsung owes Apple after the Cupertino, Calif.-based company's decisive $1.05 billion victory last year. Following that verdict, Judge Lucy Koh vacated roughly $405 million in damages and set the retrial in motion.

The $290 million verdict is nearly $100 million less than the $380 million Apple sought in the retrial, but far above the $53 million Samsung said it owed. In a series of seemingly desperate last-minute attempts to delay the verdict, Samsung first moved for a mistrial on racial grounds, and then asked Judge Koh to stay the case pending a possibly years-long reexamination of a key Apple patent.

Judge Koh denied both motions, and the new verdict brings Apple's total award in the landmark patent dispute to over $900 million.

Bressler Testimony
Comparison of Apple and Samsung devices. | Source: Apple v. Samsung court documents

The retrial involved testimony from Apple's marketing chief Phil Schiller, who revealed that the original iPhone was a massive "bet-the-company" gamble that ultimately paid off. Following the iPhone's success, Samsung began manufacturing devices that copied the look and feel of it, as well as the iPad.

"There were huge risks," Schiller said about the original iPhone. "We had a saying inside the company that it was a 'bet-the-company' product. We were starting to do well again in iPod. Then here we're going to invest all these resources, financial as well as people, in creating this product."

Closing remarks were given by both sides in the trial on Tuesday, setting the stage for the jury's deliberations. Apple's attorneys said the company has a chance to be "made whole" by reinstating $380 million in vacated damages, while Samsung's lawyers argued that Apple exaggerated the importance of the five patents involved in the case.


  • Reply 1 of 104
    Attention Xerox World, start copying Apple as it will take years to get your asses kicked! Even then you would pay some lousy $$ as punishment ...

  • Reply 2 of 104
    I wonder how long Samsung is given,
    to cut the check, to Apple?
  • Reply 3 of 104
    Second handers.
  • Reply 4 of 104
    Well then, now what Samsung keep on copying Apples' products?
  • Reply 5 of 104

    Can’t Koh step in and kick that up a notch? I’m sure she’s tired of Samsung, too.

  • Reply 6 of 104
    This is a resounding victory. They asked for $380MM and received $290MM.
  • Reply 7 of 104
    Finally! Justice has been done, but Apple should have been awarded more money...Samsung is a blatant ripoff.
  • Reply 8 of 104

    I'm not sure if she can now but I hope Koh triples the damages

  • Reply 9 of 104
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Nice. Less than it should be, but it's more about the PR win. $300 million isn't too shabby either.
  • Reply 10 of 104
    jessijessi Posts: 302member

    Apple just spent something like $10M on lawyers and got a $888M payout.  That's a HUGE return on investment.


    Yes, it's small compared to what Samsung, google, etc. all owe them morally.


    But having now defended these patents in court they will not have to sue over them again, and will be able to simply collect royalties from people (hopefully google, and at a high rate too.)


    This is good news..


    And they can turn that $888M into 88 more lawsuits-- even if they lose them all they still break even!


    Time to hold the thieves accountable!

  • Reply 11 of 104
    ingelaingela Posts: 217member
    I hope this teaches everyone a lesson. That Motorola and Nokia should have copied better.
  • Reply 12 of 104
    Holding my breath until Judge Lucy vacates the judgement because Samsung filed a motion asking her to.
  • Reply 13 of 104
    Fine is a slap on the wrist but I hope this at least forces Samsung and others to be less willful to steal patents and design ideas. Sure hardware design can be influenced but Samesung blatantly took Apple's designs. This has been on-going trend from many Asian based companies that steal many ideas from other companies from outside of Asia for their own brand. And yes other non-Asian companies infringe on patents but not at the rate of Asian companies, ask China...lol.

    It is so easy to forget the millions spent by Apple to develop the iPad and iPhone from its conception, only to be copied for pennies on the dollar by Apple competitors. Was bad enough Android emulated iOS.
  • Reply 14 of 104
    $888 verdict in Apple's favor! Was Brian White on the jury!
  • Reply 15 of 104

    Originally Posted by Jessi View Post


    Apple just spent something like $10M on lawyers and got a $888M payout.  That's a HUGE return on investment.


    Yes, it's small compared to what Samsung, google, etc. all owe them morally.


    But having now defended these patents in court they will not have to sue over them again, and will be able to simply collect royalties from people (hopefully google, and at a high rate too.)


    This is good news..


    And they can turn that $888M into 88 more lawsuits-- even if they lose them all they still break even!


    Time to hold the thieves accountable!

    Now this is quite serious, really! Before, it was more or less only Microsoft seriously cashing in for (almost) every Android phone sold. Now Apple will ask for royalties as well. After this trial, they have a lot more leverage to do so. 


    Now Android keeps getting more expensive and the margins for Android-phones are shrinking. This might cause some serious problems. Get the popcorn ready!

  • Reply 16 of 104
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Unfortunately this does nothing to deter Samsung from it's "Copy Now, Pay Later" business model.
  • Reply 17 of 104
    Ya, wait til the Samscum jack up the components prices on iEverything.
  • Reply 18 of 104
    dimmokdimmok Posts: 359member

    Samsung dirt bags finally got what they deserved all along.

  • Reply 19 of 104
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by steinm88299 View Post

    This is a resounding victory. They asked for $380MM and received $290MM.


    A lot more than the $52 million Samsung said they were worth.





  • Reply 20 of 104
    Samsung IS a copy cat. It doesn't matter what they has to pay.
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