GM, Audi, Hyundai, Honda, nVidia officially join Google's Android automotive push



  • Reply 101 of 128
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    People getting riled up over nothing. As I posted before, nobody is going to run Android in their car. What they will do is make sure Android devices can properly integrate with your car to provide a seamless experience from your mobile device to the car. Same thing with iOS.

    Look at GM, for example. They have already committed to iOS In The Car. They also just announced their own App Store for HMTL Apps to run on their in-dash system along with OnStar. And now they are working with the OAA. Seems pretty clear GM wants to play nice with everyone, and not tie themselves down to one system. They will use their own OS and add middleware to allow it to work with whatever device you have.

    Is middleware long for app? I agree with you. It's best to allow multiple platforms to work. How many households have a mixed bag of devices?
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  • Reply 102 of 128
    r2d2r2d2 Posts: 95member
    Originally Posted by nht View Post



    They do get to choose whether they have a first class citizen experience or a second class citizen experience.  Sharing the same OS across both mobile and car will generate the best experience.  An OSX user on a Windows network can tell you what it feels like.  Most things work.  Some don't.


    I won't buy a car with Android baked in if I have a choice.  In fact I DON'T want an onboard nav/entertainment system at all.  All I want is the carmaker to provide the backbone power and data at each seat (aka USB ports), a local secure network (wifi) that easily shares a provided hotspot (that I provide) and carries GPS, inertial and car health data that any app on any platform I choose can use and mounted displays that are more crash safe for occupants than strapping an iPad to a headrest that I can easily stream to via airplay. 


    For that NO android (or iOS) is required is required.  Just an onboard computer with a user facing web server for authentication and configuration.



    Good luck with that - seriously!

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  • Reply 103 of 128
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,679member

    - 78% of iPhones are on iOS 7 released on September 2013.

    Kit Kat and iOS 7 released in the same month. One version is on 1.1% of devices, the other is on 78%. Pathetic.

    Not that it matters all that much but Kit Kat wasn't even announced until Oct. 31st and became available several days later. Yeah, not that many devices on the very latest version yet, a few million really. Google rolled it out to the devices that fell under their control within a month or so while other manufacturers are a little less prompt (!) at taking care of the ones they build.

    Of course actual OS upgrades aren't as important as they once were since many of the improved features get updated on a regular basis via Google Play Services. Still nice to have the latest and Apple certainly does so thru control of their own iPhones/iPads unlike Google who licenses the OS and can only directly update Nexus devices.
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  • Reply 104 of 128
    bunlobunlo Posts: 28member

    The next big thing on market would be, "Antivirus Program" for your cars!

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  • Reply 105 of 128
    r2d2r2d2 Posts: 95member

    Originally Posted by EricTheHalfBee View Post


    People getting riled up over nothing. As I posted before, nobody is going to run Android in their car. What they will do is make sure Android devices can properly integrate with your car to provide a seamless experience from your mobile device to the car. Same thing with iOS.


    Look at GM, for example. They have already committed to iOS In The Car. They also just announced their own App Store for HMTL Apps to run on their in-dash system along with OnStar. And now they are working with the OAA. Seems pretty clear GM wants to play nice with everyone, and not tie themselves down to one system. They will use their own OS and add middleware to allow it to work with whatever device you have.


    You are correct, people are getting riled up over nothing. There are cars running both Windows and Android systems (not together) that play nicely with IOS. Admittedly, on the Android side, the tech is still young but is constantly being updated. With this new alliance, the integration issues will get better if not disappear altogether.

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  • Reply 106 of 128

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    This is an idiot move by Audi.  Without Apple integration they will be look at like a cheap car brand.




    Originally Posted by Disturbia View Post


    F**K that! I won't buy any car running freaking google android! Don't need that shit. Not now ... not ever!






    Originally Posted by RadarTheKat View Post


    I'll join the ranks of those who will not buy from those vendors that integrate with Android.  It's not a protest thing; it's that I simply cannot have confidence in an automaker that exhibits such an error in design and engineering judgement.


    Originally Posted by ForThought View Post

    I'm very happy about this announcement, I am in the market for a car this year, and this helps me identify the car brands I will not be buying from.

    Shows what some of you know, this is not an argument just pointing out some fact you do know the VW group sells cars under  consists AudiBentleyBugattiLamborghiniPorscheSEATŠkoda and Volkswagen marques; motorcycles under the Ducati. Audi is  a BIG BIG european car maker if people think partnering with Google is a mistake then please look at the long list of cars the VW group makes. 


    It amazes me how people are quick to knock a product/company because it not running with Apple tech. Audi is just like Apple in the car industry a "Luxury brand" in Europe anyway and just look at the other brands the VW group make. Teaming up with google will not be a bad thing as i'm sure Apple will be supported. People need to stop being ignorant and open there eyes to me tech and car industry. 


    Please guys open your eyes to the world.

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  • Reply 107 of 128

    Originally Posted by Chipsy View Post

    Actually this is not how Google works. Data is collected for targeted advertising (the same as Apple's iAd service). Targeting is done in-house and the advertiser never gets to see the collected data (this is the same for both Google's Admob and Apple's iAd). Google is not a data broker meaning data isn't sold at any point (is directly mentioned in the privacy agreement), they use it so their ad service is more accurate. The more accurate the data, the better the targeting and the less the advertiser has to waste money on advertisements that are shown to people outside the target group. With Google in complete control of the data this also means advertisers always have to come back to Google (which wouldn't be the case if they sold data, you can only sell once, not a good business model).

    Thought I would clear this up, people often have misconceptions about how Google works.

    Fair enough, and I didn't mean "you" as in you individually. But there are indeed significant differences between the Google and Apple approaches to your information, to wit:


    It's up to you to decide if you're OK with this or not, but follow the money. Google isn't giving Android away for nothing.

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  • Reply 108 of 128
    gatorguy wrote: »
    IMO a couple of posters are commenting by reflex. Android. Bad. Bad Google. Evil.

    And people assume Satan is always evil too! Like, not even the benefit of a doubt. What's up with that? Bad Satan. Evil.
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  • Reply 109 of 128
    bunlo wrote: »
    The next big thing on market would be, "Antivirus Program" for your cars!

    You joke now, but... Once upon a time, I thought antivirus programs for phones was a ridiculous notion. And yet here is Android, all cute and infected.
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  • Reply 110 of 128
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by MagMan1979 View Post


    Sure, it's called the PRISM document from Edward Snowden, I'm sure you can "Google it" for yourself.


    For a guy who continuously promotes all things Google, he sure seems inept at using their main claim to fame.


    I do not want a "connected" car.


    I do not want to pay for some sort of data plan so it can "connect".


    I do not want to pay a phone company so Google can track me and deliver me ads.


    I'll stick with my dumb Ford which provides no more than a Bluetooth connection and a screen.

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  • Reply 111 of 128
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Not that it matters all that much but Kit Kat wasn't even announced until Oct. 31st and became available several days later. Yeah, not that many devices on the very latest version yet, a few million really. Google rolled it out to the devices that fell under their control within a month or so while other manufacturers are a little less prompt (!) at taking care of the ones they build.

    Of course actual OS upgrades aren't as important as they once were since many of the improved features get updated on a regular basis via Google Play Services. Still nice to have the latest and Apple certainly does so thru control of their own iPhones/iPads unlike Google who licenses the OS and can only directly update Nexus devices.


    My Galaxy S4 did not officially get 4.3 until mid December, I won't hold my breath waiting for 4.4, Samsung will probably want to sell me a Galaxy S5 before then, they make their money selling new hardware hence their slackness with updates.

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  • Reply 112 of 128
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    And people assume Satan is always evil too! Like, not even the benefit of a doubt. What's up with that? Bad Satan. Evil.

    Evil doesn’t exist, it's all only perverted good.
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  • Reply 113 of 128
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post



    My Galaxy S4 did not officially get 4.3 until mid December, I won't hold my breath waiting for 4.4, Samsung will probably want to sell me a Galaxy S5 before then, they make their money selling new hardware hence their slackness with updates.

    Same with Audi and each and every freaking car manufacture who sleeps with Andy's Android t make an extra buck ...


    Speaking of which .... how much google has offered Audi, in form of anything but cash (obviously 'cause google can hardly pay in US $ hence hiring overseas workers!!)?


    Hint: users search for Fiat .... we put Audi on TOP of each page!

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  • Reply 114 of 128
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
     I think Apple will buy a car company or just build its own cars.
    Please be Tesla, and please take it international!
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  • Reply 115 of 128
    chipsychipsy Posts: 287member
    call-151 wrote: »
    Fair enough, and I didn't mean "you" as in you individually. But there are indeed significant differences between the Google and Apple approaches to your information, to wit:

    It's up to you to decide if you're OK with this or not, but follow the money. Google isn't giving Android away for nothing.

    Indeed everyone has a choice. Regarding your link. This is indeed something Google should revise, but this is something specific to Google Play purchases and has nothing to do with Admob (and the collection and use of data). The reason why developers got this information is because in Google Play the reseller is the developer and not Google, which is different from Apple's App Store system where you buy from Apple.

    Personally I'm more worried about (smaller) data brokers, who actually do sell personal information, then I am about Google.
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  • Reply 116 of 128

    Originally Posted by ForThought View Post

    I'm very happy about this announcement, I am in the market for a car this year, and this helps me identify the car brands I will not be buying from.




    Originally Posted by jkichline View Post


    I wouldn't trust an Android device connected to my car. Sorry. Too much malware on that platform.




    Originally Posted by RadarTheKat View Post


    I'll join the ranks of those who will not buy from those vendors that integrate with Android.  It's not a protest thing; it's that I simply cannot have confidence in an automaker that exhibits such an error in design and engineering judgement.




    Originally Posted by macdocdave View Post

    Looks like I may have bought my last Audi.


    I'm curious what cars you'll all be buying when every car has Android integration, which seems like a pretty likely future at this point.

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  • Reply 117 of 128
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    There's a difference between supporting Android integration (no problem) and hosting Android on board (which some have issues with).

    Couldn't really give a damn myself, as long as it keeps good integration with iOS I don't much mind what OS the car has.
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  • Reply 118 of 128
    r2d2r2d2 Posts: 95member

    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    There's a difference between supporting Android integration (no problem) and hosting Android on board (which some have issues with).

    Couldn't really give a damn myself, as long as it keeps good integration with iOS I don't much mind what OS the car has.


    You are a person of reason!

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  • Reply 119 of 128
    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    My point is that Android isn't as unstable as it once was, and while iOS has always been pretty stable it is not 100% problem free. While malware is indeed a concern it's not the problem it's been made out to be.


    Wow. The tag team is in fine form today.

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  • Reply 120 of 128
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member

    Thanks for confirming that you have no evidence whatsoever.

    Tell me, how many people develop for Windows Mobile? BlackBerry? Tizen? How many users? How about platform satisfaction reports? Third party revenue stats? Now what on Earth makes you think that anyone’s going to waste their time building for them?

    Come off it.

    I don't know how many developers develop for WP, but back in August MS announced 170,000 apps available in Windows Store. Relative to the age of platform and market saturation, it is not too bad.

    I'm not sure what you mean with "platform satisfaction". If you are talking about user satisfaction, it is pretty high for WP - according to some sites, even higher than iOS.

    Last quarter, Nokia sold 8.8 million phones. iPhone reached that number in late 2010... so again, relative to platform's age, WP seems to be doing fine.

    But I do agree that Tizen and BB seem to be out of picture, as they are right now.

    Back to original topic. I believe whole point of this OAA (or whatever their name is) initiative is to standardise in-car IT tech. If they standardise that, they can also standardise interfacing with all available platforms - or clearly set rules that will allow each platform developer to create required drivers/services to be able to interface with in-car tech. I'm personally not an Android lover (nor hater, mind you) but I do think Android is probably the best starting point, as OAA can get vanilla flavour of Android and customize it to their needs - deeper than Apple or Microsoft would allow with their platforms.

    Makes sense to me, really.
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