Project "Glove" and "Lucida" in July



  • Reply 221 of 389
    [quote]Originally posted by DaveGee:


    It seems Apple including 'FireWire II' (sorry I can't call it Gigawire) on a new Mac and then not have any device to demo it would be an 'uncomfortable moment' to say the least.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    WHich if that were the case would umply his was a MWSF intro since the head of the Firewire coalition says they won't have shipping silicon until late summer. OF course Jaguar="Late Summer", Firewire2=Late Summer <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" /> Maybe we won't Scintillicious PowerMac upgrades at MWNY, maybe later in the year?
  • Reply 222 of 389
    mrsparklemrsparkle Posts: 120member
    Seems to me, the new PMs may be announced at MWNY but shipping in August or September. Maybe a Seybold announcement for Power users. I doubt the new machines will be available immediately at MWNY.

    This would still leave time for them to ship with Jaguar and possible Firewire 2.
  • Reply 223 of 389
    When are the next Gen Geeforce cards coming out again
  • Reply 224 of 389
    warpdwarpd Posts: 204member
    The GeForce 5 is due out around August. Yum, Yum!
  • Reply 225 of 389
    mrsparklemrsparkle Posts: 120member
    Is that just a big coincidence that everything we might expect in the new PM is due "late Summer"?
  • Reply 226 of 389
    [quote]Originally posted by warpd:

    <strong>The GeForce 5 is due out around August. Yum, Yum! </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Wasn't the GeForce 4 intro'd by Apple a few days before NVidia released it?

    GeForce 5 with tasty hardware and software Morsels...Mmmmm! Gee, I wonder what the NVidia guy meant when he said they some exciting products that would grow their Mac market share soon?
  • Reply 227 of 389
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    Upon further testing I have found that files have to be placed in the root folder, for some reason right now they cannot be placed in the pictures folder. (I am at work and so i cannot fix this.) Just put it in the root folder next to all the other folders. Thanks!
  • Reply 228 of 389
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member
    <a href=""; target="_blank">Firewire 2 & the Mac</a>

    It's worth noting though a lot of Apple's releases are currently aimed for late Summer though.
  • Reply 229 of 389
    ricrocketricrocket Posts: 142member
    [quote] I think the most logical device would be a 'clip-on' camera lens and CCD imager that attached to the top of an iPod (with pass-though headphone jack and Firewire). <hr></blockquote>

    I think that may possibly be the *worst* way to execute Lucida. My iPod is jammed with music right I have to delete all of it to use the camera? Or do I have to buy another iPod? I've got no problems using the iPod to store additional video on, but if it's the primary storage medium, then that's going to cause a lotta aggro trying to make space for video AND mp3. But I don't think we'll see that happening...

  • Reply 230 of 389
    Definetly looks like apple is going to go after the corprate market. It's a huge market, apple wants a slice. With glove liscensing they could very well do it. Plus, i don't know if this has been said yet, but remember during the release of Jaguar, Steve announced a standard called rendevous that would make setting up networks a sinche. This is something that would really pay off for corporations since they have hundreds of computers, and with the it's not needing to set them up for networking then the it's save time and that means the corporation saves money.

  • Reply 231 of 389
    owl boyowl boy Posts: 61member
    [quote]Originally posted by Hobbes:

    <strong>Jesus, 'Allen McJones' sure is paranoid.


    well, worker bee got caught did he not?


    [ 05-30-2002: Message edited by: Owl Boy ]</p>
  • Reply 232 of 389
    [quote]Originally posted by DaveGee:

    <strong>Taken from the following story:

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Interesting I'd say... Then again I'd like for this to be real so.... Only problem is if that last story is right then the either the 'iCam' will not be using Foveon **or** it will be priced just a tad bit higher than we all think... (unless Steve is gonna buy the company)


    [ 05-29-2002: Message edited by: DaveGee ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Is it me or does it seem strange that Nikon wasn't mentioned in that article? If any manufacturer were to be interested in the X3 you would think it would be Nikon. Quality at any expense. Right up their alley.

    Flovion shouldn't forget about the medicle imageing industry.

    <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
  • Reply 233 of 389
    gee4orcegee4orce Posts: 165member
    [quote]Originally posted by ricRocket:


    I think that may possibly be the *worst* way to execute Lucida. My iPod is jammed with music right I have to delete all of it to use the camera? Or do I have to buy another iPod? I've got no problems using the iPod to store additional video on, but if it's the primary storage medium, then that's going to cause a lotta aggro trying to make space for video AND mp3. But I don't think we'll see that happening...


    Bull. All you need is a preference in iTunes "Keep [x]MB of space free for iSpy images"
  • Reply 234 of 389
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    [quote]Originally posted by Gee4orce:


    Bull. All you need is a preference in iTunes "Keep [x]MB of space free for iSpy images"</strong><hr></blockquote>

    agreed. there's space for both worlds (of course, apple would LIKE you to shell out more $$$ for the 10 GB version, just to be safe...)

    i still stand by my beliefe, though, that the ipod will be a really cool add-on that would slide into the guts of a camera. i mean, hell, it HAS A JOG DIAL BUILT INTO IT, PEOPLE! (much better than a mouse for video scrubbing). plus, i think it would have to slide inside, if rumors of its water-resitant nature are to be believed (i would think clip-ons to the existing ipod just wouldn't be enough).
  • Reply 235 of 389
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    crap... the wheels are really turning now. follow me on this (and apple, if you aren't planning lucida, i suggest you take a few notes)...

    make the next ipod with a color screen lcd (it has been rumored int he past, but we were all like "why would you bother? for full-color menus? itunes visuals? not really necessary...").

    but what if, like i said in my previous post, the ipod becomes a not-necessary-but-so-cool-why-the-hell-wouldn't-you add-on to lucida, that offers massive storage space, plug-n-play, a jog wheel for scrubbing through frames of video (or slide show of stills), AND a color LCD for viewing the pictures as you take them, or the video while you shoot little timmy's 3rd birthday.

    and, since it is still an ipod working with itunes, you can bring the camera home, with the ipod still inside, hook up lucida to your mac, play your library of music while still having a fully functional digital web cam if you like. and then, if you wanted to just run to work in the morning, just eject your ipod from the camera, and you still have all your music with you, AND you have all those pictures you took to show to friends and co-workers, and maybe some short video clips to boot. true, it would be tiny on that screen, but no worse, really, than the little "wallet-size" crap you get from the photo counter at sears and wal-mart (and without the cheesy "spring meadow" backdrop).

    sure, the lucida would work without the ipod, maybe by basic buttons, and just a visual viewfinder, BUT when you use it with an ipod included at your local apple store, your significant other (for most of us, our wives) would have to drag you out of the store kicking and screaming out your credit card number and shipping address.

    boom! you have a good product, at perhaps a reasonable price, made FREAKIN' AWESOME by the addition of an ipod. perfect. :cool:

    [ 05-30-2002: Message edited by: rok ]</p>
  • Reply 236 of 389
    nemnem Posts: 45member
    Posting this illustration might make the author look guilty. As much as I want to see that picture, I don't think it would be right to post it.

    So what are you waiting for? <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> Flame me
  • Reply 237 of 389
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    [quote]Originally posted by NeM:

    <strong>Posting this illustration might make the author look guilty. As much as I want to see that picture, I don't think it would be right to post it.

    So what are you waiting for? <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> Flame me </strong><hr></blockquote>

    So I'm guessing your the "author". Alright, if it will save your butt, I'll side with you, but only if you tell us if it uses the Foveon chip.

  • Reply 238 of 389
    nemnem Posts: 45member
    [quote]Originally posted by murk:


    So I'm guessing your the "author". Alright, if it will save your butt, I'll side with you, but only if you tell us if it uses the Foveon chip.


    "As much as I want to see that picture"... Some might take that as a hint, saying I'm not the author.

    And if I was the author, you sure wouldn't see me on this board ...

    As for your last question, Yes it will use the Foveon chip... Which brings up the next question WTF is the it I'm referring to?
  • Reply 239 of 389
    bradbowerbradbower Posts: 1,068member
    This thread seems to be divided... Some are arguing crap about Mac OS X (wrong thread..), some people are arguing about their own personal ideas (which seem to me most inelegant and unlike what Apple would do), and those of us waiting for this famed "artist's rendering" image of the Lucida camera, to be anonymously posted by one allenmcjones on his AI member server of choice (well, and those debating if it should be posted at all).

    So let's just not clutter this up... allenmcjones, are you going to post it?

    People with servers, has anything been posted yet? And if something was, what would you do with it, spread it, or trash it? How are you going to spread it-- will you post it here and have it taken down, or email it to those who ask, or will you perhaps modify it in photoshop so it isn't the *exact* image from Apple (so less chance of getting in trouble)?

    I feel that Glove has a very good chance of being true, and I'm quite sure Lucida is a project Apple is at least working on. I'm not so sure about this allenmcjones character, but I'd like to believe, a LOT. I do understand that he might get caught though, and I don't want that at all for him, and I also understand that he might not be able to leak the picture, or maybe he's having second thoughts.

    Updates, anyone?
  • Reply 240 of 389
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    [quote]Originally posted by othello:

    <strong>The point is, a picture will get torn to shreds if its real or fake.

    Remember when posted spy shots of the G4 revision (which turned out to be Quicksilver)? The AI boards went crazy with 'its a fake' posts. Turned out to be spot on.


    yep, i do remember. and when the cube images were leaked ahead of time, lots of people (including me) thought there was no way they could be legit. i ate crow a couple days later.

    fact is, apple is tighter than the proverbial drum these days (the public hangings must have worked, steve), and anyone who thinks they know what apple will do is just hypothesizing anyway. and if anyone knows true dirt on new apple products and do spill the beans, they are definitely risking their career livelihood to do so.
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