Project "Glove" and "Lucida" in July



  • Reply 201 of 389
    apple.otakuapple.otaku Posts: 590member
    Why not just tell us a little more about it and skip the picture? How many megapixels? What is the hard drive size? Does it do both stills and video? I think that about covers it.
  • Reply 202 of 389
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>OS X has lots of areas left for improvement and refinement, plenty of features left to create and invent...if I could pick one area out in particular that needs more work, I'd say audio. it would be great if OS X, DVD player, iMovie and FCP all fully supported Dolby 5.1 surround sound, and if OS X's audio frameworks were a bit more robust. I would love for my Soundblaster Live to be supported in OS X. These are all areas I think Apple would be better off on focusing their efforts, rather than reinventing the wheel with an iCamera.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I agree and this is precisely the kind of feature that will attract PC Users .

    [ 05-29-2002: Message edited by: sjpsu ]</p>
  • Reply 203 of 389
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Apple is a multi-billion dollar company and has I believe 4500+ employees working just at their cupertino hq. their R+D spending has increased significantly over the last year or 2. Resources are not being taken away. they are being added.

    I don't think a lack of sufficient workforce dedicated to OS is why OS X is "lagging a bit". I think its just the fact that only so much can be then in a set amount of time. The amount of improvement, change, and refinement to OS X in the last year and a half is simply amazing and having a few dozen more programmers on it likely would not have changed anything. Jobs is on record with what the OS X team is, I can't remember but it isn't that big, somewhere around 150. But obviously thta is what they believe is the best balance between efficiency, cost, and production.
  • Reply 204 of 389
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    I'd vouch for Alcimedes.

    I got whacked by the same blackout. I'd probably be over 400 posts by now if all my info hadn't been dumped. My original membership date was January of the oldest posting members to this board...I just don't post as much as everyone else does because most of what I think already gets posted before I get to it. But mostly I'm just lazy.

    Still watching for this thread to catch fire. If Mr. McJones doesn't post pictures soon then we're going to start making up our own joke pictures and posting them's just a MATTER OF TIME....





    - - - - -

  • Reply 205 of 389
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    if he decides to go ahead and up the picture to me, it might also not be a bad idea to "render" an original concept that isn't copyrighted so that it can't be taken down. just a thought.

    if you post the pic you're toast. you post a drawing of something you thought of when you got plastered on a friday night and it just happens to look like a camera type thingy....

    well then that's just dumb luck.


    [ 05-28-2002: Message edited by: alcimedes ]</p>
  • Reply 206 of 389
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    I don't think it's a 'true' photo to begin with...


    t's done.

    It flipping bizarre and the design is down right brilliant. The more I look at it, the more simple it is. It screams of Apple. I have just obtained an artist's illustration (JPG) of the "Lucida" digital camera/camcorder project. It looks like a still-life illustration. I've been informed the artist has worked closely with other projects.

    Yes, I will give the picture to a single person at my selection and yes, it does have a microphone and 4 ports; firewire, audio-in, audio-out, video/audio out. They are waterproof and you'll understand why once you see the illustrations. Its sooo simple and elegeantly done.


  • Reply 207 of 389
    he's a lying sack of ****. (what a contribution i just made lol)
  • Reply 208 of 389
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    point is, if it's something that was created at/by Apple, it's a no go.

    a sketch of said same object though, might pass. depends on how close it is to the original.

    if i remember correctly, a few web sites were sued by Apple for loss of sales etc. after they posted images of Apple's products before they were released.

    a good idea would be to post a "mock-up" of the product.

    and for pete's sake, do everything anonymously.

  • Reply 209 of 389
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    I have a ftp server setup but I am unsure if it is set right. If people put any trash on it I will kill it without delay. &lt;And I have.&gt;

    &lt;address deleted&gt;

    login: ftp &lt;account deleted&gt;

    it will ask for a email address as password.

    then drop the file wherever you can (pictures maybe). If you cannot, sorry, it was my first try at this.

    This machine is always on.

    &lt;I guess that is what I get for being trusting. Someone here used my machine for serving personal files and priated video and possibly porn, it is all deleted as is the account. Sad. <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" /> &gt;

    [ 06-12-2002: Message edited by: NoahJ ]</p>
  • Reply 210 of 389
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    It's late (for me) and I'm off to bed... but I want to leave you with the following link and more fuel for the fire...

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Read the story and then visit I3A ( (was PIMA - Photographic & Imaging Manufacturers Association) click on members and choose "Associate"... It would have been better to have seen Apple in "Strategic" or "Participating" but still seeing that Apple has been with the group from some time (99 or earlier I think) is a good sign. Also notice another company listed in the "Associate" group? (Foveon Corporation)

    And finally this...

    "For Foveon to succeed, it will have to convince at least a couple of the large camera makers such as Kodak, Sony and Olympus to build the chip into future cameras. Unless a large customer commits, Foveon won't have the volume it needs to drive down the price of its chips within reach for consumers. So far, none of the large camera makers has committed to do that. Foveon promises some will commit soon."

    Taken from the following story:

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Interesting I'd say... Then again I'd like for this to be real so.... Only problem is if that last story is right then the either the 'iCam' will not be using Foveon **or** it will be priced just a tad bit higher than we all think... (unless Steve is gonna buy the company)


    [ 05-29-2002: Message edited by: DaveGee ]</p>
  • Reply 211 of 389
    bradbowerbradbower Posts: 1,068member
    I can at least log in to noahj's ftp, nothing there yet though. have we decided on who will do it, or will allen pick? Let's not bicker, folks, we don't want to ruin this opportunity.

    Then again, maybe allenmcjones would rather not ruin this for us just yet... On one hand, I'm dying to see it, but on the other hand I don't want to ruin the surprise, at least not yet! Argh. I'm hopeless.

    Anyway, good luck to you allen, whichever route you choose (well, now or later ).
  • Reply 212 of 389
    [quote]Originally posted by allenmcjones:

    ...and for what its worth, this is my last post.


    Is there an echo around here?

    Maybe allen is an anagram for james n. collen.


    I have just obtained an artist's illustration (JPG) of the "Lucida" digital camera/camcorder project. It looks like a still-life illustration.


    Posting an original picture will toast the artist that drew it, but everyone knew that, right?
  • Reply 213 of 389
    macmediamacmedia Posts: 152member
    What a bunch of BS!

    (Just trying to get to 1000 posts )

    I am not worthy,

  • Reply 214 of 389
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    [quote] Quote by DaveGee: Interesting I'd say... Then again I'd like for this to be real so.... Only problem is if that last story is right then the either the 'iCam' will not be using Foveon **or** it will be priced just a tad bit higher than we all think... (unless Steve is gonna buy the company <hr></blockquote>\\

    As I asked earlier, how much are we willing to pay if it takes the place of both a high end consumer still and video camera? Every other camcorder I know of offers very poor still quality. I expect Apple will always push the top on this type of stuff? just like the iPod. Steve doesn't want just another camera, or mp3 player, or pda. With this ethic comes a higher price in the chosen market. If it?s worth Apple's time and money to get in this competitive market, I think they better be using the Foveon. Waterproof and rugged may be selling points, but I doubt they will be enough of a breakthrough to cause a stir in such an established market. Add a hard disk, and the ability to shoot unbelievable stills while shooting high quality video and you might make some waves. As for storage space filling up and needing to be emptied, well, Steve would probably think that you need an iBook.

    [ 05-29-2002: Message edited by: murk ]</p>
  • Reply 215 of 389
    mrsparklemrsparkle Posts: 120member
    Maybe Lucida will be the first device to take advantage of Gigawire. I'm sure they wouldn't want to release a machine with this new technology if there are no devices for it.
  • Reply 216 of 389
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    Oh, and one more thing? a picture will prove very little. Remember the reaction to the leaked Cube photos. The only way Allen can truly prove himself is to steal multiple prototypes and send one to each of us. Everyone needs to start setting up an untraceable chain of delivery. I have a neighbor who is hardly ever home. Please forward it to his house and I'll watch for the UPS truck.

    [ 05-29-2002: Message edited by: murk ]</p>
  • Reply 217 of 389
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    The point is, a picture will get torn to shreds if its real or fake.

    Remember when posted spy shots of the G4 revision (which turned out to be Quicksilver)? The AI boards went crazy with 'its a fake' posts. Turned out to be spot on.

  • Reply 218 of 389
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by MrSparkle:

    <strong>Maybe Lucida will be the first device to take advantage of Gigawire. I'm sure they wouldn't want to release a machine with this new technology if there are no devices for it.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    It seems Apple including 'FireWire II' (sorry I can't call it Gigawire) on a new Mac and then not have any device to demo it would be an 'uncomfortable moment' to say the least. I remember the 1st intro of FW and between the DVCam and HD demo I was blown away and felt the need to have FW right away.

    FWII is done and it's ready (for some time now I think) but nobody has given us any devices of merit as of yet. Being Apple is so close to the 1394 group I imagine Apple knows when the first 'killer app' for FW2 is going to be available and no doubt Apple will have machines ready when that time comes. To include FW2 too-long before that time would only cause the technology to look 'unwanted' and a bust. This isn't something Apple (or the rest of the folks on the 1394 group would want).

    After all lets look at what happened to BlueTooth. Sure it's out and sure some phones support it but that's it. Not a single BT keyboard or mouse or trackball or tablet (not LCD type but the 'normal' type used by GA's).

    The trade press has pretty much written off BlueTooth and things have only gotten interesting again when Apple made their BT new with OS X support at MW-Tokyo.

    Firewire II would have similar issues if it was rolled out in PowerMac's only to go unused for 6 months or more. The press would being to predict its death and move on to 'insert next great idea waiting in the wings'.

    A FWII cam from Apple would go a long way in making sure that doesn't happen. Look what happened to the MP3 player market... Pre-iPod things were USB memory-cards and maybe a few CD/2.5HD devices.

    Now you gotta know the other MP3 Player developers are ramping up for FW support in their next models too. I don't follow that market too close so maybe some already have come out with FW versions. Apple sure gave em a sucker punch with that one and at the same time moved FW to yet another device.

    FWII is different... the fact is todays IDE HDs wouldn't come close to being a good demo of FWII technology. Normal FW is fine for all but the fastest drives. For a reason I just don't understand HD mfgs won't seem to put 'native' FW interfaces on their drives (maybe because with their current HD design native-FW wouldn't make access any faster so why bother... With todays products Video (or TCP/IP over FWII) is the only place I see FWII taking off.

  • Reply 219 of 389
    clonenodeclonenode Posts: 392member
    I'm so torn about knowing more about Lucida. I was fanatical when the new iMac was rumored to exist and eagerly looked at the first images posted at Time Canada. But in the end I was disappointed when Steve did the big unveiling the next day because it wasn't a surprise for me. Looking back now, it's not that big of a deal, and I see the iMac at the Apple Store any day I want. So I say, "Show us!!"
  • Reply 220 of 389
    gee4orcegee4orce Posts: 165member
    I think the most logical device would be a 'clip-on' camera lens and CCD imager that attached to the top of an iPod (with pass-though headphone jack and Firewire).

    This would utilise the iPod's storage and battery capacity and enable still and video capture at [insert your favourite resolution specs here] resolution.

    The iPod's screen could even be used for image previews (albeit in greyscale), and no doubt a firmware upgrade will incorporate the necessary camera control operations. Of course, the iPod II will include a minimum 20Gb HD and a colour screen.

    Leave your iPod plugged into Firewire for use as a web cam (in conjunction with iChat, natch).

    Actually, the more I think about it, the more it makes sense...
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