Project "Glove" and "Lucida" in July



  • Reply 241 of 389
    jcgjcg Posts: 777member
    [quote]Originally posted by MicrosoftOsXp:

    <strong>Definetly looks like apple is going to go after the corprate market...


    As Microsoft learned, the home follows the Corperate market in the Desktop market due to the use of crossover applications (home/buisness).
  • Reply 242 of 389
    ricrocketricrocket Posts: 142member
    [quote] Bull. All you need is a preference in iTunes "Keep [x]MB of space free for iSpy images <hr></blockquote>

    If you're talking still images then yes. If you're talking video (which we are) and Lucida requires iPod to work, then I'm going to have to go out and buy a second iPod. People out there are using 5gigs of music. 2.5 gigs video and 2.5 gigs music? Sounds like a compromise, not a solution. If the iPod connects to Lucida it'll be supplementary (which is an excellent idea) not required (which is a horrible idea).

    And if it IS supplementary, the you're not going to use the iPod's screen as the viewer as presumably Lucida will already have it's own. And if it doesn't, then it'll be a cut BELOW existing video cameras.

    Think elegant and think simple.

  • Reply 243 of 389
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    A camera might be too much for Apple to design on thier own. I mean they can't spend the R&D on optics that Nikon or Minolta spends. When thinking about these types of devices, however, consider the way the iPod was designed.

    <a href=""; target="_blank">DesignChain iPod article</a>
  • Reply 244 of 389
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    Well, it has not been a couple of weeks yet, but I have seen nothing on my ftp server yet.
  • Reply 245 of 389
    thoth2thoth2 Posts: 277member
    I guess he's either still drawing the picture or Steve caught him and has his toes clamped in an iMac Superdrive trying to get him to talk...

  • Reply 246 of 389
    pathogenpathogen Posts: 36member
    Well, I guess "glove" is turning out to be a load of hogwash...

    Macminute is just now reporting that Apple has a new "Maintenance" package for OS X, which requires a minimum of 10 seats to opt in, and different price schemes for 100+, 1000+ users... and that defies the possibility of "glove" (1 OS license for all the macs you own, 1 - 10,000+). If Apple has a three-year plan to charge different upgrade rates based on the number of licensed seats, then "glove" can't happen any time soon. Or so I think, somebody can prove me wrong (I'll gladly accept the good news).

    Here's the scoop:

    June 1 - 00:50 ETÂ*Â*Apple is offering a new program that will provide users of Mac OS X the opportunity to receive major releases of the company's industrial strength operating system over a three year period. The Program, which will apply to Mac OS X exclusively and not OS X Server, will allow customers to receive future upgrades to the OS as part of the agreement.

    Payment is required up front and covers major releases of Mac OS X that Apple includes in the Program during the three year term, however, education accounts that are legally required to purchase software on an annual basis will be exempt. The minimum purchase for the Program is 10 seats, whether purchased for new or existing hardware. Cancellation refunds will not be accepted during the term, but customers will have 14 days in which to cancel once the agreement is received in the mail. In addition, Apple states that the "Maintenance Program purchase takes place on a transactional basis, like Apple's existing Volume License program." A maintenance agreement, data sheet, and sales presentation will be available in the immediate future.

    The pricing structure for the Program is as follows:

    Number of Users\t- Retail price per seat\t- Education price per seat

    10-99\tUS$69 per year (Three-year total: $207)\t$49 per year (Three-year total: $147)

    100-999\t$59 per year (Three-year total: $177)\t$39 per year (Three-year total: $117)

    *1000+\t$49 per year (Three-year total: $147) $29 per year (Three-year total: $87)

    - From <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>

    [ 06-01-2002: Message edited by: pathogen ]</p>
  • Reply 247 of 389
    jasonppjasonpp Posts: 308member
  • Reply 248 of 389
    (sniff, sniff)

    I smell... vapor?

  • Reply 249 of 389
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Ok, who is still waiting for Lucida?
  • Reply 250 of 389
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    look, i don't see how some of you can say glove is vapor ware based off this macminute report. this does sound as if it is glove, but the details of the inital glove report were either poorly collected, or poorly worded.

    recall that when apple did their "freesupport for the life of your computer," they really shot themselves int he foot, offering support for performa 6520's to this day (due to that lil' lawsuit). so perhaps this is in prepapration for the massive free licensing, so that apple isn't stuck offering full tech support for 8 billion disk image copies floating around ont he internet.

    apple does have to cover their ass so it doesn't get burned like last time when they tried a blanket policy such as this.

    all this report does is reaffirm to me that lucida DOES exist, in some way, shape or form, and that allen has SOME information that is totally legit. perhaps he has also seen a prototype (but maybe not the final frozen plastics).

    [ 06-01-2002: Message edited by: rok ]</p>
  • Reply 251 of 389
    dwsdws Posts: 108member
    I also think that the MacMinute report could be a kind of confirmation of the Glove concept (even if some of the details were incorrect). For large sites, the Apple OS X Maintenance Program will offer significant savings over the long haul. It sounds like the basic concept was interpreted through at least one level of rumor-mongering; leading to inaccuracies.

    So... What about Lucida? If we make the general assumption as stated above, then we are left with a vague hint about some kind of digital device; with many of the details actually wrong.

    My personal hope is that all that stuff about underwater photography was rumors-run-amok and the true device (if there even is one!) will turn out to be a nifty webcam that works seamlessly with an iChat that is far more than what we've seen with the Alpha release of Jaguar. - OR - A webcam that works with QT6 Broadcaster and a person's iTools account; so that you could have some kind of web-based, browser-based, video-conferencing setup (which might actually be closer to the mark than iChat).

    The silence coming from Apple is truly deafening. My hope is that this bodes well for a somewhat-overpriced digital hub device. It may have nothing at all to do with imaging, but this Glove & Lucida rumor certainly seems to have legs.

  • Reply 252 of 389
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    As for a camera, is the consensus that Apple would be making a high-end DV/Still camera? I wouldn't expect them to go low-end myself, so I was trying to think of features a high-end consumer/pro-sumer camera might have and there's only one I could. 24 Frames per second. If Apple could squeeze that feature into a DV like camera, it would make a splash.

    Anyone have any idea why it has only been done in a $100,000+ camera?
  • Reply 253 of 389
    scott f.scott f. Posts: 276member
    [quote]Originally posted by DaveGee:


    I've been saying this for some time as well... I think Steve made too big a deal about the 'issues' he was having with that camera demo. It almost seemed (to me) a bit staged...

    The man knows computers for goodness sakes and he's not exactly shy when it comes to getting up on stage. That not luck, it comes from knowing what you are doing (plus lots of practice) and I'm pretty sure Steve wouldn't be the type to get on stage an use a product he doesn't know how to operate. Unless that is he was trying to set things up for a future product event.

    Then again it could nothing....


    [ 05-28-2002: Message edited by: DaveGee ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Been away for a week, so just catching-up on the posts...

    Dave... Why on earth would that be staged... I watched it MANY times and it was one of those things that just "happened". Jobs was getting frustrated because in the front row... one of his "people" kept "explaining" what to do to Steve, and he was frustrated because he WAS (or so he thought) doing it right... so his frustrations were more along the lines of:

    "Here... you're so smart... YOU fix it..." to the person in the front.

    It's tough to be on stage in front of HUNDREDS of people live, and dare I say MILLIONS worldwide via video stream or satelite and have a demo that "should" be flawless, go wrong. There are people that are there to make sure... QUADRUPLE-Check... to make sure that everything will follow the script and work... likewise, Steve cannot go off-script for fear of crashing the fragile beta OS or App that he's demo'ing. When it goes wrong... it sucks, and you tend to get frustrated.

    You give him (or Apple) WAY too much paranoid credit to think that it was staged...

    ...or... I'm totally wrong... but I doubt it.

    - Scott
  • Reply 254 of 389
    or maybe that whole incident was what caused steve to go...

    "well damnit if these don't work right, them maybe we should make one of our own... only mucho bettero"

    ya neva know
  • Reply 255 of 389
    bradbowerbradbower Posts: 1,068member
    theWhen I first read <a href=""; target="_blank">the MacMinute article</a>, referenced above, I thought.. well damn, here's our Glove. I better go over to AI to blab abou-- wait a minute here. This is only for 10-1000+ seats, and half of the whole deal is for education. This can't be glove.. this has got to be Apple's way of getting money out of businesses/organizations/education.. and that means it does nothing to prove or disprove that "Glove" exists, though it does make it seem a lot more likely that a more consumer-oriented change in licensing schemes are coming down the pipeline, i.e. Glove. So don't lose hope, unless you want to be a pessimistic naysayer eating your words, come Tuesday (or MacWorld, at the latest ).
  • Reply 256 of 389
    lucidalucida Posts: 104member
    <a href=""; target="_blank">lucida</a>
  • Reply 257 of 389
    *l++*l++ Posts: 129member
    I can't access the content of that ftp server in either port or passive mode.
  • Reply 258 of 389
    low-filow-fi Posts: 357member
    [quote]Originally posted by ? Da Reverand Cutler ?:

    <strong>or maybe that whole incident was what caused steve to go...

    "well damnit if these don't work right, them maybe we should make one of our own... only mucho bettero"

    ya neva know</strong><hr></blockquote>

    STEVE: Dammit, I hate batteries Ruby! Ive! Make me a camera with a nuclear power device that will *never* run out during keynote. It must fit in my pocket.

    RUBY: Uh, Steve

    IVE: But...

    STEVE: Goddamit, make it work by MWNY...

  • Reply 259 of 389
    [quote]Originally posted by lucida:

    <strong><a href=""; target="_blank">lucida</a></strong><hr></blockquote>

    Good thing she had her nose hairs trimmed before that shot was taken!
  • Reply 260 of 389
    justaguyjustaguy Posts: 37member
    &lt;sigh&gt; good ole incredibly blurry picture with little or no descernable details. How I love the months leading up to MacWorlds...

    Edit -- my ISP started denying port 80 access... bastards

    Edit3 -- a bit of a workaround

    [ 06-02-2002: Message edited by: JustAGuy ]

    [ 06-02-2002: Message edited by: JustAGuy ]

    [ 06-02-2002: Message edited by: JustAGuy ]</p>
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