No new powermacs!!

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
Apple just screwed itself


  • Reply 1 of 124
    Sorry to say it, but yep.

    MWTK isn't really a desktop venue. Maybe there'll be an Apple Event in February.
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  • Reply 2 of 124
    [quote]Originally posted by discstickers:

    <strong>Sorry to say it, but yep.

    MWTK isn't really a desktop venue. Maybe there'll be an Apple Event in February.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    No "one more thing." How sad. Well, since all the iMacs don't ship until March, maybe we'll see PM update then.
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  • Reply 3 of 124
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    I suppose despite everthing that we just saw, this will go down as a Bad Expo? now?

    Rather curious in any case. I suppose it might be strategic -- too many things in one keynote, though that's a weak excuse. I suppose the other reason is that they simply aren't getting the quantity of faster chips yet. Or perhaps stockpiling if they do have faster ones. Curious anyway.

    Perhaps a silent speed bump? Nah, doubt that.
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  • Reply 4 of 124
    [quote]Originally posted by G4Dude:

    <strong>Apple just screwed itself</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I thought maybe I was disconnected awhile and must have missed the PM part but Noo. And not a hint of what's to come in that dept.
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  • Reply 4 of 124

    Quicktime live? NAB? When are they gonna do it?

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  • Reply 6 of 124
    cobracobra Posts: 253member
    Stop crying!!

    If they had released a new Powermac, then the crys would be "NO PDA".

    Apple just is not going to announce 2 major products at once.

    Apple could have done a speed bump probably, but why?

    They are holding off until they give you all something mindblowing.

    Yeah, a incremental upgrade would have been great.

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  • Reply 7 of 124
    fieldorfieldor Posts: 213member
    This sucks ,no PM +1GHz. Better luck next time and maybe they'll go over 1,5ghz with the latest G5. Who knows?



    I really hate this
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  • Reply 7 of 124
    icruiseicruise Posts: 127member
    [quote]Originally posted by BuonRotto:

    <strong>I suppose despite everthing that we just saw, this will go down as a Bad Expo? now?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Still much better than MWNY last year, but people's expectations were higher this year, so it might even out.

    [quote]<strong>Rather curious in any case. I suppose it might be strategic -- too many things in one keynote, though that's a weak excuse. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Right, not enough room for the new Powermacs, but enough time for demonstrations of iTunes, iMovie and iDVD for the umpteenth time. Still, I am sure that the Powermacs will be updated sooner than later.
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  • Reply 9 of 124
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    I don't believe how stupid Apple is. How could they not release any new Powermacs? The PMs suck and they leave them alone... how retarted is that?
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  • Reply 9 of 124
    cindercinder Posts: 381member
    Well, guess I won't be buying a new PowerMac anytime soon.

    I just don't see Apple releasing a radically new PowerMac at a "special" event.

    I guess summertime is the time.

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  • Reply 9 of 124
    pookjppookjp Posts: 280member
    I'm suprised, very suprised. But let's not undermine the significance of the new iMac. That machine is unbelievable! And it has the power of a pro machine! I'm amazed Apple came out with it, and I firmly believe we will see new Pro machines within the next 2 months.

    Please, people. Let's show some restraint on the whining front.

    - Pook
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  • Reply 12 of 124
    Who is going to buy a tower at $1699 now? They must update them soon. Since the updated both the iBook and iMac today perhaps both the PowerBook and PowerMac will be updated next time. When will that be though? I suppose they want to ship as many of the $1799 iMacs first.
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  • Reply 13 of 124
    xypexype Posts: 672member
    I think we'll see the next PowerMac revision soon enough - for now, Apple has the perfect, full rance consumer computer lineup - on the laptop and the desktop side. It's simply fantastic and I guess that MW Tokyo will let us see some real pro hardware. Yes, the keynote sure didn't dissapoint me - it was expectably that Apple wont spoil it's G4 iMac show with a 1.6ghz G5 powermac - they're not stupid.
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  • Reply 14 of 124
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    While Apple was busy hyping this expo, AMD released the XP 2000+ and Intel released the P4 2.2 For the first time ever, I find myself considering buying an Athlon based PC. 6 months without an update is terrible for the PowerMacs. I don't care if they are waiting to "wow" us. I will take whatever slightly faster processor Apple has RIGHT NOW. I would take a 1GHz G4 TODAY over a 1.4GHz G5 in 4 months!
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  • Reply 14 of 124
    jutusjutus Posts: 272member
    There are several very valid reasons why a new G4 was not released.

    1) Don't detract attention from the new iMac.

    2) The iMac won't be available en masse until March. That gives Apple plenty of time to speed bump the G4's... after 3 or 4 weeks of iMac advertising and press inundation.

    3) At the new price points, the iMac is more expensive than the G4's.

    Don't worry, sometime in the next 2 - 3 months the G4's will break the gHz barrier, and that will be an apple event of it's own. By Apple event I mean a marketing event... not necessarily a "special" apple even hosted at cupertino.
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  • Reply 16 of 124
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    Maybe Seybold.
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  • Reply 17 of 124
    cooopcooop Posts: 390member
    Well, I know that Apple doesn't usually show at Seybold Boston but the G4 was introduced at Seybold SanFran in '99...
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  • Reply 18 of 124
    kedakeda Posts: 722member
    Wow, Im impressed by the new iMac, but completely shocked that there was no PM update. I went to Apples site, hoping to find a quiet upgrade to the luck.

    There must be something planned. I had told my brother to wait until after today to buy his new system, but Im not sure what to say now. The towers all pale in comparisson. An 867+15" LCD will cost about $1200 more than an iMac with a super drive. Im not sure what to tell him.

    Im really shocked that no PM announcement was made. Something has to happen soon.
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  • Reply 19 of 124
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    [quote]2) The iMac won't be available en masse until March. That gives Apple plenty of time to speed bump the G4's... after 3 or 4 weeks of iMac advertising and press inundation.


    That's a good point.

    With an 800 MHz G4 in the new iMac, it won't be long before the PowerMacs are updated. I just thought for sure with the hype and excitement Apple was building, they were planning on doing both here.

    A little disappointed, but since I just ordered my SuperDrive equipped iMac, I'm not TOO disappointed.

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  • Reply 19 of 124
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    Hate to say it, but Apple really must find an alternative to Motorola. The G4 is/has become quite an embarrassement.
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