No new powermacs!!



  • Reply 41 of 124
    mithrasmithras Posts: 165member
    [quote]Originally posted by jutus:

    <strong>There are several very valid reasons why a new G4 was not released.



    4) Motorola can't produce GHz G4's, or G5's of any description, within a reasonable time.

    So, what then? PowerMacs and iMacs drop in price, and... we just wait.

    Or, forget the pro line! Who needs the graphic artists and video producers, when you can have millions of moms and pops buying iMacs instead? That MacWorld was a seriously family-oriented show; perhaps the Digital Hub will keep growing, and the Creative Tools For Professionals line will just wither away...
  • Reply 42 of 124
    allinoneallinone Posts: 279member
    [quote]Originally posted by Franck:

    <strong>Just like Outsider said, just wait until tomorrow, perhaps another BIG surprise for the towers.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yeah, I think that Schiller and Jon Rubinstein are speaking in Steve's orginal spot tomorrow.

    I could see that.

    Keep hope alive.
  • Reply 43 of 124
    x704x704 Posts: 276member
    People please. Let's put A,B & C together.

    A) When does the iMac start to ship? "$1799 model to ship by end of January"

    B) When does Apples "Crystal clear savings" for the Power Mac G4 end? "January 31, 2002"

    C) Add A+B & get C. The new iMac won't ship till the end of January therefore the old iMacs are still competing against the current Power Macs. This means that Apple has until the end of the month to annouce the new Power Macs. Expect an annoucement on or before Feb 1.

    Edit: Added bold

    [ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: X704 ]</p>
  • Reply 44 of 124
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    Today's announcements were great! Especially iPhoto - I've spent hours color correcting pictures in PhotoShop when now, with iPhoto, I can do the same in 5 minutes. Beautiful prints due to ColorSync!

    The remote tablot that goes with the G5s will come in due time...
  • Reply 45 of 124
    majukimajuki Posts: 114member
    I think the G5 will debut at MWT. The pro line will receive a good bump.

  • Reply 46 of 124
    [quote]Originally posted by Mr.Potatohead:

    <strong>I'd say that AMD's 2.2 ghz jumbo jet has just collided into Apple 867 mhz tower, and it's crumbling fast...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    AMD doesn't have a 2.2ghz chip. They have a 1.67ghz chip that they call the "2000" or something so people will think it's equivalent to a 2ghz chip.

    Not that this isn't much faster than a 867 G4 either way, but let's at least be honest about what Apple's up against.
  • Reply 47 of 124
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    [quote]Originally posted by I Have Questions:


    Well, since all the iMacs don't ship until March, maybe we'll see PM update then.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    That's not what was annouced. The fastest new iMac will ship in Jan, the next in Feb, and the slowest in March.

    I'm totally weirded out by the whole thing. They are obviously completely obsessed with this new lamp design -- definitely a Steve kind of behaviour, but its really done weird things to their overall product mix. I can't believe that they'll let the situation persist -- it'll completely kill sales of the PowerMacs.
  • Reply 48 of 124
    vr6vr6 Posts: 77member
    If apple screwed up so bad, I'd probably be able to access the apple store now. Since I can't I'm assuming some people who are bogging it down are actually purchasing a new iMac or iBook.
  • Reply 49 of 124
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    for those who are telling people here to stop whining about what they didn't get, and rather to focus on what did show up, i have three words.

    It's Apple's Fault

    this same keynote, no hype, and it's a great keynote and everyone is happy.

    the fact is that everyone who went to any rumor site knew to expect a new iBook and iMac. and they knew they'd be LCD. some members here even had the exact design of the new iMac down weeks ago. (rok)

    so when you can't understand why people are disappointed at the new hardware, take a look at the previous listings on apple's front page. specifically the one stating "way beyond the rumor sites"

    show me one frickin' thing that's way beyond what everyone thought was coming this year and i'll change my tune. until then, expect most people who have anything to do with an apple rumor site to be sorely disappointed.

    apple builds this up to be huge, then wonders why people aren't happy?

    what the hell is their problem? this keynote had the opportunity to be a huge success, but instead it feels like a failure, and the exact same hardware was released.

    as i've said before, and will say once again, Apple has the ability to pull defeat from the jaws of victory.

    they shot themselves in the foot here, let's just hope that most people hadn't seen their site and expected something new and exciting, beyond what was expected.
  • Reply 49 of 124
    Well this is what I think. The PowerMac rebates go onto the end of January, so in February (when the mid range iMac ships) Apple could hold a 'special' event.

    Apple could simply have too much PowerMac stock release a new model now, they have been selling poorly lately (terrible system specs).
  • Reply 49 of 124
    rasti-rasti- Posts: 34member
    [quote]Originally posted by Mr.Potatohead:

    <strong>I'd say that AMD's 2.2 ghz jumbo jet has just collided into Apple 867 mhz tower, and it's crumbling fast...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    it's 1.67 ghz AMD or 2.2 P4 but not 2.2 AMD
  • Reply 52 of 124
    [quote]Originally posted by sizzle chest:


    Not that this isn't much faster than a 867 G4 either way, but let's at least be honest about what Apple's up against.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    AMD's new chips RAPE the G4s. No contest, none of this altivec, superior processor shit. At 867mhz vs 1.6ghz the G4s are trash.
  • Reply 52 of 124
    mithrasmithras Posts: 165member
    [quote]Originally posted by X704:


    A) When does the iMac start to ship? "$1799 model to ship by end of January"

    B) When does Apples "Crystal clear savings" for the Power Mac G4 end? "January 31, 2002"

    Expect an annoucement on or before Feb 1.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Nice work. To this I would add the following:

    At the start of the keynote, Steve said, "Starting today, every new Mac boots into OS X. That's true for the new models we're introducing today, and, uh, it will take about a month to work through the rest of the product line." (or words to that effect, I'll have to check the rebroadcast once it's available.)

    That also sounds like a late-January or early-February Powermac refresh to me.

    [edit: bolds]

    [ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: Mithras ]</p>
  • Reply 54 of 124
    [quote]Originally posted by undotwa:

    <strong>Well this is what I think. The PowerMac rebates go onto the end of January, so in February (when the mid range iMac ships) Apple could hold a 'special' event.

    Apple could simply have too much PowerMac stock release a new model now, they have been selling poorly lately (terrible system specs).</strong><hr></blockquote>

    They certainly won't sell any more when you can get an equivalent system for 1G less. And that's including your promo.
  • Reply 55 of 124
    deestardeestar Posts: 105member
    Hmmm, no Gigawire as well.

    Can we assume that Gigawire is going to be a pro feature, maybe for the G5?

    [ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: deestar ]</p>
  • Reply 56 of 124
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member
    [quote]Originally posted by EmAn:


    Nope. No keynote tomorrow.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    EmAn, did you get to Palisades? Did you stay home from school?

    It hardly snowed at all.

    Palisades was nice, they gave out free water. It wasn't as crowded as I expected.
  • Reply 57 of 124
    First off, what an extremely boring Macworld. Steve needs to learn a little more about pacing. You can just hear the quite rumble of attendees during the iMovie, iDVD, and iTunes demonstration all mumbling, "Wow, we already knew we could do that!"

    Second, if I remember right the G3 Blue & white pro model didn't last very long after the G3 iMac was introduced. I can remember an uncomfortable time when I was trying to justify the extra expense of the pro lines just to have a larger monitor, but then the G4 appeared.
  • Reply 57 of 124
    x704x704 Posts: 276member
    [quote]Originally posted by Mithras:


    Nice work. To this I would add the following:

    At the start of the keynote, Steve said, "Starting today, every new Mac boots into OS X. That's true for the new models we're introducing today, and, uh, it will take about a month to work through the rest of the product line." (or words to that effect, I'll have to check the rebroadcast once it's available.)

    That also sounds like a late-January or early-February Powermac refresh to me.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    thx. I missed that part about the month. But that makes sense. The current PM (and PB's) don't have OS X as default (I guess they could just send a new CD but it does suggest that they're revamping the other product lines) ... nice catch.
  • Reply 59 of 124
    [quote]Originally posted by deestar:

    <strong>Hmmm, no Gigawire as well.

    Can we assume that Gigawire is going to be a pro feature, maybe for the G5?

    [ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: deestar ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Speaking of - with no Gigawire/Bluetooth/Etc. in the new iMac, I think it's safe to rule out the rumored thin-client tablet unless it would have nothing to do with either of these technologies and instead rely on AirPort.
  • Reply 60 of 124
    When is Seybold? Unless I'm mistaken (definite possibility), Seybold Expo is usualy in late winter/early spring.

    What better forum to intro a new PM than to those people who will likely purchase more of them than any other industry.

    Nonetheless, this MacWorld Expo only makes me think of a line from a They Might Be Giants song:

    "If it wasn't for disappointment, I wouldn't have any appointment."
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