<strong>PowerMac G5 will be here within 6 weeks. Mark my words.</strong><hr></blockquote>
For once I may actually agree with you (except the 6 weeks part). No Apollos today is probably good news for G5 fans. Apple WANTS to get faster desktops out in the worst way but they wouldn't ship Apollos and immediately make them obsolete with G5s. I think the Apollo will be the next TiBook chip instead. Look for both in March.
<strong>I think the key thing is that Apple did not even touch the powermacs.
Now, combine that with the new iMac getting a G4, and I think the writing is one the wall for the next Powermacs: we will have G5 powermacs very soon.
All in all, a solid expo, but Apple hyped it a bit too much.
But damn, that new iMac is awesome! I want one. It's a fine piece of engineering, and the best part is that it has a G4. Now that the iMac has altivec, more developers will code for it, and the MHz gap will become even less important.
Really, if you think about it, these new iMacs are freakin' FAST. They are even pretty good for graphics, with 32 MB vRAM, that's not bad for gaming.
My only complaint is that the video card isn't upgradable. But I would have been surprised if it were...this is the disposable iMac that everyone knows and loves.</strong><hr></blockquote>
JD, I love your posts. I really do. I am NOT being sarcastic. You are right. I think I would be way more pissed if they gave the PM a small bump and kept everything else on it the same.
This way, hope for G5 exists. It could even be announced tomorrow....but I doubt it. Perhaps a special event in late January.....that would rock.
Mark mine: We will get a rehashed G4 with no significant case improvements, and a less functional motherboard than is rumored at the same prices or higher no earlier than February 15.
Mark mine: We will get a rehashed G4 with no significant case improvements, and a less functional motherboard than is rumored at the same prices or higher no earlier than February 15.</strong><hr></blockquote>
If that was all, it would have been announced today. Steve is swinging for the fences now. Home runs or strikeouts for the rest of the year - no bunts allowed!
that it would have a G-3 etc..Look at what we got.
Good prices,DVD-R,G-4,CDRW,etc.A true High-Tech
Toy.Plus, Apple is in the spotlight again...Let the orders come.The New iMac has a very innovative
design.We will get a true High-End PowerMac..but we have to sit back and relax.It will come soon enough.Apple Computer,Inc. is back on track.They already have the G-5 in the Apple labs but they need to market it correctly.In a couple of months it will come.Today was a good day...
Mark mine: We will get a rehashed G4 with no significant case improvements, and a less functional motherboard than is rumored at the same prices or higher no earlier than February 15.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Oh yea, the new white keyboard and white mouse will go real well with the silver QS case
And given the awesome pricing on the iMacs Apple will instead raise prices on the towers?
<strong>PowerMac G5 will be here within 6 weeks. Mark my words. It was suppose to be released today but obviously something changed that</strong><hr></blockquote>
Is that from your source? Man, I hope so. A special event I guess?
<strong>PowerMac G5 will be here within 6 weeks. Mark my words. It was suppose to be released today but obviously something changed that</strong><hr></blockquote>
Could that be why the keynote went from a planned 2.5 hours to 2 hours?
Here's hoping you're right!! As much as I enjoy my "Frankenstein" 9600, I'd like to get a new Tower w/ G5, DDR, Etc.
I have a feeling that the G5 got pulled at the last minute.... wasn't this keynote at one time supposed to be 2 1/2 hours long? What was supposed to be shown during that 1/2 they cut? "One more thing..."?
<strong>PowerMac G5 will be here within 6 weeks. Mark my words. It was suppose to be released today but obviously something changed that</strong><hr></blockquote>
I REALLY hope you are right. However I only have less than 3 weeks to make the purchase decision
[QB]I think the key thing is that Apple did not even touch the powermacs.
This is a GREAT point and is the Key... The fact that they didn't so much as get mentioned leaves me to believe we are in for a healthy update soon. (besides the fact that the iMac is just as powerfull as the PM's now and comes with an LCD).
The only problem I am having is that I've been saving up for a mid to highend PM and now I'm falling in love with the new iMac and I don't know what to do!!!
everybody should have expected that there wouldn't be no new powermac's at the expo was because the saviings on the lcd's continues till the 31st of jan. which means probably during the first week of feb or the quicktime live which for some reason was cancelled in october (or was it november) maybe they wanted to have an event and apple knew that the powermac's weren't going ot be ready for the expo
This iMac is truly anither great value in the Apple line-up. A superdrive equiped G4 with an 800 Mhz processor and a 15 inch flat panel a year ago costed $4,500 (and it was a 733 a year ago).
[quote]They already have the G-5 in the Apple labs but they need to market it correctly.<hr></blockquote>
Market it correctly? Damn are you thick in the head boy. If the damn thing is as fast as the rumors [god knows there are NO facts concerning the G5] claim don't you think the fsking thing will market itself. Or do you think the desperate masses of Mac using pros will be so dumbstruck that they'll be unable to remember where they left their credit cards?
You know for all this speculation has anyone truly seen (not rumored) any indication that Apple really has anything in the pipe more than what they have right now?
Even the new iMac (with it's 3 month long ramp up) does not exceed or change anything about current Apple tech. It provides the current Apple tech at a lower price, but there are no changes in that tech.
The iMac is 800 mhz g4,100 mhz, sdram, gf2mx, ata/66. Absolutely nothing new there in fact I would call the 100 mhz a significant step backwards. There is not a SINGLE innovation hardware-wise.
Is the iMac an appealing design, probably. Do the iApps add value the computing experience that we call Macintosh. Yes they do and they add enough value to even justify a higher price. However the iMac does not showcase a SINGLE new hardware innovation.
It is the same ol'Apple. Yesterdays tech at today's price with a due date of tomorrow.
If anything I think this shows there is NO direction with regard to processor speed. Apple had a lot of trouble delivering the 700 mhz iMacs. (very similar long ramp up and very limited availability) Now the 700 mhz is gone and we see 600 mhz everywhere. (700 mhz G4 will return in its place but in MARCH)
Likewise 800 mhz seems like the number they can hit right now with G4's. They offer them in duels (means they can obviously get enough) and they also offer them in the new iMac.
I think the real reason we haven't seen upgrades in the PowerMac line is because they would have to take the same strategy they have in all their other lines. This means that they offer a single processor and have to use drives, ram and graphics to differenciate.
The problem with this of course is that it allows you to charge about $500-$1000 instead of the $2000 Apple currently fetches.
<strong>PowerMac G5 will be here within 6 weeks. Mark my words.</strong><hr></blockquote>
For once I may actually agree with you (except the 6 weeks part). No Apollos today is probably good news for G5 fans. Apple WANTS to get faster desktops out in the worst way but they wouldn't ship Apollos and immediately make them obsolete with G5s. I think the Apollo will be the next TiBook chip instead. Look for both in March.
<strong>I think the key thing is that Apple did not even touch the powermacs.
Now, combine that with the new iMac getting a G4, and I think the writing is one the wall for the next Powermacs: we will have G5 powermacs very soon.
All in all, a solid expo, but Apple hyped it a bit too much.
But damn, that new iMac is awesome! I want one. It's a fine piece of engineering, and the best part is that it has a G4. Now that the iMac has altivec, more developers will code for it, and the MHz gap will become even less important.
Really, if you think about it, these new iMacs are freakin' FAST. They are even pretty good for graphics, with 32 MB vRAM, that's not bad for gaming.
My only complaint is that the video card isn't upgradable. But I would have been surprised if it were...this is the disposable iMac that everyone knows and loves.</strong><hr></blockquote>
JD, I love your posts. I really do. I am NOT being sarcastic. You are right. I think I would be way more pissed if they gave the PM a small bump and kept everything else on it the same.
This way, hope for G5 exists. It could even be announced tomorrow....but I doubt it. Perhaps a special event in late January.....that would rock.
[ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: SDW2001 ]</p>
Mark mine: We will get a rehashed G4 with no significant case improvements, and a less functional motherboard than is rumored at the same prices or higher no earlier than February 15.
<strong>I'm marking your words applenut.
Mark mine: We will get a rehashed G4 with no significant case improvements, and a less functional motherboard than is rumored at the same prices or higher no earlier than February 15.</strong><hr></blockquote>
If that was all, it would have been announced today. Steve is swinging for the fences now. Home runs or strikeouts for the rest of the year - no bunts allowed!
<strong> It's like i said Apple Computers are soooo slowwwwwww!! Ha, Ha,!!!!!!!
<img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>
Good, keep saying that as you take your troll ass back to where you crawled from asshole
that it would have a G-3 etc..Look at what we got.
Good prices,DVD-R,G-4,CDRW,etc.A true High-Tech
Toy.Plus, Apple is in the spotlight again...Let the orders come.The New iMac has a very innovative
design.We will get a true High-End PowerMac..but we have to sit back and relax.It will come soon enough.Apple Computer,Inc. is back on track.They already have the G-5 in the Apple labs but they need to market it correctly.In a couple of months it will come.Today was a good day...
<strong>I'm marking your words applenut.
Mark mine: We will get a rehashed G4 with no significant case improvements, and a less functional motherboard than is rumored at the same prices or higher no earlier than February 15.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Oh yea, the new white keyboard and white mouse will go real well with the silver QS case
And given the awesome pricing on the iMacs Apple will instead raise prices on the towers?
<strong>PowerMac G5 will be here within 6 weeks. Mark my words. It was suppose to be released today but obviously something changed that</strong><hr></blockquote>
Is that from your source? Man, I hope so. A special event I guess?
<strong>PowerMac G5 will be here within 6 weeks. Mark my words. It was suppose to be released today but obviously something changed that</strong><hr></blockquote>
Could that be why the keynote went from a planned 2.5 hours to 2 hours?
Here's hoping you're right!! As much as I enjoy my "Frankenstein" 9600, I'd like to get a new Tower w/ G5, DDR, Etc.
Is that from your source? Man, I hope so. A special event I guess?</strong><hr></blockquote>
Apple apparently has 2 events going in February.
1) Quicktime Feb 11, Beverly Hills, CA
2) Seybold Feb 18 (I think), NY
<strong>PowerMac G5 will be here within 6 weeks. Mark my words. It was suppose to be released today but obviously something changed that</strong><hr></blockquote>
I REALLY hope you are right. However I only have less than 3 weeks to make the purchase decision
[QB]I think the key thing is that Apple did not even touch the powermacs.
This is a GREAT point and is the Key... The fact that they didn't so much as get mentioned leaves me to believe we are in for a healthy update soon. (besides the fact that the iMac is just as powerfull as the PM's now and comes with an LCD).
The only problem I am having is that I've been saving up for a mid to highend PM and now I'm falling in love with the new iMac and I don't know what to do!!!
Market it correctly? Damn are you thick in the head boy. If the damn thing is as fast as the rumors [god knows there are NO facts concerning the G5] claim don't you think the fsking thing will market itself. Or do you think the desperate masses of Mac using pros will be so dumbstruck that they'll be unable to remember where they left their credit cards?
Even the new iMac (with it's 3 month long ramp up) does not exceed or change anything about current Apple tech. It provides the current Apple tech at a lower price, but there are no changes in that tech.
The iMac is 800 mhz g4,100 mhz, sdram, gf2mx, ata/66. Absolutely nothing new there in fact I would call the 100 mhz a significant step backwards. There is not a SINGLE innovation hardware-wise.
Is the iMac an appealing design, probably. Do the iApps add value the computing experience that we call Macintosh. Yes they do and they add enough value to even justify a higher price. However the iMac does not showcase a SINGLE new hardware innovation.
It is the same ol'Apple. Yesterdays tech at today's price with a due date of tomorrow.
If anything I think this shows there is NO direction with regard to processor speed. Apple had a lot of trouble delivering the 700 mhz iMacs. (very similar long ramp up and very limited availability) Now the 700 mhz is gone and we see 600 mhz everywhere. (700 mhz G4 will return in its place but in MARCH)
Likewise 800 mhz seems like the number they can hit right now with G4's. They offer them in duels (means they can obviously get enough) and they also offer them in the new iMac.
I think the real reason we haven't seen upgrades in the PowerMac line is because they would have to take the same strategy they have in all their other lines. This means that they offer a single processor and have to use drives, ram and graphics to differenciate.
The problem with this of course is that it allows you to charge about $500-$1000 instead of the $2000 Apple currently fetches.
[ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: cowerd ]</p>