Apple reveals most employees are white men, says diversity needs to be improved



  • Reply 81 of 757

    According to the census bureau about 63% of the U.S. population is white, 17% hispanic, 13% black, and 5% asian. Apple's employee makeup is spot on with white employees and way too high on the asian side (to the detriment of the black and hispanic numbers), but we all know that when companies talk a bout wanting greater "diversity" it means fewer white employees ...not other ethnicities.

  • Reply 82 of 757
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    In order to meet liberal racist quotas, why can't Apple just send all of their employees off for a nice vacation, some place that's tropical and sunny. This way, everybody can come back with a nice sun tan. All employees will be darker, and all of the liberal racists should be happy then.

  • Reply 83 of 757
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

     you do have to go where the talent pool is.

    People living in Silicon Valley are disproportionately over represented in the Apple employee numbers as are graduates from Stanford and Berkley. 


    Instead of looking at the overall US population to compare racial diversity, perhaps we should examine the college graduates and also those with advanced degrees. That is the labor pool Apple prefers and the white percentage is probably well over that of the general public. This is what needs to change to balance the representation of other ethnicities.


    The most successful college students are generally those who attend only one institution during their undergraduate years with no gaps in attendance and those who seek an advanced degree move directly into that program after receiving their undergraduate degree. They are mostly white, single, without children, dependent on financial support from their parents, attain their degree quickly and get hired into their field of study. That is where the racial disadvantages are, not in the actual corporations that are hiring these people. In California we also see a lot of foreign asians from wealthy families who can afford to study in the US.

  • Reply 84 of 757
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by Jordon Eagan View Post


    According to the census bureau about 63% of the U.S. population is white, 17% hispanic, 13% black, and 5% asian. Apple's employee makeup is spot on with white employees and way too high on the asian side (to the detriment of the black and hispanic numbers), but we all know that when companies talk a bout wanting greater "diversity" it means fewer white employees ...not other ethnicities.


    Certain groups of people are smarter and better educated than others, that's just the way that it is. It should surprise no one that better educated and smarter people are more desirable employees.

  • Reply 85 of 757
    evilutionevilution Posts: 1,399member

    More evidence that Apple will be releasing a 5.5" iPhone /s


    Damn, I must be racist and sexist/genderist because whenever I go into an Apple store to buy something, I always look for the best looking white girl there. If there are none, I'll go and find a dude covered in tattoos.


    As for the % race of people working for Apple, I'd imagine they accurately represent the actual mix of races in that area.

  • Reply 86 of 757
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    So seriously telling me there are 800% more qualified White men than Black men for ALL THOSE JOBS?????


    US demographics:

    63.7% White

    16.4% Latino

    12.2% African American

    4.7% Asian American

    3% Other/Multi-race


    Apple demographics:

    55% White

    15% Asian

    11% Hispanic

    7% African American


    Looking at this, Apple is over-represented in the Asian population and under-represented in Hispanic, African American and White.  Also technically there are 686% more White than black, not 800% b/c you have to not include the original amount when figuring how much more than something there is.  The gender off-balance is more of an open question, but it would appear that racially, Apple is at least close to US distribution.  I would be more concerned about diversity issues if Apple was 90% White or something like that.  White people are not on the same level as Windows market share here, so I don't see a problem there.


    So discussion about how to have more women interested in working for Apple could have positive results and there has been a lot of griping about the largely "old white guys" on the board for awhile, so do whatever you want there.  Overall, this seems to be a lot of griping about not very much tho.

  • Reply 87 of 757
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member

    If there is a post about anything tech related, sog35 litters up the entire thread with "Proof the iPhone 5.5" is coming" rhetoric.  If it's a beats or diversity post- sog35 litters up the thread with "We are all racist" posts.  Can we put a can on this guy's mouth please?  My ignore feature is useless when half the posts are him- and the other half are responding to his lunacy.

  • Reply 88 of 757
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    I would like to see a breakdown of who applies. And for what jobs. If the bulk of the folks applying for say "Genius" are white and male then it's not a shock that the bulk of the folks hired are also. But if say 50% of the applicants are female and only 5% of the folks hired are female (assuming that more than 5% have the required education etc) then something does seem rather off.

    And part of why I want to know that detail is the notion that hiring to be diverse is just ticking boxes not doing what is right for the company by hiring the right folks
  • Reply 89 of 757

    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post



    Certain groups of people are smarter and better educated than others, that's just the way that it is. It should surprise no one that better educated and smarter people are more desirable employees.

    That's exactly my point...."diversity" is great, but does it mean hiring people who are less qualified just to fill some sort of quota? Or using population data to manipulate your workforce to look exactly like the general population, whether they are qualified or not? I would hope that Apple would want the BEST employees they can matter what color their skin or where their ancestors hailed from. But too often companies are forced into some liberal guilt trip that means that color or ethnicity is MORE IMPORTANT than qualifications. I'd hate to see that happen here.

  • Reply 90 of 757
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member

    Originally Posted by Hagen Kirk View Post



    US demographics:

    63.7% White

    16.4% Latino

    12.2% African American

    4.7% Asian American

    3% Other/Multi-race


    Apple demographics:

    55% White

    15% Asian

    11% Hispanic

    7% African American


    Looking at this, Apple is over-represented in the Asian population and under-represented in Hispanic, African American and White. 

    Great breakdown.  Just proof that Apple hires based on strengths and not race.  Is this shocking news to anyone that Asians are motivated and enjoy the tech field and gravitate towards it?

    I'm fine with Asians taking the jobs away from White, Hispanic, and African Americans if they are more skilled and a better hire.


    Tim Cook's comments and this whole thread is truly ridiculous.  This is 2014, not 1964- am I correct?

  • Reply 91 of 757
    metrixmetrix Posts: 256member

    I think it's like this. If I found out after interviewing two candidates for a position one male and one female that they just married(not to each other). I would automatically assume that the woman would likely be starting a family and I would have to deal with her being out for 3 to 6 months and probably eventually want to work part time or leave altogether. Yes its not fair, but it's probably a risk employers may not want to take. 

  • Reply 92 of 757
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    .......that "race" is pseudo-science term that really needs to go away.

    Maybe not. Interesting read.
  • Reply 93 of 757
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Jordon Eagan View Post


    I'd hate to see that happen here.


    So would I obviously.


    Can you imagine Apple if it were made up of 100% unqualified minority employees?


    iOS would be worse than Android. Apple's stock would be at least 90% lower than it is now. Blackberry would be more successful than Apple. It would be a disaster.

  • Reply 94 of 757
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member

    In this thread: white men decide that Apple hiring mostly white men is fine, logical.

  • Reply 95 of 757
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,898moderator

    Originally Posted by maloderous View Post


    Diversity for Diversity's sake is bad. Diversity as a result of "best available talent" is natural. Business decisions need to be made on logic, not emotion.


    Sometimes it takes a bit of ingenuity beyond the common knee-jerk reaction about best available talent.  There are means to increase diversity in the workforce, both a company's own workforce and the overall workforce for technology jobs.  Neither of the following require a company taking the step of hiring a less qualified person just for diversity's sake:


    From the article:


    Apple has responded to the criticism by publicly committing to increase diversity, including a tweak to the company's corporate charter that commits the board to "actively [seek] out highly qualified women and individuals from minority groups to include in the pool from which board nominees are chosen."


    From Cook's letter:


    Beyond the work we do creating innovative tools for our customers, improving education is one of the best ways in which Apple can have a meaningful impact on society. We recently pledged $100 million to President Obama's ConnectED initiative to bring cutting-edge technologies to economically disadvantaged schools. Eighty percent of the student population in the schools we will equip and support are from groups currently underrepresented in our industry.

  • Reply 96 of 757
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    apple ][ wrote: »
    I am 100% ok with white men making up the majority of Apple employees. 

    I am not ok with hiring darker people for the sake of hiring darker people.

    Just say no to liberal racism and liberal discrimination. Those sorts of ideas belong in the gutter along with the KKK.

    apple ][ wrote: »
    Certain groups of people are smarter and better educated than others, that's just the way that it is. It should surprise no one that better educated and smarter people are more desirable employees.

    Ugh, really? You should have sat this one out.
  • Reply 97 of 757
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,122member

    The ignorance in this thread is beyond belief.  I'm a software engineer of Mexican heritage.  I have zero problem that most folks in my field are white guys.  Why?  Because given the talent pool, that happens to be the majority of people in it!!  Bunch of fucking whiners.  Hire the best talent for the position.  Skin color/Gender is irrelevant.  If not enough of the "quota" people are available, fix the problem with society, socio-economics, etc.  Last thing I want Tim Cook to do (and as an AAPL owner too) is to waste his time going around saying.. "We need more black, transgender engineers of Asian origin.".

    The second and third place folks definitely go to the Asians and Indians.  But hey, no one is going to Mumbai and saying "Wait, all our workforce is from India!!!"

    Stupid politics.  

  • Reply 98 of 757
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Apple needs to hire more cheese because they have plenty of crackers. :lol:
  • Reply 99 of 757
    yojimbo007yojimbo007 Posts: 1,165member
    "revealing that its U.S.-based employees are overwhelmingly male and white"????????
    US population is 69% white.
    how is 55% white employees overwhelmingly white?
    If anything apple should hire more white people to be in line with the population mix..
    As it is apple is discriminating against whites... Lol

    Just goes to show you that AI did not bother to do a simple google search before they Chose to pubilsh this overwhelmingly erroneous headline......

    Wonder why ? ........
  • Reply 100 of 757
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    Racist is alive and well.....


    You go and start a computer company made up 100% of unqualified minorities and see how well it turns out for you.


    Your company would make Android look good in comparison.

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