Photos and video purportedly detail working 'iPhone 6,' hint at Passbook-based mobile payments



  • Reply 41 of 189

  • Reply 42 of 189
    Too little and and too late.. this should have been the iPhone 5 in 2012 september.
    the compeition is been making those 3 years ago
  • Reply 43 of 189
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    gimarbazat wrote: »
    Too little and and too late.. this should have been the iPhone 5 in 2012 september.
    the compeition is been making those 3 years ago

    And what infrastructure did they build out by getting deals with financial institutions and retailers to make mobile payments more than just a gimmick best served as a spec sheet bullet point to help sell to the ignorant?
  • Reply 44 of 189
    sog35 wrote: »
    The guy said the 5C had weak sales because design. He is wrong. Proven by the fact the 5C has the 2nd highest confirmed sales in the world after the 5S
    The guy was me. I said I haven't seen one in the wild. And I said that design AND OTHER FACTORS had something to do with it--being less popular, that is. I remind you of this...

    Sales have picked up, but you really don't have to do much to outsell everything else. The cream rises to the top. And I believe that it was a success. Come Tuesday, maybe we'll see if it was successful enough to earn its keep. Will the 5c be sunset or will it get a refresh? Maybe the 5s internals.
  • Reply 45 of 189
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post

    You do realize that until this year with the Samsung S5 those big phones would only get 4 hours of LTE internet? Bottom line is the tech was not ready until the last 12 months.


    Apple was always ahead when it comes to bringing something new. for example they introduced the high res screens in the iPhone I believe 4.
    I don't think the technology was not ready for them to make a bigger iPhone..
    The problem I think is that when the iPhone 5 came out many apps were looking funny since since not optimized for a larger screen, or I should say a different resolution screen. Later they figure that out with the iPad mini retina giving it the same resolution as the Air.. .. I believe it was more like a software issue
  • Reply 46 of 189
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    And what infrastructure did they build out by getting deals with financial institutions and retailers to make mobile payments more than just a gimmick best served as a spec sheet bullet point to help sell to the ignorant?


    honestly don't care about mobile payments or their deals, it's just me. I have been craving for a bigger iPhone since I've seen the HTCs and Galaxy's a while back. I like apple products too much I guess that I resisted the urge to switch
  • Reply 47 of 189
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post

    Buy a pair of glasses or wait for a week ans a half


    haha that's ver funny
  • Reply 48 of 189
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    gimarbazat wrote: »
    Apple was always ahead when it comes to bringing something new. for example they introduced the high res screens in the iPhone I believe 4.
    I don't think the technology was not ready for them to make a bigger iPhone..
    The problem I think is that when the iPhone 5 came out many apps were looking funny since since not optimized for a larger screen, or I should say a different resolution screen. Later they figure that out with the iPad mini retina giving it the same resolution as the Air.. .. I believe it was more like a software issue

    Apple is rarely is the first to do something, but looking back it's easy to see why it seems that way because Apple is usually the first to go all in -and- do it right.

    gimarbazat wrote: »
    honestly don't care about mobile payments or their deals, it's just me. I have been craving for a bigger iPhone since I've seen the HTCs and Galaxy's a while back. I like apple products too much I guess that I resisted the urge to switch

    That's neither here nor there. I'm concerned why you think Apple is so late to do something when no one has yet to do it right.
  • Reply 49 of 189
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Apple is rarely is the first to do something, but looking back it's easy to see why it seems that way because Apple is usually the first to go all in -and- do it right.

    That's neither here nor there. I'm concerned why you think Apple is so late to do something when no one has yet to do it right.


    doing it right is total BS.. apple propaganda
  • Reply 50 of 189
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    gimarbazat wrote: »
    doing it right is total BS.. apple propaganda

    Go back to CES 2010 and tell me how many tablets there were being demoed. Now tell me how many of those are still on sale.

    Go back to 2007 and tell why Apple was never going to succeed with a smartphone that had no physical keyboard. Now tell me how many smartphones have physical keyboards today.

    Oh, that's right, Apple just keeps getting lucky despite never pulling the "first" card¡ :no:
  • Reply 51 of 189
    Passbook is mediocre crap. I hope -- and expect -- that Apple will have something much better.
  • Reply 52 of 189
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Passbook is mediocre crap. I hope -- and expect -- that Apple will have something much better.

    I love PassBook and use it pretty much every day.
  • Reply 53 of 189

    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post


    Touch ID on the iPhone 5S is also flat.

    Not sure what you mean by flat but I REALLY like Touch ID. It works flawlessly for me.

  • Reply 54 of 189
    solipsismx wrote: »
    I love PassBook and use it pretty much every day.
    I think I've used it three times in all. Plane ticket and movie ticket. I'm curious as to what other things do you use it for to get that much out of it.
  • Reply 55 of 189
    I think I've used it three times in all. Plane ticket and movie ticket. I'm curious as to what other things do you use it for to get that much out of it.

    Mostly Starbucks. As soon as I'm within a few feet of the store the location-aware app with my Starbucks PassBook pass with my favorited stores push a notification on my iPhone. No need to locate the Starbucks app. No need to locate the PassBook app. Just slide it which brings up the pass with a barcode and then scan it to pay.
  • Reply 56 of 189

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    And you suggest what?

    Oatmeal. Oatmeal would be nice.

  • Reply 57 of 189
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Passbook is mediocre crap. I hope -- and expect -- that Apple will have something much better.

    I love PassBook and use it pretty much every day.

    I am surprised. Other than some airlines and a handful of cliche retailers such as Starbucks, Home Depot, and Target, there isn't much. Also, the system of having to go through apps to figure out who's in there, for what, and with what features/coupons/passes is so darned clunky that I stopped using it very early on.

    If Apple is going to roll out something along these lines as its payment system, it had better be universal, one-stop, and self-contained. Otherwise, it'll be DOA.
  • Reply 58 of 189
    I am surprised. Other than some airlines and a handful of cliche retailers such as Starbucks, Home Depot, and Target, there isn't much. Also, the system of having to go through apps to figure out who's in there, for what, and with what features/coupons/passes is so darned clunky that I stopped using it very early on.

    I love PassBook because it's not clunky. I don't have to look for apps, it's just there when I need it.
    If Apple is going to roll out something along these lines as its payment system, it had better be universal, one-stop, and self-contained. Otherwise, it'll be DOA.

    I would imagine it would have to be universal. You simply double or triple tap the Home Button (or something else very easy) to bring up the payment system from anywhere and then you initialize it and then accept the payment it lists.

    Hopefully it allows you to choose a particular card/bank to use for the payment instead of having just one card tied to your iTunes Account. Besides not wanting to have this tied to Apple as opposed to be encrypted on the secure enclave on the device, I want to have multiple cards as I use multiple cards at various places to maximize points.
  • Reply 59 of 189
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post

    So much for 'doubling down on secrecy' Tim


    What an original quip. Did you come up with that one all by yourself? Or could you not help vomitting out the exact superficial words that other trolls have blurted out?


    If you had an IQ above that of a 3 yr old, you would realize that millions of iPhones are being produced and shipped at this very moment, and literally hundreds of thousands of people have had a part in the manufacturing of the product. We're a couple days away from the reveal. It's not in Tim's power, or any other CEO, or anyone on earth, to prevent such leaks so close to the ship date, when the phone itself is being made in massive quantities- especially since such leaks are so sought out and rewarded (by sites like these). Even if Tim hired an agent to stalk every single person who had anything to do with iPhone manufacturing, leaks would STILL happen. Tim isn't a God, and this is an expected event, at least for most sane, rational human beings who aren't hell bent on bashing Cook and Apple. What a lazy, ignorant comment. 


    Tell me, why don't we know one fucking fact about the iWatch or how it looks like, even thought its gonna be revealed in a couple days and its the most talked about and rumored product in YEARS? Even though millions of people have obviously tried to pry info about it? Will you give Apple/Cook credit for that fact, since it IS quite the accomplishment? Of course you won't. 



    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post


    Unfortunately this is the real thing and it looks like crap, I'm not sure what Jony was thinking with those dividing lines on the back, antennae? Waterproofing?

    Apple needs to find a new visionary, Mr. Ive is all tapped out and Marc isn't that much different.

    Touch ID on the iPhone 5S is also flat.


    Noone gives a shit if you met jobs or if you were a fan of Apple in the performa days, it doesn't make such comments from you any less idiotic, naive, and ignorant. Yeah, you don't know what Ive was thinking, cause you don't know a damn thing about the phone, the engineering and design considerations that went into it the last 2 years, or anything else. I'm sure every mm of the design was considered, Ive isn't some insane person who made rash and random decisions about the look. It's clear those bands are there for a reason(s), and if you had any damn humility, you would give Apple/Ive the benefit of the doubt, and wait to find out. But no, obviously YOU know better than the most successful company in the world, and the most influential designer in the world, that has shaped not just Apple's products but also inspired all competitor's products.


    "Marc isn't all that much different" - Oh ok, if you say so- Marc Newsson is one of the most accomplished, versatile and influential designers alive today, who has designed an insane amount of products (Have you looked at his portfolio? Of course not, because that you actually mean you care about accumulating insight and knowledge about what you spout.), but clearly he's not up to your "standards", whatever the **** those are. What an incredible lack of self-awareness it must take to dismiss such an individual, based on absolutely nothing. Your childish nature is inexcusable for someone of your age. 


    "Touch ID is flat"- Again, what the **** does this mean? Touch ID is the most pervasive, successful, and reliable consumer biometric authentication system today, that works brilliantly for almost everyone. You're on a roll, shitting out these idiotic comments left and right, aren't you?


    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post


    We've been doing aluminum and titanium for over 12 years already, and they all look the same. Even the frik'n $200 ChromeBook looks almost identical to the Air, every other PC monitor already looks like an iMac. How about a new direction in design, new material usage. Jony blossomed when he was a nobody and SJ put him in the spotlight, I feel he has somewhat became complacent.


    Furthermore, the new MacPro does look like a trash can. My wife, who knows nothing about computers, saw the MacPro and started laughing 'it looks like a trash can!!!.' Yeah, in an Apple store!


    So you keep bitching that Apple should "take risks" and do something "different"- the Mac Pro is a prime example of that- a feat of engineering and design- and yet as expected, you mock it because your wife thinks it looks like a trash can, damn everything else, right? And you make such a comment right after you talk about Ive's "complacency". 


    The rest of your posts are just as shitty. You sound like a damn child, and a contradictory, hypocritical, and entitled one that that. You clearly have a bone to pick with Apple, one that isn't influenced by facts or reality. In other words, you're a troll, but unfortunately one that is neither original nor witty. Every single useless word you spoute is based on a grotesque level of ignorance and superficiality, and the fact that you so easily tear incredibly accomplished people down is stunning.  Congratulations. Thankfully, Apple is led by enlightened people that are at the complete opposite end of the spectrum from you. If you were 10 yrs old, your stupidity and naivety would be excusable (just barely), but since you're old enough to remember Performas, it's simply an embarrassment, and I feel sorry for your inability to exercise rational though, and your propensity to hate. 

  • Reply 60 of 189

    More videos from the original source:


    I design for mobile devices it would take a lot of work to simulate so much UI at a good level and make it so responsive like it is on this device.

    I think this is the device Apple will unveil on Tuesday.


    Mixed feelings.

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