Photos and video purportedly detail working 'iPhone 6,' hint at Passbook-based mobile payments



  • Reply 101 of 189
    I disagree.

    Poor battery life is/was the result of many factors, not least of which is the efficiency of the OS itself. Cost is another big one. Add in things like designers being forced by marketing to put curb appeal (size, weight, look) ahead of long-term usefulness and it's not surprising that a device may not run very long on a charge.

    That doesn't mean it wasn't POSSIBLE to make a large-screen phone with long battery life.

    Apple wasn't held up by technology. I think they were stuck with a developer system designed around specific screen resolutions which led first to indecision and then to a migration period. Tim's comments about technical hurdles were obvious bullshit. Evidence to the contrary was everywhere, but he was stuck. He couldn't say "We're working on ways to both increase screen size and accommodate developers" because it would give away Apple's plans and open them up to criticism for painting themselves into a corner.

    In a way it's kinda ironic, because people like to portray Apple as being free of the "legacy support" issues that plague Windows, yet the resolution-specific design of iOS puts Apple in a similar position when it comes to paying around with screen size.

    How (if) Apple finally deals with it will be known in a couple days. I'm anxious to see what they do. The only question for me after that will be what to do with an iPhone 4 that, thanks to a replacement, is only a couple months old! :)
    I believe you can now use elastic and fluid designs in iOS. You can set variables to grab screen dimensions.
  • Reply 102 of 189
    I believe you can now use elastic and fluid designs in iOS. You can set variables to grab screen dimensions.
    I'm not a developer but that aspect only becomes available with iOS 8, I believe. Anyhow, I don't believe you are an Apple product user. Btw, most people use the iphone 4" for apps, not web browsing. I can see people who can't afford or don't need a tablet or PC splurge on a phablet for all their computing needs.
  • Reply 103 of 189
    gimarbazat wrote: »
    Hi Slurpy,
    Thank you for your interest in my posts, I'm glad someone reads them!:)

    1. regarding the 'blue screen of death, it did happen but likely I got a brand new one from the store. I had all the iPhones except for the first one and nothing like that happened before but the death of my 5S was strange indeed.

    "it did happen but likely I got a brand new one" WTF does this even mean? So you got a new one, or got a used one, or didn't get anything new and are just making crap up? I'm going with my last assumption, because you constantly contradict yourself...
    gimarbazat wrote: »
    2.Yes I do believe Apple is trying to stay relevant with this new iPhone that as I said should have been the iPhone 5 in 2012, and in spite of this we all going to buy it.
    It’s not about screen sizes, it’s about Apple being behind 2-3 years.. The competition is doing curved over the edge and flexible screens, higher ppi displays, 16MP cameras with phase detection autofocus, multitasking, giving way more customization options and so on.

    You sound like the typical retarded Fandroid user who just cares about the spec sheet... Good example, Nikon for many YEARS refused to move the sensors used in their DSLR's past the 12MP mark, even though Canon had begun moving to 21MP+ sensors, despite the fact those sensors were increasing the level of luminance and chromatic noise in images. Only after the technology of reduced noise at the sensor sites had matured enough, did Nikon eventually move to higher MP ratings. Canon also recognized this, and actually begun DROPPING the MP counts on their Powershot cameras, which ended up yielding MUCH cleaner images.

    You mention flexible and edge curved screens, OMFG... You're bringing up nothing short of GIMMICKS to support your position that Apple is 2-3 years behind? Give me a break pal! Doing stuff just for the sake of doing it is NOT innovation. This is Samsung's montra, and Apple has never shared it.

    And what's the point of higher PPI screens if your eyes can't see the difference, and all they do is drain your battery quicker?

    iOS has had multitasking FOREVER, as it's core foundation is UNIX.

    And more customization options = Phone for geeks that like to play with their phones, not for people that actually work for a living and use their phones to do work and perform the tasks they need them to perform without having to tweak them first.
    gimarbazat wrote: »
    As far as copying yes Apple is doing quite a bit of that too. Bringing a bigger screen iPhone NOW is one example. iOS 7 was copying things from the jailbreaking tweaks that have been available some years before and iOS 8 continue to do it.

    If you want to accuse Apple of copying larger screens, then you have to level the same accusation against EVERY CURRENT ANDROID and WINDOWS PHONE OEM (even Blackberry), as they ALL ripped off that idea from Dell when THEY came out with the FIRST phablet, the Dell Streak. You cannot accuse Apple of this, and it's ludicrous for you to try.

    As for iOS 7 copying, more of the stuff in 7 was lifted from WebOS rather than jailbreak tweaks. After YEARS of blatant ripping off of Apple's tech by everyone else in the industry, I say it's high time they got a taste of their own medicine.
  • Reply 104 of 189
    Originally Posted by gimarbazat View Post

    2.Yes I do believe Apple is trying to stay relevant with this new iPhone... It’s not about screen sizes, it’s about Apple being behind 2-3 years... The competition is doing curved over the edge and flexible screens, higher ppi displays, 16MP cameras with phase detection autofocus, multitasking, giving way more customization options... As far as copying yes Apple is doing quite a bit of that...


    I visited Delusion once, but none of the natives would talk to me. Or, rather, they would, but I needed to lie down afterward. 


    Good to see that you guys finally got an Internet connection, at least.

  • Reply 105 of 189

    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post


    1- Always write positive comments about Apple or its employees.

    2- Always assume what the Apple overlords are doing is always the right thing.

    3- When Apple is not doing something, it must be for good reason.

    1) Not necessarily. Always (or mostly) negative comments -- like yours and the other guy's -- will invite pushback. If you can't deal with it, go somewhere else.


    2) Not at all. If your assumption is Apple is not doing the right thing, back it up with facts, logic, cites, links. Not whines.


    3) See #2.

  • Reply 106 of 189
    Originally Posted by MagMan1979 View Post

    Your opinion is one that the majority of people don't share, because it's not crap, especially when weighed against the options on other platforms. I myself use Passbook daily, and couldn't live without it, and know many people who use it too. Now go away.


    "Majority of people'? What a ridiculous statement. You know this how? Shut up, please.

    Originally Posted by MagMan1979 View Post

    Do you work for Wall Street? Because you sound like one of those dumb ass anal-ysts that have been saying every Apple product has been DOA when facing such amazing competing products.. STFU with your FUD and get out!


    No I don't work for Wall Street. Again, your statement that "anal-ysts" (how original!) have been saying "every Apple product has been DOA" is plainly stupid. And incorrect.

    Originally Posted by MagMan1979 View Post

    Feed the troll less, and flag his posts to get the attention of the mods, that'll get rid of this type of vermin.

    Um... thanks for the advice. I've been here a while. I have a reasonable handle on what works.


    And 'STFU' yourself.

  • Reply 107 of 189
    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post

    Could you please explain to us, "the other Apple fans", why must we:


    Because there’s no “must” about any of that.

 touch-screen phone shouldnt have a large screen...


    1. They didn’t say this.

    2. They didn’t corner themselves in anything.

    3. They presently stand by what they said about phones requiring a screen of a usable size. 5.5” isn’t a usable size.


    in portrait is too narrow for web browsing...


    So the earlier models were magically fine?


    ...and in landscape too shallow...


    No, but keep thinking that.


    ...other manufacturers are selling their larger screens phones hand over fist.


    No... but keep thinking that.

    ...because the larger screen was clearer, especially for people who can’t read 7px text.


    These people are also apparently too brain damaged to figure out that they can tap twice on any element and the iPhone will intelligently zoom to the <div>, so is it in your best interest to use them as an example?


    And most everyone of you in this forum, yes you who criticized other brands for having a larger screen, will buy the new larger screen iPhone and think nothing of it. 


    This is why we reject most anti-Apple comments here. If you don’t see why we reject it, consult my list of common troll statements and/or just go away. I know I’ll never buy a phone too large to be used as such. Nor do 90% of people, either.


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    You know this how?


    That’s a good point; I’d like to see some PassBook use stats. I’m sure we’ll get them at the keynote on Tuesday in preparation of the expansion thereof.

  • Reply 108 of 189
    Aww, you kept it.

    While I am an avid collector of such nostalgia... it actually came up in the 3rd row search for "baby dance gif".... sadly, although fortunately to say... :p

    01 DAYS - 20 HOURS - 08 MINUTES -> Apple 3.0
  • Reply 109 of 189
    "Majority of people'? What a ridiculous statement. You know this how? Shut up, please.

    Look at how many companies are now utilizing Passbook... In my own organization, we are now using Passbook for various purposes. Every time I go to a Starbucks, Cineplex, airport, I see countless people with iPhones using Passbook, so shut yourself up.
    No I don't work for Wall Street. Again, your statement that "anal-ysts" (how original!) have been saying "every Apple product has been DOA" is plainly stupid. And incorrect.
    Then show a little intelligence and lookup anal-yst articles regarding Apple new product launches for the last 7 years or so and get back to me.
    And 'STFU' yourself.

    Make me...
  • Reply 110 of 189
    blazarblazar Posts: 270member
    Mobile payments will be nice ...

    But why arent credit ratings agencies being regulated better? I can't tell you how much identity fraud could be prevented with an improved overall system.

    i hope touch ID eliminated a lot of risks of credit cards with multifactor authentification."
  • Reply 111 of 189
    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    While I am an avid collector of such nostalgia... it actually came up in the 3rd row search for "baby dance gif"...

    Hey, even better. And it shows just how bad search engines are.

  • Reply 112 of 189
    Originally Posted by NolaMacGuy View Post

    every major airline, ticketmaster, MBA, and the top retailers in the nation (not sure how coffee, construction and home goods can all be "cliche" but ok). yeah not much. DOA.

    Groan. You obviously have not used it a great deal, or don't get around much.


    There are a total of 42 'apps' more than a year after Passbook's intro.


    'Every major airline'? Try finding on Passbook (just naming some of the bigger international ones, FYI) KLM/Air France, Southwest, Emirates, Singapore Airlines, Japan Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Virgin Airlines, LAN-TAM, Qantas, Korean Air, Are Lingus, Ryanair, China Air, SAS....


    'Top retailers'? Here is the list of the top 20 retailers in the US: Walmart, Kroger, Target, Costco, Home Depot, Walgreens, CVS, Lowes, Safeway, McDonalds, Amazon, Best Buy, Sears, Macy's, Publix, Supervalu, Ahold, Rite Aid, Apple, TJX.


    How many are on Passbook?


    I could go on. But I'd be wasting my time.

  • Reply 113 of 189

    Originally Posted by MagMan1979 View Post


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    "Majority of people'? What a ridiculous statement. You know this how? Shut up, please.

    Look at how many companies are now utilizing Passbook... In my own organization... blah blah...

    See above. Perhaps not wanting to embarrass yourself will make you 'STFU'?

  • Reply 114 of 189
    See above. Perhaps not wanting to embarrass yourself will make you 'STFU'?
    I stand by my statement 110%, and like Tallest Skill put it, by this Tuesday, we'll get official usage stats that will shut up people like you on this topic once and for all.
  • Reply 115 of 189

    Originally Posted by MagMan1979 View Post

    I stand by my statement 110%, and like Tallest Skill put it, by this Tuesday, we'll get official usage stats that will shut up people like you on this topic once and for all.

    You '....stand by [your] statement 110%'? That's not logically possible.


    An idiotic assertion like that pretty much sums up the style and substance of your posts.

  • Reply 116 of 189
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post




    I was being frank, there's no need to be rude.

    A unibody iPhone is a great idea, unlike this truly boring design. And seeing how those plastic strips came apart in other photos, it's all just meh.

    I would also argue that 7 years should've been enough time for the world's best designers to come up with something different, but instead, an HTC looks better. have no ideas, or suggestions, u mention unibody which is ridiculously impractical,  then mention a piece of trash product, that is anything but unibody, that "looks better".


    Where do you people come from? What looney bin is allowing internet access during this countdown?

  • Reply 117 of 189
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Looking at the size of the alleged 4.7"...I think that may be big enough. Can't honestly imagine the 5.5.

  • Reply 118 of 189
    Originally Posted by MagMan1979 View Post

    ...official usage stats that will shut up people like you...


    Well, like you, too. Remember, you’re asserting from as much ignorance as he.


    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Looking at the size of the alleged 4.7"...I think that may be big enough. Can't honestly imagine the 5.5.


  • Reply 119 of 189

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    That’s a good point; I’d like to see some PassBook use stats. I’m sure we’ll get them at the keynote on Tuesday in preparation of the expansion thereof.

    We might. But I am not sure it will help us put things into context (e.g., proportion of iOS users using PB, trends in proportion of sales to iOS users from establishments partnering with PB, etc).


    It's equally possible that the current approach to PB will be jettisoned since, after all, we'd need hundreds of 'apps' on our phone to be able to access the PB-related features of every establishment to which we make payments -- clearly not a smart solution. I can see it being replaced by just three apps: one each for Amex, Visa, and MC, with smart management of coupons, frequent purchaser goodies, specials,account management, etc. done within the CC app. It opens up PB to millions of establishments immediately, and requires no more than a handful of apps for the user to manage.

  • Reply 120 of 189
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    I actually already addressed this. What does it matter that we see his face? China is immune to US lawsuits. There is literally nothing whatsoever that Apple can do about it. That’s nowhere near proof that these are fake.


    Given that we saw a Russian fake a few weeks ago that looks identical to this...


    I suspect these are fake. iPhones have always had a completely flat surface glass (edge-to-edge), but the screen glass in the phone in the video appears have rounded edges. Here's what I mean:


    This matches the detail of other known fakes:


    All things being equal, of course. It's always possible that Apple is rounding the glass at the edges with the iPhone 6, but to date, all the iOS products have flat glass, edge-to-edge, so I think it's more likely this is a fake.

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